- Dr. Zin: (crying) I have failed you, my dragon. What bitterness to lose with the Quest-X power source in our grasp. It's all your fault!
- Dynomutt: My fault? Gee, what'd I do? I hadn't a clue!
- Blue Falcon: Allow me to elucidate, Dog Wonder. It's time you knew the truth.
- (In the flashback, Radley Crown shoots the gun to Dragon, Dragon grabs him)
- Blue Falcon: (narrates) You were once an ordinary but beloved security dog... until tragedy struck.
- (The dog bites Dragon's back that explodes, dog loses consciousness)
- (Next scene in the laboratory)
- Dr. Quest: Radley, I was able to replace most of Reggie's damaged body parts with robotic replacements. Now, for the tricky part: the heart.
- Race Bannon: But doctor, are you telling me you're going to power this dog with the most powerful generator on the planet?
- Dr. Quest: He's a living thing, Race, and deserves no less.
- (Flashback ends)
- (Dynomutt chuckles)
- Velma: But Dynomutt wasn't the only cyborg created in that explosion, was he, Dr. Zin?
- Dr. Zin: No. Stealing the Quest-X was to be a trial run for my greatest creation: the Dragon battle suit. So, precious was this invention, I trusted only one person to test it: my own daughter. The accident fused the suit to Jenny and has been feeding off of her life force ever since. How did you know?
- Velma: The Dragon registered a heat signature on Mr. E's scanners.
- Fred: But why the obsession with Dynomutt?
- Dr. Zin: Not the dog, the Quest-X inside! With that to power the Dragon suit, my Jenny would survive. But now...
- Blue Falcon: I had no idea.
- Dynomutt: Oh, my goodness gracious! Why didn't you say so? Never to busy to help a fellow cyborg with a jump start.
- (Dynomutt uses a power cable to the Dragon suit)
- Blue Falcon: Dog Wonder, no! The feedback could destroy you both!
- Fred: It's gonna blow!
- (The Dragon suit almost exploded with a flash, it raised and opened itself to release Dr. Zin's daughter, Jenny, she collapsed, Dr. Zin helped her)
- Jenny: Father?
- Dr. Zin: Jenny!
- Scooby: Aww! Isn't that sweet? (giggles)
- Dr. Zin: Robot dog, meddling kids, man in bird suit, you have my thanks. I have spent so many years pursuing my evil plan of global domination, I sometimes forget the beauty of a simple act of selfless kindness. (Fred and Daphne smile at each other) (mocking) It's a pity you must all now be destroyed as this island explodes with the fury of 1,000 suns! (Both Dr. Zin and Jenny laugh)
- Jenny: Good one, dad! Let's motor.
- (Dr. Zin and Jenny escape with their jetpacks)
- Dynomutt: Well, for an evil, crazed scientist, he certainly has a unique sense of humor.
- Shaggy: Let's get out of here!
- Scooby: Yipe!
- (The gang with Blue Falcon and Dynomutt escape the island)
Heart of Evil/Transcript (Toonwriter)