Emperor Palpatine (also known as Darth Sidious) is the true antagonist in Pooh's Adventures of Star Wars saga. He plotted to take control of the galaxy by uses of several Xanatos gambits. To do so He sent Count Dooku, Darth Maul, Darth Vader, General Grievous, Boba Fett, Jango Fett and Jabba the Hutt to fight with Pooh, Ash, and their crew. Palpatine even recruited Bowser, Mistress Nine, Bowser Jr., and Team Rocket to serve as his separatists. Sidious is also good friends with Giovanni, even though it is not seen in the series. The Sith Lord managed to win in his attempt to rule the galaxy, but was defeated by the combined efforts of The Good Fairy and a reformed Vader.
- Darth Sidious will become the main antagonist in the Littlefoot's Adventures of Star Wars saga.
- Darth Sidious is a member of the Council of Shadows in the Logan's Adventures series.
- Darth Sidious will become the main antagonist in Thomas and Twilight Sparkle's Adventures of the Star Wars saga.
- Darth Sidious will become the main antagonist in Wilson, Brewster, and Koko's Adventures of Star Wars Saga and he'll try numerous times to have Blythe Baxter killed.
- Darth Sidious is one of the most trusted allies of the Grand Monarch of Evil: Dark Specter.
- Palpatine will be the main antagonist in Ryan's Adventures of Star Wars saga.
- Darth Sidious has been brought back as a clone with his original memories by Dr. Anton Sevarius (who appears to be an old friend of Giovanni.) and has been delivered to King Bowser Koopa to join The New United Alliance of Evil in the bonus ending of Pooh's Adventures of Fantasia.