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Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
800px-Xerosic Malamar

This Malamar is one of Liam's Pokemon he owns.


As a wild Pokemon[]

It first appeared where it cruelly hypnotized Team Rocket, Dedenne, Bonnie, Serena, Clemont and Officer Jenny as well as Miki, Sydney, Oscar, Stitch, Dora, Kathy, the whole entire Light Music Club minus Azusa and Mugi, the entire Sword Art Online group minus Kirito, Asuna, Leafa and Silica(who had covered their eyes). Miki is even seen wrapped in one of Malamar's tentacles while she is in a trance. Only Liam, Mugi, Azusa, Ben, Ash, Kirito, Asuna, Leafa, Silica, Pina, and Meowth were the only ones left unhypnotized. In Facing the Grand Design!, one Malamar, the first one they encountered, disappeared for unknown reasons before it left for the future, it was later revealed that it was captured by Liam.

With Liam[]

He was first used in Tough Guy Trials! but was revealed to disobey him due to its malevolent nature, it remained disobedient until Some Kind of Laziness! where it lost another battle due to its disobedience but was hurt badly, and Liam had to treat its wounds.

When it saw Liam still cared for it despite its malevolent, stubbornness and its disobedience, it willingly let him nursed it back to health, after Malamar was healed, its malevolent and stubbornness had disappeared, and decided to fight alongside him, revealing that he had given up on its grand design and world domination, and gained its respect to Liam.

He was used against Nanu in the rematch in Guiding an Awakening!, and revealing to have learned new moves thanks to Liam's training with him after its respect towards him, he defeated Krookodile with Superpower and giving itself an Attack and Defense boost due to its Contrary ability. He was switched out when Sableye came out.

Personality and characteristics[]




  • He has a Naughty nature and its characteristic is "Somewhat stubborn".
  • His ability is Contrary.
  • However, in Ryan F-Freeman's Adventures of Pokémon the Series: XY, it remained a wild Pokémon after it resist capture and wants to hypnotise Liam which he successfully did due to Liam shielding Ryan and Meg from it, and never gain respect for him, never obey Liam's commands and resumes its grand design.
    • Coincidentally, when Malamar hypnotized Liam, he was then akumatized by Hawk Moth shortly afterwards, turning Liam into Mister X, and making it Mister X's Pokémon and took control of Liam.

