Li Showron (Syaoran Li in the Japanese version) is the deuteragonist from CLAMP's anime and manga series Cardcaptor Sakura, known in the dub as Cardcaptors. He is the lover of Sakura Avalon.
Sakura Avalon:[]
Madison Taylor:[]
Meilin Rae:[]
Ash Ketchum:[]
He and Ash are very good friends each other.
Tino Tonitini[]
Li and Rodan are good friends. He and Rodan are perfect connection to each other.
Li's Pokemon[]
As of Team Robot in Pokemon[]
- Bagon → Shelgon → Salamence ↔ Mega Salamence ♂
- Froakie → Frogadier → Greninja ↔ Li-Greninja ♂
- Charmander → Charmeleon → Charizard ↔ Mega Charizard Y ♂
- Treecko → Grovyle → Sceptile ↔ Mega Sceptile ♂
- Riolu → Lucario ↔ Mega Lucario ♂
- Rockruff (Shiny) → Lycanroc Midnight Form (Shiny) ♂
- Starly → Staravia → Staraptor ♂
- Ralts → Kirlia → Gallade ↔ Mega Gallade ♂
- Snivy → Servine → Serperior ♂
- Totodile → Croconaw → Feraligatr ♂
- Salandit → Salazzle ♀
- Pancham → Pangoro ♂
- Noibat → Noivern ♂
- Hawlucha ♂
- Deino → Zweilous → Hydreigon ♀
- Elekid → Electabuzz ♂
- Rattata (Alolan form) → Raticate (Alolan form) ♂
- Torkoal ♂
- Egg → Shinx → Luxio → Luxray ♂
- Aerodactyl ↔ Mega Aerodactyl ♂
- Absol ↔ Mega Absol ♂
- Tynamo → Eelektrik → Eelektross ♂
- Litten → Torracat → Incineroar♂
- Wimpod → Golisopod ♂
- Eevee ♂
- Squirtle ♂
- Seedot → Nuzleaf → Shiftry ♂
- Sewaddle ♂
- Sandile → Krokorok → Krookodile ♂
- Tepig ♂
- Duskull ♀
- Rowlet ♂
- Pidgey ♂
- Fletchling ♂
- Heatmor ♂
- Wooper → Quagsire ♂
- Bouffalant ♂
- Zorua → Zoroark ♂
- Pawniard → Bisharp ♂
- Patrat → Watchog ♂
- Natu → Xatu ♂
- Yanma → Yanmega ♂
- Remoraid → Octillery ♂
- Drilbur ♀
- Diglett (Alola form) → Dugtrio (Alola form) ♂
- Teddiursa → Ursaring ♂
- Krabby → Kingler ♀
- Larvesta → Volcarona ♂
- Sneasel → Weavile ♂
- Skiddo → Gogoat ♂
- Jangmo-o ♂
- Dwebble → Crustle ♂
- Beldum → Metang → Metagross ↔ Mega Metagross
- Grubbin → Charjabug → Vikavolt ♂
- Electrike → Manectric ↔ Mega Manectric ♂
- Ferroseed → Ferrothorn ♂
- While still having Sakura as his lover.
- Li is very similar to Brick that he is brave and a good closest friend.
- His Ultra Guardian uniform is green and dark green.