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The Rainbow Rescue Beam[]

With Tenderheart and Tod busy with Nicholas, and Ash, Friend Bear, and Secret Bear trying to help Chihiro, we turn to a third party now up in the clouds, where a group by the name of the Care Bears are busy over in Care-A-Lot working on their latest invention. With the Rainbow Rescue Beam, they can easily send a Care Bear anywhere on Earth in a matter of seconds, or bring them back in case of an emergency. Essentially, a glorified teleporter. At the moment, Grumpy Bear was modifying the machine and performing adjustments for the next test. "Why am I always the one fixing things around here?" he asked himself.

"Because you never complain," Share Bear replied, keeping an eye on him.

Grumpy sighed. The blue bear was underneath the machine trying to unwedge something within the machine itself. "I think I know why the first test didn't go as planned..." he said. "One of our Star Buddies got stuck in the gears!" He proceeded to pull out said star from the machine. "I think we ought to get this machine tested as soon as possible."

"Any suggestions?" asked Share.

"Not really... We still don't have a good visual."

"Then try 'Heart, Shamrock, Star' and see if that gets the machine up."

Grumpy nodded and touched three of the machine's symbols on the right. Already, the machine started to operate as the Rescue Beam charged up in power. "So that's how it turns on... but we have no idea if it'll transport anyone, or anything... So... you want to try beaming yourself down?"

"You kiddin'?" Share replied sweating.

"I ain't goin' down and risking potentially-"

Before Grumpy could finish his statement, he and Share saw a rainbow come in and touch the diamond heart above the machine, which proceeded to beam down two humans and two bears. All four of them are surprised at what just happened, including all the other Care Bears in the area who happened to have been watching the ordeal.

"Oh my stars, you brought visitors!" said a pink bear with a rainbow badge, Cheer Bear. "What are they doing here?"

"We didn't bring them," Friend Bear answered. "They just came with us... Someone brought us here."

"Good news, the beam worked," Grumpy said just as surprised despite not showing it in his face.

Ash and Chihiro looked at each other for a moment, before Ash rubbed his cheek trying to think about what happened. "Uhh, first question... Where are we?"

"You're in Care-A-Lot, my friends," said a yellow bear with a sun badge, Funshine Bear, "and we are the Care Bears!"

"Oh great, more technicolor teddies..." Chihiro managed to say.

"At least they seem chill about us humans being here," Ash replied as Pikachu nodded in agreement. "Well, I'm Ash Ketchum, and this is my best friend, Pikachu."

"And I'm, Chihiro Fujisaki..."

"Chihiro," repeated Cheer Bear. "I remember you... You're the one with the Weakness Complex... I hope the bullies back on Earth aren't harming you anymore."

"Not at all," Chihiro replied. "Not while I'm wearing these clothes anyways..." Chihiro pulled on his dress slightly, mildly blushing.

"Wait, you're a guy??" Ash asked in shock. Pikachu looked extremely surprised.

"Shoot. That cat's out of the bag..." Chihiro rubbed his arm. "I was hoping you wouldn't figure it out, Ash..."

"The fact you're a highly skilled programmer shows you've done a lot on your own, Chihiro. Pikachu and I were pretty weak when we started our journey at the age of 10. Many years have passed now, and we're pretty much an unstoppable force. We're not as different as you think."

Chihiro smiled a bit, unable to admit Ash was right.

"How about we give you a tour and put your mind at ease?" Friend Bear asked.

"Hmm... Lead the way, Friend Bear," Chihiro replied.

"Alright!" said Ash snapping a finger. "This is gonna be awesome!" With that, the group went out to see everything Care-A-Lot has to offer.

The Scariest Curse[]

Meanwhile, Tod and Tenderheart managed to follow Nicholas into the tent just as the show had started. Everything seemed to have started out okay initially. The teens who were watching the show seemed to be interested after the first couple tricks. "And now," said Nicholas, "the Amazing Nicholas shall pull a dove out of his hat! Observe."

Nicholas took his hat off and showed nothing inside the hat nor his sleeve initially. The audience is intrigued at what's about to happen. Just as the trick was about to work, the spirit did a bit of trolling and blasted a water spell through the hat onto Nicholas. The audience laughed at the failure that had occurred. Tod managed a slight chuckle but went flush when Tenderheart noticed. "Sorry," said Tod, "I... just wasn't expecting that was all..."

"Well, that spirit is really making Nicholas more clowned on than ever," Tenderheart replied. "I feel pretty bad for him..."

Nicholas turned to the spirit. "Make them stop laughing!" he said. "Make them stop!"

"Only you can do that," the spirit replied to him, turning to another page in the book. "Here... Teach them a lesson."

"A lesson...?" repeated Nicholas looking a bit curious.

"One they'll~ never~ forget!"

The audience continued to egg Nicholas on to make them laugh, which was the final straw for the apprentice. He turned to the book and recited the spell. "Zimma zot, raddy tot, kazort nee!!"

"Nicholas, no!!" shouted Tenderheart, but it was too late. A bright red and yellow flash enveloped the room, and all the teens stopped laughing and started to fight each other, all except for Tod and Tenderheart, as Tenderheart hugged Tod tightly to protect him from the book's powers.

"Oh god," said Tod. "He turned them into YouTube commenters!"

"What's a YouTube?" asked Tenderheart.

"You don't want to know..."

"Now they know how you felt all your life," said the spirit to Nicholas, "without a friend in the world. Now they feel nothing..."

"I can't believe this," said Tenderheart, "what have you done, Nicholas!?"

Nicholas quickly hid behind the spirit. "Only what they did to me! They deserved it!"

"There appear to be two sides to this story," said Tod. "Why turn to the same darkness they initially instilled in your heart?"

Nicholas wasn't willing to hear Tod's question as he quickly used a second spell. "Nyx, fix, sticks!" Nicholas and the spirit teleported away in a tornado of green smoke.

"This is only the beginning," said the spirit as the two disappeared.

Tod and Tenderheart coughed from the smoke for a moment before Tod grabbed Tenderheart's hand and lead him out of the tent. "Thanks, Tod," said Tenderheart. "Looks like this is a job for all the Care Bears."

"I wish Angel and Simba were here," Tod said annoyed as he snapped his paw. "They'd be able to help me consider my options and stop this in a matter of minutes."

"Not to worry," Tenderheart replied. "We'll take my Rainbow Roller back to Care-A-Lot. They'll be able to help you out, I'm sure of it." Tenderheart whistled and his vehicle arrived. "Hop in!" Both bear and fox got into the vehicle and it quickly blasted off to the sky.


The End of Care-A-Lot!?[]

As Tenderheart and Tod drove to the sky, smooth sailing was initially expected. Little did Tenderheart know he'd hit a slight squall on the way, and a single lightning strike started messing with the controls. "Darn it! We're out of control! Hang onto something, Tod!"

"Like what!?"


Unfortunately for the duo they would hit another bolt of lightning against the main rainbow tire and the duo suddenly fell toward the ground. Luckily for them, Ash and Chihiro had noticed this and quickly ran to catch them. "Tod!?" Ash said recognizing the fox. "Don't worry, I've got you!" Upon catching the fox and bear, a large tremor shook Care-A-Lot to the core. Structures started getting decimated at rapid pace, all except for a few of the main buildings.

"Tod, are you okay?" Ash asked.

"Yeah... but who are you?"

"Don't you remember me? I helped you out with mending your friendship with-" Ash stopped noticing the Magic Band on Tod's wrist. "...Uhh, sorry... I thought you were someone I knew... I'm Ash, Ash Ketchum."

Tod smiled. "Thanks for the save, Ash. I owe you one."

"You good?" Chihiro asked Tenderheart.

"Yeah. Thanks, Chihiro," Tenderheart replied. "Everything looks faded and broken..."

"The Caring Meter dropped two whole points, Tenderheart," Funshine explained. "It's as if a lot of people just suddenly stopped caring."

"What could've caused that?" asked Ash.

"And how come we weren't affected?" Pikachu added speaking in his own language.

"Us Care Bears can shield you from negative emotions like what Tod and I saw down below," Tenderheart explained. "An evil spirit has taken over Nicholas, and she's the reason why everyone in town just stopped caring and attacked each other."

"Man," said Ash, "that Rainbow Rescue Whatever, really saved us from becoming just like them...!"

"Yeah, we got pulled out of there in the nick of time. What luck!" added Chihiro. "Hey, what would happen if the Caring Meter drops to Zero?"

"Everyone in the world would no longer care anymore," Tenderheart replied, "and that means the end of Care-A-Lot."

"WHAT!?" exclaimed Ash, Chihiro, and Tod.

"You mean... your whole world... this whole Source... will be destroyed!?" asked Tod in a higher amount of shock.

Tenderheart nodded and folded his arms. "This is exactly what the spirit has in mind..."

Ash then got an idea. "We're going to have to stop this spirit, and fast... Who knows what sort of trouble Nicholas is causing, and with who."

Tod made a fist with one paw. "This bites... The entire plan has Time Skeletons written all over it... Have you encountered any guys with upside-down Omega Symbols, Ash?"

"No," Ash answered, "but I have come across people with pink R's on their shirts. They call themselves Team Rocket, and they specialize in stealing people's Pokémon for profit."

"Well, if they are to be a part of this, we need to be ready to stop them too."

"Are you sure you can handle them, Tod?"

Tod flicked his nose and grinned. "No sweat! Nothing can beat me and my Blazefire Saber!" Tod tossed his gunblade into the air for a moment before catching it.

"Wow!" said Chihiro. "What an ingenious piece of technology! Half gun, half sword... It's a gunblade!"

Tod laughed for a moment. "Spot on, Chihiro. This here is my universe's Ancient Source of Loyalty. Isn't it a beauty?"

Tenderheart is quite amazed. "So... All three of you, want to help us?"

"Darn straight! I don't care how difficult the task is! I'm all in!"

"Count us in too, Tenderheart," Friend Bear said standing alongside Secret Bear proudly.

"In that case, you two head down with Ash, Tod, and Chihiro. We'll follow." Tenderheart then held out a key to Tod. "Hide this somewhere, Tod. I managed to snag this before going after Nicholas with you. It's our one shot at sealing the spirit away."

"I hope you're right, Tenderheart," Tod replied, pocketing the key in his bag.

"I hope so too..."

Meanwhile in an undisclosed location, the Koopa King watched on from his cauldron. He snickered seeing Tod, Ash, and Chihiro together. "This Tod Vulpes... He may be trouble... The one I know from this world is no trouble at all, but this one has a lot of fight in him with that blade... Pesky gunbreaker, just like Leon..."

On the other side of the cauldron, a vampire wearing a cloak smirked and chuckled. "This Pokémon Trainer gives you a hard time, doesn't he?" he said. "Not to worry, for I'll be able to deal with them before you ever could."

"Can it, Dio," said Bowser. "This was your plan from the start, and I hope you're right about this all. Team Rocket is already on their way to meet with Nicholas."

"I managed to buy another trio to stir up some chaos. Three hitmen by the name of the Time Skeletons, they'll be there too to cause some trouble. All is fair in love and war, after all."

"You're not going to Za Warudo that fox out of the picture?"

"It wouldn't be fair to kill a non-Stand User quickly, and you know that. The only goal here is observation, and making sure this version of Tod is just as weak as the one you know..."

[To Be Continued]