Jaw Bone is the Villain who will appear in the forth episode of Monkey Wrench and might be a minor or major villain of the episode.
Jaw Bones didn't appear in Monkey Wrench yet but due to his episode started animation and finish voice acting his wiki will be edited soon when it come out.
Jaw Bone is a whitish green skeleton with sharp teeth,large jaw and have jet green fire hair,Jaw Bone wear a black leather jacket with dark green cuffs with a white spike on each sides and green dots on the sides of the top of his shoulder,Jaw Bone Jack have a bone like button tuck the top of the jacket,Jaw Bone have a dark green top collar with bright green light with white spike on the sides of the collar,Jaw Bone have a black belt with a whitish green skull on his black pants and dark green shoes with bright green lines and black straps,Jaw Bone scythe have a bright green laser like blade on the black blade holder that has grey circular battery with a light green outline,his scythe also have a dark grey holder end with a black part bellow.
Jaw Bone is a chaotic,arrogant and selfish want to take dominents to towards anything he wants,Jaw Bone also a bit of a childish bully mocking and intimidating the people nearby for his own fun,due to this many who encounter him feared him,while not jerking around Jaw Bone is somewhat a bit goofy but he not do it often due to it make people think of him as a joke.
Episode Appearance[]
- Jaw Bone and Shrike weapons have similarities with the Glowing charger likely made by the same company or just a coincidence that most weapon in the universe look the same.