- (Episode begins with a recap of the last one)
- Narrator: The second match of the quarterfinals of the Johto League Silver Conference victory tournament found our hero in a battle against Harrison, and neither trainer was willing to give any ground to their opponent! But competitors were left with one Pokemon each; Ash with Charizard, and Harrison with Blaziken! Who will take control of this last battle and move onward to join the top four in the semifinals? Stay tuned to find out!
- (Camera blacks out before the Liam's Adventures of Pokemon Master Quest theme plays)
- Ash: (V.O.) Johto Photo Finish
- (Both Flamethrowers cause an explosion after colliding, but neither Pokémon is fazed)
- Announcer: Only one Pokemon remains for each of our two competitors! It's anyone's guess who will pull this one from the fire! Anticipation hangs like a fog over the whole stadium!
- (As the announcer finishes talking, Delia and Lilo snap some pics)
- Ash: Charizard, Flamethrower one more time!
- (The attack fires)
- Harrison: Blaziken, dodge, now!
- (Blaziken does so by using its powerful legs to leap up and over)
- Announcer: Using incredible jumping power, Blaziken successfully dodged Charizard's Flamethrower!
- Harrison: My Blaziken my not be able to fly, but who needs to when it has the ability to jump like that?!
- Brock: With a build like that, I knew Blaziken could jump, but wow!
- Misty: I know! And now Charizard's flying isn't really an advantage!
- Ben: Aside from kicking, those legs were made for leaping, and that's just what they'll do!
- Ash: Okay, Charizard, Dragon Rage!
- (The attack fires)
- Harrison: Dodge and use Quick Attack, now!
- (Blaziken does so and closes in)
- Ash: Charizard, fly up!
- (Charizard takes off)
- Harrison: Alright, Blaziken, Flamethrower!
- (The attack fires)
- Ash: Charizard, dodge it!
- (Charizard does so)
- Ash: That's it, now Flamethrower, go!
- Harrison: We'll use Flamethrower, too!
- (Both attacks fire and collide)
- Announcer: Incredible! Both Ash and Harrison keep calling one attack after another, but none of those attacks can do the damage needed to end this match!
- (As the announcer talks, Charizard and Blaziken trade blows back and forth)
- Delia: Wow! Those two are so strong!
- Prof. Oak: Yes. A battle like this one can only take place between two very high level Pokemon.
- Harrison: Blaziken, use Quick Attack!
- (Blaziken charges in)
- Lilo: Charizard's in trouble!
- Ash: Dodge it quickly, Charizard!
- (Charizard does so)
- Harrison: Fire Punch, go!
- (Blaziken nails Charizard with the a fiery right)
- Announcer: Blaziken's Fire Punch scores big time!
- Ash: Now, Flamethrower!
- (The attack fires and nails Blaziken)
- Announcer: Charizard strikes back with Flamethrower!
- Miki: Sweet! That was bodacious!
- Announcer: Folks, these two fire Pokemon have their pride on the line!
- (As the announcer talks, both Pokemon land on solid ground)
- Harrison: You know something, Ash? Your Charizard's pretty good.
- Ash: Oh, yeah? Well, your Blaziken's pretty strong, too.
- Harrison: Blaziken, use Quick Attack one more time!
- (Blaziken charges in)
- Ash: Gotta strike back, Charizard!
- (Blaziken's attack lands, but Charizard retaliates with a swipe of its tail)
- Harrison: Blaziken!
- Ash: Seismic Toss!
- (Charizard takes Blaziken upawards)
- Announcer: Charizard's flying Blaziken high into the air!
- (Charizard starts to spin round and round)
- Brock: Yeah! That's it!
- Misty: Now Charizard's in position for a Seismic toss!
- Ben: Someone better tell Lilo and Stitch to back up the pineapple, cause if it lands, this luau's over!
- (Charizard heads downward and Blaziken crashes with a massive thud)
- Ash: Yeah!
- Ace: Is it over?
- (The dust settles and Charizard is still standing while Blaziken appears to be out as the crowd erupts in cheers)
- Misty: And it looks like it's over for Blaziken!
- Ben: Told you! Guess I better tell Lilo and Stitch to back up the pineapple, cause that's the end of this luau!
- Ash: Way to go, Charizard! You did a great job!
- Delia: That means Ash won that match, right?
- (Professor Oak and Ashley, however, weren't so sure as the ref goes to check on Blaziken)
- Referee: Blaziken is unable to battle... Huh?
- (Suddenly, Blaziken gets up)
- Ash: Oh, no!
- Harrison: That's it! Now show em who's in charge!
- Ben: I thought that was the end of it! NO ONE gets up after Charizard's Seismic Toss!
- Referee: Continue the match!
- Announcer: Just when you think it's over, Blaziken's back in the game!
- Misty: Unbelievable! That Blaziken can even stand up to a Seismic Toss!
- Brock: That's half true. At first, it did look as though that Seismic Toss went off without a hitch, but just before they hit the ground, Blaziken released a Flamethrower attack and softened their landing.
- Ash: Wow. I can't believe Blaziken got back up.
- Announcer: It seems that Seismic Toss has taken its toll on Blaziken. Charizard's pretty worn out, too, for that matter!
- Sawako: Both Pokémon are tired out, one of them might be ready to drop soon.
- Mugi: I sure hope that Blaziken is more worn out than Charizard is.
- Harrison: Go, Blaziken, use Quick Attack, now!
- (Blaziken darts in and nails Charizard)
- Ash: Charizard, hang tough! Flamethrower attack, go!
- (The attack fires and nailed Blaziken)
- Ash: Now, give em Seismic Toss, one more time!
- Harrison: Jump and dodge it!
- (Blaziken does so and gains altitude)
- Announcer: Blaziken is using that great jumping ability again!
- Harrison: Blaziken, Blaze Kick attack!
- Miki: Blaze Kick?
- (Blaziken sets its left foot on fire and kicks Charizard hard with it)
- Announcer: That Blaze Kick is right on target!
- Pikachu: Pika! ("Oh, no!")
- Ash: A Blaze Kick attack?
- Jun: Oh, man! That's gotta hurt!
- (Charizard soon falls)
- Ash: Don't give up, Charizard! You gotta get up!
- (Charizard struggles to do so)
- Harrison: Blaziken, finish it with Flamethrower!
- (The attack fires)
- Ash: Charizard, Dragon Rage, and use it at full power, now!
- (The attack launches and when both collide, an explosion occurs, sending both Pokemon reeling and causing everyone on the field to feel the force of the explosion while everyone in the grandstands watches in shock)
- Announcer: The collision of that Flamethrower attack with the Dragon Rage has created a huge explosion!
- (As the smoke clears, both Pokémon seem to be out)
- Announcer: It appears the force of that explosion has knocked out both Pokemon!
- Ash: Charizard, stand up! Try to get up!
- Ashley: Stand up, Charizard!
- Buddy: Pikachu! ("Please get up!")
- Dora: Levántate, Charizard! ¡Anda!
- Lilo: You can do it, Charizard!
- Stitch: Ih! Kaki Mienna! ("Yeah! You can do it!")
- (Charizard struggles to get up)
- Harrison: Stand up, Blaziken! I know you can do it! Come on!
- (Blaziken also struggles to get to its feet)
- Announcer: Charizard and Blaziken are desperately struggling to get back to their feet! Can either one manage to find the strength?
- Brock: You can do it, Charizard!
- Misty: Come on, stand up! Stand up!
- Ben: Get to your feet!
- Pikachu: Pika Pika! ("Come on, big guy!")
- Delia: Charizard, you've got to stand up!
- Prof. Oak: Get up, now, Charizard!
- Azusa: Charizard, you have to stand up!
- Liam: Get up now, Charizard, and show them that a good dragon doesn't go down without a real fight!
- Miki: Come on, Charizard...
- Harrison: Blaziken! Just a little bit more! Let's go!
- (Blaziken is the first to get up)
- Ash: You, too, Charizard! I know you can do it!
- (Charizard gets up, too)
- Announcer: Both Blaziken and Charizard are up! The battle continues!
- Ash: Alright. I knew you could do it. Flamethrower, let's go!
- (But before Charizard could fiire the attack, it winced in pain)
- Pikachu: Pika! ("Uh oh!")
- Ash: Charizard!
- Liam: Oh no!
- Azusa: It can't be!
- Ben: Not like this!
- (Charizard then collapses)
- Announcer: And Charizard has collapsed once again! Will this be it?!
- (Charizard tries to get up, but ultimately passes out completely, defeated at last)
- Jenny: No way!
- Mugi: So that means..!
- Referee: Charizard is unable to battle, and Blaziken wins. The winning trainer is Harrison from Littleroot Town!
- (Charizard's picture blacks out as Harrison's picture fills the screen and the crowd cheers)
- Announcer: Harrison has defeated Ash and will now move on to the semifinals! So it's the end of the road for Ash Ketchum after making it to the final eight!
- (Ash hangs his head in silence)
- Misty: (sits down) I can't believe that Ash lost.
- Ben: Poor boy. And he trained his heart out for two years to get here.
- Pikachu: Pika. ("No way.")
- Togepi: Toki. ("He lost.")
- (Up in the grandstands)
- Delia: Ash has worked so hard.
- Prof. Oak: You're right, and it just came down to Charizard taking on a bit more damage than Blaziken. But it sure was a fine match.
- Delia: Yes, it was, wasn't it?
- Miki: Total bummer.
- Sucy: That stinks.
- Liam: Poor Ash...
- Azusa: Losing to Harrison in the second round must really have him down.
- Jun: Man, first he loses after Charizard disobeys him in the Indigo League, and now he lost with Charizard obeying him but not having the strength to fight on.
- Snowbelle: Meow... ("Yeah...")
- (Later, Liam is seen near the end of his quarterfinals battle)
- Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, if you're just tuning in, both trainers are down to one Pokemon remaining, Liam is using his Espeon, while his opponent, Jon Dickson, is using his Rhyhorn, who had just defeated Liam's Magmortar!
- Sucy: Something doesn't seem right. I've had that feeling about Espeon for the past six and a half months.
- Liam: Espeon, use Agility!
- (But Espeon can't seem to get going)
- Liam: Hey, Espeon, what's wrong?
- Ben: (in thought) Wait! It can't be! Espeon's stomach hasn't shrank in the slightest for the past six and a half months, and she's definitely not getting fat. Hold up, she's also been acting real friendly towards Miki's Umbreon, Ringo. That could mean...
- Jon Dickson: Horn Attack, Rhyhorn!
- (The attack hits Espeon's head and forces her back)
- Liam: Espeon!
- (Espeon crashes to the ground, she tried to stand up again, despite the damage she had taken due to all the scrapes and bruises)
- Liam: Espeon.... (worried)
- Ben: (worried) I know that face!
- Azusa: What do you mean, Ben?
- Ben: (in thought) I think... (gets a sudden and shocking realization; aloud) No way.
- (Ben soon has a flashback to all the times he saw Espeon for the past six and a half months)
- Ben: (V.O.) Espeon's stomach didn't shrink for that amount of time. It grew! Then during the preliminaries, she was showing signs of fatigue and couldn't pull off any physical attacks! And mental attacks proved to be a bit of a strain on her! That can only mean...!
- (The flashback ends, as Azusa looks on in silence at him)
- Azusa: Ben? Ben! Ben, snap out of it! Espeon's in trouble!
- (Espeon tried to move forward to fight but Liam stopped her)
- Liam: Stop, Espeon!
- Espeon: (softly) Espe? ("Stop?")
- Liam: It's over, Espeon, you've done enough...
- Espeon: (softly) Espeon...Espe..... ("I'm sorry....Liam.....")
- (After hearing those words, Espeon collapsed in Liam's arms, just as Ben threw in the towel, knowing that she had enough)
- Referee: Liam's coach has thrown in the towel, therefore Espeon is unable to battle by means of forfeit, Rhyhorn wins! So the winning trainer is Jon Dickson from Sento Cherry Town!
- (As the referee called the match, the scoreboard showed Liam's final Pokemon blacking out before Jon Dickson's picture filled it. Up in the grandstands, the others looked shocked and saddened about Liam's defeat)
- Announcer: It appears that Ben and Liam have both thrown in the towel, allowing Jon to proceed to the semi-finals!
- Mio: No way...
- Dora: I can't believe what I just saw...
- Emma: Yeah...
- Yui: Now even Li-san lost as well...
- (Posativo began to cry loudly, only for Negativo to comfort her)
- Ui: Oh that's right, when a Plusle cheers for its teammate and it loses, it will cry loudly.
- Ashley: Liam must've known that if Espeon had taken too much damage, she'd be.... (worried) I just can't bear to think of it....
- Ritsu: Wait, look at Ben!
- (Ben was seen putting his arms up like an X before the referee)
- Ben: We need a medic out here, now!
- Referee: Understood! (gets out radio) Bring a medic, fast!
- (Soon, Nurse Joy and two Chansey show up)
- Nurse Joy: Oh, my. This is your student's Espeon?
- Ben: Yes, and I have a feeling that... (whispers what he thinks to Nurse Joy)
- Nurse Joy: You don't say! How many months has she been like this?
- Ben: Six and a half.
- Nurse Joy: Than we better hurry.
- Ben: Right!
- (Ben and Nurse Joy run off, causing everyone to wonder what happened)
- Ash: Where're they going?
- Liam: Coach! Where are you and Nurse Joy going?!
- (But Ben and Nurse Joy don't stop. Ben soon spots a guard)
- Ben: You there, follow us! Your radio is connected with the ref, right?
- Guard: Yeah, why?
- Ben: I'll need you to keep the ref updated and have him keep the announcer updated as well. I'll explain why on the way, now hurry!
- (The guard quickly follows while Liam and Azusa watch)
- Liam: Well, I can't just stand here and worry about my Espeon. I'm following them! (runs after them)
- Azusa: Wait for me! (quickly follows)
- (Later, at the Pokemon Center, Liam, Mugi and Azusa are waiting outside the treatment room while Liam is more worried than anyone)
- Liam: Espeon.
- (Soon, Ben comes out)
- Liam: Ben, tell me, what's going on with my Espeon?
- (But Ben doesn't answer and gets some blankets and pillows)
- Azusa: Please, Ben. Tell us.
- (Ben quietly gives a Chansey the blankets and pillows and turns to Liam)
- Ben: Liam, I have to tell you something really important. But you'd better sit down.
- (Liam does so)
- Ben: I think it's time I tell you from the beginning. See, it all started about six and a half months ago.
- Liam: I think that wasn't long after Espeon met Miki's Umbreon, Ringo.
- Ben: Yeah, you see, every time they were both out they've been acting close. So, therefore it's best that you, Azusa and me stay here and wait for Miki to come back. I can only hope she'll come back in time.
- Liam: In time for what?
- Ben: In time to see a miracle.
- (Liam and Azusa were puzzled, until they heard a cry of exertion from the treatment room)
- Liam: Espeon!
- Ben: (holds him down) Don't, Liam. Let Nurse Joy take care of it.
- Azusa: (frustrated) Seriously, Ben, what's going on?
- Ben: I told you it'd be best for us to wait till Miki comes back. But I don't think that's going to happen, so I may as well speak now or forever hold my peace. Liam, your Espeon, is pregnant.
- (Liam just sat in silence, letting it sink in)
- Azusa: Are you sure?
- Ben: Positive. Psychic Pokemon give birth after six and a half months of pregnancy, Brock and Mugi told me.
- Mugi: He's right. And Espeon's stomach got bigger over that time.
- Azusa: Then that means.
- Liam: My Espeon is about to be a mother?
- Ben: But to how many babies, I have no clue.
- Mugi: We better let the announcer and our friends know.
- Ben: Right, I'll tell the guard that I flagged.
- (While Ben tells the guard what to tell the ref, and the announcer, Miki is seen battling an unnamed hiker)
- Miki: Ringo, Shadow Ball attack!
- (The attack fires)
- Hiker: Think again, darling! Rhydon, Take Down attack!
- Miki: Quick, Ringo! Use Agility!
- (However, Rhydon proves to be faster and Ringo is knocked out)
- Miki: Ah! Ringo!
- Referee: Umbreon is unable to battle! Rhydon wins!
- (Ringo's picture blacks out on the scoreboard)
- Announcer: And with that crucial knockout, both trainers are now down to their last Pokemon!
- Miki: Ringo, return!
- (Ringo is recalled)
- Miki: Okay, Kanehekili, it's up to you now. You're my only hope. Go!
- Hiker: A Pikachu, huh? Your useless Pokémon doesn't stand a chance, little girl. Rhydon, Hyper Beam!
- (The attack fires)
- Miki: Kanehekili, dodge it and then use Iron Tail!
- (However, the Hyper Beam proved to be faster and nailed Kanehekili, knocking it out)
- Miki: Oh no!
- (Kanehekili crashes right at Miki's feet, defeated)
- Referee: Pikachu is unable to battle, Rhydon is the winner!
- (Miki's final Pokémon blacks out on the scoreboard before the hiker's picture fills it)
- Miki: Whoa. Bummer...
- Announcer: And Miki has been eliminated with a devastating Hyper Beam! This loss ultimately places her in the top 8, but for certain, she fought her heart out out there.
- Miki: Kanehekili!
- (Miki picked up her fallen partner)
- Miki: Are you okay?
- Kanehekili: Pika Pikachu, Pi pi. ("Sorry, Miki.")
- Miki: Don't be sad, you were great out there, you battled hard all the way to the end, and I couldn't be more proud of you.
- Kanehekili: Pika Pika Pikachu. ("Thanks a lot, my very best friend.")
- Miki: You deserve a nice long rest.
- (Up in the grandstands, the group present was saddened by Miki's loss)
- Ace: I can't believe what I saw..
- Jenny: Even Miki lost too. But she gave it her all, I'll give her credit to that.
- Sucy: Jenny's right.
- (In the locker room, Ace approaches her)
- Ace: It's okay, Miki-kins. Win or lose, you'll always be my champion. Besides, with enough hard work, you'll be ready for your next Pokemon League challenge, and I'll be there to help you.
- Miki: Aw, thanks, Acey-poo. You always know how to cheer a girl up. (gives him a Miki Mega Smooch)
- Ace: Aw shucks.
- Announcer: Attention, ladies and gentlemen. I've just been given an update on the condition of a previous competitor in the victory tournament, Liam Hammerfield, and his Espeon. Hold on to your hats folks, but it appears that for the first time in Johto League history, we have a Pokémon pregnancy!
- Ace: Hold the phone and shut the front door!
- Miki: Did he just say...
- (The news was also heard by the rest of the gang and they rush over to Pokemon Center)
- Sawako: We came as fast as we could!
- Ritsu: Is Espeon alright?!
- Ben: Yes, she's fine. She's just resting now. I think me, Mugi, Miki, Azusa and Liam should go in first.
- (They soon do so and find Espeon resting)
- Nurse Joy: Looks like the whole party is here, but try not to excite Espeon or her babies.
- (Suddenly, Ringo materializes)
- Miki: Ringo? What are you doing out of your...?
- (But before Miki could finishes, Ringo hops onto the table and nuzzles his head against Espeon's)
- Ringo: Umbre, Umbreon. Umbreon. ("Wake up, Espeon. You have company.")
- Espeon: Esp... ("Oh.")
- (Espeon soon sees Ringo, Miki, Ben, Mugi, Liam and Azusa standing nearby)
- Liam: Espeon. Are you alright?
- Nurse Joy: Your Espeon is just fine. Would you like to meet the kids?
- (The entire group comes in and finds a litter of baby Eevee)
- Ash: Baby Eevee!
- Misty: They're all so cute!!
- Miki: Oh, my. It's a miracle.
- Brock: That, it is.
- Ben: Meeeemoriiiies.
- Baby Eevee: Eee! Eee! ("Mommy! Mommy!")
- (Espeon starts cleaning her newborns)
- Yui: Well, look a that. Espeon is giving her little ones their first bath.
- (One of the newborns started wandering away blindly, but Ringo quickly picked it up and brought it back to its mother)
- Sawako: (chuckles) Better keep an eye on your little ones, Espeon, now that you're a mom. (winks)
- Ritsu: Let's see how many babies she had. One...two...three...four...five...six...seven...eight. Wow, eight babies?
- Mugi: My goodness, Liam. Looks like your Espeon is going to be a very busy mom.
- Miki: How are they, Brock?
- Brock: (examines each baby) I think it's best to hear what Nurse Joy has to say about them.
- Nurse Joy: I'm pleased to say that all of them were born strong and healthy. But they need a mother's care. After closer examination, I also found out that the father of these little ones is an Umbreon.
- Miki: Wait. I have an Umbreon. (remembers seeing Umbreon and Espeon nuzzling for the past five and a half months) Y-y-you mean...my Umbreon, Ringo is...a daddy? (She turns to Ringo) Ringo, is this true? You're their daddy?
- Ringo: Umbre. ("It's true.")
- Liam: I can't believe that our Pokemon are parents now, Miki.
- Miki: I know, Liam. Me, neither. But we can't take all these babies with us after we leave.
- (Liam sighed, and made a tough decision)
- Liam: Listen, Espeon.
- Espeon: Espe? ("Yes, Liam?")
- Liam: I think, it's best you and Umbreon stay in the nearby meadow and raise your babies.
- Espeon: Espe? ("What?")
- Liam: Ben saw you acting sluggish for the past six and a half months.
- Espeon: Espeon? ("Are you sure?")
- Misty: Are you sure about this, Liam?
- Azusa: Espeon wants to know that herself.
- Liam: Well, I do have an aunt who owns a Pokemon sanctuary near here. I can contact her and have her pick up Espeon, Ringo and their babies.
- Miki: He's right, Ringo. It's best that you go to this Pokemon sanctuary and raise your kids.
- Ringo: Umbre? Umbreon? ("What do you mean?")
- Miki: Think about it. Your babies need you.
- Ringo: Umbreon. Umbreon umbre breon bre um eon. ("You're right, Miki. I am the little ones' father, and my mate Espeon needs me to protect her and them.")
- Liam: I'll call my aunt and tell her.
- (Soon, sobbing is soon heard)
- Azusa: Yui-senpai, are you crying?
- Yui: (teary-eyed) I am, and so is Mugi-chan.
- Azusa: Huh?
- (Sure enough, Mugi was in tears while Ben was comforting her)
- Ben: There, there, Mugi-kins. We've been through this before, remember?
- Mugi: (sniffs, while crying) I know, but it hurts more now because it's like what happened back in high school when we were about to say goodbye to Azusa-chan.
- (Ritsu was tearing up a bit, but Mio was sobbing more than she was)
- Ritsu: Mio, lyco-ping?
- (Mio couldn't help but chuckle a little, despite her tears, and looked at Ritsu)
- Mio: You do realize you're crying as well, you dummy.
- Ritsu: I'm not crying....much...
- Azusa: Espeon....I can't thank you enough for everything you've done to help me and Liam.
- (Azusa then has a flashback to when Eevee rushed over to save Yui and Azusa back in Grandpa Canyon)
- Azusa: (V.O.) I remember when Yui-senpai and I almost got killed out in Grandpa Canyon, but you evolved to save us.
- (The flashback ends as Azusa tried to hold her tears back)
- Azusa: (tearfully whimpering quietly) I'll miss you, Espeon.
- (Azusa began to cry uncontrollably as she rushed toward Liam, who was about to call his aunt)
- Liam: It's okay, Azusa. I feel the same way you do.
- (Later, the group watches as Espeon, Ringo and their kids are carefully loaded onto the back of Liam's aunt's jeep)
- Miki: (tearing up) Ringo, I really don't know how to say goodbye to such a loyal Pokemon. I'll miss you so very much...but Espeon needs you to take care of her and the babies. I just wish I could have one more day to spend with you, but now I understand that you have a family. Goodbye, Ringo. I will remember you, and...I'll always love you, no matter what.
- (Miki embraces Ringo one last time)
- Dora: I think you're making the right choice.
- Lilo: Ohana means family and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten. Right, Stitch?
- Stitch: Ih. ("Yes.")
- Liam: Lilo's right. You have your own Ohana now, Ringo and your little ones.
- Espeon: (humble) Espe Espeon. ("You guys...")
- (The Light Music Club start to perform a song titled "???" for them)
- Liam: (smiling humbly and tearfully to Espeon) I'll never forget you, Espeon.
- (Liam and Miki both start to have flashbacks to when Espeon and Ringo were both Eevee)
- Liam: (V.O.) I still remember meeting you when you were just an Eevee. I'll never forget all the good times we've through.
- Miki: (V.O.) It's never easy to say goodbye, Ringo. You've always been there for me when I needed you most. I'll never forget the day that I found you, a special friend who's never let me down. Ringo, you're the greatest Pokemon friend I ever. I know that you can't stay with me, but a part of me will never leave you, in your heart. No matter where you go, I'll always be with you...forever.
- Ben: Well, it's time.
- Liam: Goodbye, Espeon.
- Miki: I'll miss you, old friend.
- (Soon, the jeep starts)
- Lilo: (singing softly) Ha'aheo ka ua i na pali, Ke nihi a'ela i ka nahele...E hahai ana paha i ka liko...Pua 'ahihi lehua o uka.....
- Ash/Stitch/Brock/Dora/Misty: (joining Lilo) Aloha 'oe, aloha 'oe...
- Miki/Ben/Yui/Ui/Sawako/Sumire/Liam: (joining in) E ke onaona noho i ka lipo...
- Jun/Ritsu/Mio/Tsumugi/Sydney: (joining in) One fond embrace, A ho'i a'e au...Until we meet again.
- Dora: Adios!
- Lilo: Aloha!
- Sucy: So long!
- Liam: Bye, Espeon! You take care of yourself.
- Miki: Farewell, Ringo! I will always love you! Take good care of Espeon and her babies.
- (The two Pokemon call out a farewell cry as the jeep rumbles away and our heroes wave until they're out of sight)
- Sydney: You both did the right thing to do. I'm very proud of you both.
- Miki: Thanks, Sydney. I do hope Espeon and Ringo will be okay.
- Ash: You know. I went through the same thing you guys just went through.
- Miki: You did, Ash?
- Ben: Ash released his Butterfree back when he was eleven to be with a pink Butterfree it so that they could have their own babies.
- Sydney: He did?
- Ben: Yeah. I went through the same thing with my own Butterfree, Baron. So I think it's best to use a special psychic trick to say just one thing to them.
- (Using the mind call, Ben reached out to Espeon and Umbreon's minds)
- Ben: (V.O.) Well, I only have one thing to say to both of you happy parents. Happy trails to you, till we meet again.
- (Ben soon ceases using the mind call)
- Azusa: What did you do?
- Ben: I used the mind call technique to tell those two that this isn't just goodbye, this is just, see ya later. (walks away)
- (Later, our heroes are bidding farewell to Officer Jenny and Squirtle)
- Officer Jenny: Well, time for us to be heading back. I don't know what those firefighters will do without Squirtle.
- Brock: (teary-eyed) But what will I do without you?
- Ash: Squirtle, thanks for coming. You know I couldn't have done it without you.
- Squirtle: ("No prob.")
- Officer Jenny: Take care, everybody. Bye-bye! (rides off)
- Brock: Until we meet once more, my love!
- Ash and Misty: Bye, Officer Jenny!
- Pikachu: Pika Pika! ("Later, Squirtle!")
- (Soon, Officer Jenny and Squirtle are out of sight)
- Prof. Oak: I should go, too.
- Delia: Me, too. Time to check on the home front.
- Ash: Why so soon?
- Delia: I left Mr. Mime in charge of doing all the housework. I imagine he's busy watering the garden at this very moment.
- Ben: Well, he is the Ketchum family butler, so to speak.
- Prof. Oak: And since Tracey's been in charge of feeding all of my Pokemon, I'm sure he could use a bit of a break.
- Ash: Yeah, I understand.
- Prof. Oak: By the way, Ash, how's Charizard doing after that battle?
- Ash: Oh, it just needs a goodnight's sleep at the Pokemon Center and it'll be fine.
- Brock: We called Liza and promised to return Charizard tomorrow.
- Delia: I'm glad it's okay.
- Brock: That must be a relief. And I think I know why Miki, Liam and Azusa aren't here.
- Ben: Yeah, they're still thinking about Espeon and Ringo, after letting them go to a Liam's aunt's Pokemon sanctuary to raise their litter of eight babies.
- Delia: I heard everything, and Sawako showed me the pictures.
- Prof. Oak: It's never easy saying goodbye to Pokemon who just became or are about to become parents.
- Ben: But if I know those three, they'll pull through. They're stronger than they know.
- Delia: Goodbye, dear. Now, you take good care of yourself.
- Prof. Oak: Goodbye.
- (As the professor talks, they both walk away and everyone bids them farewell)
- Ash: Mom! As soon as the tournament's over, I'm heading back to Pallet Town!
- Delia: That's great, Ash! We'll have a big party!
- (Meanwhile, outside Team Rocket's building, angry customers surround it while Team Rocket mopes inside)
- Jessie: How do they expect us to sell them any badges when we don't have any badges to sell?
- James: Wouldn't you know it? Just when we corner the market on metal memorabilia and open our own store, now this!
- Meowth: Yeah. But everyting will be just fine once de order arrives.
- Team Rocket: (sulks) If it arrives.
- Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet! ("Try next year!")
- (The next day, the second match of the semifinals is underway, and the competitors are Jon and Harrison)
- Announcer: As we come to the end of the second match of the victory tournament semifinals, each trainer has only one Pokemon left!
- (Jon's Rhyhorn charges in and nails Harrison's Houndoom, knocking it out)
- Referee: Houndoom is unable to battle, and Rhyhorn is the winner!
- Announcer: There you have it, ladies and gentlemen, Jon Dickson from Sento Cherry Town will move on to the championship match, having defeated Harrison! Perhaps things might've been different had he been able to battle with Blaziken.
- (Up in the grandstands, our heroes, save for Miki, Liam and Azusa, watch on)
- Misty: I can't believe it. Now Harrison's lost, too.
- Pikachu: Pika. ("I know.")
- Mio: First Liam loses to him, and now Harrison.
- Orphan: Cu.. ("What a shame...")
- Tim: That Rhyhorn of his is too strong, it should've evolved into a Rhydon by now.
- Brock: And knowing Harrison, he probably didn't use Blaziken because he was worried and thought Blaziken needed the rest.
- Misty: Yeah. That sounds like Harrison alright.
- All heroes: Who's that Pokémon? It's Tyranitar!
- (Back to the show)
- (Later that night, Harrison is seen sitting by the lake)
- Ash: Harrison?
- (Harrison turns and Ash, Misty, Brock, Ben, Azusa and Liam behind him)
- Harrison: Hey, there. How's it going you guys?
- Brock: Sorry about your loss. That was pretty rough.
- Ben: But you put up a great fight, just like Miki and both of my students did.
- Harrison: Yeah, well, at least I made it to the top four, right?
- Ash: Harrison. I was just wondering how your Blaziken's doing.
- Harrison: (gets out Blaziken's Pokéball) Great. I just stopped by the Pokemon Center. They said Blaziken's gonna be just fine.
- Ash: Oh, that's great.
- Misty: Yeah, that's a relief.
- Pikachu: Pika Pika. ("Absolutely.")
- Azusa: But Liam seems okay about his loss in the top eight, due to Espeon's condition she was in.
- Mugi: Azusa-chan's right, if Ben didn't throw the towel in time, who knows what would've happened to Espeon.
- Liam: I can relate to Harrison, Mugi. I also lost to the Dickson guy in the top eight. He may actually win the whole thing, you know.
- Mugi: You might be right on that one, Liam.
- Harrison: (gets up) Hey, Ash, you know, that reminds me, aren't you and Liam and Ben from Pallet Town? The same town Professor Oak is from?
- Ash: Yeah, but how do you know about Professor Oak, Harrison?
- Ben: He's famous worldwide, my boy.
- Harrison: Well, other than him being so famous, I've also heard a lot about him from Professor Birch.
- Ash: Who's Professor Birch?
- Harrison: Oh, he's great. He's a researcher from Littleroot Town. He's the type of guy who'll disappear into his laboratory for weeks on end, and then suddenly reappear with some new discovery. But he also loves getting out into the field himself, and he's always telling me if I really want to learn about Pokemon the right way, I've got to hold them in my own hands and see them with my own eyes. I guess you could say that's why I left Littleroot Town and set out on this journey in the first place.
- Ash: That's cool.
- Misty: Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
- Harrison: I know, and Professor Birch was so right about that. Seeing different places, meeting all different kinds of Pokemon, it's been an awesome experience. Not to mention I also got to meet all of you guys, too, right?
- Ash: Yeah, we're pretty glad about that.
- Pikachu: Pikachu. ("You said it.")
- Harrison; Hey, I'll bet you've never been to Hoenn region before, have you, Ash?
- Ash: No.
- Harrison: Well, then you should definitely go check it out. Even just meeting up with Professor Birch is worth the trip by itself. And besides that, there are tons of Pokemon like Blaziken living out there that you've probably never even seen before!
- Ben: I've been there once. I remember every moment of my first time in Hoenn. Me and my starter from there, Treeko, we made a great team.
- Ash: The Hoenn region, huh? Yeah, I'd love to see some new Pokémon.
- (Soon, a sudden scream is heard)
- Misty: Did you guys hear that scream?
- Brock: Yeah, I think it came from over there!
- Ben: Might be trouble.
- Harrison: Let's check it out.
- (They soon comes across some frightened girls)
- Ash: What is it?
- Ben: What's the problem, ladies? You look like you've seen a ghost.
- ???: That's exactly what we saw! Ghosts are up there!
- Ben: (in thought) Me and my big fat mouth!
- (Everyone looks up and sees three white silhouettes floating around near a set of windows)
- ???: See? Over there!
- ???: Ghosts!
- Misty: Hey, those aren't ghosts!
- Ash: No, they're not.
- Ben: Now that you mention it, you're right. And they look familiar.
- Brock: We'll take care of this. Don't worry. Ash, use your Noctowl.
- Ash: Yeah. Okay! Noctowl, go!
- (Noctowl materializes)
- Ash: Foresight!
- (Noctowl's eyes glow red and reveal the silhouettes to be a trio of Misdreavous)
- Misty: They're Misdreavous.
- Ben: I KNEW they looked familiar.
- ???: Wow, you're right!
- Gary: Ash! What's going on up here? I thought I heard a scream.
- Ben: These two thought they saw some ghosts, but turns out...
- Ash: Look up there. Just a bunch of Misdreavous.
- (Gary soon spots them)
- Gary: Oh, yeah. Seems to me that they're looking for something, you know?
- Harrison: I think you're right.
- (The three Misdreavous fly off to the right)
- Misty: If so, I think they've found it.
- Ash: Let's check it out.
- (Our heroes follow and find that another Misdreavous is trapped under a fallen tree)
- Misty: Another one.
- Gary: Oh, no. It got trapped. It's stuck under that tree.
- Harrison: That's why the others are so upset!
- Ash: Yeah, and we've gotta help em out!
- Ben: Then everyone grab a part of the trunk, and HEAVE!
- (Everyone soon starts trying to lift the tree)
- Misty: It won't be much longer, Misdreavous! Hang on!
- (Finally, with great effort, the tree is lifted and the Misdreavous is free)
- Ash: We did it!
- (Gary then runs over to check on it)
- Brock: What's up, Gary? Is it injured?
- Gary: It doesn't appear to be. Misdreavous, how're you feeling?
- Misdreavous: Misdreavous! ("I'm okay.")
- Azusa: Misdreavous says she's okay.
- Gary: You're going to be just fine, Misdreavous.
- (The Misdreavous joins the others and they soon fly off into the night before disappearing)
- Misty: I'm so glad we were able to help.
- Gary: That's for sure. I'll be that Misdreavous came all the way out here cause it was frightened by the commotion of the competition.
- Ash: You really think so?
- Gar: Well, it would make a lot of sense because those Misdreavous live a lot further up on Mount Silver.
- Ash: Hey, you know more about Pokemon than I thought.
- Gary: Yeah, but there's still a lot that I don't know. And that's why I want to keep learning as much as I can. You know, I've seen so many types of amazing Pokemon evolve. I've seen gentle Magikarp evolve into fierce Gyarados, and when Remoraid evolve into Octillery, they change form completely! I've seen Tyrogue that evolve into Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan or Hitmontop, depending on how they're raised! And then there's Eevee, which can evolve into eight different Pokemon depending on the situation! There's just so much to be learned about evolution and I want to learn as much as I can! So I've decided to become a Pokemon researcher, Ash.
- Ash: A Pokemon researcher?
- Ben: Like your grandpa?
- Gary: Uh huh. So this'll be the last competition I'll participate in. But, Ash, you keep doing your best in all your battles in the future, okay?
- Ash: Yeah.
- Gary: Gotta go now. Catch ya later.
- (Our heroes are slightly baffled by Gary's sudden decision)
- Brock: That's great! So Gary Oak's gonna become a Pokemon researcher!
- Harrison: Impressive, huh?
- Ritsu: Guess it runs in the family.
- Misty: Sure is and sure does, and it makes so much sense, too.
- Ben: Hopefully he'll get to work with Professor Westwood on the Mega Evolution theory.
- (As for Ash, he's still completely silent as the camera fades out before fading in on the final day of the competition)
- Announcer: Well, the Silver Conference is finally drawing to a close! Both trainers have one Pokemon remaining for this battle! Who will claim victory in this match?
- (As the announcer talks, a Rhydon and a Rapidash charge at each other, with Rhydon being knocked out upon impact with Rapidash's horn)
- Referee: Rhydon is unable to battle, Rapidash wins!
- Announcer: And that's it! Our winner is Jon Dickson from Sento Cherry Town!
- Brock: That Dickson guy's amazing!
- Sucy: I guess he's championship after all.
- Ash: Sure is.
- Misty: What a battle.
- (Ben and President Goodshow hand Jon the trophy)
- Announcer: Head judge, Mr. Goodshow, and former champion, Ben Rockefeller, present the championship trophy to the victorious Jon Dickson! We now present to you the champion of this year's Johto League Silver Conference, Jon Dickson from Sento Cherry Town!
- (Later that day, the stadium is empty, the crowds have gone, and the flame of Ho-Oh is extinguished. Meanwhile, Team Rocket is seen still trying to attract customers, unaware that the tournament had ended)
- Jessie: Step right up! Don't crowd, there's plenty to go around!
- James: Get your Silver Conference pins right here!
- Meowth: You're not gonna find dese rare beauties anywheres else!
- Team Rocket: So don't be shy! These things are a super buy!
- (But no one comes)
- Meowth: Jess, we might've sold more of dese if da competition wasn't ovah.
- James: Yes, you may have a point.
- (They soon see a crowd of people rushing towards them)
- Jessie: Look! Customers!
- James: Ah, I can just hear the cash register ring!
- Meowth: Sos it was woith building dis snazzy new shop after all!
- (However, they soon realize that the crowd isn't new customers, but angry bill collectors)
- James: These people don't want to buy our pins!
- Meowth: Dey're all bill collectors!
- (They hop behind the counter)
- Jessie: Please just give us one minute, so we can write you all a check.
- (The shutter closes)
- Meowth: Oh, my head. Now what're we supposed to do?
- James: We're flat broke, Jess.
- Jessie: Time to play a little hardball. Operation: Rollout!
- (The building soon turns into a giant robot and rolls forward after scaring away the bill collectors)
- Jessie: I added this moveable building special feature just in case we got stuck.
- James and Meowth: What luck!
- Jessie: I call it the Mobile Building Bill Buster! Model 2.
- James: I like it!
- Meowth: Your best decision evah!
- (Meanwhile, up ahead, our heroes are about to say farewell to Harrison and Gary)
- Gary: Think I'll circle around Mt. Silver and then head back to Pallet Town.
- Harrison: I'm heading over to the Indigo Plateau.
- Ash: And we're gonna stop in Viridian City first and then go back to Pallet Town.
- Misty: I guess it's time we all say goodbye, huh?
- Harrison: Yeah. Probably so.
- (Suddenly, they all get their attention diverted towards Team Rocket's robot)
- Ash: What's that?
- Ben: Trouble, with a capital T! (in thought) And here I thought they'd give up before the season finale.
- (Team Rocket soon sees them)
- Team Rocket: Say!
- Jessie: This must be our lucky day!
- James: We escape the mob...
- Pikachu: And catch Pikachu, too!
- Ash: What's with the moving building?!
- Ben: I told you already, it's those three knuckleheaded stooges again!
- Jessie: Prepare for trouble, and as a bonus, you can shop!
- James: And make it double as we shout from the rooftop! Limited edition Silver Conference pins included.
- Jessie: To protect the world from devastation!
- James: To unite all peoples within our nation!
- Jessie: To denounce the evils of truth and love!
- James: To extend our reach to the stars above!
- Jessie: Jessie!
- James: James!
- Jessie: Team Rocket spins around the world at the speed of light!
- James: Surrender to my pirouette or prepare to fight!
- Meowth: Meowth, that's right!
- Wobbuffet: Wobbuffet! ("At long last!")
- Everyone: Team Rocket!
- Pikachu: Pi Pikachu! ("These jokers again!")
- (Team Rocket re-enters their robot and laughs in triumph)
- Jessie: Prepare to part with your Pikachu!
- James: These are on sale!
- (A missile fires from the robot and sends Ash and Pikachu flying)
- Misty: Pikachu, Ash! Look out!
- Meowth: I'm about to net a fortune!
- (A net comes out of one of the robot's arms and comes down towards Pikachu)
- Ash: Pikachu!
- Gary: Blastoise, use Hydro Pump, now!
- (Blastoise materializes and fires the attack, breaking the net, to the dumbfounded surprise of Team Rocket)
- Harrison: Now, Blaziken, Flamethrower!
- (Blaziken materializes and launches the attack, engulfing the robot in flames)
- Ben: That set em up, now to knock that building down!
- Ash: Alright, Pikachu, Thunderbolt, let's go!
- (Pikachu leaps and launches the attack, destroying the robot and sending Team Rocket flying)
- Jessie: The road to ruin is full of great ideas.
- James: Sadly our road is filled with...
- Meowth: A bunch of stinkin' potholes!
- Team Rocket: Team Rocket's blasting off again!
- (Later...)
- Harrison: Well, that was, interesting.
- Ben: Sorry you had to see that, Harrison.
- Harrison: It's okay, but I still have to get going.
- Brock: We really appreciate your helping us like that, Harrison.
- Misty: Yeah, that was great. Thanks a lot.
- Gary: Hey, Ash, you keep on working to become a Pokémon master. You, too, Liam.
- Ash: You bet. And you do your best with your Pokemon research, too.
- (Both former rivals shake hands)
- Harrison: You know, guys, even though you're both going separate ways, you two are always gonna be competitors.
- Ash and Gary: Yeah!
- Brock; Hey, Gary, I'm looking forward to hearing all about your Pokemon research one of these days.
- Misty: Me, too. I can hardly wait.
- Ben: I recommend you try working with Professor Westwood, he's studying an interesting theory about Pokemon evolution that I think the symposium is close to confirming.
- Gary: Hey, thanks, guys. And I sure will consider it, Ben. Either way, I'll do my best. You know that.
- Harrison: You all have a safe trip now.
- Misty: We will, Harrison. You, too.
- Harrison: Goobye, now.
- Gary: Bye!
- (As the two boys talk, they all part ways as our heroes bid them farewell)
- Narrator: The Silver Conference of the Johto League has come to a close. Ash and Gary head off in different directions, traveling down very different roads. Even as they part ways, these two will continue seeking out new challenges and sharing new experiences along the way.
- Ben: (V.O.) Home, here we come!
- (End of episode)