Experiment-E410, better known as Evil Blue Jelly, is the central antagonist of the Blue Jelly & Blue Jelly Jr. Adventures series as well as a major antagonist in Tabbic Journeys. He is also the protective father figure of Blue Jelly's Hologram clone. He is the frenemy of Blue Jelly & Blue Jelly Jr., Levén's former master, the grandson of Orange Jelly, and the Second Coming's archenemy.
Mewtwo (nicknamed Lavander)
Gengar (nicknamed Nightmare)
Jigglypuff (nicknamed Taylor Swift)
Wobbuffet (nicknamed Soldier)
Ditto (nicknamed Shapeshifty)
Magikarp (nicknamed Fisher)
Theme songs[]
Fight and Flight!
Unlike his original counterpart, He is voiced by Tom Kenny
Scout the Chaser destroyed his home planet along with every living creature in the planet
Evil Blue Jelly stopped Scout the Chaser of his plans of taking over his and Blue Jelly & Blue Jelly Jr.'s galaxies.
In the Tabbic Journeys Season 8 finale, He will save his heroic cousins and Put them and himself in a escape pod.
He'll be best friends with The Dark Lord
His favorite video game is Angry Birds and Cut the Rope
His only goal is avenge the death of his grandfather, Orange Jelly who was killed by The CEO
He has a fear of clowns. All thanks to It