[The film opens on a dark and stormy night at West Wallaby Street. The text Many Years Ago... is shown. The camera zooms in through the window to find a blue diamond lying in the kitchen. It’s the same diamond from The Wrong Trousers. We hear Wallace talking on the phone.]
Mackintosh: (offscreen; on phone) Ello, ello, ello?
Wallace: (on phone) Oh, is that the police? (as Gromit brings in cups of cocoa) We’ve got someone here you might be interested in. (they grab and clink their cups together) I think we just foiled a robbery.
[As the two drink, the camera zooms back to show a figure struggling in ropes. Fade to a police car with a blue light flashing while blaring the alarm. Cut to a POV of the back of the car, where reporters snap pictures of whoever’s inside it before the iron prison doors close. Inside the prison, a pair of hands slide in a tray. We see some objects being dropped into the tray. A comb, some keys with a fish keyring, a measuring tape, and a red rubber glove. Cut to a pair of penguin feet as the cell doors close behind the figure. As it steps out into the light, we see the figure revealed as Feathers McGraw. Camera zooms in on the penguin. He cracks his neck while moving his head. Cut to him getting his mugshot taken.]
Judge: (voiceover) Feathers McGraw. You have been found guilty of the attempted robbery of the blue diamond.
[Cuffs are put on Feathers’ flippers. He is then led into a jail cell.]
Judge: (voiceover) If not for the actions of two upstanding citizens, you would have succeeded in your wicked plan. Therefore, it is the decision of this court that for the rest of your natural lives, you be re-moved to a high-security institution.
[The camera pans to a small open door on the cell wall. As he goes through the door, he finds that he’s locked up in West Wallaby Zoo.]
Female Guard: (chuckles; offscreen) There’s no escape from here. So don’t even think about it.
[Feathers turns to glare at two female guards. They gasp in fear and quickly shut the door. We cut to Feathers doing pull-ups on a drainpipe. He stops and glares at a Morning Post clipping with a picture of his archenemies, Wallace and Gromit. Headline reads, “DIAMOND GEEZERS CATCH THIEF!” Text under the picture reads, “Hero pair celebrate.” There was only one thing in Feathers’ mind: revenge. The camera slowly zooms to a close-up of the picture. Text appears, reading “VENGEANCE MOST FOWL” as menacing music plays out. Then, the iconic Wallace & Gromit theme plays as the camera zooms back to show the clipping in a portrait in the house of Wallace and Gromit. As the cast are revealed, The camera pans right to show a picture of a youthful Wallace and Gromit participating in a sack race, with the latter crossing the finish line. Then, another picture has Wallace fishing up an old boot while Gromit holds a net. Pan down to show a picture of Gromit handing Wallace a gift-wrapped wrench. Another has Gromit licking ice cream while Wallace has a cheese-sicle. The camera zooms back, showing three more pictures. Left to the clipping is the portrait of Wallace and Gromit themselves. One has the two on a log flume and the other is Gromit and Wallace posing for a picture as the cardboard woman and man. The music stops when we cut to Gromit sleeping in bed. His clock rings and the window curtains move by themselves. The dog moves the blanket up to cover his head. However, we hear suction noise nearby before Gromit’s head is sucked up to a device. The device then lifts him out of bed and onto the floor, where his feet go into fluffy pink slippers. Cut to Gromit entering the dining room while wearing a robe. His ears were twirled up, so he shook his head to fix them. Then, he hears ringing from the portrait of Wallace and Gromit hanging above the fireplace. It has been modified with eyes flashing and mouth and arm opening.]
Wallace: (on com) Get me up, Gromit!
[Cut to Wallace pushing the BREAKFAST button while in bed.]
Wallace: Another great day of inventing beckons! (laughs)
[Gromit rolls his eyes and pulls down the lever on the GET-U-UP Delux. The curtains move aside as the bed is pushed to the door.]
Wallace: (laughs) Oh, top dog!
[As the bed tips over, Gromit grabs his cup and presses the LAUNCH button. The back of the bed lifts up, sending Wallace down into a chute.]
Wallace: Here we gooooo!!
[Cut to Gromit setting an empty cup under a faucet. It spews hot water down into it. Cut to Wallace sliding down the chute.]
Wallace: Wa-hey!
[Two clips pull the pants off him and Wallace slides into a bubbly bathtub.]
Wallace: Oh, lovely.
[The bathtub wheels down the tracks. Meanwhile, as Gromit dips his tea bag in the cup, a makeshift vacuum cleaner sucks it up before cleaning up the crumbs on the floor. Gromit turns the dial on a console to SCRUB. In the bathroom, a scrubber activates and scrubs Wallace in the tub.]
Wallace: That tickles!
[The tub hits a hole in the wall and leans over, sending Wallace down a slide. Outside, as Gromit goes to take out the trash, he shields his eyes when Wallace slides by, flashing his bare butt. Back inside, Gromit pulls the lever on the DRESS-O-MATIC. Wallace slides into the basement, where he falls into his trousers. Machines help to put his shoes and his shirt on before putting a helmet on his head. One mechanical hand holds a mirror up to his face while another straightens his tie. Cut to Gromit near a button in the kitchen.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Hit it, Gromit!
[Gromit pushes it and part of a cabinet turns over to show a mallet. It slams down on another button. A platform springs up from below and launches Wallace up to the dining room.]
Wallace: Wa-hey!
[His helmet hits the bell. It rings while the sign “GOOD MORNING” lights up.]
Wallace: Morning, Gromit. How’s my favorite pooch, hmm?
[Gromit nods.]
Wallace: Oh, you do look after me, lad.
[Wallace starts reading a Practical Inventor magazine. Gromit pulls a lever to bring up a tray of jams.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Very interesting. Oh, I must say.
[Gromit puts on some sunglasses while holding his coffee mug. Three slices of toast spring up from the toaster and a small makeshift catapult flings jams onto each of them. Wallace is reading while this is happening. Once the jammed pieces of toast are on the plate, a robotic hand picks up one and feeds it to Wallace.]
Wallace: Cracking toast, Gromit.
[Gromit, stained with all kinds of jam, removes his sunglasses. Cut to Gromit checking over Wallace’s bills on the dining table.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Oh, dear. More bills?
[A mechanical hand pours Brown Flakes cereal into Gromit's bowl.]
Wallace: (chuckles) Inventing doesn’t come cheap, does it? (eats his toast) Maybe I’m just making too many gadgets.
[The mechanical hand pours milk down on Gromit’s head. The dog sighs in dismay.]
Wallace: Oh, don’t worry, lad. We’ll think of something. You look like you need a good pat. Come here.
[Gromit perks up and approaches his owner.]
Wallace: That’s it, lad.
[He reaches out toward a box-like device.]
Wallace: My new Pat-O-Matic will oblige.
[He presses a red button on it and a robotic hand pops out of it and pats Gromit on the head, much to his dismay.]
Wallace: And if you think that’s progress, wait ‘til you see the next thing I’m working on!
[Gromit frowns and crosses his arms while being patted. Cut to Wallace in the cellar.]
Wallace: (excited) Ooh!
[He opens his toolbox to get out a wrench. He sees something. it makes computer-like noises. He giggles in joy. Cut to Gromit opening the door to a beautiful garden. A bee buzzes by. The dog, wearing his gardening outfit, takes a deep breath and exhales. Gromit puts a plant in the ground and waters it. Gromit stares proudly at his work.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Look out, lad! Coming through!
[Suddenly, Wallace wheels in a giant wooden crate.]
Wallace: (wipes the sweat off his head) Phew! Oh, don’t think I haven’t noticed, Gromit. You spend ages toiling away in this garden. Well, no more! (claps his hands twice)
[The box flap bangs before coming down, slamming close to Gromit. Then, a jolly green robot gnome merrily steps out. It looks creepy with a happy face.]
Norbot: (excited) He-hey!
Wallace: (to Gromit) This is my latest invention. A smart gnome.
Norbot: Hi! I’m your Nifty Odd-jobbing Robot. Call me Norbot.
Wallace: (to Norbot) Norbot, meet Gromit.
Norbot: (sticks out his hand) Pleased to meet you, Master Gromit.
[Gromit stares at the robot in shock.]
Wallace: (offscreen) He’s very friendly.
[Gromit nervously grabs the gnome’s hand and it shakes him up and down rapidly.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Whoa! Steady on, Norbot.
[Then, it stops, and Gromit is dizzy.]
Wallace: (to Gromit) Well, go on, chuck. Why don’t you put him through his little paces? He’s voice-activated.
[Gromit looks at the viewers in stunned silence.]
Wallace: (to Gromit) Oh, a bit shy, are we? Alright. (to Norbot) Norbot, make Gromit’s garden neat and tidy.
Norbot: Neat and tidy. Yes, Mr. Wallace.
[He scans the garden for jobs to do.]
Wallace: (offscreen) I pre-programmed him for you, lad. He’s watched every episode of DIY Garden Squad there is.
[Norbot scans the garden shed to find the tools appropriate for the jobs.]
Norbot: Only two hours to go and they still haven’t got the patio down!
[He heads to the shed to grab some hedge clippers.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Just watch him do all those tedious gardening tasks.
[Norbot proceeds to clip the flowers with the hedge clippers as he runs past Gromit.]
Norbot: Chop, chop, chop!
[Then, he uses a lawn mower to mow the lawn.]
Norbot: Mowing!
Wallace: (excitedly) Oh, ho-ho! Wa-hey!
Norbot: More mowing!
[Gromit watches in shock and fear.]
Wallace: (offscreen; laughs in joy) Don’t forget the edges!
Norbot: (offscreen) Strimmer!
[Cut to Norbot using a week whacker to trim the grass. He cuts the front of Gromit’s boots, revealing his feet underneath. Gromit jumps back and watches in astonishment while Wallace cheers.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Whoa, careful, lad!
[The Norbot then flies around while using a leaf blower.]
Norbot: Pointlessly blowing leaves around!
[He flies by Gromit.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Oh, whoops-a-daisy!
[Then, he rapidly trims the hedges.]
Norbot: Hedge trim!
[Gromit continues to watch in horror and fear.]
Norbot: Last bit of mowing!
[As Norbot mows the lawn, he accidentally destroys the plant that Gromit put on the ground. The dog slumps to the ground, crushed over this. He spots Norbot dancing happily nearby.]
Norbot: (singing and dancing) I’m a happy, nifty Norbot! I love to do a job!
[Gromit then notices his garden has been Norbot-ized. The trees are spheres, pyramids, and cubes.]
Norbot: (offscreen) Neat and tidy!
[Gromit is left crushed while Wallace watches proudly at Norbot’s work. Then, they hear the neighbors applauding.]
Male Neighbor: He’s a little treasure, that one!
Female Neighbor: Amazing job!
Mr. Convenience: (as he drives by) And very convenient!
Wallace: (surprised) Well, well. Looks like you’ve made the cut, Norbot. Better take a bow.
[Norbot bows as the neighbors cheer and throw roses.]
Norbot: Bowing. Bowing again. Thank you.
Husband: Where did you get him from?
Wallace: Well, actually, I made it myself.
Wife: What fun! Is he for hire?
Wallace: Is he for hire? (chuckles; then) Oooh!
[A lightbulb appears above Wallace’s head. Though it’s actually a drawing on the truck for Larry’s Light Bulbs. Gromit looks on in concern.]
Wallace: Come on! I need your help.
[Gromit prepares to go with Wallace.]
Wallace: Not you, lad. Norbot.
Norbot: (walks by) Yes, Mr. Wallace. How may I assist?
[Gromit is crushed to hear this. Not only has his garden turned upside down, but he’s also been replaced. Wallace walks off with Norbot.]
Wallace: Come along, Norbot lad. We’ve got work to do.
Norbot: Right-o, Mr. Wallace.
[As they leave, a jealous Gromit puts on his gardening hat, which was ruined during the demonstration. His ears pop out of the ruined hat. Cut to the police station.]
Mackintosh: (offscreen) It’s a crime! That’s what it is, a crime!
[Cut to Mackintosh admiring a portrait.]
Mackintosh: That you and I can't be together.
[He kisses it and sets it down next to a picture of himself. It's actually a picture of a river barge called the Dun-Nickin’.]
Mackintosh: Not yet, my sweetness. Soon though.
[Suddenly, knocking is heard on the door.]
Mackintosh: Ooh? Eh?
[Entering the room while holding a pile of files is Mukherjee.]
Mukherjee: Got a mo', Chief?
Mackintosh: Eh?
Mukherjee: I've just finished my investigation into that missing bike saddle. I've got witness interviews, crime scene reports, full forensics.
Mackintosh: Mukherjee.
Mukherjee: And I checked the National Bike Saddle database. There isn't one, apparently.
Mackintosh: Mukherjee!
Mukherjee: Chief.
Mackintosh: (sighs) How long have you been with us now?
Mukherjee: Since 9AM. this morning, Chief.
Mackintosh: Well, you can forget what you've learned at training college. Because at the end of the day, there's just one thing that matters in this job - a copper's gut.
Mukherjee: Copper’s gut, sir?
Mackintosh: Instinct! The important stuff's not up here. It's down here. Yeah, I've got quite a copper's gut meself, actually.
Mukherjee: Oh, I can see that, Chief. I mean, I, uh… (laughs nervously) I didn't mean I can see… it. (spots something) Oh! Is that Feathers McGraw?
Mackintosh: Oh! What?! Where?!
[He turns around to see the wanted poster of Feathers McGraw in his chicken disguise.]
Mackintosh: Oh, that. Well, there you go- a copper's gut.
Mukherjee: He stole the blue diamond, right?
Mackintosh: Oh, he tried. But he couldn't escape the long arm of the law. Oh, yes, I played my part.
[Fade to a flashback, where Mackintosh is reading a Barging Today magazine. The phone rings and he answers it.]
Mackintosh: (on phone) Ello, ello, ello?
Wallace: (offscreen; on phone) Oh, is that the police?
[Cut to him and Wallace in the museum as the latter hands him the bag while reporters take pictures.]
Mackintosh: (voiceover) The Blue Diamond ended up back in the museum vault.
[Mackintosh puts the bag in a safe, which he puts in another safe, which he puts in the vault.]
Mackintosh: (voiceover) I locked it up meself, well out of harm's way.
[Cut back to present day.]
Mukherjee: Oh, I'd love to crack a case like that. You must be dead proud, Chief.
Mackintosh: It's not... it's not about pride, Mukherjee. It's about duty. Which is why I've accepted one last task before I hang up me truncheon.
Mukherjee: Oh?
Mackintosh: The new blue diamond exhibition.
Mukherjee: The diamond’s going back on display?
Mackintosh: Oh, aye. I've designed all the security arrangements meself. Foolproof.
Mukherjee: Yeah! Well, not unless Feathers cuts a hole in that skylight.
Mackintosh: Skylight?
Mukherjee: Or he removes the back plate off the air con.
Mackintosh: Air what?
Mukherjee: Oh! Actually, he could just get in through the gift shop.
Mackintosh: There's a gift shop?! Look, Feathers isn't going to get in, is he?
[Cut to Feathers picking up litter in the zoo.]
Mackintosh: (voiceover) He’s safely banged up in the zoo. Literally doing bird.
[Cut back to the police station.]
Mackintosh: Now, I've got a grand opening to prepare for. So get out there on the beat. Burn some shoe leather.
Mukherjee: (does triumph fist) Yes! (realizes) Ahem. I mean, (saluting) yes... sir.
Mackintosh: Hmph!
[Back in the house, Norbot quickly paints up a logo on a van.]
Wallace: Oh, yes. That's it, Norbot, make the letters nice and big. Oh-ho! Oh, that's just smashing.
[Gromit enters the garage.]
Wallace: Oh, I think you’re going to like this, Gromit.
[They show him the logo for Gnome Improvements with the slogan “NO JOB TOO SMALL.”]
Wallace: Ta-dah!
Norbot: Taaah-daaah!
Wallace: Gnome Improvements! A gnome-based garden and maintenance service. Woohoo! I told you we'd find a way to pay the bills, lad.
[Norbot puts in some gardening tools in the back of the van.]
Wallace: Uh, Norbot, haven’t you missed something?
Norbot: Oh! Yes, Mr. Wallace.
[Norbot adds WALLACE & NORBOT’S on top of the text. Gromit is utterly shocked by this.]
Wallace: Oh, yes, very good. Good job, Norbot. Oh, yes.
[Gromit crosses his arms and sighs in dismay. Suddenly, honking is heard outside.]
Onya Doorstep: (offscreen) Yoo-hoo!
Wallace: Hmm?
[They look to see Onya Doorstep and a cameraman by a news van outside their house.]
Wallace: Oh, it’s Up North News! Maybe they’ve heard about our Norbot. Oh, this will be great for publicity!
[Cut to a news report on TV.]
Onya Doorstep: (voiceover) And now, Up North News, presented by Anton Deck!
[Wallace, Gromit, and Norbot watch this from their home.]
Anton Deck: (on TV) Good evening. Now, we've all heard of cutting-edge technology - but how about cutting HEDGE technology? Hee-hee! Onya Doorstep has more.
[Cut to Onya Doorstep reporting about Norbot.]
Onya Doorstep: (on TV) Meet Norbot, the latest thing in GNOME help. He's the brainchild of a smart-thinking local inventor.
Wallace: Oh, smart-thinking! (nudges to Norbot) Oh, thank you very much.
[Cut to an interview with Wallace.]
Onya Doorstep: (on TV) So, Wallace, what can Norbot do around the house?
Wallace: (on TV) Oh, well, pretty much everything, Ms. Doorstep.
Norbot: (on TV) No job is too small! (starts trimming the hedge to have it shaped like a lady; singing) I’m a happy, nifty Norbot. I like to trim the hedge. (shows them the hedge) Ta-da! Artistic!
[Pan back to show the news report being watched by the guards in the zoo.]
Wallace: (on TV) I've been testing him out here in my own garden, and he's done a cracking job, as you can see.
Onya Doorstep: (on TV) He certainly seems very user-friendly, to use the jargon.
[After Feathers is done with clean-up, he goes to wash his flippers when he hears the news report.]
Onya Doorstep: (offscreen; on TV) So, what inspired you to create this handy device, Mr. Wallace?
Wallace: (offscreen; on TV) Oh, I've always loved inventing. Making things that help people. And Norbot is so very helpful. (chuckles) I'd say he's my greatest invention so far.
[He opens the peephole on the door and uses the reflection on the bottom of a sardine can to watch the news report.]
Wallace: (offscreen; on TV) We charge him up every night, and the next day he's raring to go again.
Onya Doorstep: (offscreen; on TV) He seems very obliging.
Wallace: (on TV) Oh, whatever your problem... he's the answer!
[Hearing this, Feathers stares at the newspaper clipping and gets an evil idea.]
Onya Doorstep: (offscreen; on TV) Well, sounds like this little gnome is going to make a huge difference around here. This is Onya Doorstep, for Up North News.
Prison Guard: (offscreen) Cage inspection!
[Feathers quickly sets the sardine can back on the bottom of a model ship as the guard enters his cage. She checks around the place for anything suspicious.]
Prison Guard: Move aside, jailbird!
[Feathers spots his red rubber glove in her pants. Soon, the guard is done inspecting the place.]
Prison Guard: All clear! (scoffs) What a deadbeat. Don’t know why everybody thinks he’s so clever.
[As she leaves, she doesn’t notice the glove being gone. Feathers had taken back the red rubber glove, he stretches it and lets go, snapping it. Cut to Wallace having his coffee served by his inventions.]
Wallace: A.I., lad? See how embracing technology makes our life better? (drinks his coffee) I mean, thanks to that handy device, we haven't had to use the old teapot for years. Ha-ha! Oh, yes, tech - that's the thing. So long as it knows who's boss, of course.
[Gromit is knitting when he notices some green and white balls of yarn shrinking.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Ho ho! Oh, look at him go!
[Norbot quickly knits a yarn-made onesie for Wallace, styled after his clothes.]
Norbot: Ta-da!
[Wallace grabs the onesie and looks at it in awe.]
Wallace: (joyfully) Oh! A Wallace onesie! (to Norbot) Oh, that’s champion, that is, Norbot! Oh-ho!
Norbot: A Wallace onesie!
[Gromit stares at the knitwork he was going to make for Wallace. Norbot has beaten him for Wallace’s attention.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Oh. I think this’ll fit perfectly.
Norbot: Perfectly!
[Hearing this, Gromit angrily stabs his knitting needles in a ball of yarn. In his bedroom, Gromit turns on the radio for classical music and starts reading a book called “A ROOM OF ONE’S OWN,” which was written by Virginia Woof. Just then, Norbot enters the room.]
Norbot: (while humming) Evening, Master Gromit.
[Norbot unplugs the radio and plugs a charger on his belt buckle.]
Norbot: Norbot recharge time.
[He gargles as he starts charging. Gromit tries to read, but he’s distracted by the annoying noise. He then tries to go to sleep, but Norbot’s eyes light up as he charges. Then, he shuts down. Gromit sighs in relief… only for Norbot to turn back on.]
Norbot: Recharge nearly 1%.
[Fed up with this, Gromit takes Norbot to the cellar and plugs him into a computer to charge.]
Norbot: Recharge time reactivated.
[He resumes charging while gargling as Gromit walks up the stairs.]
Norbot: Recharge nearly 2%.
[Gromit rolls his eyes and slams the door. Norbot is still charging while gargling. Back in the zoo, Feathers unloads a bag full of various objects he found while picking up litter. Getting out a spool of yarn and a popsicle stick, he gets to work. Feathers creates a makeshift device, consisting of the red rubber glove attached to a concertina arm. Once he’s done, Feathers approaches the newspaper clipping and grabs it from the wall to reveal a secret peephole underneath. He removes the brick and extends the glove to a computer while the guard sleeps. He types in Wallace’s name and address while a feather floats down onto the guard's nose. She was about to sneeze so Feathers, while sweating nervously, quickly placed the glove underneath her nose to stop her. Then, when she is about to sneeze again, the glove grabs a handkerchief for her to sneeze into. She goes back to sleep and Feathers wipes the sweat off his head. When Feathers tries to type more, the computer beeps negatively. The penguin gets out a telescope to see a password screen. He types in “GR0M1TD0G.” Buzzer rings. Two attempts left. Feathers ponders for a moment before typing in “1NV3NT0R.” Buzzer rings. One attempt left. Feathers scratches his head and looks around. Finally, he spots cheese on the newspaper photo. Wallace’s favorite food! Feathers smacks his own head. Of course! He types in “CHEESE.” Access granted. He’s entered Wallace’s computer. Suddenly, a reCAPTCHA screen appears. Which four photos have cheese in it? Two of them are cheese, one is a traffic light, and the other is the moon. He selects the two cheese photos and the moon photo. It grants him access to Wallace’s top-secret files, complete with an 8-bit Wallace and a retro rendition of the theme.]
8-Bit Wallace: Welcome to my Top-Secret Files!
[Feathers clicks on the Norbot icon and goes into the machine settings. When he arrives at core protocol, Feathers changes the gnome’s settings from GOOD to EVIL. He cracks his head and pushes the lever up. The new core protocol has been uploaded to Norbot. Norbot twitches and bobs his head while being hacked as Feathers types in new instructions on a computer. Soon, he was now under the control of the dastardly penguin.]
Norbot: New instructions received.
[Norbot approaches his own blueprint.]
Norbot: No job is too small!
[Norbot holds up a power drill and a buzzsaw and starts working. Back in the zoo, Feathers puts the clipping on the wall before lying in bed while a storm rages outside. The next morning, Gromit enters the dining room as he did yesterday. As he reads “PARADISE LOST,” he pushes the bowl to let the mechanical hand pour cereal and milk into it. Then, buzzing is heard from the portrait.]
Wallace: (on com) Get me up, Gromit! We've got a right busy day ahead.
[Gromit shakes his head and pulls the lever.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Thanks, lad! We-e-e-e!
[As he’s about to eat his cereal, he stops to notice Norbot walking before stopping in the doorway. He turns around, and since he's now under Feathers's control, he shows black eyes. Gromit looks in utter shock. It slowly enters the room as Wallace arrives.]
Wallace: Ooh! Ho-ho! Morning, team. (eats his toast) Mm. Ooh, loads of new messages.
[He turns on his answering machine.]
Woman: (offscreen; on speaker) Gnome Improvements? I saw you on the telly. Could Norbot come and mow my...?
Man: (offscreen; on speaker) lily pond...
Woman 2: (offscreen; on speaker) ..with a stump-grinder...
Man 2: (offscreen; on speaker) ..and put well-rotted manure...
Woman 3: (offscreen; on speaker) ..inside my conservatory!
[He then turns it off.]
Wallace: Talk about celebrity, lad. He's a household Gnome! (chuckles) At this rate, we'll need a whole army of Norbots. Ho-ho! Oh...
[Norbot claps his hands twice and the place starts shaking.]
Wallace: Hmm? Eh?
[Gromit heads to the cellar while staring suspiciously at Norbot. When he opens the door, he finds an army of blue Norbots marching up in unison. All of which have black eyes. He is utterly shocked by this.]
Wallace: What on earth?! Hmm?
Norbot: More Norbots for Mr. Wallace.
Wallace: Uh… (laughs nervously) Uh... Oh. Well, that IS smart. It's like he knows what we need before we even know ourselves. Ha! The more gnomes, the merrier! Right, Gromit?
Norbot: The more gnomes, the merrier.
Norbots: Yes, Mr. Wallace!
[Norbot then stares creepily at Gromit with his black eyes]
Wallace: Ha-ha! What could possibly go wrong?
[Gromit’s eyes widened in worry. Later, a tracking device is set up on top of the house.]
Wallace: (offscreen) That's it, up you go.
[Inside, he sets up mission control for Gnome Improvements as Gromit serves him tea.]
Wallace: Aha! A bit of fine tuning… Oh, that's good. No need for us to go with them, Gromit. I just track them with my new GNOMING device.
[As Wallace drinks his tea, Gromit sees the Norbots huddled up before entering the van with the lead robot staring at the dog.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Mm… Ah! Lovely tea. (onscreen) All we have to do is sit back and let the machines take the strain. Right, Gromit? Gromit?
[Gromit drives the Gnome Improvements van down the street.]
Wallace: (on com) Gromit? Gromit! I said we don't need to go with them. Don't you trust my inventions, lad?
[The dog stares at Norbot, who turns to stare ominously at him with his black eyes. The other Norbots stare at him as well. Cut to Wallace in his house.]
Wallace: Hmm. Never mind. Time to unleash the gnomes!
[He presses a red button, and the scooters are released with the Norbots riding on them.]
Norbot: Go, go, go!
[The Norbots get out of the van while riding on their scooters.]
Norbot: Woohoo! Ha-ha! Wa-hey!
[One of them even does a neat trick.]
Norbot: Sick!
[Two other Norbots ride off a ramp.]
Norbots: Yeah! Rad!
[Cut to Wallace in Mission Control.]
Wallace: Oh, yes. All present and correct. Remember, I want you all working like a finely tuned machine.
[Cut to the Norbots ringing the doorbells of each house. They all get ready to do their jobs for the neighborhood’s gardens. They toss gardening tools to each other, with a lawnmower squishing one of them.]
Norbot: (in pain) Ow!
[Gromit enters one of the gardens to see the Norbots singing while working.]
Norbot: (singing) Ohhhh, we’re happy, nifty Norbots! We love to do our job! When we come round and fix your house, we make up quite a mob. We dig, and paint, and plant, and snip. We break our little backs, and never stop to have a brew ‘cause we’ve got battery packs.
[He spots some of them wheeling in some objects. He tries to follow them, but the Norbots set up a fence to stop him. Cut to Mukherjee talking to someone up above through her megaphone.]
Mukherjee: (via megaphone) This is the police! Come down quietly. You’re only making this harder on yourself.
[Cut to that someone being a scared cat stuck up in a tree. Her owner tries to convince her with a ball of yarn.]
Norbot: (offscreen) Beep, beep!
[They see the Norbots riding in on their scooters.]
Norbot: Beep, beep! Coming through!
[Mukherjee grabs the owner and they both jump out of the way. Cut to a Norbot karate-chopping a tile in two.]
Norbot: Patio chop!
[As they sing, the Norbot throws the tiles to make a patio floor, nearly hitting Gromit. Then, they drop in a relaxation spot, nearly squishing Gromit if not for the hole in the middle of it. One pushes in a garden shed, another yanks the cord off a toilet, the third uses a hacksaw to cut off part of a drainpipe, and another uses an axe to chop at a wooden pole. One dances atop a rolled patch of land while the others roll another up to knock down Gromit.]
Norbots: (singing) Oh, we’re jolly, useful Norbots. We do all sorts of stuff. When we get asked to do a task, we can’t work hard enough. We push, and pull, and sort, and chop. We think our chores are fun. We won’t delay. Keep out our way until the job is done.
[Cut to Wallace hanging up the phone.]
Wallace: The Norbots are a triumph, Gromit! We’ll soon have our bills paid off.
[As Gromit gets up, he pushes through the trees to see a weathervane being pulled down from the roof by rope. He then gets up on the fence to look for the Norbots, but they’ve disappeared. Behind him, a hammer removes a nail from the fence plank, causing Gromit to fall down, bounces off a trampoline, and lands in a wheelbarrow. The wheelbarrow then rolls into a garden shed with Norbot holding the door. Another Norbot puts a potted plant in front of the door to barricade it.]
Norbot: Neat and tidy!
[Gromit tries to get out, but the potted plant blocks the door. He looks out the window to see the Norbots going off with the neighbors' objects. He bangs on the window, which gets Norbot’s attention. He turns to stare at Gromit sinisterly before walking away. Gromit bangs on the window again. Cut to a husband handing a birthday cake to his wife.]
Mavis's Husband: Oh, happy birthday, Mavis.
Mavis: Oh, smashing!
[As they prepare to kiss, her husband drops the cake onto the table, only for it to smash on the ground. They look down to see the glass on their table is gone.]
Mavis: (shocked) Oh! What happened to me glass table?
[Cut to the male neighbor inside his shed, he finds his tools are missing. He gasps and drops his cup of coffee in shock.]
Male Neighbor: (shocked) Where’s me tools?!
[Cut to the female neighbor with her shed now gone. She gasps and drops her potted plant in shock.]
Female Neighbor: (shocked) Where’s me shed?!
[Cut to the husband and wife.]
Wife: (shocked) Where’s our drainpipe?!
[Water gets dumped from above on the wife. The Norbots drive the van back to Wallace & Gromit’s house and close the garage door. Meanwhile, in the police station, Mukherjee gets several phone calls from the citizens.]
Mukherjee: (on phones) Hello. Police. Another burglary? What's the address? Hello. Police. A weathervane? When did it go missing? Hello. Police. (laughs) Someone's pinched your big butt?! Oh! Water butt. I see what you mean. I... Hang on.
[Mukherjee tries to answer the phone with her shoe, only for Mackintosh to answer it]
Mackintosh: (answers the phone) Ahem! Hello. You have reached the Old Bill...
Mukherjee: (slips) Ah!
Mackintosh: (on phone) We're experiencing a high volume of calls at the moment, so please leave your crime after the beep. Beep! (hangs up) (to Mukherjee) What's going on here?!
Mukherjee: Oh, Chief! It's a spate of burglaries, like, a proper crimewave.
Mackintosh: I can't be dealing with a crimewave! I've got enough on me hands as it is. (holds up two ties) What do you think, blue or black? For the grand opening.
Mukherjee: Uh... blue?
Mackintosh: Ah, yeah. See what you're saying. Matches the diamond.
Mukherjee: Any road, about these robberies - I've been building this crime wall, trying to find common themes and such.
[She puts a photo on the crime wall, among pictures of neighbors and objects.]
Mackintosh: Never... never mind crime walls. What's your copper's gut telling you?
Mukherjee: Well, all the clues seem to point to this man, a local inventor.
[She points at a picture of Wallace and Norbot with a business card for Wallace & Norbot’s Gnome Improvements.]
Mackintosh: Wallace? The upstanding citizen who helped put Feathers behind bars? Yeah, hey, why not? You catch one super villain, doesn't make you a saint, does it?
Mukherjee: Should we say he's a suspect, then?
Mackintosh: Just bring him in and book him. I've got a speech to write.
Mukherjee: Really? Don't we need… evidence?
Mackintosh: Oh, I don't know. All these fancy ideas you get from training college. Oh… Right, come on, then!
[Cut to an Up North News report on TV.]
Anton Deck: (on TV) News just in. We’re getting reports of a crimewave affecting gardens across the region. Onya Doorstep has more.
[As Wallace works on another invention, Norbot changes the channel to show a ‘50s sci-fi B-movie. A man is about to give a woman some flowers when a giant robot appears to destroy the city.]
Woman: (on TV; dramatically) The robots, they're taking over the world! They'll destroy us all, I tell you!
[Norbot quickly shuts off the TV.]
Wallace: Oh, that's a bit hasty, Norbot. I might have been watching that.
Norbot: Time to relax, Mr. Wallace.
[A blue Norbot sets down a harp.]
Wallace: Oh, yes, I do like a bit of relaxation.
[Then, he uses a flamethrower on his arm to light the fireplace.]
Wallace: Huh? Eh?
[Then, the Norbot starts playing lullaby music with the harp. The Norbots put slippers on Wallace’s feet and wrap him in a blanket.]
Wallace: I... Ooh! What's all this in aid of?
Norbot: Massage, Mr. Wallace?
[He starts massaging Wallace.]
Wallace: Oh… Oh, yes… Oh, that's lovely…
[Then, another puts in spoonfuls of Snoozy Choc into Wallace’s cup before pouring all of it in.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Oh, dear, you are spoiling me.
Norbot: Snoozy Choc?
[The Norbot serves him the cup.]
Wallace: Oh, I don't mind if I do.
[As he drinks, the Norbot encourages Wallace to drink it all down.]
Norbot: Come along.
Wallace: Oh, steady on!
Norbot: (makes him drink it all) Drink up, Mr. Wallace.
Wallace: (tired) Mm...
[Wallace then falls asleep and hiccups a little. The Norbots sneak back into the cellar. Meanwhile, Gromit manages to get out of the shed by cutting a dog-shaped hole in the wall with clippers. He rolls up his arm in anger. Later, he arrives home by scooter and goes inside to find Wallace. The dog tries to wake him up, but he’s too sleepy. He notices the empty cup and the Snoozy Choc container nearby. No doubt it was the Norbots. Just then, he sees flashing coming from the keyhole of the cellar. Gromit looks through it, but a Norbot blocks his sight. Gromit backs away before getting an idea. Cut to Gromit opening the door of the basement. He uses some rope to climb down into the basement. He then hides behind some boxes. As he peeks out, he notices something that shocks him. A huge construction site with tons of Norbots working like a crew. One of them melts a sign in a bubbly cauldron while another uses a see-saw to get to the upper level to hand his fellow some supplies. Gromit spots a bathtub being lifted up by rope. As he tries to get closer to investigate, he steps on something that squeaks. The dog looks down to see he’s stepped on a rubber duck. He then looks up to see the Norbots staring at him creepily. Gromit carefully picks up the rubber duck and sets it on a wooden crate before quickly running off. Upstairs, Gromit splashes water on Wallace, but he’s still snoozing. He then gets an idea. He goes to get the Pat-O-Matic and activates it to wake Wallace up by patting him hard.]
Wallace: (while being patted) Ooh...! Ah...! What...! Oh, oh! Gromit! (the machine slaps him) Oh!
[Gromit turns off the machine.]
Wallace: What on earth...?!
[Gromit points to the cellar door and Wallace heads to it.]
Wallace: What? Is something wrong? Is it the Norbots? Well, this had better be important, lad. I don't know what's got into you lately.
[Gromit crosses his arms and frowns. Wallace opens the door and turns on the light to see something in surprise.]
Wallace: (surprised) Well, I'll go to the top of my stairs! That's absolutely… spotless!
[Gromit’s eyes widen in shock, and he looks to find the construction site gone but instead Norbots cleaning up the cellar.]
Wallace: Oh, look at them. Oh, yes. Oh, you are good gnomes, doing all these chores at this time of night. I don't know why you were so keen to show me, though, lad. Couldn't it have waited till the morning?
[Gromit sees Norbot hugging him and shakes him off.]
Wallace: Ho-ho! Daft pooch. (yawns) Well, I've got a nap to finish before I turn in for the night.
[As he goes upstairs, the Norbots stare up at Wallace.]'
Wallace: (offscreen) Oh, yes. Norbot, my best invention ever.
[The Norbots then stare creepily at Gromit. Suddenly, knocking is heard at the front door.]
Wallace: Oooh. Did you order a pizza, lad?
[Knocking intensifies]
Wallace: (approaches the door) Alright, alright, hold your horses!
[He opens the door and Mukherjee charges in with a battering ram...]
Mukherjee: POLIIIIICE!!!!
[...but she misses and crashes into the stairs.]
Mukherjee: Oops. Sorry!
[Mackintosh enters the house.]
Mackintosh: (groans) Give me strength.
Wallace: (confused) Hmm?
Mackintosh: Right. Let’s get this over with.
Wallace: (confused) Get what over with?
Mackintosh: (gives Wallace a warrant) We have a warrant to search your premises.
Wallace: (confused) Huh?
Mackintosh: Mukherjee, read him his rights.
Wallace: (confused) Eh?
Mukherjee: Ahem. Anything you say may be taken down and used as evidence against you.
Wallace: But I haven't done anything!
Mukherjee: We believe you to be guilty of theft by gnome.
Wallace: (shocked) I’m guilty of theft by gnome?!
Mackintosh: Ha-ha! There you go! He admits it. Write that down.
Wallace: This is ridiculous. My Norbots aren't thieves. They're down in my workshop right now, doing a bit of spring cleaning.
Mukherjee: There's our evidence, Chief.
Mackintosh: All right, check 'em out, then.
[Cut to Mukherjee kicking down the basement door. She looks around with her flashlight turned on before Mackintosh flicks the nearby lightswitch on. However, the Norbots are gone.]
Mackintosh: Well, I don't see any gnomes.
Wallace: Eh? They were here a moment ago. I don't understand it. Uh... they must have just popped out to finish a job.
Mackintosh: (to Wallace) Look, sunshine, I have not got time for your games.
Wallace: Eh?
Mukherjee: (notices Mackintosh leaving) What…? Where are you going, chief?
Mackintosh: I'm off to get me 'tache trimmed. For the big day! Anyway… Look, if you need evidence, Mukherjee, find some. I don't care what it takes. (indicates at Wallace) Get this man behind bars, where he belongs. I want this case wrapped up, pronto.
Mukherjee: Understood, sir. Right. Evidence.
Wallace: (confused) Evidence?
Mukherjee: (on com) This is PC Mukherjee calling for backup. We’ll need a van. A big one!
Wallace: (confused) Huh?
[The next morning, all of Wallace’s inventions are gone and police tape is wrapped around the place. Gromit looks around in the empty cellar. Cut to a broken portrait of Wallace and Gromit with an eye and arm dangling out.]
Wallace: (on com) Uh, Gromit? Get me up, lad! There's a good pooch.
[Cut to Wallace pushing the empty spot where the button once was.]
Wallace: Oh, wait a mo'. You can't, can you? (as he gets up) They've taken all me inventions away! For "forensic examination"! Or something. Outrageoooous…
[He steps in an empty hole, falling partway into it. Cut to Gromit checking the empty cellar.]
Mukherjee: (voiceover) We believe you to be guilty of theft by gnome...
Wallace: (voiceover) They were here a moment ago...
Mackintosh: (voiceover) Well, I don't see any gnomes...
[Gromit picks up an apron and a brush. Cut to Wallace trying to put on one sock while jumping.]
Wallace: (struggling) Who needs technology anyway? Pah! Not me!
[As he hops around, his other foot lands in a bucket and he slides back into some yellow police tape screaming. He falls into a bathtub full of cold water.]
Wallace: (shivering) Ah, that's nippy!
[The bathtub slides. Wallace turns around and sees the bathtub is approaching a hole. He screams. The bathtub crashes into a hole, sending Wallace flying out of the house screaming and falling into a bed of begonias.]
Wallace: (in pain) Ooh, me begonias...
[Back with Gromit, he has no luck figuring out what’s going on. He kicks a can near a stool with a bucket of paintbrush and water.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Oh, I think I need a cup of tea, lad.
[Gromit heads upstairs and slams the door, causing the bucket to fall and spill water onto the floor. The water seeps into the floor. Upstairs, Gromit grabs the old teapot from the teapot as Wallace puts on his onesie and goes into the dining room.]
Wallace: (groans) Oh, ooh... Right, tea. I suppose we'll just have to make it the old way.
[He sits on something, which hurts his butt.]
Wallace: Ouch!
[He pulls out the yarn ball with the two needles stabbing through it. Gromit sets the old teapot on the table.]
Wallace: How do you do this, now? I haven't used one of these for so long, I've forgotten how they work. (taps on the top like a button) It's broken!
[He pushes the teapot away and it nearly slides off the table before Gromit grabs it.]
Wallace: There’s clearly been a mistake. My Norbots are innocent! You believe me, don’t you, lad?
[Gromit is unsure about this.]
Wallace: (sadly) Don’t you, lad?
[Gromit doesn’t say anything, but Wallace knows what he means.]
Wallace: (hurt) Oh… Well, I think you’ve said quite enough, Gromit. You’ve never trusted my Norbot, have you? And I made him just for you. Mark my words, the police will be back soon enough to apologize.
[He hears knocking on the door.]
Wallace: Ah, what did I tell you? Ha-ha! There they are now. (approaches the door) Everything will be right as rain before you can say...
[He opens the door to find…]
Elderly Lady: (angrily) Nasty, crooked, thieving little toe rag!
Wallace: (confused) Huh?
[…an angry mob holding anti-gnome signs.]
Mob Member: (angrily) Scoundrel!
Mob Member 2: (angrily) Where's our stuff?!
Wife: (angrily) I want a refund!
Male Neighbor: (angrily) What have your gnomes done with me bath tub?!
Mayor: (angrily) And where’s me glasses? (notices his glasses are on his head) Oh, they’re on me head! Sorry!
[Gromit looks through the window in worry.]
Female Mob Member: (offscreen; angrily) Where's my big butt?!
[Cut to Onya Doorstep reporting.]
Onya Doorstep: I’m live outside the West Wallaby Street house of the evil inventor, Mr. Wallace!
[The camera turns to face a shocked Wallace.]
Wallace: (shocked) Evil?! Don’t you mean smart-thinking?
Onya Doorstep: Oh, you think it’s smart to teach gnomes to steal?
Wallace: No! But if only my gnomes were here, maybe I could clear my name.
Obya Doorstep: (chuckles) But where are the gnomes?
Wallace: (pleading) For the last time, I don’t know!
Mr. Convenience: (as he drives by) Oh, yeah, very convenient.
Angry Mob: (chanting) Where are the gnomes?! Where are the gnomes?! Where are the gnomes?!
[The news report is seen on TV in the zoo while Feathers shaves himself. He nods evilly as his plan is going along accordingly. Back with the duo, Wallace goes back into the house, panicking over his predicament.]
Wallace: (scared) This is a nightmare, Gromit! The police want to throw me in jail, the neighbors all hate me, and the press think I'm evil! And how am I supposed to find my gnomes, if they've taken me gnoming device
[Gromit pounds his fist in his other paw. He’s got an idea. He goes to the garage and heads for the van, only to find it lost both its engine and its wheel. He then uncovers a motorcycle nearby and gets on before driving off. Meanwhile, at the police station, Mackintosh enters to find the office is filled with Wallace’s confiscated inventions.]
Mackintosh: Wha...? Never mind Scotland Yard. Looks more like a scrapyard in here.
Mukherjee: It's Wallace's stuff, Chief. You told me to find some evidence.
Mackintosh: I didn't mean take the whole flippin' house! (spots the Pat-O-Matic) I mean, what's THIS in aid of? (activates it)
Mukherjee: Oh! Chief, I wouldn't…
[The Pat-O-Matic pats the chief inspector real hard. Mukherjee looks in fear]
Mackintish: Ah! Oh! Ow! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ow! Gerroff! (the machine shuts off) That gizmo just assaulted a police officer! Add that to t'list of charges, Mukherjee.
Mukherjee: But that's just it, sir. There's nothing here to pin Wallace to the burglaries.
Mackintiosh: They're his gnomes, aren't they?
Mukherjee: I'm just... I'm getting the feeling that… well, he may not be our man.
[Cut outside the police station.]
Mackintosh: (offscreen) That Wallace is a wrong 'un! End of story!
[Gromit arrives at the building. Back inside, Gromit lifts up the table flip and sneakily takes the Gnoming Device without being noticed.]
Mackintosh: Now, if you don't mind, we'll deal with that villain later. Right now, we've got important duties to attend to up at the museum.
Mukherjee: But, sir...
Mackintosh: It's my big day, Mukherjee, the culmination of 40 years of service. Nothing can go wrong.
Mukherjee: Uh, no, sir.
Mackintosh: We have to stay focused. Watch like hawks.
Mukherjee: Absolutely, sir.
Mackintosh: Miss nothing.
[As Gromit leaves with the device, the table flap briefly closes, startling them.]
Mukherjee: Huh?
Mackintosh: Eh?
Mukherjee: (shrugs) Hmm.
Mackintosh: Oh.
[Cut to Gromit, he checks the radar screen with the gnoming device. He sees their position going round a corner, so he follows them. As he drives, he sees a truck approaching him. However, it’s just a normal truck carrying traffic cones. Gromit quickly swerves out of the way before going downhill and crashing through a fence. He looks at the radar to see the position moving towards him. The dog gets off and grabs a net. He checks the radar to see the position getting closer and closer. However, he doesn’t see them. Instead, something glows underneath him. Gromit follows the glow to see it heading to the West Wallaby Zoo. Later, Gromit uses a leash to grapple up onto a tree branch. He gets out a pair of binoculars to look around. When he goes to the penguin pen, he finds a chair. The chair turns around to reveal Feathers is sitting in it while stroking a baby seal on his lap. Then, something bubbles up in the pool. The rubber duck from the cellar pops up before a makeshift submarine rises up from underneath. Gromit is surprised by this. That’s why the Norbots stole the objects from the neighborhood. The Norbots get out and Feathers pats the seal pup before walking to the sub. They salute Feathers as he walks up the sub. One of them plays Amazing Freaking Grace on the bagpipes, to which Feathers punches him away in annoyance. Gromit sees Feathers put on the red rubber glove on his head, admiring himself in the mirror. The disguised Feathers turns around to see Gromit staring at him. Startled, the dog lowers his binoculars and stumbles back. Feathers gestures to Norbot. Gromit hears sawing noises and turns to find Norbot sawing off the branch he’s on. Feathers mockingly salutes Gromit, who then falls off. Norbot realizes he was also on the branch that he sawed off.]
Norbot: Ah.
[He falls and lands on his back, triggering reset mode.]
Norbot: Reset mode activated.
[Gromit gets up to see the submarine sink into the pool below. Just then, he hears growling behind him. He turns around to see a dangerous lion looming over him. He charges, but Gromit stuffs the DO NOT FEED sign in his mouth. Gromit quickly grabs the leash and swings away just as the lion breaks the sign. Meanwhile, Norbot reverts back to his old self.]
Norbot: Restored to inventor settings.
[As Gromit prepares to leave, he spots Norbot approaching the lion.]
Norbot: Hi! I’m your Nifty Odd-jobbing Robot. Call me Norbot.
[As the lion approaches him, the robot gnome gets out a pair of scissors.]
Norbot: Initiating pruning process.
[He proceeds to cut at the lion’s mane.]
Norbot: Neat and tidy!
[Gromit grabs the Norbot and quickly leaves before the lion could get to them. He looks around in confusion before staring at his mane-cut. Cut to the makeshift submarine going down the sewer line. Inside, Feathers is playing Johann Sebastian Bach’s Toccata and Fugue in D Minor on an organ while the newspaper is up front, showing his defeat by the duo. Feathers turns the chair around while wearing his chicken disguise. He nods before drinking his cup of coffee. The cup reads “WORLD’S BEST BOSS.” The Norbots are seen as his working crew.]'
Norbots: Set coordinates. Target located! Two degrees west. Tracking.
[Up above, Gromit looks at the radar screen to see the position heading for the museum. However, Norbot wipes the screen clean.]
Norbot: No job is too small!
[Gromit grabs his cloth and throws it away, though Norbot gets out another.]
Norbot: Neat and tidy!
[The two round a corner.]
Norbot: Wa-ha-hey!
[Cut to the museum, Mackintosh and Muhkerjee get ready to open the vault.]
Mackintosh: Right, here we go, then. This is it, Mukherjee. Are we ready?
Mukherjee: Couldn't be readier, Chief.
[They both open up the vault to open the safe and grab the chest from inside it. Gromit and Norbot follow the submarine's position while on land.]
Norbot: (singing) I'm a happy, nifty Norbot! I love to do a job!
[They speed past a poster promoting the Blue Diamond exhibition at the museum. Inside the museum, Mackintosh speaks to the crowd as he sets the chest on display.]'
Mackintosh: It's been my great pride over the years to serve this community, knowing there's nothing more reassuring than the sight of an un-informed police officer...
[The crowd is confused by this.]
Mayor: Hmm?
Mukherjee: Ahem!
Mackintosh: Sorry? Oh! Uniformed! UNIFORMED police officer. Can't read me own writing. Anyway, now I have one final, happy duty to perform.
[Cut to the submarine, it gets closer to the diamond’s position, displayed by a Norbot moving a potato with a straw sticking out towards a cardboard diamond.]
Norbot: Contact imminent.
[Soon, it reaches the spot and Feathers nods to a Norbot.]
Norbot: (salutes) Going up!
[He pulls the flush cord, making the sub drop an anvil to make it go up. Outside, Gromit and Norbot arrive at the museum.]
Norbot: Coming through!
[As the motorcycle reaches the doors to the museum, the submarine rises up below. Cut to inside the museum.]
Mackintosh: Ladies and gentlemen, shall we?
[He opens the chest with the password 999. The submarine continues to rise. Outside, Gromit tries to open the doors, but they’re locked. He even sees a sign that reads “NO DOGS ALLOWED.” Inside the museum, Mackintosh opens the chest, puts on a glove, and holds up the bag. Gromit looks through the window to see the chief inspector get something out of the bag.]
Mackintosh: And there we have it, ladies and gentlemen. Safely on display for all posterity… the Blue Diamond!
[When he lifts it up, Mukherjee, Onya Doorstep, the cameraman and the crowd gasp while Gromit is surprised.]
Mayor: It’s not as shiny in real life, is it?
Mackintosh: (confused) You what? (notices he’s holding a turnip) Wha...?! (drops it into the display in shock) That's a flippin' TURNIP!!!
[The crowd gasps in shock.]
Mukherjee: You did check inside the sack, Chief, before you put it in the vault?
Mackintosh: Erm… (realizes in horror) Oh…
[Cut to a flashback of him storing the bag in the vault without checking it.]
Mackintosh: Right. Anyone fancy a pint?
[Cut back to present day.]
Mackintosh: (embarrassed) O-o-o-h...
Mukherjee: So, if you've been guarding a turnip all these years, then where is the Blue Diamond?!
[Gromit ponders before going back to his motorcycle. He looks at the radar screen to find the submarine at 62 West Wallaby Street. The home of him and Wallace! Gromit reels back in shock. Meanwhile, in the house, Wallace is sadly playing the Wallace & Gromit theme on the piano.]
Wallace: (moans sadly) Gnomes have gone. Gadgets have gone. Even me dog’s gone.
[Suddenly, the place starts to shake.]
Wallace: Huh? What on earth?
[He goes to the cellar to see a secret door open on the floor.]
Wallace: (gasps) I didn’t know it could do that.
[Then, the makeshift submarine rises up from the water.]
Wallace: (offscreen) What the Dickens?!
[Outside, Gromit arrives before bursting into the house with a cricket bat. Then, a door opens near him.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Come in, Gromit! Everything’s fine. Just come straight in.
[Gromit goes into the room, only to find Wallace tied up and a Norbot speaking in Wallace’s voice.]
Norbot: Everything’s fine. Just come straight in.
[Gromit finds himself surrounded by Norbots.]
Norbots: Everything’s fine. Everything’s fine. Everything’s fine. Everything’s fine.
[A Norbot then captures Gromit. Meanwhile, Mackintosh and Muhkerjee leave the museum.]
Mackintosh: This is a disaster! This has made me the laughing stock of the town!
Mukherjee: Uh, sir, are you OK?
Mackintosh: I'm fine! I've just got an allergy to turnips.
Mukherjee: Should we haul Feathers in, sir? He had the diamond last.
Mackintosh: No… No, he didn't.
Mukherjee: What? You mean...?
Mackintosh: Exactly. Come on!
[As they head off, we cut back to Wallace and Gromit, now tied up. Wallace removes the cover from his mouth.]
Wallace: Sorry I couldn't warn you, lad! I got grabbed by the Norbots. A very unpleasant experience. Turns out they are bad, after all. I just don’t get it. Why would me own gnomes turn against me?
[The Norbots move aside to reveal Feathers in his chicken disguise.]
Wallace: A chicken… behind all this?!
[Feathers removes the red glove on his head as he reveals himself to the tied-up Wallace and Gromit.]
Wallace: (shocked) Good grief, it’s you… again! But you're supposed to be locked up. Well, you won't get away with it, you know… whatever it is you're trying to get away with.
[Feathers gestures to a Norbot to grab the teapot.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Eh? Oh? Oh, fancy a cup of tea, do you? Oh, the cheek of it!
[Norbot hands Feathers the teapot.]
Wallace: Well, I wouldn't bother with that teapot - it doesn't work.
[Feathers lifts up the teapot…]
Wallace: Eh?
[…and drops it to the ground, shattering it to pieces.]
Wallace: (shocked) What?
[From the remains of the teapot lies the Blue Diamond. Feathers picks it up and stares at it proudly.]
Wallace: (shocked) Well, butter me crumpets! It can't be! It's the Blue Diamond! He must have switched it all that time ago.
[Transition to the same night from the opening of the film.]
Wallace: (on phone) Oh, is that the police? (as Gromit brings in cups of cocoa) We’ve got someone here you might be interested in.
[Feathers struggles while tied up before staring at both the Blue Diamond and the Turnip on the table.]
Wallace: (offscreen; chuckles) He’s a slippery one.
[The penguin gets a sinister idea. Transition back to present day, Wallace realizes what his evil plan is.]
Wallace: Oh, so that's your plan! You get away scot-free with the diamond, and everyone thinks I'm the evil inventor who stole it.
[Feathers nods while holding the blue diamond.]
Wallace: (shocked) Why, that's… that’s… vengeance… most fowl!
[The Norbots put the duo in the closet and shut the door.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Oi! Let us out!
[Feathers gets in the van and turns it on with the Norbots operating.]
Norbots: (imitating car noises) Brrm! Brrm-brrm! Brrm! Brrm-brrm! Ne-e-e-e-e-e-eewr! Eee-e-e-e-e! Brrm! Ne-e-e-e-eewr!
[They drive out of the house and down the streets. Cut to Mackintosh and Mukherjee riding on a two-seat bicycle.]
Mackintosh: I can't believe someone's nicked me bike saddle!
Mukherjee: I know, sir. Sorry, sir. You took me off that case.
Mackintosh: Still, we've got our culprit. Yeah, all this time, Wallace just wanted the diamond for himself!
Mukherjee: So, you were right all along, Chief. He Is a wrong 'un.
Mackintosh: Aye, too right. And if he thinks he's got away with this, he's got another thing coming!
[Cut back to Wallace and Gromit in the closet.]
Wallace: (sadly) Oh, this is all my fault, lad. I only ever meant to invent good things - things that help people. I never imagined they could be used for wrong-doing.
[Just then, they hear something approach the door. Wallace thinks it's going to be Mackintosh & Mukherjee]
Wallace: (scared) Oh, 'eck. It's the law. I'm done for now.
[The door opens, but it’s just Norbot holding the leaf blower.]
Norbot: Morning, Mr. Wallace! Master Gromit.
Wallace: (surprised) Norbot! Where have YOU been?
Norbot: No job is too small!
Wallace: Sounds like he's back to his nifty odd-jobbing self. We're saved! Ha-ha!
[However, Norbot puts the leaf blower in the closet and grabs a nearby vacuum cleaner.]
Norbot: Neat and tidy!
[He closes the door behind him.]
Wallace: Huh? Wait, Norbot! Come back! (to Gromit) Don't worry, lad. He's voice-activated. Norbot!
[Norbot is too busy vacuuming the house to hear them.]
Norbot: (singing) I’m a happy, nifty Norbot. I love to clean the house.
Wallace: (offscreen) Norbot! Norbo-o-o-ot!
[Cut back to the closet.]
Wallace: Norbot!
[Gromit notices the leaf blower and gets an idea.]
Wallace: Norbot! Norbot!
[He rocks the chair over to the leaf blower.]
Wallace: Oh... Huh? Steady on.
[He then kicks at it.]
Wallace: Huh? What Are you up to, lad? Huh?
[The leaf blower falls onto him and Gromit grabs it with his legs before activating it with his nose.]
Wallace: Hardly the time to start leaf-blowing!
[The chair starts shaking.]
Wallace: What on eaaaaaarth...!
[The chair spins around before bursting out of the closet as the leaf blower propels them. They collide with the vacuuming Norbot.]
Norbot: Wa-hey!
Wallace: (scared) GROMIIIIIIITTTTT!!!
[They see they’re heading for the door.]
Norbot: Collision warning!
[Gromit flips the handle to bend the chair over. Cut to Mackintosh and Mukherjee approaching their house.]
Mackintosh: (angrily) Right, someone's got a big surprise coming!
[He knocks on the door, only for the gang to knock it down on him as they speed out of the house.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Sorry!
Mukherjee: Chief, they're getting away! Chief?
[She hears a doorbell from below and looks down. She then opens the door to find a dazed Mackintosh.]
Mackintosh: (dazed) Did we get ‘em?
[Meanwhile, Feathers plays Matt Monro’s “Born Free” on the radio as the van leaps over a barricade.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Careful!
[The group crashes through the barricade.]
Wallace: Oh! There's Feathers! Nice work, Gromit. Let's get after the bounder.
[Gromit nods in agreement.]
Norbot: More speed, Mr. Wallace?
Wallace: Eh?!
[He sets the leaf blower to TURBLOW, speeding up the chair.]
Wallace: Whoa!
[They catch up to Feathers]
Wallace: Steady, Norbot. Take her up, Gromit.
[Gromit pushes the lever to move the chair up to Feathers’s level.]
Wallace: (to Feathers) Hand over the diamond, you little tyke! (to Norbot) Norbot, fetch!
Norbot: Right-o!
[Norbot reaches through the window and tries to grab the diamond.]
Wallace: That's it. That's it, Norbot.
[However, Feathers rounds a corner to steer away from the heroes.]
Wallace: Whoa! By 'eck!
[He drives down an alleyway when he spots banana peels up ahead.]
Norbot: (offscreen) Banana alert!
[Feathers hits the brakes, but the van drives over the peels, causing it to skid.]
Norbot: Skidding!
[Wallace screams]
[Norbots scream. The van spins around until it crashes.]
Norbots: Ow! Ow! Ouch!
[Feathers gets out of the vehicle with the bag in hand.]
Wallace: (offscreen) There he is. After him!
[He spots the group coming, so he and the Norbots rush over to the river. They look around before spotting the Accrington Queen barge floating by. Sign reads “THE PERFECT GETAWAY.” Cut back to the heroes, they’re about to hit a dead end.]
Wallace: Norbot, stop this thing!
Norbot: Yes, Mr. Wallace.
[He uses the rope to grab at a pole, spinning the chair around.]
Wallace: Not like tha-a-a-a-at!
[They fly off the chair and land inside the Dun-Nickin’ barge.]
Norbot: Emergency stop complete.
[Gromit gets up and goes out to see the Accrington Queen sailing away.]
Knuckles: He's getting away!
Kevin: We
Ladybug: Lucky Charm! [uses her Lucky Charm power and receives a wellington boot] A rubber boot? What am I supposed to do with this?!
[she uses her Lucky vision, but can't see anything.]
He goes to the control panel and connects two wires to get the Dun-Nickin’ running. Feathers turns to see Gromit in pursuit, glaring intensely.]
Wallace: Gromit...!
[Gromit speeds the barge up, knocking Wallace off his feet.]
Wallace: Whoa!
[Norbot grabs onto a flagpole to hold on for full speed. Cut outside, the two barges are moving very slowly. a woman and her dog walk by quickly. Gromit is annoyed by this. Norbot gets down and gestures near a lever.]
Norbot: Ha-ha-ha!
[Cut to Mackintosh and Mukherjee arriving at the bridge.]
Mukherjee: (gasps) There they are, Chief!
Mackintosh: (sees the Dun-Nickin’ sailing) Ah, nice-looking narrow boat, that. Bit like mine. (looks through the binoculars, realizes) Hang on a sec… That IS mine! (via megaphone) Hey! Stop in the name of the law!
[Cut to the river, Norbots throw potted plants at Gromit. The dog uses the lever to dodge the plants before retreating inside.]
Wallace: It's no use, lad. If only there was some way of rebooting them.
[One potted plant hits the roof, causing lots of boots to spill out onto Wallace. He gets up with a boot on his head.]
Wallace: Oh...
[Cut outside, Norbot is cleaning up the mess.]
Norbot: (singing) I’m a happy, nifty Norbot. I like to clean the boat. (a potted plant lands near him) Ah.
[Ladybug's Lucky Vision looks at the boots, then at Wallace, then at Jimmy, then at Gromit]
Ladybug: Wait a minute! I think I know what we can do with this!
Cat Noir: What?
Jimmy Neutron: Think.... think....!
[Brain blast sequence]
Ladybug: A rubber boot? What am I supposed to do with this?!
Wallace: If only there was some way of rebooting them!
[the word rebooting echoes until the sequence ends]
Jimmy Neutron: Brain Blast! [to Gromit] Gromit, do you have Wallace's toolbox?
[Gromit hands the toolbox to Wallace. The inventor opens it and grabs a wrench.]
Wallace: Another invention? Are you sure, lad?
[Gromit nods. He trusts Wallace.]
Wallace: (removes the boot from his head) Right then. Technical assistance is on its way.
[Cut back to Mackintosh and Mukherjee.]
Mackintosh: Can't believe he nicked me boat! And you thought he was innocent!
Mukherjee: Oh! I think… I think that's Feathers McGraw, Chief! They're trying to stop Feathers McGraw!
Mackintosh: Feathers McGraw?! Don't be ridiculous. He's banged up in the zoo.
[He looks through his binoculars to see Feathers disguised as a nun.]
Mackintosh: (offscreen) That’s just an innocent nun out for a pleasure cruise.
Mukherjee: I just think maybe Wallace has been unfairly portrayed as a crazed inventor.
[On cue, Wallace lifts up from the barge while wearing goggles and cackling mad. He has invented a boot catapult.]
Wallace: (cackles) Oh, this'll work a treat!
Mackintosh: Huh?
Mukherjee: (winces) To a certain extent.
Mackintosh: What the...? What's he done with me vintage boot collection?!
[Feathers turns around to see in shock. Wallace moves up the handle bars.]
Wallace: OK, Gromit, let's give those gnomes a good reboot up the backside!
[Gromit loads up the boots and gives Wallace a thumbs-up. Wallace starts pedaling and pushes buttons on the handlebars. The catapult launches boots at the Norbots, who jump out of the way.]
Norbots: Ha-ha! Missed!
[However, the boots return like boomerangs and hit their backs, triggering reset mode.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Bull’s eye!
Norbot: Reset mode activated!
[Gromit throws his arms in joy while the two Norbots fall into the river.]
Wallace: It's working, lad. Ha-ha! Give it more welly!
[Gromit loads up more boots for Wallace to fire at the Norbots.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Take that! Hoodlums!
[The boots hit the Norbots in the back, resetting them as they fell into the water.]
Norbot: Reset mode activated!
[Cut to Mackintosh and Mukherjee chasing after the barges.]
Mackintosh: This has gone far enough! (on com) Chief Inspector Mac. All units, pursue and arrest Wallace…
[Mukherjee ducks down as a boot flies in and hits Mackintosh off the bike.]
Mukherjee: (to Mackintosh) Sorry, Chief! I'm using me gut. (on com) Calling all units. Head to the border. Suspect is NOT Wallace, but a small nun in charge of a canal boat!
Mackintosh: (angrily, via megaphone) You're in big trouble, Mukherjee! Yeah, this is going on your assessment report, this!
[Cut to the Norbots underwater.]
Norbot: (gargling) Reset mode activated!
[They get fished up by Gromit, who puts them on the Dun-Nickin’. They then skakes each others hands up and down rapidly.]
Norbots: Hi! I’m your Nifty Odd-jobbing Robot. Call me Norbot. Pleased to meet you. Call me Norbot.
Wallace: Caught a few tiddlers, have you? Good lad. Now we've got him!
[However, he sees that the Accrington Queen is gone.]
Wallace: Eh? Where's he gone?
[He hears motor running nearby and turns around to see the barge bursting out of Speedy Boat Repairs. Feathers has it modified to go faster.]
Wallace: (surprised) Uh?
[The Accrington Queen speeds by the Dun-Nickin’. Feathers mockingly salutes Gromit, who uses the rope to grab onto his boat.]
Wallace: Well done, lad. We've got hi-i-i-i-im!
[Wallace stumbles and falls back. Gromit throws him a life preserver.]
Wallace: GROM… (it hits him and he resurfaces in it) IT! Don't let him get a-waaaaaay!
[He is pulled by the rope and two wooden planks attach to his feet. Wallace is now jet-skiing across the water. Meanwhile, Gromit attaches a pulley to the rope and tries to pull Feathers in. The penguin opens a nearby basket and gets out a knife to try to cut it. As Gromit rapidly turns the pulley, Wallace rides off a ramp and rides across land. He runs into a tent, removing it to reveal a guy on the toilet while reading an article of a bog man being found.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Ooh! Sorry!
[The guy tries to grab his toilet paper, but it is taken along with Wallace. Meanwhile, Feathers manages to cut the rope as the barges approach a tunnel. Gromit then jumps off to pursue the evil penguin. Cut back to Wallace skiing on the land.]
Wallace: (inside the tent) Oh, Gromit!
[He opens the tent while holding a toilet cleaner in his mouth. He notices something and screams. Wallace crashes into a trailer full of fruits being loaded up by the Farmer from Shaun the Sheep.]
Wallace: Oh, lummy!
[The cart rolls off as the Farmer dumps more fruits, which hit the ground. The Farmer notices and shakes his fist while yelling in anger. Inside the tunnel, Gromit climbs onto the Accrington Queen. It gets dark. When the light comes on, Feathers sees Gromit with the bag. When he tries to escape, Feathers holds him back with an umbrella handle. As the two fight, the barge emerges from the tunnel. Gromit looks up to see Wallace fly off the fruit cart screaming and falling onto a barge full of vegetables.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Ouch!
[Some of the vegetables pelt Gromit. Feathers tries to run off, but Gromit grabs his disguise, ripping it off the penguin. The villainous penguin notices and covers himself before slapping Gromit. The dog then notices Mukherjee & the police vans arriving at the Yorkshire Border.]
Mukherjee: (gasps) I knew it was Feathers McGraw! (on com) Quick, close the gate.
[The police start closing the gates. Back in the chase, Feathers, having noticed Mukherjee & the police vans, turns the barge around, making it break through the railings. Gromit tumbles and slides down with vegetables rolling over before falling off. As the barge stops moving, Wallace emerges to see his friend in danger.]
Wallace: (distraught) GROMIIIIIIITTTTT!!!
[Gromit is hanging off the barge while holding the bag.]
Tails: Quick! Let's rescue him.
Belle Trollze: Back off!
Chloe Bourgeois: Wallace, since you're gonna be arrested soon, I'll give your a choice -
Feathers slowly approach his side and gestures to him to hand over the bag. It’s a tough decision for Gromit. Give him the diamond or fall to his death.]
Wallace: (sadly) Give him the diamond. I can live without inventing, but I can’t live without… (gulps) …me best pal!
[This touches Gromit’s heart. Wallace would rather stop inventing than stop loving his best friend. Gromit looks at the bag and then below before looking at Feathers. The penguin spreads his arms out. The dog throws the bag to the penguin.
Kevin: Now, let Gromit go!
Chloe Bourgeois:
who steps back, grabs the umbrella, and salutes before jumping off, disappearing in the smoke of a passing train, leaving Gromit to die anyway. Feathers lands safely on the train below while the Accrington Queen leans down and falls off the aqueduct. Gromit is shocked]
Wallace: (distraught) NO!!
[Gromit runs to the other side and jumps.]
Wallace: (distraught; in slow motion) GROMIIIIIIITTTTT!!!
[Gromit tries to grab Wallace’s hand, but he misses and falls down.]
Wallace: (distraught; in slow motion) NOOOOOOOOOO!!!
[The Accrington Queen crashes down on the ground, exploding into pieces. Gromit prepares for the worst when suddenly, something catches his foot. He turns around to see his rescuer…]
Norbot: Hi! I’m your Nifty Odd-jobbing Robot. Call me Norbot.
[Camera pans right to show a chain of Norbots.]
Norbots: How may I help you?
[Gromit is surprised and amazed at this. The one thing he hated saved his life. The Norbots pull Gromit up to the barge.]
Norbot: No job is too small!
[Gromit happily hugs Norbot in acceptance.]
Norbots: Awww!
Wallace: I knew you'd embrace technology in the end, lad. Thank goodness you're safe.
[The two prepare to hug each other, but Mackintosh interrupts the heartwarming moment.]
Mackintosh: All right! Break it up! This is a crime scene now!
[Mukherjee runs in.]
Mukherjee: (panicking) Chief! Chief!
Mackintosh: (dismisses Mukherjee) I haven't got time for your apologies, Mukherjee. Just arrest Wallace for...
[Mukherjee groans while rolling her eyes and holds the binoculars to his eyes. Mackintosh's expression turns to shock as he spots Feathers riding away on a train while holding the bag.]
Mackintosh: (shocked) Flippin' Nora! It Is Feathers McGraw!
Mukherjee: And he's got the diamond.
Mackintosh: (throws his hat down, angrily) Aw, that's ruined me retirement, that has!
[Feathers slowly reaches into the bag and grabs something out… only to find a turnip instead of the Blue Diamond. The penguin jumps back in shock. He looks up to see Gromit holding the real deal.]
Mackintosh: (surprised) Wait. What? (he and Mukherjee laugh) Hey! The old turnip switcheroo!
Wallace: Oh, crackin’ move, lad!
Norbots: Wahey! Cracking move, lad! Bravo!
[Gromit mockingly salutes Feathers as the penguin slumps in defeat while the train chugs along.]
Chloe Bourgeois
Belle Trollze: I can't believe it!
Chloe Bourgeois: You, Feathers McGraw, are ridiculous!
Chloe & Belle: [together] Utterly ridiculous!!
Wallace: (offscreen) Ha! That told him, Gromit. He's a bad egg, that one, and a scoundrel to boot.
[Wallace hands the Blue Diamond over to Mukherjee.]
Wallace: I think you should have this, Officer.
Mackintosh: (to Wallace) Well, considering what I've just seen, it looks like Mukherjee was right about you being innocent.
Wallace: You mean… I’m not going to jail?
Mackintosh: (to Wallace) No. Thanks to the instincts of a fine young copper. (to Mukherjee) You're a natural, Mukherjee!
[The heroes cheer]
Mukherjee: Ah, thanks, chief. That means a lot. (gives the Blue Diamond to Mackintosh) Happy retirement, sir. (saluting)
Wallace: (chuckles) Well, this is a Turnip for the books, ain’t it, lad? Hmm!
[Gromit rolls his eyes in dismay while the Norbots laugh at Wallace’s pun.]
Norbot: (offscreen) Oh, yes! Very funny, Mr. Wallace!
[The Wallace & Gromit theme plays as the camera pans up to the sky before panning down to the police station the next morning. Inside, we see Muhkerjee don Mackintosh’s hat as she checks herself in the mirror.]
Mukherjee: Ooh! (straightens her hat) Hmm.
[She then puts up “STILL” above Feathers’s wanted poster on the dashboard. We also see photos of Feathers’ other disguises. Cut to Mackintosh relaxing on the Dun-Nickin’ barge, reading his Off the Beat magazine with a picture of him holding the Blue Diamond on it. Text under the picture reads, MACKINTOSH: The Model Policeman.” 4mph sign is shown.]
Mackintosh: Oh, yes.
[As he drinks his coffee, another barge speeds up.]
Mackintosh: (shocked) Oh, oi! Eh? What's... OI! (angrily) Can't you read, Sonny Jim? (angrily points at 4mph sign) Maximum speed 4mph. (puts the police light on his barge) That's three points on your licence for a start! (chases after him)
[Cut to the house of Wallace & Gromit, Gromit is reading the Morning Post with a picture of a giddy Wallace on it. Headline reads, “WALLACE EXONERATED!” Text under the picture reads, “Not evil inventor… just misunderstood.” He sighs in relief.]
Wallace: (offscreen) Morning, Gromit.
[Cut to Wallace serving breakfast to Gromit. Their teapot is repaired]
Wallace: How’s my favorite pooch, hmm?
[Gromit nods in response.]
Wallace: Oh, I got something for your garden, lad.
[He holds up the remote and Gromit reels back in horror.]
Wallace: I’ve repurposed the Pat-O-Matic.
[He presses a few buttons and the Pat-O-Matic arrives in the garden, holding a shovel.]
Wallace: (offscreen) After all, necessity is the mother-in-law of invention. (chuckles)
[We see the Norbots working in the garden, fixing it back the way Gromit used to have it. The Pat-O-Matic digs a hole in the ground and Norbot hands it a potted plant to put in the hole. Norbot then gives the plant some water.]
Norbot: Ta-da!
[Gromit watches happily at this.]
Wallace: Awww, but there’s some things a machine just can’t do, eh, lad?
[He pats Gromit on the head, much to Gromit’s joy.]
Wallace: Aww. (chuckles) Aww! Oh, yes! (giggles) Cheers, me old pal!
[They clink their cups together. Cut to Norbot trimming the hedges to make them read “THE END.”]
Norbot: (singing) I’m a happy, nifty Norbot. I like to trim the hedge.
[After he's done, he does a little dance.]
Norbot: Ta-da!
[Cut to black. Roll credits.]