Joker (voiced by Mark Hamill) is Batman's greatest nemesis and a super-criminal hailing from Gotham City. Pooh's Adventures of Batman: Mask of the Phantasm.
Not much is known about how the Joker came to be, there are various origins as who he once was.
In one such origin story, he was a hitman going by the alias of Jack Napier who notably worked with men like Chuckie Sol, Buzz Bronsky, and Sal Valestra. One night, he led a group of his fellow mobsters in a hit on the Ace Chemical plant. During the raid, things went awry when the thugs encountered Batman. A fight broke out between Batman and Napier that ended with the latter falling into a vat of chemicals that disfigured him. The chemicals dyed his skin white, his hair green, and stained his lips a permanent red. The first sight of his new look broke his mind.
A few years after this encounter, Jack quickly made a name for himself as the Joker, and caused enough trouble for Gotham to catch the attention of Batman, who'd pummel the clown black and blue before throwing him into Arkham Asylum.
Undeterred, however, Joker would always find a way to break out of Arkham and wreak all kinds of chaos upon Gotham while pushing Batman's limits, attempting to see how far he can go before the Dark Knight would snap and break his "one rule".
- Joker came back with his girlfriend, Harley Quinn along with Two-Face and The Penguin to get revenge on Pooh and his friends in Winnie the Pooh Goes to Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
- Joker and Harley returned in Pooh's Adventures of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Pooh's Adventures of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: The Secret of The Ooze where they worked with The Shredder.
- Joker and Harley appeared in the Bonus ending of Pooh's Adventures of Home on the Range.
- Joker and Harley recently returned in Pooh's Adventures of 101 Dalmatians where they worked with Cruella De Vil along with Jafar, Iago, Maleficent, Ursula, Hades, and The Grand Duke of Owls. They worked with her again in Pooh's Adventures of 101 Dalmatians: The Series.
- Joker and Harley will team up with Jafar, Maleficent, Myotismon, The Grand Duke of Owls, Captain Hook, Shere Khan, Kaa the Snake, Clayton, Scar, Shenzi, Banzai, Ed, King Ghidorah, Brer Fox, and Brer Bear to get their revenge on Pooh and their friends in the Winnie the Pooh/Free Willy films.
- Joker will become the member with Two-Face, The Penguin, and The Fearsome Five as The Crime Empire.
- Joker was also portrayed by the late Heath Ledgers in "The Dark Knight"
- Joker will get his revenge on Ash and his friends in Ash's Adventures of Batman: Mask of the Phantasm.
- Joker will get his revenge on Littlefoot and his friends in Littlefoot's Adventures of Batman: Mask of the Phantasm.
- Joker will get his revenge on Simba, Timon, and Pumbaa and will become Bloom's enemy in Bloom's Adventures of Batman: Mask of the Phantasm.
- Joker, Harley, Two-Face, and Penguin will team up with the Ancient Minister and his family, Jafar, Iago, Maleficent, Myotismon, Ursula, Hades, Dr. Facilier, Scar, One-Eyed Sally, Blather, Captain Hook, Oogie Boogie, Icy, Darcy, Stormy, Team Rocket, and the Grand Duke of Owls to get revenge on Pooh, Ash, Bloom, Mickey Mouse, Simba, and their friends in Winnie the Pooh and The Halloween Tree.
- Joker will become Little Bear and hi friends' enemy in Little Bear's Adventures of Batman: Mask of the Phantasm.
- Joker and Harley will team up with Scar, Shenzi, Banzai, Ed, The Grand Duke of Owls, Jessie, James, and Meowth of Team Rocket to work for King Jareth in Ash Ketchum Goes to Labyrinth.
- Joker will become Tino Tonitini, Ash Ketchum, Littlefoot, Scooby-Doo, and their friends' enemy in Tino's Adventures of Batman The Animated Series and Tino Tonitini and The New Batman Adventures.
- The Joker of the DCAU and Burtonverse are the only known versions of the character who have died.