This is the ending of Team Robot In Pokemon The Rise Of Darkrai.
(Later at sunset, all the heroes felt Sad about Darkrai)
Alice: Thank you, Darkrai.
(Flashback starts)
(Darkrai flies up to the tower and gets bounced by the invisible sphere, it gets up and fires dark pulse. Darkrai uses dark pulse on the falling Dialga and Palkia, saving Alice's life. Darkrai gets hit by two attacks and falls into the garden, then the incoming Roar of Time was about o hit Alice and Tonio on the balloon, but uses itself as a shield and gets hit. Darkrai then rises out of the water, then uses a sphere to stop the signature attacks. Darkrai then disintergrate by two attacks)
(Flashback ends)
Alice: For everything.
Ash Ketchum: I'm sorry, Darkrai. I should've known, you were just trying to do the right thing.
(Ash cries and so as Dawn while everyone watches in sadness)
Emerl: I can't believe it. Darkrai is... gone.
Chiro: (His head covers in black) Sorry, Ash.
Takato Matsuki: We didn't lose anything.
Tai Kamiya: For some reason, It can't be gone, he risked everything.
Terriermon: Momentai.
Nova: Maybe we should have helped them stop the feud.
Antauri: We now honor a hero's sacrifice for saving us all.
Takuya Kanbara: Come on Ash, Cheer up, You still got us.
Fluttershy: Yeah, it's really depressing.
Twilight Sparkle: I'm gonna miss, Darkrai.
(As the heroes walk away crestfallen, Then Takato and Guilmon saw a Shadow of Darkrai)
Takato Matsuki: Hey Guys!
Guilmon: Look over there!
(Ash, Emerl and the others stop for a moment and runs back to look and then look up on the tower to see Darkrai is revealed to be alive standing on top of the tower with it's legs)
Chiro: Alright!
Dawn: Darkrai!
Ash Ketchum: (Happy) Darkrai, you're okay!
Emerl: I knew he's alive!
(Everyone watches Darkrai happy in relief to see it's okay. As the camera goes to Darkrai, everything fades to black as the movie ends)