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This is the episode of Little Elephant's Big Parade.

Episode Preview[]

Uniqua: {V.O} On the second to last episode of Winnie the Pooh meets The Little Einsteins.

Shaggy Rogers: Whoa!

Thomas: Bust my buffers! It's our old friend, Pooh Bear and his team.

Gordon: And who are you four?

Uniqua: {V.O} Today, the friends meet Thomas and his friends in a very good place.

Percy: India is such a majestic place.

Uniqua: {V.O}: This is Demon Pooh's second to last chance to stop the heroes.

Demon Pooh: You'll never get to the end of the whole thing for this mission.

Uniqua: {V.O} Will the heroes complete this elephant mission?

James: We must hurry!

Uniqua: {V.O} Find out when we help out "Little Elephant's Big Parade".

Episode Title, Art, and Music[]

Lumpy: Little Elephant's Big Parade.

June: Art, Mehndi Designs.

Annie: And music.

{Wedding Day at Troldhaugen}

Leo: Wedding Day at Troldhaugen.

Austin: Music by, Edvard Grieg.

Little Elephant's Big Parade[]

{The episode starts with the heroes in India}

Big Bird: {To the viewers} Oh, hi! I'm Big Bird.

Bert: I'm Bert.

Leo: And I'm Leo.

Big Bird: Today, Rocket took us to this Asian place.

Bert: It's called India.

Leo: We are all here for the Jaipur Elephant Festival.

Shaggy Rogers: Like, this festival is use to celebrate the things associated for elephants.

Uniqua: Yeah, especially friends.

Pablo: Yeah, and plenty of space.

Tasha: And even tourists to take pictures of them.

Barney: They even have games, costumes, and a big parade.

Roo: I sure love elephants.

Lumpy: Me too, because I almost look like an elephant.

Tigger: Sure.

Bert: {To the viewers} Hey, wait. Do any of you out there love elephants as much as we do?

Leo: Great!

{Soon, they heard a claw machine and a few voices}

???: Hurry, hurry!

???: {Blows whistle} Step right up for the official Elephant Claw Machine game.

Elmo: Ooh, Elmo hears a whistle.

Barbie: Who could that be?

Pooh: {To the viewers} Can you find someone that blew a whistle like that?

{Soon, they spotted Thomas, Percy, James, Gordon, and Henry by a claw machine}

Big Bird: Yeah, those trains.

Pooh: Hey, I know those trains. That's Thomas, Percy, James, Gordon, and Henry.

Annie: You know their names?

Pooh: I sure do, Annie.

Ash Ketchum: Let's go see them.

{Soon, they came to the engines}

Percy: Thomas, look!

Thomas: Bust my buffers! It's our old friend, Pooh Bear and his team.

Pooh: Nice to see you, Thomas!

Gordon: Yeah, good to see you. And who are you four?

Pooh: Well, these are our friends Leo, Quincy, June, and Annie.

Leo: And this is our rocket, Rocket.

Rocket: {Hello!}

James: So, can any one of you have a chance to play this claw game?

{Elmo raised his hand}

Elmo: Ooh, ooh! Elmo wants a go!

Percy: Okay, Elmo.

Thomas: Take out an elephant coin.

{Elmo hands out an elephant coin}

James: Now, place the coin in the slot.

{Elmo puts the coin in the slot and starts the machine}

Quincy and Big Bird: Go, Elmo!

Cookie Monster: {On speaker} You can do it, Elmo!

Abby Cadabby: {On speaker} I hope he gets a prize.

{Soon, Elmo got a little tiny yellow egg from the machine}

Elmo: Yay! Elmo got something!

Thomas: Well done, Elmo!

James: You got a prize!

Gordon: Let's see what it is.

Roo: Is it a little souvenir?

Leo: The prize is inside this little egg.

Barney: {To the viewers} Want to see what Elmo got? Good. Let's see.

{When Elmo opened the egg, he spotted a little tiny animal with a long nose}

Annie and Chelsea: Wow!

Uniqua: Hey, it's a little animal.

Austin: With floppy ears and a long nose.

Elmo: {To the viewers} What animal is this?

Uniqua: You got it. An elephant.

Iggy: Cervantes! I bet our friends Elni and Erno would like to see that.

G'Bubu: Even their daughter Echo would like that.

Livingstone: Well, it is the smallest elephant I seen.

Leo: Hi there, little elephant.

Elmo: Ooh, Elmo's Elmo and this is Leo.

Leo: And those are our friends.

Little Elephant: {Oh hi!}

BJ: {On speaker} I bet Sissy would love to meet you.

Barney: Right, BJ. Baby Bop loves elephants.

Taffy: {Barks}

Barbie: I think Taffy and the other pups love her.

Pooh: Yeah, I wonder if she can sing.

Little Elephant: {Sings "Wedding Day at Troldhaugen"}

Johnny Gorilla: Well, I guess she can.

Rosita Pig: I wonder what kind of elephant Little Elephant is.

Percy: Yeah. How come this elephant isn't the right size for an elephant?

{Soon, Ash discovers a little instruction sheet}

Ash Ketchum: Hmm, I know. Look at this. It says. {Reads} This is a magic growing elephant.

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Ooh!

Ash Ketchum: {Reads} If you want her to grow, give her three magic growing peanuts.

Leo: Whoa!

{Soon, they heard other elephants trumpeting and a little India princess announcing}

Tasha: Hey, that sounds like a maharaja or an India princess.

{The maharaja wore a pink sari and had lots of bangles}

Maharaja: Attention, all of India. The elephant parade will begin in a couple of hours. So, be sure to face paint your elephant in time for the parade.

{The heroes even spotted the big elephants getting painted for the parade}

Little Elephant: {Ooh, I want to be in the parade too!}

Pipp Petals: I really think Little Elephant wants to be in the parade.

Zipp Storm: Yeah, that elephant loves a parade.

{However, Percy spotted a problem}

Percy: Uh, guys. I smell a problem.

Thomas: What, Percy?

Percy: Well, {To the viewers} Do you think Little Elephant is big enough to join?

{Little Elephant isn't tall enough}

Percy: No.

Gordon: No is right. She's not tall enough.

Little Elephant: {Aww, now what? I feel sad}

June: She sounds so sad.

Hitch Trailblazer: No worries. All she has to do is eat those magic peanuts.

Sunny Starscout: Yeah, and that way, she'll be in the parade.

{However, Pablo noticed something else that's wrong}

Pablo: Uh oh, guys.

Leo: What is it?

Pablo: How come I don't see the peanuts?

{The peanuts were not inside the egg}

Demon Pooh: Because I hid them.

{Soon, Demon Pooh showed up without his creation}

Gordon: {Gasps} Who is that?

Percy: Whoa! Pooh, that person looks like you.

Demon Pooh: It's Demon Pooh, you silly engine!

Thomas: Cinders and ashes! What did you do with them?

Demon Pooh: Simple. I noticed that my creation wasn't coming. So, I made the peanuts fly off.

{However, Little Elephant stood up}

Little Elephant: {Well, that won't stop me. I'm gonna let my friends and I find them!}

Barney: Really?

Tyrone: Yeah, way to stood up, Little Elephant.

Austin: Little Elephant ain't scared of you, Demon Pooh.

Demon Pooh: Oh, so you think this elephant can stop me? Who cares?! It's a race for the peanuts.

{Demon Pooh leaves}

Larry the Cucumber: Guys, we better find those peanuts or else Demon Pooh might stop us and have the peanuts to himself.

Leo: Don't worry, Little Elephant.

Elmo: We will help you get them all.

Leo: {To the viewers} But we're going to need your help.

Elmo: {To the viewers} Will you help us find all three peanuts before Demon Pooh does?

Leo: Great!

{Baton twinkles}

Elmo: We all got a mission!

Leo: We're going to help Little Elephant find her magic peanuts.

Gordon: I wish we would come, but we're too big to fit inside your rocket.

Rocket: {No worries. I got a surprise for you engines.}

Leo: Rocket says he's got a surprise for you five.

Gordon: Oh, the indignity! Whatever it is, I hope it's good.

Thomas: Let the mission...begin!

{Everyone got in and even the engines, who were shocked to see five flat seats for them}

Percy: Whoa, Leo.

Thomas: He made us five flat seats.

Gordon: The perfect way for us engines to enjoy the ride.

Mickey Mouse: {On speaker} Get ready to buckle your seatbelts.

{Everyone buckled their seatbelts and even the drivers of the tank engines}

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Seatbelts buckled!

James: So, how can we give Rocket power?

Leo: Watch this.

Elmo: {To the viewers} Let's show the engines how we give Rocket power.

Leo: {To the viewers} Put your hands on your lap and pat with us.

Leo and Elmo: Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat.

{Rocket almost took off}

Gordon: Well, we can puff our funnels to the beat.

{While everyone patted to the beat, the engines puffed their funnels to the beat}

Leo: Now faster!

Elmo: Pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat, pat!

{Rocket still almost took off}

Sunny Starscout: {To the viewers} Now raise your arms up high.

Moana: And say "blastoff" after 3. 1, 2, 3!

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Blastoff!

{Rocket takes off}

Hitch Trailblazer: Hold on tight, engines!

Izzy Moonbow: And here we all go!

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Whoa!

Percy: Whoa, guys!

Gordon: We can definitely see the whole view from up here.

Annie and Chelsea: {Sings} The elephant will grow so big and join the parade. Bah, bah, bah, bah. Bah, bah, bah, bah. She will join the parade!

Thomas: Whoa, Annie and Chelsea.

Mokey: Yep, they are like the best of friends.

Little Elephant: {I hope we can find the peanuts}

Rarity: {On speaker} We better find out where the peanuts are hiding.

Archibald Asparagus: {On speaker} Yep, and remember. We have to find all three of them.

{Soon, they heard one of the magic peanuts}

Big Bird: Hey, you hear something?

BJ: {On speaker} It sounded like one of the magic peanuts.

June: {To the viewers} Where is the first peanut?

{They see the first peanut bouncing into a forest}

Reenie: {To the viewers} There it is!

Anthony: Seems likes it's bouncing through that forest.

Roger Rabbit: {On speaker} Quick, Rocket!

Gonzo: {On speaker} After that peanut!

{Soon, Rocket followed the peanut as it stopped by a snake charmer's basket}

Lumpy: It's by that basket.

{Little Elephant gets out of Rocket and tries to get the peanut, until}

Pooh: Little Elephant, watch out!

{A snake appears from a basket and steals the peanut}

Shaggy Rogers: Like, gasp!

Scooby Doo: That snake just snatched the peanut!

June: But Little Elephant needs that peanut to grow bigger.

{Luckily, Thomas had an idea}

Thomas: Hmm, I think I know what to do.

Roo: What, Thomas?

Thomas: Quincy can pick out an instrument to help lure the snake back up.

Quincy: Yeah, good thinking. Let's see.

{Quincy pictures three instruments in his head}

Thomas: Hmm, either a violin, oboe, or shakers.

Quincy: One of these instruments can help the snake come back up.

Thomas: {To the viewers} What instrument do you think Quincy should play? The violin, the oboe, or the shakers?

Quincy: An oboe? Good idea!

{Quincy takes out an oboe and comes to Little Elephant and the basket}

Quincy: Don't worry, Little Elephant. I know a special song that will make the snake comes out and give us the peanut.

Velma Dinkley: Right, Quincy. Snake charmers have special songs to make the snake come out.

Quincy: Yes. {To the viewers} But to play this snake charmer song, I'm going to need your help. Come on, hold up your oboe like me. Good! Now wiggle your fingers to press the keys.

{Quincy and the viewers all played their oboes to lure the snake}

Livingstone: It's working!

James: The snake hears the music.

Murray: Keep going!

Quincy: Yes. {To the viewers} Keep playing!

{Soon, the music helped the snake rise all the way up}

Snake: {Here you go, my playful pachyderm}

{The snake lowers down the peanut to Little Elephant}

Quincy: We did it! Our song made the snake come out and give Little Elephant the peanut. {To the viewers} Thanks for playing the oboe with me.

Thomas: And thanks for getting the peanut back, Mr Snake.

Snake: {Please, call me Snake. Everyone does.}

{The snake goes back to his basket}

Roo: Go ahead, Little Elephant.

Lumpy: Enjoy the peanut!

{Little Elephant gobbles up the peanut}

Elmo: Yum yum! A perfect snack for an elephant.

{Soon, a little magic did something special to Little Elephant}

Sunny Starscout: Look!

G'Bubu: Something's happening!

{The magic made Little Elephant a little big, but not big enough}

Elmo: {To the viewers} Did that peanut made her big? Yep. It sure did.

Iggy: He's bigger than me and Roo.

Lumpy: Me too.

Percy: Wait, guys. That was only one peanut.

Gordon: She just needs two more peanuts.

{Soon, Little Elephant heard Demon Pooh}

Demon Pooh: {From the distance} Was that magic air from that blasted elephant?

Leo: Uh oh. That sounds like...Demon Pooh!

Pooh: Well, I think it's time we summon the creation.

Larry the Cucumber: Yes, and watch this. Hi-ho sliver away!

{The words from Larry's mouth helped the creation the Ele-Buddha rise up from the sky and summoned snakes to stop Demon Pooh}

India Snakes: {Angry hissing}

Demon Pooh: Hey, what's going on?!

Ele-Buddha: Attack Demon Pooh and bite him.

{The snakes chased after Demon Pooh screaming}

Leo: Come on, team.

Pooh: You too, Ele-Buddha!

{They all went back inside Rocket}

Greg: Liftoff!

{Rocket takes off while the snakes surrounded Demon Pooh}

Demon Pooh: I'll stop you! You'll see!

Mickey Mouse: {On speaker} I hope we find the next peanut.

Red: Yeah, but where is the next peanut?

Annie and Chelsea: {Sings} The elephant will grow so big and join the parade. Bah, bah, bah, bah. Bah, bah, bah, bah. She will join the parade!

{Soon, they see the maharaja on the monitor}

Maharaja: Attention all citizens. The parade will start in just 30 minutes. Make sure all elephants are completely done getting face-painted.

Dorothy the Dinosaur: {On speaker} Oh dear.

Captain Feathersword: {On speaker} We definitely have to figure out where the next peanut is before the parade starts.

{Soon, Ash and Pikachu heard the next peanut}

Pikachu: Pika! Pikachu. {Guys, I hear it!}

Ash Ketchum: Me too. I hear the second peanut.

Boober: Hey, the peanut must be by that dome.

{They spotted the Taj Mahal}

Velma Dinkley: Jinkies!

Fred Jones: Yeah, I know, Velma. That's one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

Velma Dinkley: Uh, yeah, Fred. I was gonna say that the peanut could be by the Taj Mahal, but good fact.

Roo: Seems like we must be close by.

Mokey: But, where is that peanut?

Wembley: {To the viewers} Can you find the magic peanut?

{Soon, they spotted the magic peanut bouncing}

Shaggy Rogers: Like, there!

Ele-Buddha: It appears it must be in that garden maze.

Tigger: After that bouncing peanut!

{Everyone got off of Rocket and went after the peanut}

Pipp Petals: Quick, after it!

Zipp Storm: Don't let it get away!

Barney: We might be able to catch it!

{Just then, they spotted three paths around the maze}

Jeff: Oh dear, everybody.

Piglet: Yeah, the path splits into three.

Wembley: We don't know which way the peanut went.

{Luckily, Big Bird and Percy had an idea}

Percy: Wait, we know.

Big Bird: We can try and listen for the song of the Magic Peanut.

Gordon: Splendid idea, Percy and Big Bird.

Percy: Little Elephant, try singing The Magic Peanut Song.

Little Elephant: {Okay, Percy! You can count on me}

Big Bird: {To the viewers} We'll need your help. Remember, the peanut sounded like this.

{Little Elephant sings The Magic Peanut song to help the team remember what it sounded like}

Percy: {To the viewers} Get your ears ready. Let's listen to the first path.

{The first path played a soothing oboe tune}

Big Bird: {To the viewers} Did that sound like The Magic Peanut's song?

Percy: Nope.

Big Bird: Let's see what it is.

{They spotted a beautiful and shiny collection of bangles making the soothing sound}

Big Bird: Ooh, pretty bracelets.

Velma Dinkley: Actually, they are bangles. It's a special kind of bracelet in India.

Big Bird: {To the viewers} Let's try the second path. Everyone listen.

{The second path played a courageous brass tune}

Percy: {To the viewers} Do you think that sounded like The Magic Peanut's song?

Big Bird: Um, that's not the song that the peanut made.

Uniqua: Hmm, what's in that path?

{Soon, they spotted a beautiful golden Elephant Buddha statue}

Elmo: Wow! That statue looks a bit like Little Elephant.

Velma Dinkley: Right. Only, it's an elephant buddha statue. It's sort of like a teacher for elephants.

Little Elephant: {Guys, I think the peanut's in the third path}

Percy: Hmm, Little Elephant says she thinks the third path has the peanut}

Big Bird: {To the viewers} Let's listen to the third path and find out. Ready?

{They heard the exact same tune of the peanut in the third path}

Percy: {To the viewers} Does that sound like The Magic Peanut's song?

Big Bird: You got it. The magic peanut must be in this path.

{As they went through the third path, they spotted a Bollywood dancer practicing her dancing by the peanut}

Elmo: And look who's by the peanut. A Bollywood dancer.

{The Bollywood dancer wore a green sari and had a little bindi on her forehead}

Bollywood Dancer: Oh, namaste. Didn't see you. Um, are you here for the parade?

Gordon: Yes, miss.

Austin: We wanted to get this peanut for this elephant here.

Little Elephant: {Can I have it, please?}

Bollywood Dancer: Sure. I am just going to the parade right now. Good luck!

{The dancer left the maze}

Percy: {To the viewers} Thanks for finding the right path where the peanut is.

Big Bird: Okay, Little Elephant. Enjoy the second peanut.

{As Little Elephant enjoyed the next peanut, they heard Demon Pooh coming closer}

Bob the Tomato: No worries, Little Elephant. Larry, do your stuff.

Larry the Cucumber: Hi-ho sliver away!

{The Ele-Buddha created some evil guards that guard the Taj Mahal to stop Demon Pooh}

Demon Pooh: Man, you lot don't know when to quit. Do you?!

Bob the Tomato: We don't quit. We're gonna keep going.

{Little Elephant had already grown a little bit bigger}

Daphne Blake: Jeepers, you're taller than almost all of us.

Big Bird: If you just got one more, you'll be taller than me and Barney.

Barney: Yeah, really.

Ele-Buddha: Guys, I wonder if there's a reward for me.

Pooh: Oh, well, here's your reward.

{Pooh brought a little yellow sheet}

Barney: Hmm.

Fred Jones: Now the suspects are Phineas and Ferb, Baby Bop, and Princess Luna.

Princess Celestia: {On speaker} My sister?

Thomas: Let's see who this buddha really is.

{Thomas's driver pulled off the mask and it was revealed to be Baby Bop}

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Baby Bop?

Quincy: We know you.

Leo: Yeah, we do.

Baby Bop: I met you four kids at Christmas.

Pooh: Well, this creation really suits you.

Ash Ketchum: Yep, she loves any kinds of elephants.

Baby Bop: Hi, everybody.

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: {Chattering happily to Baby Bop}

Tigger: So, Baby Bop, you're gonna help us find the last peanut?

Baby Bop: Of course. Little Elephant, I'll help you get back on Rocket.

Sunny Starscout: Are you sure about this, Baby Bop?

Barney: She can do it, guys.

{Baby Bop pushes Little Elephant carefully into Rocket}

Roo: Whoa!

Big Bird: That's one strong girl.

BJ: {On speaker} Yep. Learn that from her brother himself.

{As everyone took off on Rocket, they heard the maharaja on the monitor}

Maharaja: Will all the elephants please get to the starting line? The parade will start in 10 minutes.

Quincy: The elephant parade is going to start soon.

Baby Bop: Uh oh.

Lumpy: That's not good.

Big Bird: Well, we better figure out a way to get the last peanut.

{Soon, they heard the last peanut on the monitor as well}

Barney: Listen, guys.

Roo: That almost sounds like the last peanut.

Mokey: {To the viewers} Where do you see the last peanut?

{They see the peanut bouncing by The Red Fort}

Red: Look! It's going to that red fortress!

Gobo: What is that place?

Velma Dinkley: That's the Red Fort.

Ash Ketchum: Yeah, it is red there.

June: Hurry, Rocket!

Baby Bop: We have to catch that peanut!

Leo: To get the last peanut in time, we're going to have to fly super fast!

Percy: Super fast?

Thomas: How do we do that?

Tigger: Let's show them!

Red: Super fast!

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Super fast!

{Rocket takes out his backup booster}

Mokey: First, we start at adagio.

Wembley: Pat the beat slowly on your lap. {To the viewers} You do it, too.

{They all patted to the beat slowly while Thomas and his friends did the puffing the same beat from the lap pat}

Pipp Petals: Moderato is second.

Hitch Trailblazer: {To the viewers} Pat the beat a little faster on your tummy.

{They all patted and puffed to the beat a little faster}

Shaggy Rogers: Like, allegro!

Scooby Doo: Pat the beat even faster on your shoulders.

{They all patted and puffed to the beat even faster}

Thomas: Ooh, so what happens now?

Leo, Pooh, Ash Ketchum, and Uniqua: Presto!

Tasha: Everyone shake your whole body!

Thomas: I can do that!

Gordon: Oh, the indignity!

{Everyone joined in, even Baby Bop}

Baby Bop: Wheeeee!

Barney: We are really going super fast now!

Little Elephant: {Trumpets}

Tigger: We're gonna make it!

Tyrone: Nothing won't stop us now!

{Soon, the rocket was still by the fort}

Annie: Look, look, look!

Chelsea: There's the last peanut!

Barney: Hope we can get to it.

{Demon Pooh was close to the peanut}

Demon Pooh: I am not gonna let you guys do it. Initiate elephant traps!

{Soon, the heroes spotted the elephant traps}

Iggy: Little Elephant, mine the traps!

{Little Elephant stopped as she spotted the traps coming}

Greg: Oh no, guys.

The Wiggles: Oh what, Greg?

Greg: Demon Pooh is trying to make Little Elephant not get the last peanut.

Annie: And the traps are rolling towards us.

Big Bird: We need to hurry before Demon Pooh gets his hands on that peanut.

{June, Mokey, Barbie, and Uniqua all had an idea}

Barbie: We thought of something we can do.

Uniqua: We can help Little Elephant do a special dance.

Mokey: We can help her avoid the traps with the dance.

Barbie: Watch, Little Elephant.

June: It goes like this, Little Elephant. Stomp one time with this foot, stomp one time with the other foot.

{June stomps her one foot then the other}

Uniqua: Next, you bend your knees. Plié.

{Uniqua bends her knees down}

Mokey: Here's the last move. Sauté.

Barbie: That means "jump".

{Little Elephant did the moves the same way as they did}

June: It worked!

Barbie: We avoided the trap.

Demon Pooh: Okay, let's try more traps. {Evilly chuckles}

{Demon Pooh got out more elephant traps to stop them}

Tyrone: Uh oh.

Pablo: Girls, more traps straight ahead!

Uniqua: {To the viewers} We need your help to do the moves with us.

Barbie: Ready?

June: {To the viewers} Come on, get up on your feet, so you can do the dance.

Mokey: Now, first, we stomp with one foot and then the other.

{They and Little Elephant all stomped their first foot and the other}

Barbie: Now, plié, bend your knees.

{They and Little Elephant bended their knees}

Mokey: Now, let's do a jump. Sauté.

{They and Little Elephant did a jump}

Uniqua: Alright!

June: {To the viewers} You're helping Little Elephant get past the traps.

Demon Pooh: No! She's doing too good!

{Demon Pooh makes more traps}

Mokey: Uh oh.

Gobo: More traps, guys!

Wembley: You can do it, girls!

Mokey: {To the viewers} Now do the moves again with us.

June, Mokey, Barbie, and Uniqua: Stomp, stomp, plié, sauté!

{They and Little Elephant did all the moves}

Demon Pooh: Okay, let's see how you like it when the traps are faster.

{Demon Pooh tries to make the traps go faster}

Daphne Blake: Jeepers, guys!

Fred Jones: Now the traps are going faster!

Mokey: No worries.

Uniqua: {To the viewers} Do the moves again, but faster.

June, Mokey, Barbie, and Uniqua: Stomp, stomp, plié, sauté! Stomp, stomp, plié, sauté! Stomp, stomp, plié, sauté! Stomp, stomp, plié, sauté!

{Soon, Little Elephant made it to the last peanut}

Uniqua: Alright!

Barbie: We made it!

Mokey: We got the last peanut!

Demon Pooh: No!

{Demon Pooh tries to make the traps go even faster, but the traps covered him}

Demon Pooh: {Groans}

Barbie: {To the viewers} And thank you for doing the dance with.

Elmo: Yay, Little Elephant!

Big Bird: I knew you can do it.

Leo: Now you can eat your last magic peanut.

Captain Feathersword: {On speaker} Wait, listen.

Maharaja: {From the distance announcing} Will all elephants who have almost done painted themselves please get to the starting line?

G'Bubu: Oh no.

Reenie: The parade's about to start!

Pooh: Quick, to the parade!

{Rocket takes off and he returns to the Jaipur Elephant Festival}

Quincy: All right!

Roger Rabbit: {On speaker} We made it!

SpongeBob: {On speaker} Too bad that Little Elephant still not big enough.

Pooh: Little Elephant, eat your last peanut.

James: Let's hope this peanut makes her taller.

Gordon: James, let's just watch.

James: Sorry. I'm just so nervous.

{When Little Elephant ate the peanut, she soon was the biggest elephant of all}

Annie: She's growing so big!

Thomas: Fire and smoke! She's really towering!

Big Bird: She's bigger than all of us!

Nala: Even you, Barney!

Barney: Yeah, she is bigger than me!

Quincy: I cannot believe it!

Moana: She really is one big elephant!

June: Now she can march in the parade!

Kermit: {On speaker} Don't forget to paint her, guys.

{Everyone paints Little Elephant with many different pictures and patterns}

Little Elephant: {I love these pictures!}

Shaggy Rogers: I bet she loves the pictures a lot.

Maharaja: Attention, all elephants! May we let Little Elephant lead the parade?

Scooby Doo: You hear that, Little Elephant?

Pooh: Yeah, they want you!

Thomas: {Excited} Cinders and ashes!

Percy: That's amazing!

Scrooge McDuck: {On speaker} Yep. She heard all of you, guys. I think she's in shock.

{Little Elephant wants the Little Einsteins and heroes to ride on top of her}

Sunny Starscout: Wow! We even get to be in the parade.

Barney: Come on, guys!

{They all got on top of Little Elephant and as they walked by, they saw Dumbo and Timothy Q Mouse}

Dumbo: {Trumpets}

Pooh: Dumbo!

Timothy Q. Mouse: And me, Timothy. Just to heads up, we helped your rocket friend go that "Super fast" mode.

Thomas: Wow! You know that little elephant and mouse?

Gordon: Guess they did make friends.

Quincy: Wow! I cannot believe it! Another elephant is helping Rocket and our elephant.

Maharaja: And now, performing for India, The Happy Monster Band.

{Everyone cheered as they saw the Happy Monster Band performing on a big float on wheels right in front of Little Elephant}

Frred: Hey, guys! There's Pooh Bear and his friends!

James: Whoa, that's the Happy Monster Band?

Leo: Hi, Happy Monster Band!

Bluz: Wow! He made four new friends.

Henry: Whoa, no wonder they are called The Happy Monster Band.

Bluz: Nice train friends, Pooh.

Pooh: Oh, Thomas, you and your friends want to meet the Happy Monster Band. That's L.O., Bluz, Ink, and Frred.

Frred: Yep. With two Rs.

Henry: Fizzling fireboxes! So, are you guys performing for India?

Ink: That's right!

L.O.: Let's perform right now.

Quincy: Can we join in too?

Ink: Sure! The more the merrier!

{In India song plays}

Happy Monster Band: In India.

Little Einsteins: In India.

Frred: Prepare for the parade.

Leo: It's time to sing.

Annie and Chelsea: Prepare to dance, it's a musical thing.

Livingstone: Let the tigers roar.

Barney: And snake charmers charm.

L.O.: Let the elephants romp.

June, Mokey, Barbie, and Uniqua: As we four all stomp.

Happy Monster Band and the Little Einsteins: For the special parade, would be great to see. In India where we create with glee. An elephant parade, oh, watch it be, in India, in India.

Pooh, Piglet, Tigger, Rabbit, and Eeyore: In India.

The Mane 6 (Old and New): In India!

Leo and Annie: To the Taj Mahal, yes there we will see.

Elmo: Some pictures and shapes that are good for you and me.

The Wiggles: The Ganges River and The Red Fort.

Big Bird: Let's sing our hearts out to give this place support.

{The dancers acted out as tigers and snake charmers}

Happy Monster Band and the Little Einsteins: For the special parade, would be great to see. In India where we create with glee. An elephant parade, oh, watch it be, in India, in India.

Little Elephant: {Trumpets in harmony}

Pooh's team, the Happy Monster Band, and the Little Einsteins: For the special parade, oh so great to see. In India where we create with glee. An elephant parade, oh, we decree, in India, in India. In India, In India. In...{Little Elephant and Dumbo trumpet one last time}...India!

{The song ends with pictures of things from the song}

People of India: {Cheering and clapping}

Sunny Starscout: Wow! That was some trumpet!

Maharaja: Give it up for The Happy Monster Band and Little Elephant. Oh, and their friends Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins.

{Demon Pooh came flying up to the heroes}

Demon Pooh: {Groans} I cannot believe you are not giving up. What is it with my creations working with you guys?

Hitch Trailblazer: That's because one of us hid it.

Demon Pooh: I'll get you one last time, you Little Einsteins!

Pooh: That's Little-

Barney: Wait, he said the name right.

Baby Bop: Oh, that's a first.

Alice: {On speaker} But, you always mess up their names.

Pablo: Yeah, why are you saying their name the right way?

Demon Pooh: Well, I saved the only creations left for last.

Ash Ketchum: Uh oh, guys. Look! He isn't kidding. It's not just one creation. It's four creations!

Demon Pooh: You'll never get to the end of the whole thing for this mission.

{Demon Pooh leaves}

Roo: Don't listen to him, Little Elephant.

James: Little Elephant, I am so proud that you made the parade the bestest one yet.

Little Elephant: {Thanks!}

{Little Elephant high fives Elmo and Leo}

Elmo: You're welcome, Little Elephant.

Leo, Pooh, Ash Ketchum, and Elmo: Mission completion!

{Baton twinkles}

{The curtains close}

Private: It is now time for...

The Fraggles: The curtain call!

{The Curtain Call song plays}

Leo: Let's give a hand and hear it for the team.

{They all clapped}

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: And rah, rah, rah, for Rocket!

Big Bird: Come on, take a bow.

Mokey: It's your turn now.

Annie, Chelsea, and Uniqua: Let's hear a big hand for you.

{Little Elephant waved hello with his trunk, Baby Bop curtsied, and Thomas and his friends puffed and whistled}

Baby Bop: Thank you, friends!

Leo: Now pat, clap, pat, clap, pat, clap.

June: Let's give a big cheer for the art of the day.

Leo: Mehndi Designs!

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Mehndi Designs!

Quincy: The composer of the wonderful music we played.

Leo: Edvard Grieg!

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: Edvard Grieg! Hooray! Yay, Grieg!

Annie: And here comes the music of the day.

Chelsea: Wedding Day at Troldhaugen.

{Wedding Day at Troldhaugen}

Lumpy: See you on the very last mission.

{In the first silly surprise, they heard something falling}

Livingstone: Uh oh.

Pablo: Something's about to fall!

June and Piglet: We'll catch it!

Gobo: It's that way!

Mokey: No, that way!

Wembley: Hurry, before it falls hard!

Quincy: Catch it, guys!

Roo: Here it comes!

Tigger: What is it?

{Soon, they caught a big head of cabbage}

Hitch Trailblazer: They caught a head of cabbage!

Barney: Talk about using their heads.

{In the second silly surprise, Quincy and Tigger were by a tuba}

Quincy: {Blows tuba hard}

Tigger: Okay, the very last tuba joke. Here we go.

{When Tigger blew in the tuba, it made a cauliflower pop out of the tuba}

Lumpy: There was a cauliflower in Quincy's tuba!

Rabbit: Hey, first a cabbage and now a cauliflower. Perfect day for gardening!

{In the third silly surprise, Annie and Chelsea sing "Up" as the curtains rise up}

Gordon: Hmm, what's behind the curtain?

Thomas: It's something brown.

Percy: And very bumpy.

Anthony: And it smells wonderful.

Greg: What is it?

{The curtains revealed a couch-sized potato}

Jeff: It's a very big couch-sized potato!

Murray: Just hope it ain't a hot potato.

Pooh: Yeah, Anthony does love hot potatoes.

Anthony: Yeah, apart from cold spaghetti and mashed banana.

{In the fourth silly surprise, Rocket, Ash, and Pikachu see a string attached to a ring}

Big Bird: Look! There's a ring!

Elmo: Pull it, you three!

Ash Ketchum: Oh man, the last one.

Pikachu: Pika. {Yeah}

Leo: Just do it, guys.

Tigger: Yeah, do it for everyone.

Ash Ketchum: Well, here we go!

{When the three of them pull the ring one last time, it rained a lot of peas}

Quincy and Rabbit: Peas?!

Barney: It's raining a pureed of peas!

Rabbit: Oh 'peas', let's not get all mushed up.

{In the last silly surprise, Leo and Scooby are by a jack-in-the-box}

Scooby Doo: Okay, the very last joke. Here we go.

{When Leo and Scooby conducted the very last jack-in-the-box, it made a carrot spring out}

Scooby-Doo: It's a carrot-in-the-box?

Rabbit: Carrots?! My absolutely favorite vegetable!

Tigger: I guess you liked this kind of joke, Rabbit.

Rabbit: Liked it? I LOVED IT!

Pooh's team and the Little Einsteins: {Laughing}
