This is the episode transcript of Goldilocks and The Three Bears.
{The intro starts with Whyatt and Pooh by a red book with a picture of a blue book surrounded in green}
- Pooh: {To the audience} Hi again! It's us.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: {To the audience} Whyatt.
- Pooh: {To the audience} And me, Winnie the Pooh, but Pooh for short. Last time, we learned all about enjoying a fun game.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Luckily, that helped out with Red and Pea.
- Pooh: {To the audience} You ready to see what storybook adventure number 6 will be like for Brothers Day?
- Whyatt Beanstalk: {To the audience} Super!
- Pooh: Now let's see what the story is this time.
{Pooh opens the book and shows the sixth fairytale and what will happen in the book}
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Look, it's Goldilocks and The Three Bears.
- Pooh: Yeah, the one where Goldilocks makes a mess in a house of three bears, that are just like me.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: In this story, we'll investigate the alphabet.
- Pooh: By finding a clue to where Goldilocks went.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Rhyme with "airs" words.
- Pooh: Like chairs and stairs.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: And use the power to read to change the story.
- Pooh: By changing the sentence "Goldilocks sleeps in the three bears house".
- Whyatt Beanstalk and Pooh: Let's go!
Goldilocks and the Three Bears[]
{The scene zooms into the library as Shining Armor and Big McIntosh come by}
- Shining Armor: Hmm, Twily must be around here somewhere. Right Big M?
- Big McIntosh: Eeyup.
{As they look around, Whyatt, Twilight Sparkle and Applejack pop out from behind a book in front of the two giant books}
- Whyatt Beanstalk: (to the audience) Hi! So glad you're here! It's us, Whyatt.
- Twilight Sparkle: {To the audience} Twilight Sparkle.
- Applejack: {To the audience} And Applejack!
- Shining Armor: Is that-
- Big McIntosh: Could it be?
{Shining Armor and Big McIntosh race over to the shelf they're on}
- Twilight Sparkle: (gasp) Shining Armor!
- Shining Armor: Twily! I'm so glad to see you!
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Twilight, you know him?
- Twilight Sparkle: Yes! He's my big brother! His name is Shining Armor!
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Ah. (To Shining Armor) Nice to meet you, Shining Armor!
- Applejack: Big Mac! It's so good to see you again!
- Big McIntosh: Eeyup!
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Apple J, who's that red one?
- Applejack: This is Big McIntosh! You can call him "Big Mac" for short. He's not much of a talker.
- Big McIntosh: Nnope.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Oh. Too bad. Anyway, why are your two brothers here?
- Twilight Sparkle: Because today is Brothers Day!
- Big McIntosh: Eeyup!
- Twilight Sparkle: Applejack and I invited them here for today! Can you make them the same size as us?
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Of course I will.
{Whyatt does some magic tricks and makes the two ponies their size}
- Shining Armor: Whoa. Now we're the same size as you!
- Big McIntosh: Eeyup!
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Come with us!
{They let the viewers and Big McIntosh and Shining Armor follow them to Storybook Village}
- Big McIntosh: Whoa!
- Shining Armor: What is this place?
- Twilight Sparkle: {To the audience, Big McIntosh, and Shining Armor} We welcome you to Storybook Village, where all of your favorite fairytale characters are.
- Shining Armor: This is cool.
{They heard a ring from the Super Duper Computer}
- Shining Armor: Whyatt, what's that in your pocket?
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Oh, that's my Super Duper Computer. It helps me to figure out what's gonna happen today.
{He shows the heroes a picture}
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Whoa!
- Twilight Sparkle: What is it?
- Whyatt Beanstalk: My brother Jack just got a bunch of cool stuff!
- Big McIntosh: Whoa!
- Shining Armor: I want to see that stuff!
- Whyatt Beanstalk: {To the audience} Want to go check it out?
- Twilight Sparkle: Great! Let's go!
{They all follow Whyatt down the path}
- Shining Armor: Wow! The village here is perfect!
- Twilight Sparkle: Look! There's Papa Pig!
{They went past Papa Pig who was carrying presents}
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Hi, Papa Pig.
- Piglet: I'm helping too.
- Pooh: Same here. We helped him clean up the gift shop and brought back new gifts for the shop.
- Applejack: That's good to know.
{Whyatt and the ponies went inside the house}
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad.
- Twilight Sparkle: Well, we met your mom.
- Applejack: Never met your dad.
- Shining Armor: What a pleasure to meet you, Mr and Mrs Beanstalk.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Working on a new book?
- Applejack: Seems like they are.
- Twilight Sparkle: How do you know?
- Applejack: His mom's the author and his dad's the illustrator.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Come on, let's go to my room.
- Rainbow Dash: Wait for me.
- Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, Rainbow Dash. Wait till you see what Whyatt's room is like.
{Whyatt opens a door and shows the ponies his room}
- Rainbow Dash: Whoa, cool room.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: {To the audience} Do you like it?
- Applejack: Our friends love it!
- Big McIntosh: Eeyup!
- Shining Armor: Same here.
- Twilight Sparkle: Let's see what Jack's room is like.
{They went inside Jack's room}
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Look!
- Rainbow Dash: Hmm.
- Applejack: Seems like he has a desk for his homework.
- Shining Armor: Now that is one way to make sure he knows when and how to do homework.
- Rainbow Dash: I know. {Clears throat and pretends to be sarcastic} Hey, Whyatt. Why don't you play with his things?
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Really?
- Rainbow Dash: Yeah, really. {Sarcastically} I'm sure he won't mind a little bit of your playing.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Well, okay! This is how he listens to his music.
{He puts on Jack's headphones and turns on the music}
- Shining Armor: Whyatt, I'm not sure your brother will like it.
- Twilight Sparkle: You do realize that if he sees him, he'll get mad at him.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: And this is how he talks on the phone.
{Louder music}
- Applejack: Um, Whyatt? I don't like this. He's gonna get mad.
{Whyatt just ignored Applejack}
- Big McIntosh: Uh oh.
{They see Jack, feeling furious}
- Jack: Whyatt, what happened in here?
- Whyatt Beanstalk: We were just looking around and...
- Jack: And you messed up my whole room!
- Whyatt Beanstalk: But...
{Jack points and lets Whyatt go away}
- Rainbow Dash: {Sarcastically} Whoopsies. {Chuckles softly and pretend freaks out} Whyatt! Oh my goodness! Why would you do that?!
- Shining Armor: Whyatt, you should've listen to us.
- Rainbow Dash: {In thought} That's what he gets for ruining his own brother's story.
- Applejack: Sorry you feel this way.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: I feel so badly.
- Big McIntosh: Not cool.
- Applejack: I know you didn't mean to do it.
- Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, maybe you need
- Shining Armor: Well, uh, what do you do if you have a messy room?
- Applejack: Rainbow Dash, why were you using sarcasm on him?
- Rainbow Dash: What?! Sarcasm?! I would never do that to him. He just had an accident in the room.
- Shining Armor: Okay.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: This is a super big problem.
- Applejack: And super big problems like this, need us, the Super Readers.
- Shining Armor: Super Readers?
- Big McIntosh: Huh?
- Twilight Sparkle: Don't worry. They're kinda like superheroes.
- Shining Armor: Can we be Super Readers too?
- Applejack: Sure.
- Twilight Sparkle: First, we need to call the rest of the Super Readers.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: {To the audience} Say, "Calling all Super Readers!"
- Young Kids and Pooh's team: Calling all Super Readers!
- Whyatt Beanstalk: To the Book Club! {Echoes}
- Young Kids and Pooh's team: To the Book Club!
- Shining Armor: Let's go!
- Applejack: To the Book Club!
{They all took down the path to the Book Club}
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Whyatt here.
- Pooh: And Pooh and team present.
{Pig rides on a trike}
- Pig: P is for Pig.
{Red comes rolling by}
- Red: Red Riding Hood, rolling in.
{Princess Pea comes down from a carriage}
- Princess Pea: Princess Pea, at your service.
{Soon, everyone came}
- Whyatt Beanstalk: {To the audience} And you. Say your name.
{They hear the audience's names}
- Pooh: Hmm, looks like we've got some new members.
- Tigger: Please, state your names.
- Applejack: This is Big McIntosh, my big brother.
- Big McIntosh: Eeyup.
- Shining Armor: And I'm Twilight's big brother, Shining Armor.
- Alphablock E: Excellent! We're all here!
- Rainbow Dash: Together, we will solve Whyatt's problem.
- Eeyore: Let's go inside.
{Everyone went inside just as Pooh takes Whyatt's computer and lets the picture be on the big screen}
- Pinkie Pie: Now then, Whyatt. Please state your problem.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: I was showing Jack's room to my friends when all of a sudden, crash!
- Rainbow Dash: {Teases}
- Pooh: Huh?
- Rainbow Dash: I mean, ooh.
- Alphablock C and Pig: Crash?!
- Alphablock S and Tigger: Seriously?!
- Alphablock M: My oh my!
- Alphablock N and Pig: Oh no!
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Yeah. I made a huge mess.
- Twilight Sparkle: And what's even worse was that Jack came in.
- Applejack: And he got furious!
- Shining Armor: Yeah, he had one angry face at Whyatt.
- Big McIntosh: Eeyup.
- Pooh: Double bother!
- Rainbow Dash: Yeah, right! You should've been more careful.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: How can I fix things with Jack?
- Pooh: What a good question, Whyatt.
- Pinkie Pie: If we have a question like this.
- Alphablock B: The best place is to look.
- Shining Armor: Where?
- Whyatt Beanstalk, Princess Pea, Red, Pig, Pooh's team, and the Alphablocks: In a book!
- Shining Armor: Like in a fairytale?
- Pig: Uh huh. But, which book should we look in?
- Princess Pea: Peas and carrots, carrots and peas. Book come out, please please please!
{Soon, a yellow book came floating down}
- Shining Armor: Whoa!
- Big McIntosh: Cool!
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Let's read the title of this book. {Reads} Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
- Applejack: And we know what to do.
- Twilight Sparkle: All we have to do is jump into the book.
- Rainbow Dash: So we can get the answer to this question.
- Pooh: First, we look for the super letters.
- Shining Armor: Super letters?
- Whyatt Beanstalk: And then, put them in, our super duper computer.
- Big McIntosh: Wow!
- Rabbit: Can you tell us how many letters should we get, Super Duper Computer?
{Soon, 7 blanks show up in the computer}
- Rarity: Hmm. Seems to me like we need 7 super letters.
- Twilight Sparkle: And then, we will get the Super Story Answer!
{The Super Story Answer logo is shown}
- Whyatt Beanstalk: It's time to transform.
- Pooh: Armor and McIntosh, since you both are new here, why don't you pick one side of which super reader you want to be with.
- Shining Armor: I'll take Princess Pea.
- Big McIntosh: Red.
- Pooh: Good.
- Tigger: Is everyone ready?
- Whyatt Beanstalk, Princess Pea, Red, Pig, Pooh's team, and the Alphablocks: Ready!
- Eeyore: Good.
- Pooh: Everyone's arms in. {To the audience} You too, Super You!
{Soon, all arms were in}
- Rarity: Super Readers, to the rescue!
{Soon, Pig and his side transformed}
- Alpha Pig, Alpha Tigger, and Alpha Rabbit: Alpha Pig, Alpha Tigger, and Alpha Rabbit with alphabet power!
- The Alphablocks: Woohoo!
{Red and her side transformed}
- Wonder Red, Wonder Fluttershy, Wonder Applejack, and Wonder McIntosh: Wonder Red, Wonder Fluttershy, Wonder Applejack, and Wonder McIntosh with word power.
{Princess Pea and her side transformed}
- Princess Presto, Princess Twilight, and Prince Armor: Princess Presto, Princess Twilight, and Prince Armor with spelling power!
{Lastly, Whyatt and his side transformed}
- Super Why, Super Pooh, Super Piglet, Super Dash, Super Pinkie, Super Rarity, and Super Spike: Super Why, Super Pooh, Super Piglet, Super Dash, Super Pinkie, Super Rarity, and Super Spike with the power to read!
- Pooh: I'm also known as The Bear of Clever Ideas!
{Super Why and Pooh came to the audience}
- Pooh: And don't forget you.
- Super Why: With the power to help.
{The word "help" was shown}
- Tigger: And now we are....
- Alpha Pig, Wonder Red, Princess Presto, Super Why, Pooh's team, and the Alphablocks: The Super Readers!
- Shining Armor: Now I look very stylish in this costume!
- Big McIntosh: Eeyup!
- Super Why: Why-Flyers!
{They got on the flyers}
- Alphablock F: Fly us to this book!
{They go into the Goldilocks and the Three Bears book}
- Musical Narrator: {Singing} Super Readers, to the rescue! It's time to fly! With the Super Readers, 'cause we got a problem to solve. Super Readers, to the rescue! Super Readers, working together, with powers to read! {They go into Goldilocks and Three Bears land} Into books we fly, to find the super story answer with Super Why! Super Readers, to the rescue!
{They got off their flyers}
- Princess Presto: Presto!
- Rarity: Here we are.
- Princess Presto: We're in the Goldilocks and the Three Bears book.
- Shining Armor: Wow, it feels like we're gonna tell the story.
- Pooh: It does.
{Super Why goes up to a sentence}
- Super Why: Let's read.
- Eeyore: Now I will read the sentence.
- Super Why: Why Writer, highlight!
- Eeyore: {To the audience} Read with me. {Reads} Once upon a time, Goldilocks went to the three bears's house.
{Goldilocks skipped and saw the house just as Super Why went to the next sentence}
- Shining Armor: Ooh, I love her golden hair.
- Eeyore: {Reads} No one was at the house, so Goldilocks went inside.
{Goldilocks knocks on the door, waits for an answer, and just goes inside the house just as Super Why went to the next sentence}
- Tigger: Oh my!
- Rabbit: She should've wait.
- Eeyore: {Reads} Inside the house, Goldilocks made a big mess!
{Soon, Goldilocks starting making a mess in the kitchen}
- Rarity: You see that? That's what happens when you go into someone's house without asking.
- Alpha Pig: Goldilocks is making a mess.
- Big McIntosh: Eeyup.
- Twilight Sparkle: That is like how Whyatt made a mess in Jack's room.
- Eeyore: And that, Super Readers, is the reason why we are in the book. Both Goldilocks and Whyatt made a big mess.
- Alphablock U: Unbelievable!
- Alphablock T: Terrible!
- Alphablock F: We have to find Goldilocks and see what she has to do about that mess.
- Wonder Red: To Goldilocks!
- Shining Armor: And as Wonder Red says, on with the story!
{The team were outside of the three bears's house}
- Shining Armor: How do we know if Goldilocks is inside?
- Applejack: The only way to know if she is inside, is if we hear her.
{Suddenly, they heard her talking}
- Goldilocks: This one's too hot.
- Pooh: Shh!
- Goldilocks: This one's too cold.
- Tigger: You hear that?
- Goldilocks: This one's just right.
- Super Why: Let's go inside.
{They now went inside the house}
- Pinkie Pie: Ugh! This house smells!
- Super Why: Goldilocks must have just been here.
- Rarity: And now, she's gone.
- Spike: Maybe a clue can figure out where she is.
- Rainbow Dash: But how will we find her?
- Alpha Pig: Alpha Pig, to the rescue!
- Tigger and Rabbit: And friends too!
- Tigger: With our alphabet tools of amazement, we can figure out where Goldilocks went.
- Rabbit: Hmm, we may need your help on this one.
- Alpha Pig: We'll use our mega magnifying glasses to spot alphabet letters!
- Tigger: Let's start!
{One magnifying glass sees the first letter}
- Alpha Pig: {To the audience} What is this letter?
- Young Kids: C!
- Alphablock C: Crikey! You found a C!
{The C goes on a plate}
- Tigger: My go. Aha! I found a letter! {To the audience} Do you know what letter this is?
- Young Kids: H!
- Alphablock H: Huzzah! You found a happy letter like me.
{The H goes after the C on the plate}
- Rabbit: Hmm, I wonder if I can find one. Oh, I think I just did. {To the audience} Do you know what letter this could be?
- Young Kids: A!
- Alphablock A: You found an A! That's amazing!
{The A goes after the H, which goes after the C on the plate}
- Alpha Pig: Oooh, here's another letter clue. {To the audience} What is this letter?
- Young Kids: I!
- Alphablock I: I, I, I, incredible!
{The I goes after the A, which goes after the H, which goes after the C on the plate}
- Tigger: Only one letter clue left now. {To the audience} What letter is this?
- Young Kids: R!
- Alphablock R: Right on, shipmates!
{The R joins the other letters}
- Rabbit: {To the audience} What is the word?
- Alpha Pig: C, H, A, I, R.
- Alphablock C and H: Chhh.
- Alphablock A, I, and R: Air!
- Alphablock C, H, A, I, and R: Chair!
{It made a chair out of porridge appeared}
- Young Kids: Chair!
- Alpha Pig: Lickety letters!
- Rabbit: {To the audience} We made the word "chair", so that means Goldilocks is in the living room where the chairs are.
- Tigger: Let's all give ourselves a big thumbs up.
- Rainbow Dash: So, all we have to do is to find the chairs!
- Wonder Red: To a chair!
- Pooh: To a chair, to a chair, to a chair we go!
{They past a bookshelf where it had a P, L, and A on it}
- Young Kids: Super letters!
- Pooh: {To the audience} You see some super letters?
- Super Why: {To the audience} Which letters?
- Young Kids: P! L! A!
- Alphablock P: Perfect!
- Alphablock L: Lovely!
- Alphablock A: Awesome!
- Pooh: Let's put them in the Super Duper...
- Super Why, Pooh, and the Alphablocks: Computer!
{The P, L, and A go into the message}
- Pooh: There were 7 blanks and three had letters.
- Super Why: Five more super letters.
- Rarity: Until we get the Super Story Answer!
- Super Why: {To the audience} Excellent progress, Super Readers.
{They soon heard Goldilocks again}
- Goldilocks: This chair is too soft.
- Piglet: I hear her.
- Goldilocks: This chair is too hard.
- Eeyore: Me too.
- Goldilocks: This chair is just right.
- Rarity: That must be heard by the chairs!
- Big McIntosh: Eeyup!
- Applejack: We better hurry!
{Soon, they we're too late as Goldilocks close the door and a lot of chairs blocked the door}
- Super Why: Uh oh, Goldilocks went up the stairs.
- Alphablock E: Error, error! A lot of chairs are blocking the door!
- Alphablock D: Disappointed.
- Rabbit: Now what are we gonna do?
- Wonder Red: Wonder Red and friends to the rescue!
- Big McIntosh: Eeyup!
- Applejack: Let's do this!
- Wonder Red: With my wonder words basket, we can change the chairs into something else.
{They were close to the word "chairs"}
- Applejack: {To the audience} Hmm, what are the first two letters in the word "chairs"?
- Young Kids: C! H!
- Applejack: {To the audience} If C make the cuh sound, and H makes the huh sound, what do they sound like together?
- Young Kids: {Making the "ch" sound}
- Big McIntosh: Ch.
- Wonder Red: C and H make the sound "ch".
- Applejack: And the ending in this word is "airs".
- Wonder Red: Ch.
- Applejack: Airs.
- Wonder Red: Ch.
- Applejack: Airs.
- Wonder Red: {To the audience} What word is this?
- Young Kids: Chairs!
- Wonder Red: Chairs! Chairs is an "airs" word!
- Applejack: I love "airs" words and so do you, Wonder Red It is time to rhyme!
- Big McIntosh: Here we go!
- Applejack: {Sings} Airs, chairs, stairs.
- Big McIntosh: Eeyup!
- Wonder Red: Wonder-riffic, you're terrific!
- Applejack: {Sings} Pairs, fairs, hairs.
- Wonder Red: Wonder-riffic, you're terrific!
- Big McIntosh: Airs!
- Applejack: Now we need a word to help us get past these chairs.
{The Alphablock A, I, R, and S came by just as they thought of a word}
- Wonder Red: What word is this?
- Applejack: Let's see. {To the audience} What's the first letter?
- Young Kids: S!
- Wonder Red: S! S makes what sound?
- Alphablock S: Ssss. Swell!
{The S splits into two}
- Applejack: {To the audience} Now what's the other letter?
- Young Kids: T!
- Wonder Red: T! And T makes what sound?
- Alphablock T: T, t, t. Tip top sounding!
- Wonder Red: {To the audience} What sound does ST make?
- Young Kids: {Making the ST sound}
- Applejack: Right.
- Wonder Red: And then we have "airs".
- Applejack: St. Airs. St. Airs.
- Wonder Red: {To the audience} What word is this?
- Young Kids: Stairs!
- Applejack: {To the audience} Yes. Stairs!
- Big McIntosh: What will happen?
- Applejack: Let's see what can happen with the word chairs and stairs put together?
- Alphablock S: Ssss.
- Alphablock T: Tttt.
- Alphablock A, I, and R: Air!
- Alphablock S: Ssss.
- Alphablock S, T, A, I, R and S: Stairs!
{The word "stairs" made some stairs appear}
- Big McIntosh: Woohoo!
- Applejack: Wonder-riffic!
- Wonder Red: {To the audience} You were terrific!
- Applejack: Now that we have stairs, we can go up the stairs to get Goldilocks.
{As they went up, a C and N came down from a lampshade}
- Young Kids: Super letters!
- Pooh: {To the audience} You see more super letters?
- Super Why: {To the audience} Which letters?
- Young Kids: C! N!
- Alphablock C: Cool!
- Alphablock N: Not bad!
- Pooh: Let's put these two letters in the Super Duper...
- Super Why, Pooh, Alphablocks, and Young Kids: Computer!
{The C and N go into the message}
- Pooh: There were 7 blanks and five had letters.
- Super Why: 2 more super letters.
- Pooh: And finally, we will get to that Super Story Answer!
- Rainbow Dash: Onward to Goldilocks!
{They went up the stairs}
- Pinkie Pie: Olly Olly oxen free, Goldilocks!
- Rarity: Come out, wherever you are!
{They soon heard her}
- Goldilocks: This bed is too hard.
- Tigger: Yep. That's her.
- Goldilocks: This bed is too soft.
- Rarity: She must be in the bedroom.
- Goldilocks: This bed is just right.
{They went into the bedroom and see Goldilocks sleeping in Baby Bear's bed}
- Super Why: Oh!
- Rabbit: There she is!
- Applejack: Sleeping on Baby Bear's bed!
{They came up to Goldilocks}
- Pooh: Goldilocks, please wake up.
- Piglet: We are the Super Readers.
- Shining Armor: And we need to talk to you.
- Goldilocks: Goldilocks needs a sleep.
- Rabbit: No way, Goldilocks.
- Tigger: Please talk us.
- Goldilocks: I can't. See my story?
{They see a sentence in front of them}
- Pooh: {Reads} Goldilocks sleeps in the Three Bears's house.
- Goldilocks: See? Night-night.
{She goes back to sleep}
- Alpha Pig: We can't talk to Goldilocks if she's sleeping.
- Eeyore: Well, what are we going to do?
- Shining Armor: I don't know. What are we going to do?!
- Super Why: Super Why to the rescue! With the power to read, we can change the story and save the day.
- Spike: And I will help on this one.
- Super Why: Let's change the word "sleeps" in this sentence.
- Spike: Ready, set, and zap!
{The word "sleeps" is zapped}
- Spike: Why Writer, give us three choices.
{The choices were "snores", "naps", and "jumps"}
- Spike: {To the audience} Super Readers, what word should we use if we want Goldilocks to talk to us?
- Super Why: "Snores", "naps", or "jumps"?
- Spike: Maybe not the word "naps".
- Super Why: You could be right, Spike.
- Spike: I mean, that is another word for sleeping.
- Super Why: True.
- Spike: Well, the word "jumps" was seen three times. One from Hansel and Gretel, two from Tortoise and Hare, and third for now.
- Super Why: Should we try that word?
- Spike: Sure. Let's try "jumps".
- Super Why: {To the audience} Which is the word "jumps"?
- Spike: {To the audience} It starts with a J.
- Young Kids: That one!
- Super Why: There's the word "jumps".
{They drag the word "jumps" into the sentence}
- Spike: And now, let's zap the word "jumps" in the sentence.
- Super Why: Ready, set, zap!
{The word "jumps" is in the sentence}
- Spike: Now let's read and see what happens.
- Super Why and Spike: {Reads} Goldilocks jumps in the Three Bears's house.
- Alphablock J: Jjjuh.
- Alphablock U: Uh.
- Alphablock M: Mmmm.
- Alphablock P: Puh.
- Alphablock S: Ssss.
- Alphablock J, U, M, P, and S: Jumps!
{The sentence made Goldilocks jumping up and down}
- Goldilocks: Jump! Jump! Jump with Goldilocks! Jump, jump, jump! I'm so awake now! Jump!
- Spike: {To the audience} So, did the word "jumps" made Goldilocks woke up?
- Young Kids: Yes!
- Goldilocks: Okay, whew! Jumping definitely wakes me up!
- Spike: Yeah, jumping really did work.
- Tigger: And she's doing what me Tigger does best!
- Super Why: {To the audience} Super job, Super Readers.
- Spike: Now that we changed the story, we can talk to Goldilocks.
- Pooh: Goldilocks, we need to ask you.
- Alphablock W: Why are you inside this house?
- Goldilocks: I babysit for Baby Bear. I've known him since he was a bear cub.
- Rabbit: Well, we know that.
- Shining Armor: Then how do you explain you made a mess with the bowls and the chairs and the beds?
- Goldilocks: A mess? I made a mess?
- Big McIntosh: Eeyup.
- Goldilocks: I didn't mean to! I was just waiting for a long time for the bears to come home.
- Tigger: That doesn't involve the mess.
- Eeyore: So, recap what you did.
- Goldilocks: I ate some porridge for a snack. I read a magazine in on Baby Bear's chair.
- Rarity: That could explain the broken chairs.
- Goldilocks: I was still waiting. So I took a quick power nap.
{Her dream shows her what happened in the house}
- Goldilocks: Oh. I did make a mess.
- Pooh: Goldilocks, you know what would be better?
- Goldilocks: What?
- Pooh: What if we help you clean up the mess?
- Goldilocks: You think you can do that?
- Twilight Sparkle: {To the audience} And you can help too! Just join with us.
- Pooh: And I have a special clean up song. Clean up while we sing.
{They started to clean while Pooh and Super Why sing}
- Pooh and Super Why: {Sings} Clean it up. Clean it up. You can make it fun to do, and you're friends can help you too. Clean it up. Clean it up. You can make it fun to do and your friends can help you too. Clean it up. Clean it up. And put it away, put it away, put your things away.
{Soon, the whole house was clean}
- Rabbit: Now how do you like the house now?
- Goldilocks: Well, Rabbit. Everything looks...just right.
- Tigger: You can say that again.
{An E and U came out of the faucet in the kitchen sink}
- Young Kids: Super letters!
- Pooh: {To the audience} You found our last super letters?
- Super Why: {To the audience} Which ones are they?
- Young Kids: E! U!
- Alphablock E: Good exploring to find me!
- Alphablock U: That was unanimous!
- Pooh: Let's put the last letters in the Super Duper...
- Super Why, Pooh, and Alphablocks: Computer!
{The E and U are in the message}
- Rarity: Good stuff! We got all the super letters!
- Pinkie Pie: And now, we can get our super story answer!
{They see the logo}
- Rainbow Dash: Wait. Something's missing.
- Eeyore: Yeah. I mean, there was Goldilocks.
- Piglet: And the porridge, chairs, and bowls.
- Rarity: I wonder what we were forgetting.
{Soon, the door open and in came the three bears}
- Papa Bear: Is someone in our house?
- Big McIntosh: Huh?
- Pooh: Oh bother.
- The heroes and the Super Readers: {Gasps}
- Rabbit: Oh no. It's the bears!
- Big McIntosh: Uh oh.
- Papa Bear: Someone has been sitting in my chair.
- Pinkie Pie: Wasn't me!
- Mama Bear: {Gasps} Someone has been mopping my floor.
- Tigger: Um, I am not sure that's a quote from this story.
- Baby Bear: Someone's been eating my porridge and they ate it all up.
- Goldilocks: Oops. That was me.
- Rarity: Well, maybe Goldilocks can make some porridge for you.
- Baby Bear: {Giggles} I like this story!
- Goldilocks: And got something for you, Super Readers.
{Goldilocks gives them a special storybook gem}
- Pinkie Pie: Wow! We got the Goldilocks and the Three Bears gem.
- Piglet: Thanks for the gem.
- Goldilocks: Thanks, Super Readers.
- Rainbow Dash: Well, so long!
- Alphablock T: Ta-ta!
{They soon leave the bears's house}
- Tigger: Why-flyers!
- Rabbit: Back to the book club!
{The Why-Flyers flew off with them}
- Musical Narrator: {Singing} We found the Super Story Answer with Super Why!
{They got out of the Why-Flyers just as they return to their normal clothes}
- Shining Armor: So what happens now?
- Twilight Sparkle: We have to figure out what the answer is.
{Rainbow Dash puts the computer on the big computer}
- Rainbow Dash: Super Duper Computer, please give us the Super Story Answer.
{The logo spins until it stops at a teal background}
- Rainbow Dash: {To the audience} Read the letters with me.
{An Alphablock comes by when Rainbow Dash says the letter}
- Rainbow Dash: C!
- Alphablock C: Cccuh.
- Rainbow Dash: L!
- Alphablock L: Llll.
- Rainbow Dash: E! A!
- Alphablock E and A: Eaaa.
- Rainbow Dash: N!
- Alphablock N: Nnnn.
- Alphablock C, L, E, A, and N: Clean!
- Rainbow Dash: Space. U!
- Alphablock U: Uhhh.
- Rainbow Dash: P!
- Alphablock P: Pppuh.
- Alphablock U and P: Up!
- Alphablock C, L, E, A, N, U, and P: Clean up!
- Rainbow Dash: Clean up.
- Fluttershy: The super story answer is...clean up!
{Fireworks scattered around the answer}
- Rabbit: But why?
- Red: Because Goldilocks fixed things by cleaning up the house for the bears.
- Alphablock I: I remember Pooh telling her...
- Pooh: Goldilocks, you know what would be better?
- Goldilocks: What?
- Pooh: What if we help you clean up the mess?
- Goldilocks: You think you can do that?
{Flashback ends}
- Whyatt Beanstalk: So my question is...if I made a big mess in Jack's room, what should I do?
- Alphablock A: And the answer is...
- Whyatt Beanstalk, Princess Pea, Red, Pig, the Alphablocks, and Pooh's team: Clean up!
- Piglet: Just like how I and Pooh cleaned up the gift shop with Papa Pig.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Yeah! If I made a mess, I should clean it up.
- Twilight Sparkle: And me and my brother can help.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Okay then. {To the audience} Come on!
{Inside the house, Whyatt, Shining Armor and Twilight worked together to clean up Jack's room}
- Twilight Sparkle: Thanks to Goldilocks, now we know that it's important to clean up.
{Soon, Jack came}
- Jack: Whyatt, what are you, Shining, and Twilight doing?
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Cleaning up.
- Twilight Sparkle: See?
- Jack: {Noticing the room all clean} Hey. You...are cleaning up.
{Everyone watched from the window}
- Rainbow Dash: {In thought} Great, it worked.
- Pooh: What was that?
- Rainbow Dash: Whyatt cleaned up Jack's room.
- Pooh: Yeah, that was what i thought.
- Jack: Hey, way to go, bro. That's very cool of you. Very cool. {Smiles}
- Twilight Sparkle: Why, thanks, Jack.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: I'm sorry I made a mess.
- Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, he was just only showing me and my brother your room.
- Shining Armor: That is, if you didn't mind it.
- Jack: It's cool. Because you three made it right by cleaning up. Thanks.
- Shining Armor: You're welcome.
{Whyatt, Shining, and Twilight came outside}
- Shining Armor: It planned out great!
- Big McIntosh: Eeyup!
- Pooh: We did it, guys! We helped Whyatt clean up! That's teamwork!
{They high five}
- Shining Armor: And one more thing…
- Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack and Big McIntosh: Happy Brothers Day!
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Hip hip hooray! The Super Readers save the day!
{Everyone danced while the narrator sung}
- Musical Narrator: {Singing} Hip hip hooray. (Alphablocks and Pooh's team: Hooray!) The Super Readers save the day. We changed the story, we solved the problem, we work together, so hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray. (Alphablocks and Pooh's team: Hooray!) The Super Readers save the day! Hip hip hooray. (Whyatt Beanstalk, Princess Pea, Red, Pig, Alphablocks, and Pooh's team: Hooray!) The Super Readers save the day!
"Airs" Game with Wonder Red, the Alphablocks, and Applejack[]
{Soon, Wonder Red and Applejack appeared}
- Wonder Red: {To the audience} Super You.
- Applejack: {To the audience} We need something nice to sit on.
- Wonder Red: {To the audience} Let's see what "airs" words are in my Wonder Words Basket.
- Applejack: Let's see what words we have.
- Alphablock F: Ffff.
- Alphablock A, I, R, and S: Airs.
- Wonder Red: Fairs!
- Alphablock S and T: St!
- Alphablock A, I, R, and S: Airs.
- Applejack: Stairs!
- Alphablock C and H: Ch!
- Alphablock A, I, R, and S: Airs.
- Wonder Red: Chairs.
{The word "Chairs" turn into chairs}
- Applejack: That's the word we were looking for.
- Wonder Red: {To the audience} Wonder-riffic!
- Applejack: That was terrific!
Ending Segment[]
- Pooh: Hello, friends. We saw what happened when we chose for Goldilocks to jump, so what would've happen if she was going to snore in the three bears's house? Watch this.
- Spike: {To the audience} Super Readers. What word should we try to help Goldilocks talk to us?
- Super Why: ''Snores'', ''naps'', or ''jumps''?
- Spike: Hmm, can Goldilocks really snore?
- Super Why: Hmm, maybe. Well, let's try ''snores''. {To the audience} Which is the word ''snores''?
- Spike: {To the audience} I think it starts with an S.
- Young Kids: That one!
- Spike: This is the word ''snores''.
{They drag the word ''snores'' into the sentence}
- Super Why: Let's zap the word together.
- Spike: Ready?
- Super Why: Set?
- Super Why and Spike: Zap!
{The word ''snores'' is in the sentence}
- Spike: Now let's read.
- Super Why and Spike: {Reads} Goldilocks snores in the three bears's house.
- Alphablock S: Ssss.
- Alphablock N: Nnnn.
- Alphablock O, R, and E: Ore!
- Alphablock S: Ssss.
- Alphablock S, N, O, R, and E: Snores!
{The sentence made Goldilocks snore loudly}
- Goldilocks: {Snores}
- Spike: Whoa, i think she can snore!
- Super Why: Well, i am not sure.
- Spike: {To the audience} Do you think snoring is the answer to this sentence?
- Young Kids: No!
- Spike: Bummer.
{Flashback ends}
- Pooh: Well, like the story, she slept like a bear. {Chuckles} See you soon on another reading adventure.