King Thorax is a male and a very good Changeling who appears in MLP:FiM in the Season 6 episode The Times They Are A Changeling. In the season 6 finale, he becomes the new leader of the changelings following the defeat of Queen Chrysalis.
- This is the second changeling to be a good guy, first was Scotch.
- Thorax will appear with Scotch in Equestria Civil War.
- Thorax will play the role of Spider-Man in My Little Pony: Spider-Mare, My Little Pony: Spider-Mare 2, My Little Pony: Spider-Mare 3, My Little Pony: The Amazing Spider-Mare, My Little Pony: The Amazing Spider-Mare 2, My Little Pony: Captain Equestria - Civil War, My Little Pony: Spider-Mare - Homecoming, My Little Pony: Harmony Avengers - Infinity War, My Little Pony: Harmony Avengers - Endgame, My Little Pony: Spider-Mare - Far From Home and My Little Pony: Spider-Mare - No Way Home.
- He is voiced by