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Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Narrator: The city of Townsville…where the best-laid plans of mice and men—or girls—can sometimes go awry.

(Fade to black.)

Professor: BUBBLES!!!

(Pull back in quick steps. The black is the inside of his mouth; he stands at the front door of the girls’ house, yelling up at the camera. We see the whole house, the subdivision, the city, and finally the entire planet from outer space. A corner of a piece of machinery is visible at left; pan slowly to this. It is a U.S. space satellite undergoing repairs thanks to the girls—Bubbles and Buttercup are using their eye lasers to do a little spot welding, while Blossom holds the satellite steady. They wear the spacesuits they used in “Uh Oh Dynamo.”)

Blossom: (to Bubbles) Boy, what’d you do this time?

(Bubbles looks back at Earth worriedly.)

(Dissolve to the living room; in the foreground, the Professor’s hand is visible on the arm of a chair. He taps his finger impatiently. Bubbles pokes her head around the doorframe.)

Bubbles: Yes, Professor?

Professor: (from o.c.) Come here, Bubbles.

Professor: Bubbles, what did we talk about yesterday?

Bubbles: Um, put away my toys after I play with them?

Professor: No dear. The other thing.

Bubbles: Oh.

Professor: Bubbles, what are these?

Bubbles: Shoes?

Pooh Bear: Yes they are shoes, but the Professor is asking you what is in the shoes?

(then two mice come out of the shoes onto Bubbles' head)

Bubbles: (to the Professor) Why it's Mr and Mrs. Squeakers. They live in your sneakers.

Professor: That's just the problem, Bubbles. This has been going on for a while and I think we... (sees Blossom Buttercup easvedrop but then ducks out from the doorway)

Ash Ketchum: Blossom, Buttercup, come in here and listen to this too. (Blossom and Buttercup float into the room)

Professor: Okay, now I know you mean well. But, you must stop bringing all these animals home.

Bubbles: But it was only two little mice.

Rabbit: Oh, really? We'll just see about this.

(Rabbit walks up and opens the closet then the animals come out running. Bubbles giggles sheepishly while Professor, Blossom, Buttercup and the heroes glare at her crossly.)

Professor: Oh, Bubbles. I understand that you want to keep all these animals, but you just can’t. They need to be free, not locked up in a closet. So you have to let them go. Okay, honey?

Bubbles: (sadly) Okay.

Professor: Now run along.

Blossom and Buttercup: Ooh, busted!

Professor: Oh, and Blossom, Buttercup?

Blossom and Buttercup: Yeah?

Professor: (sternly) That goes for you too! I mean it! No more animals!

Blossom and Buttercup: (hanging their heads) Yes, Professor.

(Fade to black.)

(Fade into a quick pan alongside the city skyline. The girls fly into view after a moment; the mice are no longer on Bubbles’ head.)

Blossom: Everything looks good here. (Head-on view.) Let’s split up and do one final sweep before heading home. Buttercup, check the hills. Bubbles, check the coast.

(These two fly o.c. in opposite directions while she continues straight ahead. We see a quick flash of them soaring over their assigned territories. Fade to black.)

(We hear a door close; snap to an close-up of its knob. One of the girls’ hands turns a key in the lock. Pull back to show Bubbles at the door, in the house.)

(We cut to the girls' home where Bubbles locks something in the bedroom.)

Bubbles: Phew.

Blossom: Bubbles, what's going on?

Rabbit: (sternly) Young lady, what are you up to?

Bubbles: What? Guys, what are you doing here? I didn't bring anything home.

Brock: Don't play with us, Bubbles.

Tigger: Yeah, what animal did you bring home this time?

Bubbles: He's not an animal! (shows them a baby whale in the bedroom) He's a mammal.

Blossom: You brought home a whale?

Bubbles: No, a baby whale.

Ash Ketchum: Professor is not going to like this.

Pikachu: (agreeing) Pikachu.

Buttercup: Yeah, when Professor gets home he's gonna have a cow!

Bubbles: No, a baby whale!

Misty: Bubbles, what Buttercup means by the Professor having a cow is that the Professor will get angry!

Rabbit: Whale! Cow! What's the difference! Professor told you no more animals in his house!

Bubbles: But you don’t understand! I was checking out the coast like you told me to when all of a sudden I heard this faint cry coming from the shore. So I went to investigate, and there was this baby whale washed up on the beach. I felt so bad ’cause he looked all sad. And then I thought, “I’ll bring him home!” Then I thought, “No, ’cause Professor said, ‘Animals don’t like being locked up in closets.’” Then I thought,  “He’ll never fit in a closet!” (smiles): So here we are.

(The eyes turn back to Blossom and Buttercup. Head-on view of them.)

Blossom: Bubbles, you’ve really done it this—

(Cut to a cash register; a purchase is being rung up. Back to the two girls, cocking their heads.)

Blossom: Wait! Did you hear that?

Pooh Bear: Hear what?

(A customer’s hand—the Professor’s—takes a bag from the cashier. He leaves the store, stepping into the parking lot of the Townsville Mall, and climbs into his car. Now he starts the engine—a quick shot of the girls screaming—and pulls out into traffic.)

Girls: (voice-over) Professor’s coming home!

(In the bedroom, Blossom and Buttercup race back and forth, panicking.)

Bubbles: You’ve gotta help me hide him!

Buttercup: What? Maybe, he won't notice.

(The heroes, Bubbles, Blossom and the whale glare at her.)

Misty: Oh, yes he will.

Rabbit: (sternly) You're not helping, young lady.

The exterior of the house; the whale is pulled in through the window. Close-up of Buttercup.)

Buttercup: How about here?

(Pull back; it is on their bed, with the blanket and pillows draped over it.)

Bubbles: No! That won’t do!

(Blossom carries the whale away. Close-up of her.)

Blossom: This’ll be perfect!

(Pull back; now it is behind the bookcase, lamp, and chair in the living room.)

Bubbles: Uh-uh! Try somewhere else!

(Blossom pulls the whale until it is behind the coffee table.)

Bubbles: I got it!

(She grabs the whale; from outside, we see it being pushed out the bedroom window tail first.)

Blossom, Buttercup: (from inside house) No way!

(The Professor continues his drive home. Inside the house, Buttercup has an idea.)

Buttercup: Aha!

(She flies the whale down the stairs and o.c.; a rumble shakes the camera. Now it is in the kitchen, with her next to it.)

Buttercup: Here!

(One at a time, the girls carry it to a quick series of hiding places.)

Blossom: No! Here! (Stuffed halfway into the garage.)

Bubbles: No! Here! (Behind a swing set in the yard.)

Buttercup: No… (Flash of the Professor driving, then the whale hanging from a light fixture.) Here!

Blossom: No, here! (Behind a clock, stereo, and potted cactus.)

Bubbles: No, here! (Behind a pile of toys in the bedroom.)

Buttercup: No, here! (Stuffed halfway into the fireplace.)

Blossom: No… (Another flash of the Professor driving, then the whale jammed into a corner.) Here!

Bubbles: (from inside house) No, here! (Hanging out the bedroom window again.)

Blossom, Buttercup: (from inside the house) No!

(Back to the girls in the bedroom.)

Blossom: It's no use we're caught Hook, line and sinker.

Buttercup: (worried) What's wrong, little guy?

(The whale is now dry and sickly gray as it lets out a painful cry.)

Pooh Bear: Oh, my goodness.

Piglet: Oh, dear. Poor thing.

Misty: This is what happens when water creatures are out of the water too long.

Bubbles: (flying with a glass of water) He needs water! Gangway! (throws water onto the whale)

Blossom: It's not enough, Bubbles.

Bubbles: I'll get another glass.

Misty: No, Bubbles, what Blossom means that the baby whale needs a bigger place with lots of water.

Her sisters throw each other a glance. A moment later, she finds herself being pulled across the room by Bubbles, with Buttercup toting the whale and bringing up the rear. A crash is heard o.c.; close-up of the whale’s face, with Blossom in front of it.)

Blossom: No way! Not there! (Her sisters are in front of the lab door.)

Bubbles: (pleading) Come on. It’s perfect!

Buttercup: Yeah, and if Professor not only sees a whale in the house but an old dried-up whale, especially when we’re all about saving the day and stuff, he’s gonna FREAK!

Blossom: Okay, but still, where would we get that much water?

(Inside the lab, Blossom is hauled in and held at the top of the steps.)

Blossom: (surprised) Hey!

(Buttercup kicks her in the stomach, causing her to expel a gust of ice breath that frosts the whole room over. Now Buttercup cuts loose with her eye lasers; pan slowly to the far end and stop. The screen fills with water, and the whale splashes into view, instantly becoming blue and healthy again.)

(In the hall, the door slams. Bubbles and Buttercup lean against it, Blossom floating above them.)

Bubbles, Buttercup: Phew!

Blossom: (coughing, out of breath) You coulda just asked.

Professor: (from o.c.) Girls! I’m home!

(They poke their heads around the corner, one by one, in time with the next lines.)

Blossom: Professor!

Buttercup: How was—

Bubbles: —your day?

Professor: Beached Whale!

Girls: (shocked) What?

Professor: (excitedly) That was me, a beached whale, sitting around all day doing nothing but working in my lab. This morning after seeing my old unused pair, I got to thinking, I never get out, I never breathe the fresh air, I’m suffocating! (pointing down o.c.) But thanks to these babies, all that’s gonna change! Check ’em out.

(Camera turns down to his feet, now clad in a pair of very new and expensive-looking running shoes. They squeak slightly when he steps back and forth; the girls bend down to look at them.)

Girls: (in awe) Wow! (Pull back.)

Professor: That’s right. No more equations and quantum theories for me! (running in place) Now I’m a jogging fool! Think I’ll dash around the block.

(The girls applaud this idea, and he makes a beeline for the door. Just as he is about to open it, he stops short and looks down toward the shoes.)

Professor: But something puzzles me.

(Zoom in on one foot; he raises and lowers his heel, and a light in the sole flashes as he does so.)

Professor: (from o.c.) Every time I step, this little light comes on. How do they do that? (Cut to the girls.) I gotta go to my lab and find out! (He walks into view in front of them.)

Girls: Wait, Professor!

(Head-on view of him; they fly up one by one in the background.)

Blossom: What—

Buttercup: —about—

Bubbles: —exercise?

Professor: You’re right. I think I’ll run.

(He jogs off down the hall; the girls look at each other with fear and go after him. Blossom catches up with him first.)

Blossom: Um…um…I memorized the encyclopedia set today.

Professor: (panting) That’s great, Blossom, but I gotta get to the lab! (He runs o.c.)

(Head-on view of him; now Buttercup flies up behind.)

Buttercup: Uh, hey, Professor! Uh…I lifted twelve city buses today.

Professor: (panting) Way to go, Buttercup, but I gotta move!

(His perspective, approaching the lab door. Bubbles flies up in front of him.)

Bubbles: Did I tell you I love you today? (Side view of them.)

Professor: Just did, thanks. See you! (He runs o.c.)

(Professor comes into his lab and then a splash is heard.)

  • Professor: (gurgling) BUBBLES!!!
  • Pooh Bear: (gasps) He knows!
  • Tigger: I think we're in big trouble.
  • Eeyore: Uh-oh.
  • Piglet: Oh, dear. Professor is really mad.
  • (The professor comes out soaked and fed up.)
  • Bubbles: Professor, you're all wet! (screams) There's a killer whale in the house! Stand back, Professor! I'll save...you.
  • Professor: Like, you wanted to save the whale?
  • Bubbles: (sadly) Yes.
  • Professor: (sighs, as he kneels down) How can I make you understand? If I sent you away to live without your sisters-
  • Bubbles: (frantic) You wouldn't do that!
  • Professor: Oh, of course not. But, you'd feel terrible, wouldn't you?
  • Bubbles: (small voice) Yes.
  • Professor: Look, I know you love all these animals and you want to take care of them
  • Bubbles: But-
  • Professor: But, if you really love them, you must set them free, so they can return to their family that loves them. Understand? Now I think we both know what we need to do.
  • (Bubbles carries the whale out of the house.)
  • Professor: Buttercup, Blossom, get a bucket.

(The scene changes to a beach where a very sad Bubbles staring a sad baby whale.)

Bubbles: Well, I guess this is it. I now understand that it wasn't meant to be. (hugs the whale) But I'm sure gonna miss you anyway. Goodbye forever.

(The baby whale leaves with his parents as a sympathetic Ash and Pikachu comfort Bubbles.)

Ash Ketchum: Bubbles, I understand how you feel letting the baby whale go back to his parents. If you would've kept him forever his parents would be very sad.

Pikachu: (nestling Bubbles) Pika-Pikachu.

Bubbles: You're right, Ash.

(Ash hugs Bubbles in comfort.)

Professor: (memory) If you really love them you must set them free.

(Then Bubbles smiles as she had an idea)

(Cut to the living room; the Professor and the other girls are watching TV. He now wears a bathrobe—with a pocket for his pens—and a towel around his wet hair.)

Blossom: Is Bubbles gonna be grounded?

Buttercup: Are we gonna be grounded?

Professor: No, nobody’s gonna be grounded. Everybody makes mistakes, and I’m sure Bubbles has learned her lesson.

(A news report begins; their eyes go wide.)

Reporter: (on TV) News flash! Something is up at the Townsville Zoo!

(The camera shakes, and the trumpeting of elephants is heard. Cut to outside the front door. The  Professor opens it, the camera still shaking and trembling.)

Ash Ketchum: Oh no.

Professor: BUBBLES!!!!

Narrator: Oh, Professor. When are you gonna learn, you can't teach an old dog new tricks? So once again the day, and every critter, varmint, and creature, are saved—

(The girls appear in their usual pose.)

Narrator: —thanks to the Powerpuff Girls!

(They are replaced by Bubbles alone, looking sweetly at the camera.)

Narrator: Especially ever-lovin’ Bubbles.