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Ed, Edd, n Eddy's Ed-ventures of Thomas and the Magic Railroad

Ed, Edd, n Eddy's Ed-ventures of Thomas and the Magic Railroad is the very first upcoming Ed, Edd, n Eddy crossover be made by Stuingtion. It premiered on Google Photos on March 11, 2018.


Prolouge: Ed, Edd, n Eddy have struck out once more as Double-D states that they are failures as they cannot ever come up with a plan that doesn't fail. As Ed then suggests they could join the circus, but Eddy believes it stupid and suggests that they go onto an adventure to a new place they've never been to, which could make them famous in Peach Creek. Which Edd suggests they could go to The Island of Sodor first, which Eddy and Ed like and they set off right away.

The film begins with Mr. Conductor introducing Thomas and the Island of Sodor.

At Killaban, Gordon complains to Thomas as he is eight seconds late. Thomas retorts that Gordon is being bossy and says that he has to find Mr. Conductor, who is looking after the North Western Railway while Sir Topham Hatt is taking a holiday. When Gordon claims Mr. Conductor is not needed, he now changes his mind when an evil diesel named Diesel 10 speeds by, kicking up dust and dirt and leaving Gordon physically rattling in fear.

Mr. Conductor then introduces Shining Time, where we see happy residents, full of life.

Thomas is later talking to James at Tidmouth Sheds when Diesel 10 shows up and voices his plan to destroy a lost engine named Lady and thus establish Diesels as the dominant engines on Sodor. When James is confused, Thomas is worried and goes to find Mr. Conductor.

The Eds, meanwhile are marching through a field of cows, eagerly anticipating their arrival to the Island of Sodor. However, Eddy reveals that, though he is leading the way, he doesn't have a clue where Sodor actually is. Eddy then points out since Double-D is the one who brought up the Island of Sodor, he should be the one who knows where it is. But Double-D shares that he only heard about the Island from visitors in the Cul de-Sac and they never mentioned how they got there, so he has no lead to knowing the Island's Location. Eddy then goes to walk off again as he suggests they probably just need to find a train station to find Sodor, which triggers a memory in Ed's head. Ed points out an ad in his comic book, telling about a train station. Edd points out that the train station may lead to Sodor or, at the very least, have a map that shows the way to Sodor and Eddy confidently predicts that a train bound for Sodor is there right now.

After seeing Billy Twofeathers' map and noticing some strange lines on it, Patch heads off to Muffle Mountain to see Burnett Stone.

There is something on Muffle Mountain, a secret that Burnett only shared with his childhood friend and future wife Tasha: he promised he would drive an engine and take her with him. When Patch sees the engine, Burnett reveals the engine's past - her name is Lady since she was sealed inside Muffle Mountain since Diesel 10 nearly destroyed her long ago. Burnett has fixed her up, but informs Patch that she still needs coal to fully run again. Unfortunately, Lady requires special coal to build up steam, which he has not found yet.

At the Quarry, Diesel 10 tells his cronies Splatter and Dodge of his plan. The two bumbling diesels report that Mr. Conductor is coming to Sodor, so Diesel 10 decides to destroy him too, only to humiliate himself in front of Splatter and Dodge when his claw whacks him on the nose.

Meanwhile, the Eds are walking through a field of tall sunflowers. While Ed and Eddy goof off, Edd attempts to make use of a jerry-rigged sextant to find the gag factory. After Ed and Eddy hear the word "Sextant" escape from Edd's mouth, Eddy giggles and pretends not to get what Edd had just said and asks Edd to repeat himself, and Edd does so, now prompting Ed to giggle. Eddy again fakes not hearing what Edd had just said to him, so Edd repeats the word again, putting Ed and Eddy into fits of laughter. When Edd realizes what exactly was so funny about the word, this being the first three letters in the word sextant, his face turns red and only says in response it would not be too funny when the sextant found where the Shining Time Station was located. Despite these shenanigans, the Eds still make it to the station.

Mr. Conductor prepares to leave Shining Time. When the Eds race inside to find a train schedule, and then they are greeted by a miniature Train Conductor. Whom introduce themselves to each other but then the Conductor explains that there isn't any train that goes to Sodor. As the only way to travel there is with Gold Dust, as Eddy then believe their adventure is over before it started. But Double-D keeps his head up, as Mr. Conductor then offers to take the Eds to Sodor with him as he's going there himself, and warns them that traveling by Gold Dust is not like other modes of Transport. Despite difficulty with his gold dust, they soon meet Thomas on Sodor. As Thomas greeted them warmly. Thomas reports on Diesel 10 and warned the Eds of him as Edd was shocked to hear of while Eddy asked what was so bad about it, as Thomas could only say that when they saw him, he would find out; Mr. Conductor decides to use his gold dust to keep Diesel 10 in order.

Burnett looks at a painting of Lady and starts to have doubts in his belief of magic due to his failure to guard her. Meanwhile, far away, Burnett's granddaughter, Lily, prepares to visit him.

Later, the Eds were hanging around the Engine Sheds. As Thomas, James and Gordon begin arguing about who should have taken Mr. Conductor, unaware that Splatter and Dodge are spying on them. As Edd then stood up for Thomas when Gordon belittled him, pointing out that while Thomas was small, he could go on branchlines while Gordon, being an express engine, could not as Gordon (not wanting to be outwitted by a Human Kid) state everyone had their respective opinions of things. Over in the yard, Splatter and Dodge are laughing at the steam engines. As the other engines were talking about the Lost Engine. Which, Eddy then asked what were they talking about. Henry tells the other engines and the Eds about why Diesel 10 wants to find the lost engine. Splatter and Dodge continue to laugh at Thomas until Harold flies by, spreading sneezing powder, set up by Diesel 10, over all three and the Eds.

At Knapford, Mr. Conductor reads the note Sir Topham Hatt left him. After trying on his top hat (and returning it after he notices the portrait of the Controller appears angry) he receives a phone call from Sir Topham Hatt and receives his instructions.

Later that night, the Eds bunked in the sheds with Mr. C and the engines as Double-D notes it may be hard to sleep with the engine's snoring going on. While Eddy and Edd attempt to settle in, including Edd labeling everything in the vicinity, the Eds attempt to fall asleep in the far-from-hospitable accouterments. But suddenly, Diesel 10 creeps up and demolishes the side of the Tidmouth Sheds with his powerful claw. as the Eds scream in fright at the sight of a Diesel engine with a hydraulic claw, which Double-D, (in pure shock) points out as Eddy then understands what Thomas was implying about Diesel 10 being dangerous. But Ed, on the other hand was flabbergasted by the sight of Diesel 10, not before he took out his comic book from before and looks at a certain page and back at Diesel 10, and after looking back his comic book once more, Ed then stated in a shocked voice: "IT IS THE EVIL CLAW DIESEL!! I KNEW HE WAS REAL!!". Apparently saying this due to his comic book containing an evil villain that resembled Diesel 10. Which Diesel 10 states he is infact real, as Ed then takes a closer look at Diesel 10, before stating: "It has come to dissect our internal organs, and feed them to the minions of Hades!", (which is what the comic book villain apparently does in Ed's comic book.) As Eddy then states he wasn't planning on being ended by a clawed diesel on their first adventure. Mr. Conductor reprimands Diesel 10, but then finally discovers that he has run out of gold dust. Double-D then stated in a crazed tone that since it wasn't working Mr. C couldn't teleport themselves away from harm, so they were trapped with Diesel 10.

As Diesel 10, delighted, tries to get Mr. Conductor to confess to the lost engine's whereabouts. As Eddy frantically tells Diesel 10 he and the others do not know anything about the Lost Engine While Ed, bravely (but acting on his extreme imagination) stands up to Diesel 10 and states he'll never find the Lost Engine, which Diesel 10, unflattered, states he will. Mr. Conductor frightens Diesel 10 away with a bag of sugar and threatening to dump the sugar in his tanks to seize him up permanently. Mr. Conductor voices his concern about his gold dust, but tells the engines to go back to sleep.

Later that night, Double-D and Eddy woke to Mr. C talking in his sleep as Double-D stated that things were slowly getting worse. Mr. Conductor has a nightmare of Shining Time in ruins and realizes that his universe is in danger and that he needs more gold dust.

The next morning, Mutt goes to Lily's hometown with Billy, as he knows that Lily can help Mr. Conductor, but only if she meets someone special at Shining Time first. To reach that end, he directs her onto the wrong train, placing her on the train bound for Shining Time instead of Muffle Mountain. Meanwhile, Burnett Stone hears the sound of Lady's magic echoing through the mountain.

Back on Sodor, Mr. Conductor is helping make James' itch go away. When James notices that Mr. Conductor looks so tired and asks if it is because he is red, Mr. Conductor happily says that red is bright and cheerful just like his gold dust which Edd conquers. He then sends James off to work while he departs to deal with his own problems. As Eddy and Ed are about to leave to do different things, Double-D holds them back and states they need to help Mr. C find more Gold Dust. But Eddy is against doing so even if it involves a Magic Engine. As Ed then weeps for Eddy to help, Double-D points out that they cannot get home without the Gold Dust, and they'll be stuck on Sodor forever, which in turned could lead to them being killed off by Diesel 10. Eddy then angrily agrees to help, but only because he too knows the Gold Dust is the only way for them to get home.

So they journey with Mr. Conductor to the windmill in search of more gold dust, but get lost. Meanwhile, the engines gather for a meeting. As Bertie passes by and tells them to smile, all have their individual concerns. Thomas heads off to look for Mr. Conductor and the Eds, apologizing to Bertie when he is unable to accept Bertie's offer for a race.

Mr. Conductor finds a note left by Rabbit and tries a carrot and a stick of celery to make him think properly and has the idea of his beach-loving cousin Junior, who has used up most of his gold dust too. He tells Junior to go to Shining Time Station first and get his emergency whistle, then go to Sodor and warns him not to talk to anyone about the buffers. Before he can say anything else, the phone line goes dead.

Lily arrives at Shining Time and Mutt barks at her to get off the train. Lily finds the station empty and meets Junior. After a talk, Lily picks up the gold dust Junior leaves behind. At Sodor, Mr. Conductor is sleeping by a bush when he has another nightmare and wakes up hearing Thomas calling his name. While Mr. Conductor tries to reply, poor Thomas cannot hear him as he chuffs away. Even when Ed runs up next to the tracks calling out to him.

Lily meets Stacy, who takes her to Burnett. That night, Burnett and Lily hear Lady's whistle coming from the mountains. Patch, who is outside with his horse, hears it too.

As Percy arrives at Knapford with the Mail Train, he and Thomas talk about Mr. Conductor and conclude that he travels to Sodor on a magic railroad. Diesel 10 overhears them and goes to the scrapyards to tell Splatter and Dodge his plan. Toby, who has secretly followed them there, interrupts them by ringing his bell; trying to catch him, Diesel 10 causes the shed to crash down on him, Splatter and Dodge, thus blocking their path.

Thomas finds Henry with a bad cold and offers to get some special Island of Sodor coal to make him better, but while collecting them, fails to notice the sixth truck rolling away into some magic buffers. Bertie passes and greets Thomas and his five trucks; Thomas is confused.

When Thomas tells Percy about the missing truck, they realize that the buffers where the truck disappeared are the buffers leading to the Magic Railroad. Thomas tells Percy to guard the buffers while he goes to find Mr. Conductor, citing that Percy is a brave engine.

Meanwhile, Mr. Conductor and the Eds are wandering aimlessly when Diesel 10 appears. Mr. Conductor and the Eds are captured by Diesel 10's claw and dangled over the viaduct. Diesel 10 reveals that he knows about the buffers and threatens to drop Mr. Conductor and the Eds if he does not reveal its whereabouts. Mr. Conductor notices the viaduct has begun to collapse, just like in his dream and realizes the world is beginning to fall apart without the gold dust. As Double-D then realizes that they can get freed from Diesel 10 by cutting one of the hydraulic hoses controlling the claw. Which Ed is about to chomp into but Double-D stops him in the nick of time, explaining that he can't bite the hoses because of Hydraulic oil being poisonous to the human body. But luckily Mr. C pulls out a pair of tinsnips and cuts one of the hydraulic hoses, thus catapulting them to the windmill. There, he sees the words: "Stoke up the magic in the mountain and the Lady will smile, then watch the swirls that spin so well." Which Eddy can only find stupid and doesn't understand what it means, even after Double-D explains what it means. Splatter and Dodge ask Diesel 10 how come he let Mr. Conductor escape, he replies that he just did it on purpose and was testing to see if he could escape. Splatter and Dodge do not believe him and Diesel 10 decides to attempt to teach them "how to stop being stupid," but knocks coal all over himself. James, Gordon and Henry laugh at Diesel 10.

Lily is introduced to Patch, who offers her a horse ride to Shining Time. There she meets Junior again, who takes her to Sodor via the magic buffers. They meet Thomas, who agrees to help and together they find Mr. Conductor and the Eds at the windmill. When Mr. Conductor tells Junior about his clue to the gold dust, Lily is introduced to Mr. Conductor. Junior then climbs onto the sail and is flung onto Diesel 10. As Ed then states they need to save him, which Double-D points out that they can't as they are no match for a BR Class 42 Warship Diesel-Hydraulic Locomotive with a hydraulic claw, also adding they would a construction vehicle or a rocket launcher to counter-act it. Which Ed says his father has a shovel as Eddy, finally having enough of being a wild goose chase, states to Ed they are not gonna chase down Diesel 10 and asks him how they could fight him, As Ed suggests with the Magic engine, only leading Eddy to scream in frustration. As Ed apologizes for leading them on a wild goose chase as he was only trying to be like the heroes in his comic, but Double-D reminds him they only need the Gold Dust to get home, so they must focus on finding it. Meanwhile Patch tells Burnett that he has no idea where Lily is and that she was not at the station when he went back for her. Despite Lily having apparently vanished, Burnett is confident she will turn up again.

That night, Percy finds Splatter and Dodge at the magic buffers and races to warn Thomas.

Mr. Conductor and Lily camp out with Thomas. After a conversation, they realize that Burnett may hold the key to the clue of the gold dust.

As Burnett reveals to Patch that Lady is magic, they realize that the railroad is vanishing.

Thomas and Percy decide they must get Lily back to Muffle Mountain before Diesel 10 destroys the magic railroad. Thomas wonders How Lily can get home without gold dust, Mr. Conductor reveals that only the lost engine could do so now. Then he has the idea and asks Thomas if he will take Lily to Muffle Mountain. Thomas is not sure (which Edd suggests that they go with him for support) but decides that he will try before he and Lily set off. While journeying through the magic railroad, they discover the missing truck. While Lily realizes the connection between the truck, the clue so Thomas decides to go back for it before setting off again. They soon arrive on Muffle Mountain. As Lily leaves to find Burnett, a gust of wind blows Thomas down the hill and back into the magic railroad through another portal at the bottom, with Eddy and Edd screaming down the way while Ed enjoys the ride.

Lily finds Patch, who takes her to Burnett's workshop. Lily figures out only special Island of Sodor coal can make Lady steam, so she sends Patch to collect the coal from the truck.

Diesel 10, with Junior still on his back, races into the Smelters where he encounters James. Junior tries to whistle both of them out, only to discover that he too, is out of gold dust. As Diesel 10 tries to force the two into a melting pit, Junior uses the last of his extra gold dust to teleport himself and James away to safety. The two arrive near the buffers, where Mr. Conductor is there waiting. James departs, while Mr. Conductor and Junior, both out of gold dust, refuse to give up hope. Lily asks Burnett Stone if Tasha took a ride on Lady and if she loved her as much as Burnett did. Burnett says that she loved it because he loved it, but could not fix her in time for Tasha to take a ride on her before she passed away.

By now Burnett Stone has finally got Lady to steam using special Island of Sodor coal, from the truck Thomas and Lily picked up from The Magic Railroad and along with Lily, Patch and Mutt, they set off into the magic railroad. The magic railroad, receiving energy from Lady, comes back to life, while Lady's face appears. The team encounter Thomas and the Eds before appearing on Sodor, where they reunite with the two conductors.

While Diesel 10 starts to give chase, Splatter and Dodge, fed up with Diesel 10's ways, abandon him. Thomas offers to help Lady, with Burnett driving Lady, while the Eds ride in Thomas. Mr. Conductor warns them about the collapsing viaduct. Just as the engines run away, the conductors realize that Lady is part of the clue to the gold dust.

The chase finally approaches The Viaduct. As Lady and Burnett pass, a gap appears on the viaduct. When Thomas manages to make it across the gap before it worsens, Diesel 10 cannot stop in time and falls off. Eddy looks back to see Diesel 10 plummet form the bridge. As he then tells Double-D and Ed that Diesel 10 is now gone for good. But unknown to Eddy, Diesel 10 is not destroyed but has landed in a sludge barge and is towed away, not to be seen for a long, long time.

Thomas, Lady and Burnett return, where they and the rest of the team work out the answer to the riddle. Lily mixes water from the well with golden shavings from the magic railroad and with a little encouragement, tosses them into the air, where they form into gold dust. Delighted, the conductors re-supply their whistles, while Thomas thanks Lady.

Patch and Mutt go to look around, while Junior gives Lily some gold dust. Junior tells Mr. Conductor that he wants to work now, so Mr. Conductor gives him his hat and sends him to a railroad with "palm trees and sunny spells". After Junior leaves, Sir Topham Hatt calls and says that he is on his way back, so Mr. Conductor sets off to welcome him, letting Sir Topham Hatt know that everything is under control before he hangs up. Lily offers her gold dust to Burnett, who sprinkles it on her bluebird toy and whispers that they will "always remember their Shining Time together". As Thomas thanks the Eds for their help and tells them if they ever need his help with anything, they can count on him.

With Lady and the Magic Railroad back to life, Shining Time is restored to its former glory. While the Eds head back to the Cul-de-Sac. Thomas happily puffs into the sunset and the end credits roll.



  • Prologue: The Ed's new adventure
  • Opening Titles/On Sodor/Diesel 10!
  • At Shining Time Station/Diesel 10's Threat
  • Back to the Eds/At Shining Time Station/With Burnett Stone
  • Splatter and Dodge meet up with Diesel 10
  • Mr Conductor prepares his trip/In the Sunflower field/The Eds meet Mr. C
  • Arriving at Sodor/Meet Thomas/Back in Burnett/With Lily
  • At Tidmouth Sheds/Discussion of the Lost Engine/Phonecall from Mr. C
  • That Night/Diesel 10 attacks the sheds
  • Back with Lily/Back on Sodor/Mr. C and the Eds lost
  • Mr. C calls his cousin/Lily meets Junior Conductor
  • Mr. C and the Eds even more lost/Lily joins Burnett
  • Thomas and Percy's discussion/Diesel 10's evil plans
  • Thomas and Percy's next talk/Diesel 10 threatens Mr. C and the Eds/The Clue at the Windmill
  • Lily meets Patch/Ride to Shining Time/Lily meets Junior again/Heading to Sodor
  • Reunited with Mr. C and the Eds/Junior hitches a ride
  • Back at Muffle Mountain/That Night
  • Thomas journeys into the Magic Railroad
  • Lady goes to Steam/Magic Railroad Restored
  • The Chase Sequence
  • The Final Clue/Gold Dust!/Film's End


  1. Neil Donell - Shining Time
  2. Diesel 10 - Old MacDiesel
  3. Dayna Manning - I Know How the Moon Must Feel
  4. Ben Wright - Summer Sunday
  5. Joe Henry - Some Things Never Leave You
  6. Diesel 10 - Working on the Railway
  7. Steven Page & Children's Corus - Really Useful Engine
  8. Steven Page & Children's Corus - Really Useful Engine (Reprise, first end credits song)
  9. Atomic Kitten - The Locomotion (Second end credits song)
  10. How to Train Your Dragon - Test Flight (Third and final end credits song)


  1. Part 1: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMWs25H6VaNA-C5aOhQk9dHNqOy3hsNUGqmRYamT-cJzps3nov9v8Oe2ruOS7wiew/photo/AF1QipNPEZfPTLlLIymys207JlRTIQkHllglKgAiZiGP?key=NmpXejktSVVQRU9FME5sVGNYSmNSdTY4YTVjWEh3
  2. Part 2: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMWs25H6VaNA-C5aOhQk9dHNqOy3hsNUGqmRYamT-cJzps3nov9v8Oe2ruOS7wiew/photo/AF1QipMx2q9vHvEftt2CsPsGlLpIegK7WiDOLIdPHBRs?key=NmpXejktSVVQRU9FME5sVGNYSmNSdTY4YTVjWEh3
  3. Part 3: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMWs25H6VaNA-C5aOhQk9dHNqOy3hsNUGqmRYamT-cJzps3nov9v8Oe2ruOS7wiew/photo/AF1QipPcjaeIKxyjwflKeTUJteqISIJk5Uh5X9NU1p54?key=NmpXejktSVVQRU9FME5sVGNYSmNSdTY4YTVjWEh3
  4. Part 4: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMWs25H6VaNA-C5aOhQk9dHNqOy3hsNUGqmRYamT-cJzps3nov9v8Oe2ruOS7wiew/photo/AF1QipMWt0Pr5Xe6VWjXo5GcBr8-UFKWX3TKkjDEraUX?key=NmpXejktSVVQRU9FME5sVGNYSmNSdTY4YTVjWEh3
  5. Part 5: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMWs25H6VaNA-C5aOhQk9dHNqOy3hsNUGqmRYamT-cJzps3nov9v8Oe2ruOS7wiew/photo/AF1QipPYm9RWS8pvEC7IIE_S3Vlsgg82_u7lKbt1EJUf?key=NmpXejktSVVQRU9FME5sVGNYSmNSdTY4YTVjWEh3
  6. Part 6: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMWs25H6VaNA-C5aOhQk9dHNqOy3hsNUGqmRYamT-cJzps3nov9v8Oe2ruOS7wiew/photo/AF1QipPVtHWoILtT2yqsW7IyOiSzNZvRgvzwzkQ9OH_w?key=NmpXejktSVVQRU9FME5sVGNYSmNSdTY4YTVjWEh3
  7. Part 7: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMWs25H6VaNA-C5aOhQk9dHNqOy3hsNUGqmRYamT-cJzps3nov9v8Oe2ruOS7wiew/photo/AF1QipPMfF9UOWWYQxd4FKXK7p722S3qiwKnNZdMzxgL?key=NmpXejktSVVQRU9FME5sVGNYSmNSdTY4YTVjWEh3
  8. Part 8: (Final Part) https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMWs25H6VaNA-C5aOhQk9dHNqOy3hsNUGqmRYamT-cJzps3nov9v8Oe2ruOS7wiew/photo/AF1QipOeLu7gY0ysjNcL5bffabnv4mOUbHFHIe1aUSM_?key=NmpXejktSVVQRU9FME5sVGNYSmNSdTY4YTVjWEh3