Queen Frigga is a fictional protagonist in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, being a supporting character in the 2010 film Thor, the overarching protagonist of its 2013 sequel Thor: The Dark World, and a minor character in the 2019 film Avengers: Endgame.
Frigga was the queen of Asgard, the wife of Odin, the of mother of Thor and the adoptive mother of Loki. She was known for her supportive and comforting care, showing compassion towards Loki after his treachery and for the mortal, Jane Foster when Thor brought her to Asgard.
Frigga sacrificed herself to protect Foster from the Dark Elves causing Odin to mourn her death and declare war against Malekith. Thor would meet his mother again when he time-traveled to 2013 to collect an Infinity Stone, and would give him the confidence he needed to undo the decimation.
She was portrayed by Rene Russo.