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Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Fowl Play
Season 1, Episode 10
Fowl Play Logo
Written by LegoKyle14 & Magnom47
Directed by LegoKyle14
Episode guide
Hypno A Go-Go/Transcript
Barnyard Games/Transcript

Here is episode 10th for season 1 from Winnie the Pooh Goes Back at the Barnyard.


The Beginning[]

(The scene opens up to the words, Fowl Play)

  • Narrator: In the barnyard justice system, there are animal who commit crimes and animals who prosecuted them. Some of them have udders.

(Late at night, Freddy was chasing Peck)

  • Peck: No, no... Stop following me.
  • Freddy: It's no use Peck. You can't run from me. (evil laughing)
  • Peck: No... go away!
  • Freddy: I cant' help myself. I'm so hungry.

(The next morning, the gang looks for Freddy and Peck)

  • Otis: Freddy, Peck, where are you guys? Pig and Pooh's gonna eat your breakfast!
  • Pig: Oh, actually...
  • Winnie the Pooh: We kinda ate...
  • Otis: Pig and Pooh ate your breakfast!
  • Abby: I'm worried, Otis. They've been out all night. I bet they're cold and hungry and terrible morning breath.
  • Wanda: I hate morning breath.
  • Leni: So terrible.
  • Burford: Why wonder why do they call it morning breath.
  • Luan: Probably cause night breath will knock out out. (laugh)
  • Eeyore: Terrible joke.
  • Katie Knight: You found anything Duke?

(Duke sniffing around and started howling)

  • Pig: I think Duke's picked up their trail. Did you find 'em boy?
  • Duke: No, but check out this un-chewed tennis ball. I know what I'm doin' this weekend, whoo.
  • Pip: Hey, look, Peck's feathers.
  • Tigger: They lead off this way.
  • Otis: Through Mrs. Beady's garden? Come on, guys.

(They find Freddy lying in the ground)

  • Freddy: (dreaming) Mmm... Two tickets to Giblet town please.
  • Otis: Freddy, Freddy, wake up.
  • Freddy: Hm, what? High bone dark meat...12 minutes per pound! Ding!
  • Abby: Freddy, what are you doing here?
  • Pig: And where's Peck?
  • Freddy: Peck? I'm...I'm not sure. Last night's kind of a blur.
  • Duke: A likely story, ferret. How would you explain all these feathers? Looks to me someone has rooster takeout last night.
  • Freddy: What, that's sick? I'm deeply, deeply offended.
  • Sunset Shimmer: I don't buy it.
  • Baljeet: Me either.
  • Timmy Turner: Yeah, we trust him 100%.
  • Isabella: Yeah, sure he wants to eat Peck in the past, but he always resist.
  • Olive Doyle: And besides, there's no other proof that Freddy might have eaten Peck.

(Freddy spits out some feathers and everyone is surprised)

  • Scruffy: Well now there's proof.
  • Pip: Busted.
  • Abby: Freddy, how could you?
  • Piglet: I don't believe this.
  • Otis: All right, all right, calm down everyone. I'm sure a logical explanation.
  • Duke: You bet there is - Freddy's eaten Peck. The scent of villainy is the air, I say. No, no, wait. (Sniffs) That's another tennis ball. (chases after it)
  • Lola: (moans) Dogs.
  • Rabbit: Well, there's one way we're gonna have to settle this problem.
  • Lynn: Punch Freddy in the arm until he confesses?
  • Luna: Does it start with T and end with -orture"?
  • Rabbit: We'll have to take it...to court!

(Later that day, Barnyard Courtroom B, Saturday 2:35pm)

  • Luan: The courtroom is filling up in here. The tensions are high. And the stakes are higher. Some are hungry for justice. Some are hungry for blood. And some....are just hungry. As we know, a ferret is accused of eating his best friend and food is very scarce
  • Katie Knight: Luan, who are talking to?
  • Luan: It's for dramatic effect.
  • Katie Knight: Oh.
  • -Hey, is that my sandwich?!?!

(Luan scrafes the sandwich down)

  • Lincoln: And now let's meet the defendant, Freddy, whose has been charged with eating his best friend.
  • Freddy: Um, guys... Who selected the jury?

(The Jury includes angry chickens, few of the Loud siblings, and Eeyore)

  • Rabbit: Guys, why you in the jury?
  • Eeyore: Well, they needed somebody wouldn't care as much.
  • Piglet: And what about the rest of you?
  • - I definitely think he's not guilty.
  • Adyson: I sincerely doubt it.
  • Eeyore: We'll see what happens
  • Everett: All rise. Animal court is now in session. Judge Bessie and Judge Lori presiding.

(Bessie and Lori comes in)

  • Lori: I officially commence the Barnyard vs. Freddy Ferret.
  • Bessie: I got your answer right here. Guilty. Now let's get to the punishment.
  • Otis: You haven't heard any evidence yet.
  • Bessie: I don't need evidence. I can tell he did it by beady little ferret eyes.

(Freddy getting nervous)

  • Bessie: But if cud breath going to make a big deal about it...
  • Lori: Prosecutor, you may proceed.
  • -Wait, where's Leni?
  • Leni: Hey everybody.

(Leni comes in a pink lawyer outfit as Luna plays her in.)

  • Leni: Leni Loud, I put the "cute" in " prosecutor" and the "aw" in "law."
  • -Leni, do you have any opening staments?
  • Leni: Oh, that was kind of it.
  • -Rest easy, Freddy. We got this in the bag.
  • Leni: I mean, I guess I could say something. I intend to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that Freddy Ferret had the motive, the oppertunity and the history to commit this heinous crime. Furthermore, I will present a preponderous of evidence that this weasel was the only possible person who could have eaten our beloved friend. And I will bring the full weight of the justice system down upon his head! Anyway, that's it. Buckle up, boys. I just watch "Legally Blonde 1" and "2." They're like so good.
  • Lucy: They are pretty good.
  • Lori: Defense, any statements?
  • -After that whole speech, I'm speechless.
  • -Yeah, me too.
  • Lori: Then, let's get to it.
  • Abby: (as prosecute) Ladies, and Eeyore, I don't want to prosecute Freddy. He's nice and kind and cute.

(Freddy spits out feathers)

  • Eeyore: And your point is?
  • Abby: The point is, he's remorseless, cold-blooded kill! (throws down a knife and scares the chickens)
  • Phineas Flynn: Please, don't you think your overacting?
  • Katie Knight: Phineas is right! Sure Freddy a little crazy at times, but he would never hurt a fellow friend of ours. Especially a chicken.
  • Abby: Oh, really? What if one of us was dressed as a turkey?
  • Lily: (gobbles and Freddy gets the hungry look in his eye)
  • Abby: Gotcha!
  • Tigger: Abby!
  • Otis: I object.
  • Freddy: Me, too. (Pelted with eggs)
  • Lori: People, Animals, please!
  • Bessie: Order, order... We said order.
  • Pig: I'd like an extra-large calzone with extra mushroom, please.
  • Winnie the Pooh: I take some honey.
  • Cosmo: I'll take a sub sandwich.
  • Timmy Turner: Not now!
  • Everett: Oh, and I'd like... (went to sleep)
  • Isabella: This is totally ridiculous.
  • Sunset Shimmer: Yeah. Whatever happens to never judged a book by its cover?
  • Abby: Glad you ask. Duke, will could you please tell us what you found in Freddy's crawl space?
  • Duke: With pleasure. I infiltrate his den of carnivorous evil when I found this cookbook entitled, "To Serve Chicken."

(The chickens' gasps and one of them fainted)

  • Eeyore: Well, um...
  • Piglet: Maybe it's a book on how to serve dinner to chickens.
  • Luan: The book also has circles around rotisserie and fried chicken.
  • Ferb Fletcher: Uh oh.
  • Duke: Your honor, may I wildly speculate?
  • Lori: You may...
  • Bessie: Especially if it proves he's guilty.
  • Wanda: This out be good.
  • Duke: All right, here's what happened.

(It shows a fake flashback story about "Freddy's Chicken night")

  • Duke VO: Freddy's appetite became inflamed by reading chicken cookbooks. He snuck off, eluding the keen senses of a masked canine avenger who was bravely defending the barn against a gang of desperadoes. Finally, he attacked Peck rolled him into a giant burrito and cooked him for 10-12 minutes.

(Flashback ends)

  • Duke: Trust me on this. I'm a professional.
  • Olive Doyle: Unbelievable.
  • Bessie: We find this burrito-making mongoose guilty.
  • Milly: That a lie, you flea biter!
  • Gretchen: I can't believe you made that whole thing up.
  • Otis: They're right. One... none of that happened. And two, we haven't heard Freddy's side of the story.
  • Freddy: No, Otis, they're right. I probably don't even have a side of the story.
  • Otis: What? You guys have been friends for years. You both briefly dated the same weasel. Why would you suddenly turn on him?
  • Freddy: I can't remember, Otis.
  • -Well, do you remember.
  • Freddy: All I know is I follow Peck into Mrs. Beady's Garden and when I woke up, my head was throbbing... right here. (shows it)
  • -Wow, that really into his skin there.
  • -Ouch.
  • Abby: Let the record show that the defendant's skull says, "Erawmab".
  • Tigger: What does that mean?
  • Duke: Its a prison tattoo. I'll bet he's a repeat offender.
  • Otis: Objection.
  • Bessie: I'm getting tired of saying this: guilty.
  • Otis: What about the jury?
  • Lori: Point taken. Jury, your verdict?
  • Lana: We, the jury, find the defendant, guilty!
  • Eeyore: Sorry, Freddy.
  • Ferb Fletcher: It was fun while it lasted.
  • Bessie: I sentence to be accused to be donated to a pet store and be banished from the barnyard forever.
  • Otis: What?
  • Tigger: (mutters gibberish and gasps) WHAT!?!?
  • Piglet: WHAT!!?!?
  • Winnie the Pooh: WHAT!?!?!
  • Rabbit: WHAT!?!?!?
  • Timmy Turner: What?!
  • Cosmo and Wanda: What?!
  • CJ: What?
  • Mia: What?!
  • Lincoln: What!?!
  • Scruffy: What?
  • Olive Doyle: What?
  • Phineas Flynn, Isabella, Burford, and Baljeet: What!?
  • Candace Flynn: What?
  • Fireside Girls: What?
  • Sunset Shimmer: Wait, what!?
  • Freddy: It's better this way, guys. I can't be trusted. I obviously some kind of a monster.
  • Duke: Let's go, dirtbag.
  • Pig: I guess Freddy did do it. I can't believe we didn't see this coming.
  • Pip: Dude, it's all he talks about. My brain's the size of a pea and I saw it coming.
  • Lucy: Yeah, the whole chicken book really gave it away.
  • Ginger: Poor Freddy.
  • Baljeet: Maybe he'll be donated to a vegan home to get his mind off Peck.
  • Rabbit: I can't believe you guys think Freddy would eat his best friend.
  • Scruffy: I know. Something doesn't add up.
  • Otis: I don't buy it, either. There's no way Freddy ate Peck.
  • Tigger: This sounds like a case for...Stripey McSnarl.
  • -Who now?
  • Rabbit: It's Tigger's detective alter ego.
  • Otis: Just what we need for this situation. Come on, guys. Let's go solve The Case of the Apperently-Eaten Rooster.
  • Pig: I don't know, Otis. That's really gonna cut into my mud wallowing time and...
  • Otis: I'll bring snacks.
  • Pig: I'm in.

The Middle[]

  • Narrator: And so, Otis, Pip, and Pig, led by our dye-hard detective Stripy McSnarl began hunting for clues about where Peck could be.
  • Tigger: Why do you let us take it from here, Mr. Naratator?
  • Narrator: Oh, by all means, Tigger.
  • Tigger: Ahem!?!?!
  • Narrator: I mean Mr. McSnarl.
  • Tigger: That's better. It was almost noon, see. And there was no sign of the disappeared rooster. Somebody knew something and we had to find out what, or who, or when, or... Well, we had to find something out.
  • -So where do we start?
  • Tigger: Well, I need some of my best partners to help solve this crime.
  • -Who would that be?
  • Emma: Us.
  • -What cases have you guys solved?
  • Emma: Once solved a case of disappeared necklace for Andrea's show once.
  • Timmy Turner: Found out who took my godparent Wanda.
  • Phineas Flynn: Finding missing dolls in a black and white theme.
  • Leni: And help prove my brother's innocence of turning all our clothes orange.
  • -I understand them. By why are you helping us, Leni?
  • -Yeah, you helped Freddy proclaimed guilty.
  • Leni: True. But I at least owe him one. Plus, ??????????????
  • -Close enough.
  • -So any clues on what we need to prove Freddy's innocence?
  • -The only clues we have are some feathers and that tattoo of Freddy's neck.
  • Emma: Check, tattoo. Ok, we'll help with the case. When'll have news I'll...send a telegraph?
  • -You're getting close.
  • -So you do suggest we do first?
  • Phineas Flynn: Well, like any case, there's always somebody who must have saw Peck around.
  • -Let's start with Pooh, he might know something.
  • Phineas Flynn: So, we started with Pooh Bear, who was at it again, finding his honey pot. But luckily for him, he had quite the company.
  • Cosmo: Find it?
  • Lincoln: Not yet.
  • Sunset Shimmer: Well it has to be here somewhere.
  • Tigger: Aha!
  • Sunset Shimmer: Hey, Tigger.
  • Tigger: The name's McSnarl. Stripy Mcsnarl.
  • -Oh, ok.
  • -So, guys, why we're you so jumpy? Like you were hiding something.
  • -Well, maybe the possible fact that you scared us.
  • Tigger: Don't change the subject. So we scared you, huh? What do you got to be scared of, hmm?
  • Winnie the Pooh: Well...
  • Tigger: Afraid somebody might find something?
  • Cosmo: We're hiding something?
  • Leni: Yeah, like a missing rooster?
  • Winnie the Pooh: You mean Peck? Is he missing?
  • Sunset Shimmer: Of course he's missing, we went over this an hour ago.
  • Winnie the Pooh: My mind was somewhere else at the time. Something yellow, if you know what I mean
  • Tigger: They were playing dumb and he was good at it. But not as good as I was.
  • Sunset Shimmer: We're standing right here you know.
  • Phineas Flynn: Sorry, force of habit.
  • Cosmo: But now, that you mention it. We did see Peck the other day.
  • Otis: Really, tell us more.
  • Winnie the Pooh: I seem to remember seeing Peck yesterday
  • Sunset Shimmer: But he was running about leaving feathers everywhere. And he went to go see Mia
  • -Mia, you say?
  • Lincoln: Yeah she usually visit Luna and Andrea, when she needs some jazz music from time to time.
  • Tigger: You don't say. These suspects knew something after all.
  • Winnie the Pooh: Uh, Tigger, who are you talking to?
  • Tigger: Nobody. I told him I wasn't talking to anybody or anybody. You get the idea.
  • -Come on, Tigger.
  • -So, we went to our next suspects on who might seen Peck.
  • Andrea: (singing)
  • Emma: Andrea was a jazz singer, with a voice as smooth as hair gel.
  • -Luna was the best jazz musician found anywhere in the county. When they got together, they took the county by storm
  • Leni: We wondered if this smooth cruiser or shinning star was hiding someone.
  • -Nice tunes, you're playing Lunes. Suppose, you seen somebody walked in recently
  • Luna: Suppose, I could be needing somebody more specific.
  • -Suppose someone came here a few night ago.
  • Luna: Suppose because someone wrecked my keyboard so I had to close early, okay?!
  • -Take it easy, Luna. We were just wondering if you seen Peck around here few night ago.
  • Luna: Can't say much though, but I think Andera might've.

(In Andrea's dressing room)

  • -Luna says that you might have seen Peck around during a performance a few nights ago. Do you know why he was there?
  • Andrea: Nope. But his leftover feathers would go great with my dress.
  • -Really now?
  • Emma: Just a few more questions.
  • Andrea: Sorry, but I have to rehearse. This show could be my big break. I might land a...final recorded deal?
  • -Ok, thanks for your time.
  • Tigger: Another dead end by this mysterious duet. If we don't find Peck, Freddy is going to be in for it soon.
  • Luna: Who are talking to?
  • -No one.
  • -At first we were about to give, when suddenly--
  • Mia: Psst, over here, in the shadows.
  • Emma: Mia was waiting for us, to find her. She was a redhead, and what they say out redhead is true: They get easily sunburned. That's why the hat and sunglasses.
  • Phineas Flynn: So, Ms. Mia, a source of ours says that Peck went to see you freaking out and leaving feathers.
  • Mia: Maybe, I did. After I told him about what he had, he asked about a fast dimensional car and something for a sweet tooth.
  • -A fast dimensional car?
  • -And a sweet tooth?
  • -Why in the world would he need those things?
  • Mia: You're the detectives. (moves back in the shadows)
  • -I think I may know where to look next.
  • -The back of the barnyard, where secretly vehicle mechanics Lana, CJ and Ronny hang around, and if we spin their the wheels the right way, we may found a closer way to free Freddy and find Peck.
  • Leni: Alright, bub. Spill the beans before I have to tighten the screws on 'ya.
  • Lana: Oh, thanks for reminding me. Hand me that flathead over there.
  • -So, a certain redhead told us that Peck may have visit you guys before he...disappeared.
  • CJ: Yeah, he needed a special kind of treat for someone.
  • Ronny: Yeah, so we hooked him up with a dimensional gateway for a place with the best sweets and went off in a flash. Without evening paying for hooking him up
  • Lana: Yeah. Those things don't come cheap.
  • CJ: But whatever he had, it smelled good.
  • -Well, do you where he went after.
  • Ronny Robison: Well, I did see zipping through all the way to Mrs. Beady garden.
  • Tigger: You saw him, you say? In the garden, you say? At Mrs. Beady's, you say? You don't say. It was beginning to feel like a wild goose chase. Expect it was a rooster.
  • -And the only way to find Peck is to go where it all started: Mrs. Beady's garden.
  • Lana: Who are you talking to?
  • -No one.

(At Mrs. Beady's garden)

  • Mrs. Beady: Talking animals. And those crazy kids. Rutting around in my arugula. I'll show them.
  • Phineas Flynn: (Narrating while Ferb plays his sax) The sun beat down on the city like a hammer, a relentless hot beating hammer hammering down like a big metaphor that was... hot, for some reason.
  • Candace Flynn: Stop with the narration and start finding Peck!
  • Phineas Flynn: We decided to investigate at the scene of the crime.
  • -Wait, why are we here? I thought we were suspects.
  • -You are. We just need a few more lookouts for something we may have miss earlier when we found Freddy.
  • -Who'd we got first one our list.
  • Lincoln: Target: Mrs. Beady. Occupation: Gardening and hates talking animals and crazy kids.
  • Tigger: We're going to need a distraction.
  • Jermey Johnson: How are we supposed to do that?
  • Otis: Pigster and Poohster, you feel like dressing up?
  • Pig: Aw, again? What do we always have to be the ones in disguise?
  • Pip: Snacks.
  • Sunset Shimmer: There be some honey in for you too, Pooh
  • Pooh and Pig: (as salesmen) We're in.
  • Pig: Uh, Good day, madam. May we have a moment of your time?
  • Winnie the Pooh: We're ordinary traveling salesmen, as you can see.
  • Pig: Are you trouble by smart-alecky talking animals, and some kids who does crazy stuff?
  • Mrs. Beady: Yes, yes, I am.
  • Pig: Then we help distract... uh, help you. May we come in?
  • Otis: Ok, we're gonna look for clues like they do on those highly rated crime shows. First, I'm gonna scan the area with a sensitive laser light.
  • Pip: Hey, a clue.
  • Lana: What is it?
  • Pip: It's a paper bag with a pecan sticky bun inside.
  • Otis: Oh, yeah, that's real nice.
  • Cosmo: Sweet! (About to take a bite when snatched by Wanda)
  • Wanda: Don't eat the evidence, Cosmo.
  • Cosmo: What can I say? It's irresistible.
  • Otis: That might be true. But, you know, most clues are extremely hard with the naked eye so I'll have to dust for prints with this very special...
  • Pip: Another clue.
  • Rabbit: It's Mrs. Beady's Bamware frying pan.
  • Lucy: (gasps) Wait, a minute. Maybe that's Erawmab spelled backwards.
  • Katie Knight: So somebody must've whacked Freddy on the head.
  • Pip: Wrap it up, dude. We're doing all the work here.
  • Otis: Stop being such clue hogs.
  • Pip: Fine, I'll just sit in this hole.
  • Otis: Good, sit in that hole.
  • Pip: Hey, this is no hole.
  • Timmy Turner: They're paw prints.
  • Lisa: Looks like gopher prints.
  • Pip: And there's more leading off that way.
  • Otis: Looks like we got ourselves a witness.
  • Tigger: I bet they know where Peck is. Follow those prints.
  • Baljeet: But first, somebody gets Pooh and Pig.
  • Otis: We're on it.

(At Mrs. Beady house)

  • Pig: Now this item would be extremely useful against Chilean spider monkeys.
  • Mrs. Beady: Oh, I see, I see...
  • Otis: Psst, Hey Pig, Pooh, come on.
  • Pig: Not now, we're with a customer.
  • Sunset Shimmer: I think she saw us.
  • Piglet: Oh, dear.
  • Tigger: Uh-oh.
  • Mrs.Beady: (screams) Go away, I'm armed!
  • Pig: Oh, now we'll never make our sales quota.

(Pig and Pooh runs away)

  • Winnie the Pooh: Gangway!
  • Mrs. Beady: Wait, does this come in chartreuse?

(Later in a cornfield)

  • Freddy: I don't wanna go to the pet store. No one buys ferrets anymore. I'll be a lifer.
  • Duke: Pipe down, The guy's is already on its way, punk. Once he picks you up it's so long flesh-craving psychopath.
  • Freddy: But Duke, do you think the store will take me with the carrier smelling like this?
  • Duke: Oh, right- like I'm fall for that old... Smelling? You know, I'm intrigued by smells. Let's have a whiff. (Sniffs) Hmm... (lets Freddy out but pushed in)
  • Freddy: (laughs manically) Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha. So long, sucker. (runs off)
  • Duke: Hey, get back here. You'll never get away with this. Is this the smell? (Sniffing) Do you mean this?(Sniffs) Hm, it is citrusy. It's a citrusy kinda thing, hey (Sniffs)?
  • Freddy: Boy, I wish Peck could've seen me put one over one old Duke. (start heckling but feels sad) But he can't, I've eaten him. There's no use fighting it. I'm a monster. And there's one place for a ruthless deviant like me.

(Elsewhere, in the cornfield, the gophers are selling watches to a snake)

  • Chubsie: Come on, you got, like what, 107 brothers and sisters (Chuckles)? I can sell you a gross of 'em what do you say?
  • Otis: Hey Chubsie, what do you know about a missing rooster?
  • Chubsie: Holy cow, it's the heat!
  • Otis: Oh, no, you don't. (grabs Chubsie)
  • Chubsie: I don't know nothin'- I swear, nothin'!
  • Otis: All right, look, I like you, ok? You got a nice face.
  • Olive Doyle: Look all we want is a few questions about our friend.
  • Chubsie: What friend?
  • Leni: Oh, you know, a rooster that maybe you met here and deranged ferret accused of eating him.
  • Chubsie: I don't know what your talking about.
  • Buford: Just answer the questions or else!
  • Chubsie: Or else what?
  • Lynn: Or else our partners might have other plans for you.
  • Pip: Rodents like you make me sick.
  • Scruffy: You can't dig a hole deep enough to get away from us, fat cheeks.
  • Chubsie: Whoa, whoa, hang on, hang on. If your all the good cops alright... and these two's the bad cops, uh who's the rest of them?
  • Pig: We're the funny cops. Pull my finger.
  • Winnie the Pooh: I'm just hungry.
  • Gretchen: The rest are back up bad cops.
  • Lola: What were you doing in Mrs. Beady garden last night?
  • Chubsie: I wasn't around there. I was with another client...somewhere else. Not there in the garden.
  • Ferb Fletcher: We're not buying it!
  • Lori: You 3 seconds to answer before we pulverized you
  • Chubsie: All right, all right, I'll sing. I was supposed to me the rooster, see? But the ferret wasn't part of the deal, So I, uh.....I high-tailed it.
  • Otis: Why were you meeting Peck?
  • Sunset Shimmer: And you better tell the truth.
  • Chubsie: The rooster had a problem so I made a deal in exchange for the sticky bun.
  • Wanda: What kind of deal?
  • Chubsie: I was gonna hand him off some merchandise. This stuff.
  • Tigger: What is it?
  • Otis: It's skin lotion.
  • RabbIt: Looks like for birds with a molting problem.
  • Otis: That's it. (throws Chubsie away) Guys, you're all right all along. Freddy didn't do it. Ok, here's what really happened.

(Flashes to the truth about that night)

  • Otis VO: Peck had a embarrassing skin condition which made him shed feathers. His plan was to get lotion from the gopher and pay with a pecan sticky bun- A common gopher currency. A sticky bun, which the starving Freddy found irresistible.
  • Adyson VO: So he was after the sticky bun, and not Peck?
  • Otis VO: Exactly.
  • Pig VO: I'll take from here. Then suddenly, the handsome and dreamy flamingo dancing pig comes in and dazzles everyone with his feet of fire, right?
  • Otis VO: No, he doesn't.'
  • Pig VO: Oh.'
  • Otis VO: Peck ran. He didn't want anyone see him molting.
  • Pip VO: My turn, my turn. Just then, Bessie pledged her undying love to me. She throw herself into my arms and I carried her off to be our new life as stock car drivers.
  • Timmy Turner VO: You wish.
  • Luan VO: Like that'll ever happen.
  • Otis VO: Can I finish, please?
  • Pip VO: Killjoy.
  • Otis VO: Anyway, Freddy chased Peck into Mrs. Beady's Garden where Mrs. Beady ambushed him with her Bamware frying pan. He fell into Peck's feathers and woke up with amnesia.

(Flashback ends)

  • Otis: It all adds up, guys. Freddy is way innocent.
  • Pip: But Otis, If Freddy's innocent.
  • Tigger: But, where's Peck?
  • Otis: I think I know that too. Come on, for the last time.

The Ending[]

(Later, at the henhouse, Freddy looks at the hens sobbing about Peck)

  • Freddy: Oh, there they are. The poor, grieving hens. Poor grieving delicious... (Slurping and imagines them cooked) Protein-Packed hens. What am I saying? I can't eat them. They're my friends.
  • Reflecting Freddy: Are they?
  • Freddy: Huh?
  • Reflecting Freddy: You're a ferret, they're chickens. Why f-f-f-fight it?
  • Freddy: I won't listen. Get thee behind me, Evil reflecting Freddy.

(Suddenly provoked by other Reflecting Freddies)

  • Freddy: NO!
  • Peck: Hey, Freddy, what ya doing?
  • Freddy: Oh, hey, Peck. Me and the guys where just talking about you... (surprised) Peck! (hugs Peck) You're not inside me. I mean, I didn't feast on your juicy flesh. I mean, Hooray!
  • Peck: Hey you don't look so good. You want get a pizza?
  • Abby: There they are.
  • Bessie: So Dumb-dumb was right. That freaky ferret didn't eat Peck after all.
  • Otis: We found him in an aloe patch trying to treat his skin condition.
  • Peck: When Otis told me what happen, well... I ran right here to straighten things out this whole crazy mistake. Best friend.
  • Freddy: Pal of mine.
  • All: Aww...
  • Timmy Turner: That's so touching... and I really don't care.
  • Otis: Oh, and here's a present from a gopher.
  • Freddy: Honey mustard chicken glaze?
  • Peck: No, silly. It's my skin lotion.
  • Freddy: Oh...(nervous chuckles).
  • Lisa: Ah huh.
  • Bessie: Hey wait a minute. What about this creepy chicken serving cookbook we found in your room?
  • Olive Doyle: Yeah and circled on different chicken recipes?
  • Freddy: Oh, ha-ha, yeah, see um... Here's the thing. That's not mine, it belongs to a friend. He's a ferret...Badger! His name is Freddy.... Benny! Benny the Badger. (nervous chuckles)
  • Abby: I buy it.
  • Pip: Me too.
  • Lori: I think I good with that.
  • Piglet: So am I.
  • Isabella: Yep
  • Eeyore: Me too.
  • Winnie the Pooh: I'm couldn't agree more.
  • Pig: Well, I don't this Benny the Badger.
  • Otis: Well, as lead defense cow, I officially declared this cased closed.

(Everyone cheered except Bessie)

  • Sunset Shimmer: Just go to show, you can't judge a book just by its cover.
  • Lincoln: I'm just glad everything's back to normal.
  • Holly: Yep. And that we're all heard safe and sound.
  • Pip: I don't know. Somehow I feel like we've forgotten something.
  • Otis: Ah, don't worry about it. I mean, if it was that important we probably wouldn't forgotten it.
  • Cosmo: Yeah, or did we....
  • Wanda: did we?
  • Cosmo: I don't know.
  • Katie Knight: Hey wait a minute, where's Duke?

(Later that night, Duke is being taken by a van)

  • Duke: I don't belong here. I was set up. I want a lawyer. (sniffing) Hm... Do you guys smell that, it's like a... Like a kiwi or a tangelo or...
  • Man: Or a happy monkey.