This is the episode transcript for I Am Chair (MaRAoTTG).
Going to the fancy mall[]
[The scene cuts to a time card that says "ONE HOUR LATER"
Robin gets stressed/Shopping Spree[]
Enter the Dolphin Miraculous and Benedict Grace[]
[Meliah walks softly and sees an extremely rare Miraculous inside the glass box]
Meliah Messina: Woah...what is that?
Benedict Grace: Well, young lady, I'm glad you asked. That is the Dolphin Miraculous, an extremely rare Miraculous found by my great grandparents, who were archeologists years ago.
[Just then, Benedict notices the Violet Lantern ring on Meliah's finger.]
Benedict Grace: I don't believe this. You must be Meliah Messina, leader of the Harmonic Crusaders. Ladybug and Cat Noir told me all about you and your team. Allow me to introduce myself, Miss Messina. [gives Meliah her info card] My info card.
Meliah Messina: [reading] "Benedict Grace, owner and CEO of Miraculous Fashions." [puts the info card in her pocket] Nice to meet you.
Robin discovers the massage chair[]
The Next Morning[]
Enter Chair/The Great Relaxing[]
Chair: The great relaxing is complete. We can finally relax in a world that is stress free.
Fighting Chair[]
[Meanwhile at the Jump City Mall, Meliah, her team, Ryan, his team, and Lapis are looking at the clothes. Meliah tries to contact the Titans on her phone, but no avail.]
Meliah Messina: Five cellphones, five of the Titans, all straight to voicemail.
Danny Phantom: Are they okay?
Ryan Freestar: I don't know.
Lapis Lazuli: I'm sure they're around. What's the worst that could have happened?
Meliah gives Lapis the Dolphin Miraculous[]
Meliah Messina: Lapis Lazuli, here is the Miraculous of the Dolphin, which grants the power of Moderation. You will use it for the greater good.
[Lapis smiles and nods in determination and takes the Miraculous from her hand. Suddenly, a blue glowing sphere flies around her and a kwami appears]
Lapis Lazuli: Aww, you're cute. What's your name?
Flipper: My name's Flipper, and I'm your kwami.
Lapis Lazuli: A kwami? You're a creature that gives superpowers to those who wear the Miraculous like this?
Flipper: That's right! You've got one smart brain.
[Lapis puts on the Dolphin Miraculous]
Flipper: Now, all you have to say is "Flipper, splash down!"
Lapis Lazuli: Flipper, splash down!
Lapis Lazuli: This is so cool!