Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Arthur J. Thompson, better known as General Skun-ka'pe, appears as a major antagonist in The Devil's Playhouse, the third season of the Sam & Max Telltale game series. This belligerent simian overlord seeks out the Toys of Power in order to conquer the galaxy. The duo often refer to him as "Skunkape".

He was voiced by Roger L. Jackson, who also played Mojo Jojo in Powerpuff Girls, Wizeman in NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams, Nohman in Zone of the Endersand Ghostface in the Scream franchise.


  • He became Twilight’s Enemy in Twilight Sparkle’s Adventures of Sam & Max: The Devil’s Playhouse. After the first Nighmare Moon incident, Princess Celestia banished Skunkape into the Penal Zone as a punishment for his abuse of power, cruelty, and slavery to pony kind.