This is the episode transcript of License to Clean/On Her Cousin's Special Salad (TtFmSAO).
License to Clean[]
{The episode starts with everyone by a cave with Dottie}
Voice: License to Clean
Oso: What's our training exercise for today, Agent Dottie?
Tabby: And why is this exercise by a cave?
Dottie: Here's why, Tabby. You all have to find the red jewel.
Oso: Wow! A jewel! Where is it?
Dottie: Somewhere in that cave yonder.
Maui: {Nervously} You mean the jewel is all alone, {He looks at the cave} in there?
Oso: Oh. A cave. Hmm. And guys, I know your afraid of going in that cave, but like I say, don't be brave at all times and just be brave one step at a time.
Maui: Thanks, Oso. I'm sure that advice you gave us will help us out.
Tabby: What do we need while were in the cave, Dottie?
Dottie: This here is your safety rope, everyone.
{Dottie clips the safety rope onto Oso's strap and to everyone else's straps}
Dottie: I'll hold on to one end while you all look around inside there.
Katie Mitchell: It's really dark in that cave. It's like a moonless night in there.
Maui: Dottie, is there anything else we need while we're finding the jewel?
Oso: Yeah, how are we supposed to look for anything?
Dottie: {She gives them their mining helmets} You all just use your flashlights on your helmets. {She presses a button onto Oso's helmet for example}
Tabby: Now we see what you're talking about, Dottie.
{Everyone and Oso were about to go in the cave}
Oso: Sounds like a plan. Now we're good to go.
{Tabby's team and Oso give Dottie a thumbs up and she does that too}
Oso: Uh, hang on.
Tabby: What's wrong, Oso?
Katsuki Bakugo: Did you forgot something?
Oso: I have my flashlight on my helmet, but where's my helmet?
{A few members of Tabby's team chuckle}
Tabby: {Looks at the viewers} Can you tell Oso where his mining helmet is?
Oso: {Chuckles} It's on my head. Right. Before we do that, which two of you guys will find a kid who needs help today?
Shota Aizawa: Hmm, I bet me and Maui will find the kid.
Maui: Hmm, sure.
Oso: Well, here's the paper.
{He gives the paper to Shota and Maui}
Shota Aizawa: Well, let's do some teleportation time.
{Shota and Maui press their teleportation buttons and were off to find the kid}
{Shota and Maui got teleported outside of a blue house}
Maui: {Reads the paper with Tigger} It says that we have to find a boy name Jake.
Shota Aizawa: He's got short brown hair and since he has a soccer game, he's wearing a soccer kit.
{They manage to see him getting dressed}
Jake's mom: Hurry up, Jake! We have to leave for your soccer game soon!
{Jake was almost dressed until he realize he's missing one of his soccer shoes}
Maui: Looks like he's missing one of his shoes.
Jake: {Shouts} Mommy, I can't find my other shoe!
{Jake's mom comes up to Jake's room}
Jake's mom: {Gasps} No wonder. Your room's a mess.
Maui: Yeah, he really needs to clean his room.
Shota Aizawa: She's right, he needs tidy up his room.
Jake: It's not so bad.
Jake's mom: If you want to find your shoe, you'd better clean this place up. And you'd better work fast if you want to get to your game on time.
{Jake was so disappointed}
Jake: {Sighs} How am I supposed to clean all this up?
{Jake slips on a book}
Maui: Ouch. I'm with him on that. I mean, why is it important to tidy up?
Shota Aizawa: Maybe if we and Oso with the others help him, maybe that'll help you answer your question.
{They press the button on the back and summoned Shutterbug as it aimed at Jake}
Maui: Can you please send the message to Oso and the others, Shutterbug?
{He then sends the message to the satellite which then sends to where Oso and the others are}
{Meanwhile, back in the cave and Dottie was still waiting for them}
Oso: Wow. It really is dark in here.
Katie Mitchell: Yeah, it is. Huh?
{She sees Katsuki turning on and off his helmet}
Katie Mitchell: {Angrily} Katsuki, stop turning your flashlight on and off! It's gonna burn out!
Katsuki Bakugo: This is how civilized and sensitive people do if they're scared in a cave.
Katie Mitchell: {Angrily} This isn't a practice cave, it's a real cave!
Tabby: She's right, Katsuki. And besides, we still have to find that jewel.
Katie Mitchell: Yeah, and I know that Dottie told us something about what to do if it's too dark to see, but we're not sure what.
Tabby: Guys, I think I may have found-
{Tabby was about to find the jewel, until}
Paw Pilot: Special Alert! Special Alert!
Oso: Oh! Oh!
Katie Mitchell and Tabby: Oh no!
{Everyone was about to fall over the edge of the cave but Dottie was holding on to them with the rope}
Dottie: {Grunts} Hang on there, everyone! I got ya!
Tabby: {Looks down} Guys, don't look down.
{Everyone looks down and sees what the edge looks like}
Katie Mitchell: Oh dear!
Tabby: That wasn't suppose to happen!
Oso: It's all part of the plan...more or less.
Mr Dos: Special Agent Oso, Tabby, Katsuki Bakugo, and Katie Mitchell. Mr Dos here. A serious situation has come up.
Katsuki Bakugo: What is it?
Shota Aizawa: {On speaker} The situation is all tidied up.
Maui: {On speaker} We need to tidy up the assignment.
Mr Dos: They're right. Jake will miss his soccer game unless he finds his shoe. It's somewhere in his room, but his room's so messy that he needs your help. Your mission - Help Jake clean his room.
Oso: Sure thing. {Looks at the viewers} We could use your help, too. Will you help us with this special assignment?
Katie Mitchell: {Looks at the viewers} Super!
Tabby: Paw Pilot, what are the three steps for this assignment?
{Three Special Steps song plays}
Paw Pilot: Three special steps, that's all you need. Three special steps, and you'll succeed. Your special assignment is starting now, and three special steps will show you how.
Backup singers: Step One!
Paw Pilot: Put the books on the shelves.
Backup singers: Step Two!
Paw Pilot: Put the toys in their boxes.
Backup singers: Step Three!
Paw Pilot: Put the clothes in their drawers. Three special steps, so now you'll know. Three special steps, and you're ready to go. The checklist has all the steps you need, just follow them all and you will succeed with three special steps.
{Three Special Steps song ends}
Mr Dos: Hurry, everyone. Jake's soccer game starts very soon.
Tabby: We better go now-ow-ow-ow!
{Everyone gets hold on to Whirly Bird outside of the cave}
Tabby: Hold on to Whirly Bird!
Dottie: Bye-bye, everyone! Good luck!
Oso: Whoa!
Tabby: Assignment, here we come!
Katie Mitchell: What's the codename for this special assignment, Paw Pilot?
Paw Pilot: Codename: License to Clean
{License to Clean song plays}
Paw Pilot: Bedrooms are places where we read, sleep, and play. But to keep them nice we need to learn to put our stuff away. When clothes, toys, and books pile up and the floor just can't be seen. It's time for you to earn, time for you to earn, your license to clean.
{License to Clean song ends}
Tabby: Whoa! Those things on the floor turned into a twister when it was all clean.
Katie Mitchell: That's what my bedroom is like when I clean it.
Oso: Thanks, Paw Pilot.
Tabby: Special Assignment, License to Clean.
Oso and Tabby: Accepted!
{Meanwhile, Jake was still disappointed}
Jake: {Grunts and whines}
Maui: I hope they get here on time.
Whirly Bird: {Honks}
Oso: Whoa!
Tabby: I hope we're not going to crash.
{Jake sees someone by his window}
Maui: There's Oso and the others!
Whirly Bird: Happy landings!
Oso: {Shouts} Whirly!
{Everyone just came down from Whirly, by going inside the house and coming up the stairs and into Jake's room}
Tabby: Oso, are you okay?
Jake: Special Agent Oso! Are you here on a special assignment?
Oso: Yes we are, Jake.
Tabby: We're gonna help you clean your room.
Jake: Thanks. I could sure use the help. {Notices Tabby and his team} Um, who are you guys?
Tabby: Well this is Shota Aizawa, Katie Mitchell, Maui, and Katsuki Bakugo. And I'm Tabby the Fox. But you can call me Tabby for short.
Maui: Wow, I never realize your room wasn't that messy. Paw Pilot, what's the first step we have to do, Paw Pilot?
Katie Mitchell: Wait, hold on. We have to take our gloves, helmets, and straps off first.
{They took their helmets, gloves and straps off and put them on Jake's bed}
Maui: Okay. What's the first step, Paw Pilot?
Paw Pilot: Step One - Put the book on their shelves.
Oso: Ha. This should be easy.
{He tries putting a big book in the smaller shelf}
Oso: {Grunts}
Tabby: Um, let me give you a tip, Oso. Look at the shelves.
Paw Pilot: He's right, Oso. Some of the books are tall, and some are short.
{Oso looks at two different sized books}
Oso: He's right, Paw Pilot. The shelves aren't the same size, either.
Maui: {Looks at the viewers} I think we're gonna need your help on this one.
Oso: {Looks at the viewers with a small book} Where does this go? On the bottom shelf. Right! It short, and it fits on the bottom.
Tabby: {Looks at the viewers with a big book} How about this book? Top or bottom? Right! This book is long, so it goes on the top shelf.
Jake: Me next. {He holds a large book}
Katsuki Bakugo: {Looks at the viewers} Where do you think Jake's book should fit?
Maui: {Looks at the viewers} You got it! It's tall, so it goes on the top shelf.
Shota Aizawa: {Looks at the viewers with a little book} How about this book? Yes! It's short, so it goes on the top shelf.
Oso: And now all the books are put away.
{They all high five}
Tabby: We've done the first step! So what's next, Paw Pilot?
Paw Pilot: Step Two - Put the toys in their boxes.
Maui: Oh my, Jake. I never realized that you have a lot of toys.
Tabby: Yeah, I see cars, dinosaurs, and a bunch of action figures.
Katie Mitchell: And look, there are 3 different toy boxes. One is a red car box, one is a blue dinosaur box, and one is a green action figure box.
Oso: {Looks at the viewers while holding a toy dinosaur} So what color box should this toy go in? Yep, yep, yep, the blue box.
{Jake catches the toy and puts it in the box}
Tabby: {Looks at the viewers with a toy car} Where does this toy go? The red. Right! {He gives the toy to Jake and puts it in the box}
Maui: {Looks at the viewers with an action figure} How about this one? Right! The green box.
{He gives Jake the toy and he puts it in the box}
Tabby: {Looks at the viewers} How about this brown triceratops? Right, the blue box. {He gives the toy to Jake and puts it in the box}
Shota Aizawa: {Looks at the viewers with a green action figure} How about this one? Correct. The green one. {He hands the figure to Jake and he puts it in the box}
Oso: {Looks at the viewers} Well, good job. I think all the toys are put away.
{Suddenly, Katsuki was grabbed by Muscular who was hidden}
Muscular: See that toy car there? Place it right were Oso can slip on it. Then try to take his digi-medals as payback for Katie yelling at you.
Katsuki Bakugo: Okay.
{Katsuki places a red toy car nearly Oso}
Katsuki Bakugo: Oso, watch out for the-
{Oso slips on a toy car and it zoomed under the bed}
Oso: Whoa!
Katsuki Bakugo: -toy car.
Oso: It's all part of the plan. More or less. Now where did that car go?
Tabby: It's awfully dark under there.
Oso: W-We can't see anything. What can we use to see in the dark?
Jake: You could use a flashlight.
Oso: A flashlight! Great idea!
Maui: Um, where can we get a flashlight?
{Jake helps the viewers by pointing to Oso's flashlight on his helmet}
Tabby: Why not try the flashlight on your helmet?
Oso: Oh, my helmet. Thanks.
{He turns on his flashlight and sees the toy car}
Oso: There it is. {Looks at the viewers} But which box does it go in? The red box. Thanks.
{Oso puts the car back in the box}
Katsuki Bakugo: But before we move on, Oso has to give me his digi-medals.
Everyone: No!
Katsuki Bakugo: Then we are not moving on then!
{Katie slaps Katsuki on his face}
Katie Mitchell: Focus on the assignment, Katsuki.
Muscular: Why would he listen to you when you are all mad at him?
Maui: Muscular? How did you get in here?
Muscular: You will be suprised on what I am capable of.
{Tabby kicks Muscular out and it sends him flying}
Muscular: I will have my revenge!
Tabby: Seems like the room is almost clean. What's the last step, Paw Pilot?
Paw Pilot: Step Three - Put the clothes in their drawers.
Katie Mitchell: Which piece of clothing goes in which drawer, Jake?
Jake: I'm supposed to put my socks in the top drawer, shirts in the middle one, and pants in the bottom.
{The bottom drawer gotten a bit loose and fell}
Oso: Ok, which one is this? {He looks at the viewers while holding a shirt} This is a shirt. Where does it go? The middle drawer, yeah. {He gives Jake the shirt and he puts it in the drawer}
Tabby: How about these? {He looks at the viewers while holding a pair of socks} They're socks, right. And where do they go? They go on the top drawer, right.
{He gives the socks to Jake who then puts the socks in the top drawer}
Maui: And what are these? {She holds a pair of pants while looking at the viewers} Pants! Right! Where do they go? On to the bottom drawer. Let's keep going.
Oso: Socks - top drawer.
Maui: Assignment alert! Listen!
Jake's mom: Jake, if you want to get to your soccer game on time, we have to leave in 10 seconds.
Tabby: Oh no! We have to finish putting the clothes away!
Paw Pilot: Better hurry, everyone.
{A countdown from 10 to 1 starts}
Paw Pilot: 10...9...
Oso: Shirt - middle. Pants - bottom.
Tabby: I'm still wondering why is it important to tidy up.
Paw Pilot: 8...
Maui: Socks - top.
Paw Pilot: 7...
Maui: Shirt - middle.
Paw Pilot: 6...
Maui: There's only one more piece of clothing left.
Tabby: I'll get it. A shirt.
Paw Pilot: 5...
{Tabby saw something under the shirt}
Paw Pilot: 4...
Tabby: Wait, what's this? This isn't a sock or a shirt or pants.
Jake: My soccer shoe! Thanks, Tabby.
Tabby: No problem. That's what I do best.
Paw Pilot: 3...2...1!
Tabby: We did it!
Oso: {Looks at the viewers} Thanks.
Tabby: So that could be a reason why tidying up is important - so you can find lost things.
Jake: Thanks, guys.
Tabby: Jake, can I take a picture of you so that we will remember you?
Jake: Okay.
{Tabby takes Jake's picture}
Maui: Now, what do you say you get to your game?
Jake: Oh yeah, thanks!
Oso, Tabby, and his team: Bye, Jake!
Katsuki Bakugo: Tell your team we said hi!
Oso: And we've got to the find the red jewel.
{Meanwhile, back at the cave}
Dottie: Good luck. {She gives them a thumbs up}
Tabby: Thanks to what Jake told us about using a flashlight, now we know we have to use our flashlights in our helmets to see and find the red jewel.
{They all turn their flashlights on}
Tabby: {Looks at the viewers} Can you find the red jewel? There it is! You found it!
Oso: We all found the red jewel!
Paw Pilot: That's right. You've all earned your Cave Exploring training awards.
{A medal of an Oso silhouette exploring in a cave is shown}
Mr Dos: That's not all, Oso. You and your friends also completed your special assignment. Tell them, Paw Pilot.
{Three Special Steps song reprise plays}
Paw Pilot: Your special assignment was a success. Because you follow three special steps. By using the checklist along the way, here are the things you did today.
Paw Pilot and Backup singers: Check One!
Paw Pilot: You all put away the books!
Oso: Some were short, some were tall.
Tabby: We had to put them on either the top shelf or bottom shelf.
Paw Pilot and Backup singers: Check Two!
Paw Pilot: And you all put away the toys!
Oso: Each kind had its own box.
Shota Aizawa: One for cars, one for dinosaurs, and one for action figures.
Paw Pilot and Backup singers: Check Three!
Paw Pilot: Then you all put away the clothes!
Oso: We had to fold them, too. That was hard to do.
Maui: Socks were on the top drawer, shirts were on the middle drawer, and pants were on the bottom drawer.
Paw Pilot: And Jake found his shoe and got to his game! Your special assignment was a success, you did your three special steps!
{Three Special Steps song reprise ends}
Mr Dos: Congratulations, everyone. You've all earned a special assignment Digi-Medal.
Oso: {Looks at the viewers} I couldn't have done it without my friends and your hard work, so I want you and my friends to have a Digi-Medal too.
{The medal shows a toy box with 3 dinosaurs on it}
Paw Pilot: This Digi-Medal's for you and Oso's friends.
Oso: {Looks at the viewers} Cause without your help, I'd still be in the dark.
Shota Aizawa: And I would say we got this assignment all tidied up.
{They all walk out of the cave with the jewel at the end}
On Her Cousin's Special Salad[]
{The episode starts on a big boat riding in the water}
Voice: On Her Cousin's Special Salad
{The boat then suddenly stops and now we see Oso and the others in their diving suits}
Tabby: So what exercise is this going to be, Wolfie?
Wolfie: Everyone, your new training exercise is...a submarine search.
Maui: A submarine search? Cool!
Katie Mitchell: What do we have to do in this submarine search, Wolfie?
Wolfie: Now, you all need to put this flashing signal on the sunken submarine that has only two stars on it.
Tabbh: Two stars...
Maui: Interesting.
Paw Pilot: If you find it, you'll all earn a Submarine Search training award.
{She shows them what the medal looks like}
{Unknown to all of them, Muscular heard them from his boat}
Muscular: Looks like they will doing something about submarines for this training exercise. But I will make sure that they will fail both their training exercise and their assignment if they have one today. {Laughs}
{Meanwhile on the boat}
Oso: We're all geared up and ready to go.
Tabby: Um, is there anything else we need to know, Wolfie?
Wolfie: Pay attention, everyone. There may be other submarines down there. So, you'll all need to clean them with these diver brushes to be sure you've all got the right one.
{Everyone puts their diver brushes on their diving suits}
Wolfie: Now dive off the back of the boat and get started.
Katsuki Bakugo: Cool! Wait, where's the back of the boat?
Wolfie: The back of the boat is the end with the ladder on it.
{Wolfie goes inside the boat}
Tabby: Alright, let's do some scuba diving!
{Everyone starts looking around in different directions}
Tabby: I'm not sure where the back of the boat is.
Maui: {Looks at the viewers} I think we need some help here. Which end did Wolfie say was for the back of the boat? The end with the ladder or the end with the anchor?
Shota Aizawa: {Looks at the viewers} Right, the end with the ladder, thanks.
Oso: But before we do the exercise, let's see which 2 of you are going to find a kid who needs help.
Maui: Um, I think I'll find the kid.
Tabby: Me too. And Katie, make sure Katsuki doesn't cause any mischief.
Katie Mitchell: Okay, I'll try.
Oso: Tabby and Maui, here's the paper.
{He hands the paper over to Tabby and Maui}
Tabby: Let's do some teleporting!
{Tabby and Maui press their buttons and they were off to find the kid while everyone underwater}
{Tabby and Maui were outside of a light white house with a red roof}
Maui: What does this paper say?
Tabby: {Reads the paper} According to this paper, we have to find a girl named Jade. She's got brown hair with two hair buns on the side, brown skin, blue eyes, pink dress, pink shirt, and pink shoes.
Maui: Look, that woman must be her mother. {They see her carrying some groceries with Jade} Quick, hide.
{They hid behind a bush by a window}
Jade: I can't wait to have lunch with Cousin Rachel.
Tabby: Wow, this one's gonna be one tasty assignment.
Maui: Yeah, if I had lunch with my friends, I would have some nice fruit and some veggies.
Tabby: For me, pizza.
Jade: I'm want to make a pizza for us to eat.
Tabby: {Whispers} What? Pizza? Yes! Pizza!
Jade's mom: I'm sorry, Jade. But Cousin Rachel can't eat pizza.
Jade: She can't?
Tabby: {Whispers} She can't? Maui, why can't she eat pizza?
{Maui shrugs}
Jade's mom: Nope. She has food allergies. So she can't eat cheese or bread. So she'd get sick.
Jade: {Disappointedly} Poor Rachel.
Maui and Tabby: {Felt sorry} Poor Jade.
Maui: Same goes to macaroni and cheese and a ham on rye.
{Jade goes inside the house}
Jade's mom: I was thinking you could make her a special salad.
Maui: Yeah, that doesn't have cheese or bread.
Tabby: Well, it maybe something that Rachel is not allergic to, but I think there's a problem. {He points to Jade}
Jade: But I've never made a salad.
Maui: Hmm, you know what, Tabby? It's Shutterbug time.
{They press the button and Shutterbug was summoned and aimed at Jade looking at the empty salad bowl}
Maui: Shutterbug, do your stuff!
{Shutterbug sends the message to the satellite which then sends the signal to where Oso and the others are}
{Meanwhile, back at the underwater exercise}
Katie Mitchell: Wow, it's cool.
Shota Aizawa: Look at the fishes!
{Everyone now sees 2 submarines}
Oso: Here we all are - the sunken submarine.
Shota Aizawa: Look! Uh oh! There are 2 submarines.
Katie Mitchell: Which one's the submarine with 2 stars?
Shota Aizawa: I think I need some help. Katsuki, I need your-
{Katsuki was practicing with his diver's brush}
Katie Mitchell: {Sigh} Oh wait, we still all have to pretend to be mad with him. {Clears throat and pretends to shout} Katsuki, why aren't you helping me?
Katsuki Bakugo: It's a practice challenge. All I can do with my diver's brush is practice.
Katie Mitchell: {Pretends to be angry} You are the worse!
Shota Aizawa: {Pretends to be angry} Yeah, Katsuki, snap yourself out of it! {Whispers to Katie} How was that?
{Katie gives a thumbs up and smiles}
Shota Aizawa: And I know that Wolfie told us to do something if we have to clear out the gunk from the submarine, but we're not sure what.
{While Shota and Katie were talking, Muscular, who was wearing a red diving suit used a squid ink machine to cover the heroes in ink to reduce their vision}
Katie Mitchell: I think it was something to do with this brush and I think I should-
{Katie was about to use her diver's brush, until}
Paw Pilot: Special Alert! Special Alert!
Oso: Whoa!
Pooh, Katie Mitchell, and the others: Whoa! Oh! Oomph!
{They all fell into a bed of seaweed and got all tangled up}
Katie Mitchell: That wasn't suppose to happen!
Oso: It's all part of the plan. {Groans} More or less.
Mr Dos: Special Agent Oso, Shota Aizawa, Katie Mitchell, and Katsuko Bakugo. Mr Dos here. We have an urgent situation.
Tabby: {On speaker} This assignment will make us all tossed up.
Maui: 'Lettuce' tell you what it is.
Mr Dos: They're right. Jade needs to make a salad for her cousin, but she doesn't know how. Your special assignment - Help Jade make a salad.
Oso: Our training exercise will have the wait.
Shota Aizawa: Assignment first, then training exercise.
Katie Mitchell: {Looks at the viewers} But we're gonna need your help. Will you help us with this special assignment?
Shota Aizawa: {Looks at the viewers} Brilliant.
Katsuki Bakugo: Paw Pilot, what are the steps for this special assignment?
{Three Special Steps song plays}
Paw Pilot: Three special steps, that's all you need. Three special steps, and you'll succeed. Your special assignment is starting now, and three special steps will show you how.
Backup singers: Step One!
Paw Pilot: Wash the vegetables.
Backup singers: Step Two!
Paw Pilot: Chop the vegetables.
Backup singers: Step Three!
Paw Pilot: Toss the salad. Three special steps, so now you'll know. Three special steps, and you're ready to go. The checklist has all the steps you need, just follow them all and you will succeed with three special steps.
{Three Special Steps song ends}
Mr Dos: Hurry, everyone. Rachel arrives at noon.
Shota Aizawa: Then we better hurry! Whirly Bird, give us a lift please!
Oso: Sounds like a plan.
Katie Mitchell: But first, I have a question.
Oso: What is it, Katie?
Katie Mitchell: Why are we covered in ink?
Katsuki Bakugo: He's the reason why! Look!
{Katsuki points to Muscular who was about to grab Shota's training awards}
Katie Mitchell: Not him again!
Katsuki Bakugo: I got this! {He grabs a octopus ink machine and sprays it towards Muscular}
Muscular: I'm out of here! {He swims back up before the ink reaches him}
Whirly Bird: {honks}
Shota Aizawa: Hold on tight, everyone!
{Whirly Bird gets Oso and the others off the seaweed and out of the water}
Katie Mitchell: We're coming, Jade!
Shota Aizawa: What's the codename for this special assignment, Paw Pilot?
Paw Pilot: Codename: On Her Cousin's Special Salad
{On Her Cousin's Special Salad song plays}
Paw Pilot: Making a salad is great, for having a healthy lunch. Fresh veggies and lettuce combined, to give it a crispy crunch. Toppings like tomatoes and peppers, are all very valid. But love's the final thing to add, on her cousin's special salad.
{On Her Cousin's Special Salad song ends}
Katie Mitchell: Looking at that salad made me hungry.
Shota Aizawa: It almost felt like the food was dancing and turning into a salad all at the same time.
Oso: Thanks, Paw Pilot.
Shota Aizawa: Special Assignment, On Her Cousin's Special Salad.
Oso and Shota Aizawa: Accepted!
Whirly Bird: Welcome aboard, everyone.
Katsuki Bakugo: Thanks, Whirly Bird. You better bring us to Jade's house.
Oso: Yeah, we better hurry. It's almost time for lunch.
Whirly Bird: Time for launch? You got it, everyone.
{He comes to the sky and Oso and the others go ejected}
Katsuki Bakugo: No, he didn't launch, he said-
{They popped out of their ejector seats}
Oso: {Shouts} Whirly!
Katsuki Bakugo: -lunch!
{Everyone fall down as Jade, Piglet, and Brock see them}
Jade: Special Agent Oso!
Oso: It's all part of the plan...more or less.
Jade: Are you on a special assignment?
Tabby: Yeah, and we're helping him help you.
Jade: Oh, I didn't know Oso had friends that can help. Who are you guys?
Tabby: Well this is Shota Aizawa, Katie Mitchell, Katsuki Bakugo and Maui. And I'm Tabby the Fox. But you can call me Tabby for short.
Oso: And that's right, Jade. We're here to help you make a salad.
Jade: Wow! Thanks, Oso!
Oso: Uh, ha-ha...don't thank us yet.
Maui: Paw Pilot, what's the first special step?
Paw Pilot: Step One - Wash the vegetables.
Jade: We'll all need to go the kitchen to do that. Come on.
{They go inside the kitchen}
Katie Mitchell: I think we should wash our hands before we the vegetables just because it's good hygiene.
{Jade turns the faucet on as everyone lathers their hands with soap and made them all clean}
Shota Aizawa: Ok, we gotten our hands clean, now what about the vegetables?
{They noticed that the vegetables are dirty}
Oso: Well, it looks like our hands aren't the only things that need to be washed.
Katsuki Bakugo: Did you got these vegetables, Jade?
Jade: Yep. Those veggies are fresh from our garden.
{They wash the veggies as Pooh says the names of the veggies their washing}
Tabby: Lettuce. Cucumber. Yellow pepper. And cherry tomato.
Maui: I don't think the veggies are clean.
Jade: Yeah, these vegetables are still dirty.
Oso: {Looks at the viewers} Do these vegetables look clean to you?
Maui: {Looks at the viewers} I'm with them, they're not fresh and clean.
Oso: Hmm, maybe I need to use more water. Let's give it a try.
Katsuki Bakugo: Oso, I don't think you should use more-
{It squirted water onto Oso's face and Katsuki's face}
Katsuki Bakugo: -water.
Oso: It's all part of the plan.
Katsuki Bakugo: {Embarrassed} More or less.
Jade: {Giggles}
Oso: Hmm. Still dirty. Maybe there's something wrong with the water.
Tabby: I don't think the water is the problem.
Jade: He's right. There's nothing wrong with the water, Oso.
{Jade and Oso step down from the step stools}
Jade: We just need a vegetable brush to scrub off the dirt.
Shota Aizawa: A brush, that's what Wolfie told us to use to find the right submarine in our exercise.
Oso: I have some brushes.
Shota Aizawa: Wow! Not only you have different kinds of cards, but different kinds of brushes? Cool!
Oso: Yeah, and maybe one of 'em is a vegetable brush.
Maui: {Looks at the viewers} We need your help on this part.
Oso: Is this a vegetable brush? [He puts a hairbrush on a table} Oh, yeah. {Chuckles} This is a hairbrush. Is this a vegetable brush? {He puts a toothbrush on the table}
Tabby: {Laughs hysterically} No! And they're right, Oso, that's not a vegetable brush! It's a toothbrush!
Jade: That's for scrubbing teeth, not vegetables.
Maui: Can you show us what a vegetable brush looks like, Jade?
{Jade sees a vegetable brush by the sink}
Jade: Here's a vegetable brush.
Katsuki Bakugo: It almost looks like a carrot.
Jade: I'll show you what to do.
{She shows everyone how she scrubs the veggies with a vegetable brush}
Maui: Mini Maui says that you know more about making a salad than you thought, Jade.
Jade: {Turns the faucet off} Maybe I do.
Tabby: But we still have to help you though.
{Oso puts the cucumber on top of the salad bowl}
Oso: Hmm. Something's not quite right.
Shota Aizawa: {Looks at the viewers} What do you think is wrong with this salad? Right, the vegetables don't fit in the bowl.
Oso: Say. Paw Pilot, we cleaned the vegetables, so what's the next special step?
Paw Pilot: Step Two - Chop the vegetables.
Maui: Hmm, we can't chop them with our hands. They'll get dirty again.
{Unknown to the heroes and Jade, Muscular watched them from a tree}
Muscular: Since they have refused to give me their medals when taking their stuff, I'll kidnap the kid instead of stealing the salad!
{Meanwhile, Oso sees some knives in the top cupboard}
Oso: We see some knives right over there.
Tabby: Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute! Those aren't ordinary knives. I think I may have heard about these knives in School.
Katsuki Bakugo: Well, tell us Tabby, what are they?
Tabby: Well, my cooking teacher told me that they were called serrated knives.
Oso and Tabby's team: Serrated knives?
Maui: But what on earth are they for?
Tabby: Well, serrated means the knives have jagged or dented points and when you get close to one, sometimes, you could get a dangerous cut.
Jade: Oh, no, Oso! Tabby's right. Never touch knives. They're dangerous. We'll need a grownup to chop the vegetables.
Oso: OK.
Maui: Jade, do you have a grownup with you?
Jade: Sure. We can ask my mom for help.
Maui: Good. Uh, can you ask her to help?
Jade: Sure thing, Maui.
{Jade's mom manages to chop and put the veggies in the bowl}
Jade: Thanks, Mom.
Jade's mom: Thank you, Jade.
Maui: Wow, you said thank you to each other.
Tabby: What's the last step, Paw Pilot?
Paw Pilot: Step Three - Toss the salad.
Maui: I have to alert you guys.
{Doorbell ringing}
Jade: Oh, no! Cousin Rachel's here!
{Door knocking}
Paw Pilot: Hurry, everyone. Cousin Rachel will be in the kitchen in 10 seconds!
{While Jade was distracted, Muscular grabs her with a bag}
Tabby: Alright Jade we will need your help for the last-
Maui: Where did she go?
{Muscular laughs as he ties the bag with Jade in it}
Maui: Guys, it looks like we got company!
{They see Rachel at the door and then a countdown from 10 to 1 starts}
Paw Pilot: 10...
Katsuki Bakugo: Not him again! Let her go!
Muscular: Hand over your medals and I will let her go.
Everyone except Tabby and Oso: Never!
Muscular: Then I will leave with the kid. So long twerps! {Laughs}
Oso: We'd better toss the salad fast!
Maui: Quick! We have to distract Muscular!
Paw Pilot: 9...
Katie Mitchell: I got an idea! {She uses a mirror to get some sunlight to blind Muscular}
Muscular: Cut that light out! I don't want to go blind {He covers his right eye causing him to drop the bag}
Tabby: No, Oso!
Paw Pilot: 8...
{Maui gets Jade out of the bag as Muscular flees}
Maui: Are you okay?
Jade: Yeah, I'm fine thanks to you.
Maui: Tabby and Oso will need your help with step three.
Jade: Okay. {She heads to Oso and Tabby}
Tabby: Not with your hands, they're not clean.
Paw Pilot: 7...
Maui: {Looks at the viewers} Do you see anything we can use to toss the salad?
Paw Pilot: 6...5...
Oso: {Looks at the viewers} Salad forks! Great idea. {He gets the salad forks}
Paw Pilot: 4...3...
{Oso was having some trouble with the forks}
Tabby: Don't worry, let's all do it as a team.
Jade: Here, I've seen Mom do it. It's like this.
{They all tossed the salad together}
Paw Pilot: 2...
Oso: Hey, we're all tossing the salad!
Paw Pilot: 1...Special assignment complete!
{Jade brings the salad to her cousin Rachel}
Rachel: Wow, that salad looks delicious.
Jade: I made it special just for you.
Rachel: {Notices Tabby and his team} Oh, I see these are your new friends. Your Tabby, Maui, Shota Aizawa, Katsuki Bakugo, and Katie Mitchell.
Maui: Wow! You know our names, and we haven't introduced ourselves! Cool!
Tabby: Hey, Jade, can I please take a picture of you, please?
Jade: Okay, I don't mind a picture.
{Tabby takes Jade's picture}
Jade: And I have a surprise for Pooh and his team. I made all of you another salad, one for each of you.
Tabby: Is it for Rachel?
Jade: No, it's for you guys, to eat.
Maui: Thanks.
{Everyone starts to eat, but Katsuki notice something}
Katsuki Bakugo: Is that ranch dressing in my salad? {Gags and drops his fork} Guys, you eat. I will pass on this one.
Katie Mitchell: {Sighs and pretends to be angry} This is like a reward challenge, Katsuki. That means you have to eat the salad too or you'll make us get penalized!
Katsuki Bakugo: I know that! I know! OK? {He tries to eat it but gags again and throws the piece onto Katie's face}
Katie Mitchell: {Pretends to be angry} Come on, Katsuki! You ate a pancake with a side of oregano and cinnamon, this is a salad with ranch dressing!
Katsuki Bakugo: {Shouts} I, am, trying! {Gags again while everyone was still eating their salad}
Katie Mitchell: Come on, Katsuki. You can do this. You're stronger than any person that can eat.
{Katsuki takes a forkful of salad}
Katie Mitchell: Take a deep breath.
Katsuki Bakugo: {Inhales and exhales}
Katie Mitchell: Yes, just-
{Katsuki drops the fork again and gags}
Katie Mitchell: Hmm. {In thought} I know. {Clears his throat and pretends to be angry} Okay, you know what, Katsuki? Maybe you are not as hungry as we all thought. Your not an agent at all, but a, loser!
Katsuki Bakugo: {Gasps}
{Then, Katsuki starts scoffing down his salad while shouting}
Katsuki Bakugo: I, am not, a loser!
Maui: Good job, Katie.
Katie Mitchell: {Gives Maui a thumbs up and smiles} Thanks. The pretending to hate him is really working out perfectly.
Katsuki Bakugo: I feel confident. {Gags} This salad is gonna stay down, much longer. {Gags}
Oso: Okay, guys. We have to get back to our training exercise.
{Whirly Bird's ladder came down}
Tabby: Jade and Rachel, I want you both to have a nice lunch together like friend and cousin.
Oso: Yeah. Now we have a training exercise to complete.
Jade: Thanks, everyone!
Tabby and his team: Bye, Jade and Rachel!
Jade's mom: Bye.
Rachel: See ya.
{Meanwhile, back at the exercise}
Oso: We all need to get the dirt off this submarine to see if it has two stars on it.
Tabby: {Looks at the viewers} What do you think we should use? Right, a brush. Like what Jade used to scrub the vegetables off with.
{They get out their diver brushes}
Oso: Our diver brushes should get this dirt off.
{They scrub the first submarine}
Oso, Tabby, and his team: 1, 2, 3.
Tabby: That's definitely not the right submarine, that's more bigger than 2.
Maui: I'm guessing the other submarine is the right one.
{They go to the other submarine}
Tabby and his team: 1, 2.
Oso: {Looks at the viewers} How many stars does this one have?
Maui: {Looks at the viewers} Correct, there are 2 stars. Let's put the flashing signal on this sub.
Oso: Yeah, this is the submarine we're looking for.
{Oso puts the flashing signal on the submarine and Wolfie comes out of the submarine}
Wolfie: Outstanding work, everyone. Owww...tstanding. You've all earned your Submarine Search training awards.
{A medal of an Oso silhouette putting a signal on a submarine is shown}
Paw Pilot: Way to go, everyone.
Oso: Mr Dos?
Mr Dos: That's not all you and your friends done, Special Agent Oso. Tell them, Paw Pilot.
{Three Special Steps song reprise plays}
Paw Pilot: Your special assignment was a success. Because you followed three special steps. By using the checklist along the way, here are the things you did today.
Paw Pilot and Backup singers: Check One!
Paw Pilot: You all washed the vegetables!
Oso: We all used a vegetable brush.
Katie Mitchell: It was to scrape off the dirt of the vegetables.
Paw Pilot and Backup singers: Check Two!
Paw Pilot: And you all chopped the vegetables!
Oso: Mom helped out with the chopping.
Tabby: We should never touch anything so dangerous.
Paw Pilot and Backup singers: Check Three!
Paw Pilot: You tossed the salad!
Oso: We all used the salad forks.
Maui: We shouldn't used hands that were not clean.
Paw Pilot: Then Jade and Rachel both ate a salad at lunchtime! Your special assignment was a success, you did your three special steps!
{Three Special Steps song ends}
Mr Dos: And for that, you all earned a special assignment Digi-Medal.
Oso: {Looks at the viewers} I never would've completed my special assignment if it weren't for all my friends's and your hard work. So I want my friends and you to have a special assignment Digi-Medal too.
{The medal shows a salad}
Paw Pilot: This Digi-Medal's for you and Oso's friends.
Tabby: And I would say that this assignment was good enough to eat.
{Tabby, Oso, and everyone else give a thumbs up to the viewers at the end}
Tabby: Hi again!
Maui: What's up?
Tabby: Me, Maui, and Paw Pilot have a good game for you.
{Three cards are shown}
Paw Pilot: Let's find the matching pictures. Look at the cards closely.
Tabby: Can you see which card has a salad on it?
Paw Pilot: Is it this one?
{The card shows a toy dinosaur}
Maui: Nope, that's a toy dinosaur. That was one of Jake's toys we had to put away.
Paw Pilot: How about this one?
{The card shows a soccer shoe}
Tabby: That's not it. That's Jake's soccer shoe. That was what Jake lost when he had to clean his room.
Maui: So, is the salad card in this one?
{The card shows a salad}
Paw Pilot: There it is - the matching salad card.
Tabby: That was what Jade was making for her cousin Rachel.
Paw Pilot: Great work, everybody!
Tabby and Maui: Well done!