Nicknamed "Kane-Hekili", this Raichu is one of Miki's Pokemon she owns and is an Alolan Form. He usually stays outside its Pokeball like Ash's Pikachu and rarely goes inside his Pokeball, he is Miki's starter Pokemon when he was a Pichu. He is nicknamed "Kānehekili" after the Hawaiian God of Thunder. Even as Raichu, he remains out of his Pokeball due to his hate of being confined in its Pokeball, much like Ash's Pikachu does.
As Pichu[]
Pikachu first appeared as a Pichu in Shell Shock, where he and Miki decided to join Liam's travelling companions.
In Stage Fight, he talked to Kay's Raichu, but is revealed that Raichu had stage fright due to being nervous since Kay was the one being nervous and afraid of being shocked. He later battled Team Rocket, he didn't use Thunder Shock at that time or else he would've shocked itself.
In Bye Bye Psyduck, he was seen training with Chupy where it helped it control it's own electricity but it wasn't easy to do, because the lack of Pichu's electricity and knocked itself out, due to shocking itself. While playing with the other Pokémon on the beach, he accidentally bumped into Huggy.
In A Way Off Day Off, he was seen playing with other Pokémon
In The Mandarin Island Miss Match, he battled against Prima's Cloyster and lost due to Pichu's lack of control of his electricity and knocked itself out due to shocking himself.
In Get Along, Little Pokémon (LAoPtS) he fell ill with flu-like symptoms and sparks flying from his cheeks.
In The Mystery Menace, he is dragged into the sewers after Ash's Bulbasaur by a mysterious creature. Miki tries to save him, but she ends up getting pulled in along with him.
In Liam's Adventures of Pokemon the Movie 2000
In Hello, Pummelo!, Pichu was used as Miki's final Pokemon, he used Thunderbolt for damage, only to shock itself and is later defeated by Drake's Dragonite.
In The Rivalry Revival!, Pichu still wasn't able to control his own electricity despite Chupy's coaching at the time. When Team Rocket had the upperhand, Pichu was badly hurt after he protected Miki, Ritsu and Chupy. Pichu let out his strongest electricity he could hold, and managed to land a hit on Arbok and Weezing, Miki and Chupy praised him, but was interrupted when Pichu evolved into Pikachu.
As Pikachu[]
In The Road to Kanto!, he was traveling to Kanto with Miki.
In The Hidden Pine Trails of the Viridian Forest!,
In Miki and the Barefooted Trainer, he became friends Kathy’s Torchic, Plucky
In Extreme Pokémon, He is seen taking care of Miki after she fractured her arm during a practice session with Francis for the Extreme Pokémon Race and was forced to withdraw from the race due to her injury.
In Johto Photo Finish, He was used as his last Pokemon against an unknown trainer and Rhydon being its last Pokemon, none of his electric attacks was working and his only attacking move he can do was Quick Attack, as a last ditch effort, he went for Volt Tackle and Iron Tail, but was overpowered by Rhydon's Hyper Beam, knocking him out, and eliminating Miki from the league. Kāne-Hekili apologized for losing
In Alola to New Adventure! (LAoPtS), Kanehekili decided the timing was right to evolve, so Miki uses her Thunder Stone, and he evolved into a Raichu but he was different than a normal Raichu. Until Sawako describes it as an Alolan Form.
As Raichu[]
Kane-Hekili displayed his new move, by lifting Miki up slightly with Psychic, revealing to have learned it after he evolved from Pikachu.
In Racing to a Big Event!
In All They Want to Do is Dance Dance!
In Dummy, You Shrunk the Kids!
In League Offenders and Defenders!
In Battle Royal 151!
Raichu was sent out to head to the Pokémon Center. However, when it got sent out again, Raichu devolved into Pikachu while Twitter devolved back into Tranquill. They were forced to be recalled shortly afterward. It was sent out again as a Pikachu, but devolved again into a Pichu, alongside Twitter who devolved into a Pidove. But not long after, they were both turned into eggs. Moments after the Alternate World Team Rocket was defeated, Ash, his friends, and their Alternate World counterparts, along with some help from Cynthia, Alternate World Professor Rowan, Jessie, James, and Alternate World Nurse Joy, prayed for Dialga and Palkia to stop fighting and pleaded them to turn their Pokemon back to their normal forms. Just then, a bright golden silhouette of Arceus appeared, calmed the temporal and spacial Pokémon down and destroyed the Red Chain that the Alternate World Team Rocket had them binded by. Dialga and Palkia then fixed the damage their fighting caused and returned everyone back to their respective dimensions, while also granting their wish to reverse the devolution effects on all of their Pokémon, returning Kanehekili all the way back to Alolan Raichu and returning Twitter all the way back to Unfezant.
Personality and characteristics[]
Since he is young, Pichu is curious of his own surroundings and the world around him. He is also strong-willed as well. He lacked confidence in battle since he couldn't control his own electricity.
After he evolved into Pikachu, he became more of a dependable leader since he was Miki's starter, and somewhat of a big brother after Miki received Totodile (nicknamed Snapper) and a Pokémon egg. He became more confident in battle.
After finally evolving into a Raichu and spending a very long time as Pikachu, Kanehekili became much more loyal, and dedicated to its friends as well as Miki. He is revealed to be more nimble due to its speed upon evolution. The minor drawback since its evolution is his defense as he is shown to lack a lot of it.
Chupy, Ritsu's Raichu[]
When Chupy was a Pikachu at the time, he would train with her, he can't seem to control his own electricity and often shocking itself. Chupy would help him get better at controlling it, and Chupy was pleased when he evolved into one himself.
Huggy, Yui's Goodra[]
Goh's Raichu[]
Goh's Cinderace[]
Misty's Togepi[]
Chloe's Yamper[]
Serena's Braxien[]
Serena's Pancham[]
Serena's Sylveon[]
Bonnie's Dedenne[]
Iris' Axew[]
Hula, Lilo's Bellossom[]
Liam's Porygon-Z[]
Ash's Larvitar[]
Liam's Grimer[]
Liam's Espeon[]
Liam's Bellossom[]
Ash's Snivy[]
Ash's Pignite[]
Ash's Oshawott[]
Ash's Sceptile[]
Buddy, Ashley's Pikachu[]
Ash's Corphish[]
Ash's Swellow[]
Ash's Staraptor[]
Ash's Unfezant[]
Ash's Lucario[]
Ash's Gliscor[]
Chloe's Eevee[]
Clemont's Bunnelby[]
Clemont's Chespin[]
Ash's Greninja[]
May's Eevee[]
May's Squirtle[]
May's Blaziken[]
May's Beautifly[]
May's Skitty[]
May's Munchlax[]
May's Bulbasaur[]
Ash's Bayleef[]
Ash's Bulbasaur[]
Ringo, Miki's Umbreon[]
Ash's Donphan[]
Dawn's Mamoswine[]
Dawn's Pachirisu[]
Ash's Lapras[]
Dawn's Buneary[]
Dawn's Piplup[]
Surfer, Miki's Piplup[]
Miki Sunshine[]
Kanehekili risks himself to protect his young trainer. He also helps her take care of a Pokémon Egg she is currently caring for.
In Get Along Little Pokémon,
In The Mystery Menace,
In Hello Pummelo!,
In The Rivalry Revival,
In Dummy, You Shrunk the Kids!,
Snapper, Miki's Totodile[]
Ash's Snorlax[]
Ash's Tauros[]
Ash's Squirtle[]
Ash's Heracross[]
Ash's Totodile[]
Ash's Cyndaquil[]
Ash's Noctowl[]
Ash's Muk[]
Ash's Torkoal[]
Ash's Chimchar[]
Ash's Aipom[]
Dawn's Buizel[]
Sydney's Buizel[]
Ash's Charizard[]
Liam's Charizard[]
Ash's Pikachu[]
He and Ash's Pikachu are like brothers. Even as Raichu, he still respects him as friends and brothers.
Plucky, Kathy's Blaziken[]
He and Plucky have a sibling bond
Loyal, Kathy's Lucario[]
George, Kathy's Slaking[]
Mothra, Kathy's Dustox[]
Boris, Kathy's Rhyhorn[]
Ruby, Kathy's Corphish[]
Harley, Kathy's Emboar[]
Jill, Kathy's Tentacool[]
Rojo, Kathy's Tauros[]
Kingston, Kathy's Arbok[]
Toad, Kathy's Breloom[]
Excalibur, Kathy's Sirfetch'd[]
Kathy's Chesnaught[]
Kathy's Stufful[]
Kathy's Croagunk[]
Kathy's Machop[]
Mojo, Kathy's Mankey[]
Kathy's Heracross[]
Kathy's Scraggy[]
Kathy's Gallade[]
Kathy's Poliwrath[]
Kathy's Tyrogue trio[]
They are known as the Tyrogue brothers.
Moves Learned[]
Thunder Shock
Tail Whip
Sweet Kiss
Hidden Power
Quick Attack
Iron Tail
Focus Blast
Electro Web
Volt Tackle
Stoked Sparksurfer
- He has a Naughty nature and his characteristic is "strong willed".
- His ability is Static as Pichu and Pikachu, and Surge Surfer as Alolan Raichu.
- Until Don't Touch That 'dile, he remained unnamed.
- His known attacks (as a Pichu) are Thundershock, Spark, Charm, Hidden Power, Thunder Wave, Sweet Kiss, Tail Whip, Charge and Nuzzle. As a Pikachu, his known moves are Quick Attack, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Agility, Volt Tackle, Electro Web, Charge and Iron Tail. As a Raichu, his moves are Thunderbolt, Psychic, Surf and Focus Blast.
- After Miki recieved a Z-Power Ring, Kanehekili is capable of using the Z-Move, Stoked Sparksurfer.
- While he evolved into a Richu on Liam's Adventures of Pokémon, Kanehikili remained a Pikachu for a long time in Ryan F-Freeman's Advetures of Pokémon since another Pikachu Miki owns nicknamed "Lil Pika", since then he can use the Z-Move "Catastropika" in this form, after Miki caught another Pikachu who chose to stay in that form.