Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
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The savior of Camelot and a dear friend of Pooh, Simba, Yogi Bear, Ash, Benny the Beast, Leo Lionheart, Johnny the Lion, Rae the Lioness and Littlefoot.

Kayley is a young woman and the main protagonist in Winnie the Pooh and the Quest for Camelot. In the film, she always dreamed of being a couragous knight when she was a child (aproxemately 9 years). But when her father Sir Lionel was killed off by a lustful knight by the the name of Sir Ruber, she joined forces with Winnie the Pooh, his friends, and Danny and Sawyer to help her save Camelot and King Arthur's sword Excalibur from Sir Ruber and his partner Darla Dimple. Along with the way, they meet up with Garrett a blind squire, and Devon and Cornwall a two-headed dragon. In the end, Kayley, Pooh, and the others defeated Ruber and Darla. Kayley married Garret and became a heroine of Camelot


