7: Right, last story. Which story do you want?
1: Day Night! Day Night!
7: I told you that story yesterday. Do you really want it again?
4: Let's see who's out there.
[Agent 37 calls in, in his pyjamas]
Agent 37: [yawns] Agent 37 here.
7: [Narrating] Yes, the agent was in pyjamas, because of course, it was the middle of the night.
[A clip of 6 in the launcher]
7: [Narrating] Numberjack 6 was launched to find out what was going on.
[the hole opens up in the arm of the sofa]
Numberjacks & Heroes: 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Zero!
7: [Narrating] Numberjack 6 went streaming through the dark sky.
[cut to 7 talking to 0 & 1]
7: And it was very hard to find 6 a number to land on!
[back in the story]
4: [looking at numbers in the night] Is that a 6? Or that?
3: Come on, 4!
4: It's hard to see, it's dark.
3: Course it is! It's night-time!
[4 eventually finds a 6 on a wall]
7: [Narrating] But at last, they found a number for 6 to land on.
7: And there were more strange things going on - this time, a man getting undressed!
7: but was that the end of the problems?
0 & 1: No. No.
7: What happened the next day was this.
[2 girls in their pyjamas are skipping]
5: Oh no! If Spooky Spoon keeps on mixing up daytime things and night-time things, anything could happen... any time!
5: [Voiceover] Playing football in the dark isn't much fun. You wouldn't be able to see the ball, and it could go anywhere!
[An animation of a teacher teaching a class, when, to her pupils' surprise, she changes into her pyjamas and goes to sleep on the desk]
5: [Voiceover] Or in the daytime at school, you shouldn't go to bed then - especially if you're the teacher!
5: [Voiceover] And even the sun might get confused about day time and night time, and the sun and the moon wouldn't know when it was time to be up in the sky!
5: [Voiceover] Oh, it would be very confusing for everyone!
[Fade back to 7]
7: Daytime things at night. Night-time things in the day.
7: But was that the end of the problems?
1: No.
0: Mmmm.
7: No, it was not. Spooky Spoon was up to her tricks again!
7: Oh dear, oh dear!
1: Dear!
7: Spooky had mixed things up, and people were doing things from different times of the day all at the same time!
1: Same.
Spooky Spoon: But I am not tired!
[6 Zaps her again, sending her away]
6: But we're tired of you! Night night!
Bella: Good riddance!
[cut back to 0 & 1 falling asleep as 7 finishes her story.]
7: And that is the story of how the Numberjacks, Thomas the Tank Engine, and the Tweenies sorted out the morning, the daytime, the evening, and the night time; The time little Numberjacks are asleep. Night night! [to the viewers] I wonder, what things do you do in the daytime? And what things do you do in the night-time? And are there any things you do ALL the time? Have a think, and call the Numberjacks. But not too loud.