This is the episode transcript of Little Miss Muffet.
{We now see Whyatt and Pooh behind a book with a picture of a little blue book in a green background}
- Whyatt Beanstalk: {To the audience} Hi, it's us. Whyatt.
- Pooh: {To the audience} And me Winnie the Pooh. Last time, we learned that in order to know who your friend is, you can invite them over for a playdate.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Lucky for me, it solved my problem.
- Pooh: {To the audience} You want to go see what will happen in our eleventh reading adventure?
- Whyatt Beanstalk: {To the audience} Super!
- Pooh: Now then, let's see what book will go in this time.
{They open the book to see what the book was gonna be about}
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Look, it's Little Miss Muffet.
- Pooh: Oh, i know that character. It's the one about the girl who gets frightened by a certain bug, a spider.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: In this story, we'll follow the alphabet.
- Pooh: By following a map to lead us to Miss Muffet's house.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Practice the magic of spelling.
- Pooh: By spelling the word ''girl''.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: And use the power to read to change the story.
- Pooh: To change the sentence ''The spider frightens Miss Muffet''.
- Whyatt Beanstalk and Pooh: Let's go!
Little Miss Muffet[]
{We now see Whyatt, Big Bird, and Apple Bloom by the book shelf}
- Whyatt Beanstalk: {To the audience} Hi!
- Big Bird: Please to see you.
- Apple Bloom: It is us. Apple Bloom.
- Big Bird: My name's Big Bird.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: And me, Whyatt.
{They let the audience follow them to Storybook Village}
- Big Bird: {To the audience} We welcome you to Storybook Village.
- Apple Bloom: Where are all of your favorite fairytale friends live.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: That's right.
- Big Bird: Hmm, I wonder what will happen now.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Oh no!
- Big Bird: What?
- Apple Bloom: What is it?
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Red Riding Hood's having a problem.
- Big Bird: Oh dear.
- Apple Bloom: We better go see what's the matter?
{They follow down the path}
- Whyatt Beanstalk: {To the audience} Come on!
{They soon see all their friends playing at the park with Pig, Princess Pea, Grover and Elmo playing at the seesaw together, and some members on the swings}
- Pooh: Oh, hi Whyatt!
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Hi!
- Princess Pea: Hi, Whyatt!
- Big Bird: Oh hi guys!
- Apple Bloom: Hey sis.
- Applejack: Hey there, Bloom.
- Big Bird: Wow, it just goes to show you that it's good to be nice instead of asking.
- Piglet: You said it.
{They then see Twilight and Fluttershy watching Red going over a boy wearing blue clothing and a hat while playing a horn and sitting on a bench}
- Apple Bloom: Hi, Twilight and Fluttershy.
- Fluttershy: Oh hi guys.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: We came her to see Red.
- Twilight Sparkle: You know? Same here.
- Fluttershy: Red is trying to play with that boy, but for some reason, it feels weird.
- Big Bird: Weird? Why could that be weird?
- Twilight Sparkle: Well, watch.
{Red came to the boy}
- Red: Wanna play?
- ???: Aaah! No!
{The boy runs away from Red}
- Red: Wait! Where are you going?!
- Fluttershy: See?
- Big Bird: Huh. That is weird.
- Red: Come back!
- Apple Bloom: Who is that boy?
- Red: Come back, Little Boy Blue!
- Big Bird: Little Boy Blue? The boy that blows his horn whenever he is fast asleep?
{They continue watching Red chasing Little Boy Blue}
- Little Boy Blue: Okay. Everything's okay.
{Red pops out behind a tree close to where Little Boy Blue was}
- Red: Hey!
- Little Boy Blue: Aaah!
- Red: Come on, Boy Blue! Let's play!
- Little Boy Blue: Oh no! Not again!
{The boy runs off again, but trips}
- Little Boy Blue: Ah!
- Big Bird: Oh no, he fell.
- Red: Where are you going?
- Little Boy Blue: Stop scaring me. I don't want to play!
{Little Boy Blue leaves}
- Red: Drats. Double drats!
- Apple Bloom: I think I smell a problem.
{They came to Red}
- Fluttershy: Red, what's wrong?
- Apple Bloom: Why are you so down?
- Red: When I try to play with Little Boy Blue, he gets scared and runs away. What am I going to do?
- Twilight Sparkle: Well, maybe, you need to. Uh, hmm. Whyatt, what should a person do if they don't want to scare their friends away?
- Big Bird: Well, this sounds like a super big problem.
- Fluttershy: And a super big problem also means us.
- Twilight Sparkle: The Super Readers!
- Big Bird: And we done this before.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Good idea, guys. {To the audience} We need to call the rest of the Super Readers. Call them with me. Say "Calling all Super Readers!".
- Young Kids and Pooh's team: Calling all Super Readers!
- Whyatt Beanstalk: To the Book Club! {Echoes}
- Young Kids and Pooh's team: To the Book Club!
{Soon, their friends heard the signal and followed Whyatt}
- Apple Bloom: Quick!
- Big Bird: Onwards to the Book Club!
{They came to the Book Club}
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Whyatt here.
- Pooh: Pooh and team present.
{Pig comes on a tricycle}
- Pig: P is for Pig.
{Red comes rolling by}
- Red: Red Riding Hood, rolling in.
{Princess Pea comes by in a carriage}
- Princess Pea: Princess Pea at your service.
{Soon, everyone came}
- Big Bird: {To the audience} And you. Don't forget to say your name to the team. {They heard the audience's names}
- Apple Bloom: Good! We are all here.
- Twilight Sparkle: And now, we will all solve Red's problem.
- Eeyore: Let's go.
{They go inside the Book Club as Apple Bloom puts the problem's picture on the big computer}
- Fluttershy: Now then, Red.
- Twilight Sparkle: State your problem to the team.
- Red: I wanna play with Little Boy Blue, but whenever I try and play, he gets scared and runs away!
- Pooh: Oh no!
- Tigger: That's terrible!
- Alphablock P: Such a pity.
- Alphablock D: Disaster!
- Red: How can I get him to stay and play?
- Apple Bloom: Good question, Red.
- Fluttershy: If we got a question, we should look...
- The heroes, the Alphablocks, Whyatt Beanstalk, Princess Pea, Red, and Pig: In a book!
- Big Bird: That's right.
- Pig: But, which book should we look in?
- Rabbit: I'm pretty sure it has to have someone scaring their friend on purpose on it.
- Princess Pea: Peas and carrots, carrots and peas. Book come out, please please please.
{Soon a yellow book with a purple cover came down}
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Let's read the title of this book. {Reads} Little Miss Muffet.
- Elmo: The team knows what we do.
- Grover: We have to jump into the book.
- Ernie: And find the answer to Red's question.
- Bert: But first, we look for the super letters.
- Trixie Lulamoon: And then, we put them in...
- Sunburst: The Super Duper Computer!
- Twilight Sparkle: Now then, Super Duper Computer, please tell us how many super letters are founded in our eleventh mission.
{The computer shows four blanks}
- Rainbow Dash: {Confused} Hmm.
- Big Bird: Hmm is right. We have to find four super letters.
- Shining Armor: But if we get the super letters, then we will get...our Super Story Answer!
{The logo is shown}
- Pooh: And now, time for us to transform!
- Elmo: Is everybody ready?
- The heroes, the Alphablocks, Whyatt Beanstalk, Princess Pea, Red, and Pig: Ready!
- Grover: Good.
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Arms in.
- Scootaloo: {To the audience} And your arm in too, You.
{Soon, all arms were in}
- Alphablock S: Super Readers...
- The heroes, the Alphablocks, Whyatt Beanstalk, Princess Pea, Red, and Pig: To the rescue!
{Pig and his side transformed}
- Alpha Pig, Alpha Tigger, Alpha Rabbit, Alpha Scootaloo, and Alpha Bird: Alpha Pig, Alpha Tigger, Alpha Rabbit, Alpha Scootaloo, and Alpha Bird with alphabet power!
- The Alphablocks: Boom shalaka!
{Red and her side transformed}
- Wonder Red, Wonder Applejack, Wonder Fluttershy, Wonder McIntosh, Wonder Bloom, and Wonder Grover: Wonder Red, Wonder Applejack, Wonder Fluttershy, Wonder McIntosh, Wonder Bloom, and Wonder Grover with word power!
- Big McIntosh: Eeyup!
{Princess Pea and her side transformed}
- Princess Presto, Princess Twilight, Prince Armor, Princess Sweetie, Prince Cookie, Prince Ernie, and Prince Bert: Princess Presto, Princess Twilight, Prince Armor, Princess Sweetie, Prince Cookie, Prince Ernie, and Prince Bert with spelling power!
{Whyatt and his transformed}
- Super Why, Super Pooh, Super Piglet, Super Eeyore, Super Dash, Super Pinkie, Super Rarity, Super Spike, Super Robin, Super Starlight, Super Trixie, Super Sunburst, and Super Elmo: Super Why, Super Pooh, Super Piglet, Super Eeyore, Super Dash, Super Pinkie, Super Rarity, Super Spike, Super Robin, Super Starlight, Super Trixie, Super Sunburst, and Super Elmo with the power to read!
- Pooh: I am known as The Bear of Clever Ideas!
{Pooh and Super Why came to the audience}
- Super Why: {To the audience} And Super You.
- Pooh: {To the audience} With helping power.
{The word "help" is shown}
- Trixie Lulamoon: And now we are...
- The heroes, the Alphablocks, Super Why, Princess Presto, Wonder Red, and Alpha Pig: The Super Readers!
- Elmo: Why-flyers!
- Pinkie Pie: Let's fly into the book!
{They go into the book while the musical narrator sings}
- Musical Narrator: {Singing} Super Readers, to the rescue! It's time to fly! With the Super Readers, 'cause we got a problem to solve. Super Readers, to the rescue! Super Readers, working together, with powers to read! {They go into the Little Miss Muffet land} Into books we fly, to find the super story answer with Super Why! Super Readers, to the rescue!
{They got off their flyers}
- Princess Presto: Presto! We're in the Little Miss Muffet Book.
- Twilight Sparkle: I bet we have to find a spider in this one.
{Super Why came up to the first sentence}
- Super Why: Let's read.
- Elmo: Elmo will read with you.
- Super Why: Why Writer, highlight.
- Elmo: {To the audience} Read with Elmo. {Reads} Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet, eating her curds and whey.
{Little Miss Muffet takes a taste and smiles as Super Why went to the next sentence}
- Little Miss Muffet: Mmm-mmm. Yummy.
- Cookie Monster: Nom-nom-nom. That sounds tasty, not as good as cookie though.
- Elmo: {Reads} Along came a spider and sat down beside her.
{The spider comes close to Miss Muffet's tuffet as Super Why went to the third sentence}
- Fluttershy: Oh my!
- Eeyore: To make a long story short, uh oh.
- Elmo: {Reads} And frightened Miss Muffet away.
- Spider: Wanna play? Wanna play? Come on, Miss Muffet, wanna play?
- Little Miss Muffet: Aaah! Aaah!
{Miss Muffet ran off}
- Bert: Guys, did you see what it did?!
- Ernie: Yeah!
- Pooh: The spider scared Miss Muffet, and she ran away.
- Fluttershy: That's just like when Little Boy Blue got scared, and ran away from Red.
- Elmo: And that, Super Readers is the reason why we are in this book. Red and Spider both scared their friends away.
- Wonder Red: We need to talk to that spider.
- Rainbow Dash: Yeah, and figure out how he can handle this.
{They soon see the spider}
- Piglet: Look, there's the spider!
{They came up to the disappointed spider}
- Shining Armor: Yo, Spider. What's up?
- Pooh: We are the Super Readers.
- Super Why: And we want to talk to you.
- Rainbow Dash: {Whispers to Princess Presto} Now this is why you can't trust him.
- Super Why: Why do you keep scaring Miss Muffet away?
- Spider: I, I don't mean to scare her. I just want to play, but when every time I sit beside her, she runs away. {Sniffles} And now, I don't know where she went. {Sobs}
- Rainbow Dash: {Whispers to Princess Presto} See? That's just like the wolf and the giant. He asks a question, and it makes the character cry.
- Princess Presto: I see.
- Elmo: Now, Mr Spider. Please don't sob.
- Alpha Pig: Maybe she went to her house.
- Tigger: Excellent observation, Alpha Pig.
- Pooh: Um, Spider, do you know where she went?
- Spider: NO!!!! {Weeps}
{Princess Presto gives the spider a hanky}
- Spider: {Blows nose}
- Rainbow Dash: Gross. That's even gross than how the Small Good Wolf did. Anyway, we won't let you down.
- Pooh: Yeah, we'll find her.
- Spider: But how?
- Ernie: Don't feel sad, we'll help you find Miss Muffet.
- Sunburst: But, how can we find Miss Muffet's house?
- Alpha Pig: Alpha Pig to the rescue!
- Scootaloo: Let's do this!
- Big Bird: With our amazing alphabet tools, we can find the right way to Miss Muffet's house.
- Tigger: Let's see where we are at.
{They take out a map}
- Rabbit: Well, first we go to T street. Second, we go to F street. And lastly, we go to M street.
- Tigger: Say, that's sounds interesting because her name starts with M.
- Big Bird: Well, let's start off this quest.
- Alpha Pig: First, we need to find T Street.
- Tigger: {To the audience} Can you see which street has a T?
{They first see a V, U, and T}
- Young Kids: That one!
- Scootaloo: There is T Street!
- Spider: Yippee! Let's go, go, go!
- Alphablock T: Terrific!
{They all took a right at T Street}
- Rabbit: Next, we need to find F Street.
- Big Bird: {To the audience} Do you know which street has an F on it?
{They see an F, E, and D}
- Young Kids: There!
- Alpha Pig: That's it.
- Alphablock F: We found an F Street.
- Big Bird: This way!
- Spider: Yeah, yeah, yeah! This way!
{They all followed the path to F Street}
- Rabbit: Guys, we must be getting closer.
- Tigger: All that's left is M Street.
- Scootaloo: {To the audience} Which of these street signs has an M on it?
{The last signs show a W, L, and M}
- Young Kids: That one!
- Big Bird: Good job. We found M Street.
- Alphablock M: Marvelous!
{They took a right turn and soon got to Miss Muffet's house}
- Spider: Oh. Miss Muffet lives on M Street.
- Big Bird: Look! We found Miss Muffet!
{She waves hello and goes inside her house}
- Alpha Pig: Lickety letters!
- Scootaloo: We helped figured out how to get from T Street to F Street all the way to M Street.
- Tigger: Good job, pals!
- Alpha Pig: {To the audience} Let's give ourselves a big thumbs up.
{They gave a thumbs up to the audience}
- Super Why: {To the audience} Keep your eyes out for Super Letters.
- Wonder Red: To Miss Muffet!
- Pooh: Let's go!
{As they went inside, an N and E appear out of Miss Muffet's mailbox}
- Rarity: Oh my stars! I see super letters!
- Pooh: {To the audience} You see some super letters?
- Rarity: Why, they are in Miss Muffet's mailbox.
- Super Why: {To the audience} Which letters did you find?
- Young Kids: N! E!
- Alphablock N: Nifty!
- Alphablock E: Good examination.
- Pooh: Let's put the two into our Super Duper...
- Super Why, Pooh, Rarity, the Alphablocks, and Young Kids: Computer!
{The N and E go into the computer}
- Pooh: There were 4 blanks and 2 had letters.
- Super Why: Two more super letters.
- Rarity: And soon, we will have our Super Story Answer.
- Pooh: And now, to Miss Muffet!
{They came up to her house}
- Wonder Red: Hello?
- Elmo: May we please speak to Little Miss Muffet?
- Little Miss Muffet: Who's there?
- Shining Armor: The Super Readers.
- Pooh: And we will help you as well.
{Miss Muffet opens the door}
- Little Miss Muffet: Oh. Super Readers. Come right in.
{They went inside her house}
- Pooh: Hmm, what's that whiffy smell?
- Little Miss Muffet: Curds and whey? It's just cottage cheese.
- Alphablock D: {Nervously} Uh, definitely?
{D takes a taste and felt a disgusted feeling}
- Alphablock D: {Nervously} Delicious.
- Little Miss Muffet: So, what brings you to M Street?
- Rarity: Well, one question. Why exactly do you run away from Spider?
- Elmo: It's just so, you know, mean.
- Little Miss Muffet: Well, he sat down beside me when i wasn't looking. And frightened me away.
{Spider was behind Miss Muffet}
- Rainbow Dash: Um, like, now what he's gonna do right about?
- Spider: Wanna play?
- Pooh: No, Spider! Don't-
{Miss Muffet ran away screaming again}
- Pooh: -scare her away.
- Applejack: Great Tuffet Satters!
- Alpha Pig: Not again.
- Tigger: Spider, you weren't kidding when she did that.
{She ran back again bumping into some of the members}
- Elmo: Yes again.
- Rabbit: Hey, watch where you going, scaredy-girl.
- Alphablock M: My oh my!
- Princess Presto: You scared her away again.
- Spider: I didn't mean to. I just want to play.
- Pinkie Pie: Spider, are you trying to trick us as well?
- Spider: Trick you? No way.
- Pinkie Pie: Good, 'cause i do not like getting tricked.
- Apple Bloom: Oh no!! We have to find Miss Muffet. But how?
- Princess Presto: Cue the sparkles, cue the music.
- Twilight Sparkle: Team Princess Presto.
- Bert and Ernie: To the rescue!
- Sweetie Belle: With our magic spelling wands, we can spell a word that can help us bring back Miss Muffet.
- Twilight Sparkle: Hmmmmm, let's see.
- Bert: I know. Miss Muffet is a girl, so we can the word ''girl'', and then she will appear.
- Ernie: Good idea, old buddy Bert.
- Shining Armor: {To the audience} Can you help us spell the word "girl"?
- Twilight Sparkle: Splendid.
- Sweetie Belle: Take out your magic spelling wands and get ready to spell.
- Princess Presto: Wands up. {To the audience} Spell with us.
- Ernie: {To the audience} Can you guess what letter makes the guh, guh, guh sound?
- Young Kids: G!
- Bert: Right. A G makes that sound.
- Sweetie Belle: Now watch what we do, Bert and Ernie.
{So, Bert and Ernie joined in with writing a G}
- Princess Presto: What a nice G.
- Alphablock G: Great writing.
{It made a bit of Miss Muffet appear}
- Sweetie Belle: {To the audience} So then, we write an I. Write it with us.
{They all wrote a perfect I}
- Bert: Wow! We made an I!
- Alphablock I: Incredible sparkling.
{It made more of Miss Muffet appear}
- Shining Armor: {To the audience} Can you guess which letter makes the rrr sound?
- Bert: {To the audience} Do you know?
- Young Kids: R!
- Twilight Sparkle: Right, an R.
- Ernie: {To the audience} Write the R with us.
{They all wrote an R}
- Shining Armor: We got an R.
- Alphablock R: You got the right stuff, shipmate.
{It made almost a bit of Miss Muffet appear}
- Bert: {To the audience} Now, what last letter makes the sound llll?
- Young Kids: L!
- Bert: {To the audience} You got it. An L.
- Princess Presto: Let's write an L, shall we?
{They wrote the last letter in the word ''girl''}
- Sweetie Belle: Good, now we have the letters.
- Bert: And we have a...
- Ernie: G, I, R, L.
- Alphablock G: Guh.
- Alphablock I and R: Irrr.
- Alphablock L: Llll.
- Alphablock G, I, R, and L: Girl!
- Princess Presto: Presto!
{It made Miss Muffet appear}
- Little Miss Muffet: Oh, hello.
- Bert: We did it, Super Readers!
- Ernie: We spelled the word ''girl'', and now Miss Muffet is back.
- Shining Armor: {To the audience} Let's take a bow.
{They all took a bow}
- Tigger: Hey there, Miss Muffet.
- Little Miss Muffet: Curds and whey?
- Rainbow Dash: Ugh! {Thinks} Would someone tell that girl we don't like that food?!
- Pooh: Um, anyway. Will you please stay and play with us, mam?
- Little Miss Muffet: Why certainly I will play.
{The spider was behind her again and does the "quiet" sign to the audience}
- Pinkie Pie: Um, what if say you can be friends with the {Mouths word} Spider.
- Little Miss Muffet: With what?
- Rarity: Oh dear. Delayed spider scare coming this time in 3, 2, 1.
- Pooh: Um, what she meant was um, uh, cider. Yes, cider.
- Little Miss Muffet: Cider?
- Rarity: Uh, yes, yes I said it.
- Elmo: {Whispers to Spider} Spider, no!
- Bert: {Gasps}
- Little Miss Muffet: Wait. Did you mean "spider"?
{Soon, the spider soon gets onto her tuffet}
- Spider: Hiya! Wanna play? Wanna play? Let's play!
{The girl ran off again}
- Grover: Oh boy.
- Cookie Monster: Me not sure this story over.
- Spider: Don't run away, I just want to play.
- Alpha Pig: Why does Spider keep doing that?
- Scootaloo: I have no idea.
- Fluttershy: Well either the spider is scaring her again, or maybe Miss Muffet doesn't know how to make friends with a spider. No, wait. That's not right.
- Super Why: Follow that spider!
{As they leave the house, there was a C on a coat rack}
- Eeyore: Hmm, a super letter.
- Pooh: {To the audience and Eeyore} You found another super letter?
- Eeyore: Yep, on that coat rack.
- Super Why: {To the audience} Which one?
- Young Kids: C!
- Alphablock C: Cool and, crikey! Coat rack starts with my name. Double cool!
- Pooh: Let's put the C into our Super Duper...
- Super Why, Pooh, Eeyore, the Alphablocks, and Young Kids: Computer!
{The C goes into the message}
- Pooh: There were four blanks and three had letters on it.
- Super Why: One more super letter.
- Eeyore: And then, we will reveal the answer to our question.
{Soon, everyone came outside as Super Why and Pooh came to Spider}
- Super Why: Spider, why do you keep scaring Miss Muffet away?
- Spider: I don't mean to.
- Pooh: Spider, you didn't seem like you were being nice to Miss Muffet?
- Spider: What do you mean?
- Pooh: Well, think. If I came to you and say "Wanna play?", and you got scared, would that be nice?
- Spider: Well, I guess not.
- Pooh: So if you want her to play with you, just ask nicely and she'll play with you.
- Spider: Well, I like that advice, but I can't help it. It's in my story. See?
{They see a sentence}
- Pooh: {Reads} The spider frightens Miss Muffet.
- Spider: That's what I do. I'm a spider and I frighten Miss Muffet. She gets so scared. Woe is me. Oh, I'll never get Miss Muffet to play with me.
- Elmo: Uh oh.
- Spider: What can I do?
- Super Why: Super Why to the rescue! With the power to read, we can change this story and save the day.
- Sunburst: And I will join.
- Super Why: Let's change the word "frightens" in this sentence.
- Sunburst: Okay, so now what?
- Super Why: We do this. Ready, set, zap!
{They zapped and soon the word "frightens" is zapped}
- Sunburst: Cool.
- Super Why: Why Writer, write.
- Sunburst: And give us three choices.
{The choices were "barks at", "smiles at", and "yells at"}
- Sunburst: {To the audience} Super Readers. We need your help. What will help Spider not frighten Miss Muffet away?
- Super Why: If he "barks at" her, "smiles at" her, or "yells at" her?
- Sunburst: Well, one thing for sure. You can never yell at something.
- Super Why: Never.
- Sunburst: So, if we want Spider to be nice, he should smile at Miss Muffet.
- Super Why: Okay.
- Sunburst: Let's try "smiles at".
- Super Why: {To the audience} Where are the words "smiles at"?
- Sunburst: I know that the first word starts with an S.
- Young Kids: There!
- Super Why: There they are!
{They drag the words "smiles at" to the sentence}
- Sunburst: Now, let's zap the word into the sentence.
- Super Why: Ready, set, zap!
{The words "smiles at" are in the sentence}
- Sunburst: Now let's read and see what happens.
- Super Why and Sunburst: {Reads} The spider smiles at Miss Muffet.
- Alphablock S: Ssss.
- Alphablock M: Mmmm.
- Alphablock I and Silent E: I.
- Alphablock L: Llll.
- Alphablock S: Ssss.
- Alphablock S, M, I, L, and Silent E: Smiles!
- Alphablock A: Aaah.
- Alphablock T: Tttt.
- Alphablock A and T: At.
- Alphablock S, M, I, L, Silent E, Alphablock A, and T: Smiles at!
{The sentence made Spider came down, pat Miss Muffet, and smile at her}
- Little Miss Muffet: {Gasps}
- Spider: Miss Muffet, would you like to play with me today?
- Little Miss Muffet: What a nice smile you have, Spider. And you asked me so nicely. Yes, I'll stay and play with you.
- Pooh: {Whispers} Good job, Spider.
- Little Miss Muffet: Wanna have a picnic in my tree house?
- Spider: {Nicely} Yes, yes, yes.
{They went up to the tree house}
- Sunburst: {To the audience} Super job, Super Readers. We helped the spider not to scare Miss Muffet.
{Soon, an I was stuck on the web}
- Sunburst: Look, a super letter!
- Pooh: {To the audience and Sunburst} You found our last super letter?
- Sunburst: Yeah, and there it is.
- Super Why: {To the audience} Which one?
- Young Kids: I!
- Alphablock I: Interesting place for a letter to hide.
- Pooh: Let's put the last letter into our Super Duper...
- Super Why, Pooh, Sunburst, the Alphablocks, and Young Kids: Computer!
{The I went into the computer}
- Sunburst: Alright! We found all the letters!
- Pooh: And now, we will get our Super Story Answer!
- Sunburst: Such progress with excellency we have here.
- Pooh: How are you two doing up there?
- Little Miss Muffet: Uh oh.
- Pooh: Is something wrong, Miss Muffet?
- Little Miss Muffet: I forgot my curds and whey.
- Shining Armor: Have no worry, Miss Muffet.
- Twilight Sparkle: Two bowls of curds and whey coming right up.
- Princess Presto: And two tuffets. They are very comfy seats.
{The magic from the wands made two bowls of curds and whey appear, then two tuffets appear}
- Little Miss Muffet: Thank you.
- Pooh: So, Spider, what do you think of her curds and whey this time?
- Spider: Mmm-mmm. Tasty.
- Elmo: Wait. Elmo has a thought.
- Pooh: What?
- Elmo: Well, how does the story go if the spider isn't going to frighten her?
- Spider: Maybe like this. {Narrates} Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet eating her curds and whey.
- Little Miss Muffet: {Narrates} Along came a spider, who sat down beside her.
- Little Miss Muffet and Spider: {Narrates} And played with Miss Muffet all day.
- Elmo: Ooh, Elmo loves that ending.
- Spider: Hold on.
{Spider sends them a storybook gem from their story}
- Applejack: Well, i'll be hornswoggled.
- Twilight Sparkle: This must be the storybook gem of the Little Miss Muffet Book.
- Pooh: Thank you, Spider.
- Scootaloo: We love to stay and chat, but we have to get back to the Book Club.
- Spider: Bye bye, Super Readers!
- Little Miss Muffet: Thank you, Super Readers!
- Pooh: So long!
- Big Bird: Bye bye, Miss Muffet and Spider.
- Christopher Robin: Enjoy your food.
{They soon leave}
- Bert: Now then, Why-Flyers.
- Ernie: Take us back to the Book Club.
{They flew off just as the narrator sang}
- Musical Narrator: {Singing} We found the Super Story Answer with Super Why!
{They soon get out of the book, out of their Why-flyers, and went back to their normal clothes}
- Cookie Monster: Now let's find out what the answer to the problem is.
{Big Bird puts the computer by the big computer}
- Big Bird: Okay then, Super Duper Computer. Please give us our Super Story Answer.
{The logo spun around and around, until it stopped at a green background}
- Big Bird: {To the audience} Now read the letters with me.
{Each Alphablock says the sound when Big Bird says the letter}
- Big Bird: N.
- Alphablock N: Nnn.
- Big Bird: I.
- Alphablock I and Silent E: I.
- Big Bird: C.
- Alphablock C: Ssss. {Soft C sound}
- Big Bird: E.
- Alphablock N, I, C, and Silent E: Nice!
- Big Bird: Nice.
- Rarity: Well then, the Super Story Answer is...nice!
{Fireworks surround the word}
- Eeyore: Hmm, but i wonder why?
- Princess Pea: Because when Spider smiled at her, Miss Muffet saw he was nice and she didn't get scared and run away.
- Elmo: And Elmo remembers Pooh telling the spider about it.
- Pooh: How would you like it if i say ''Wanna play?'' and you get scared. Would that be nice?
- Spider: Well, i guess not.
- Pooh: So if you want her to play with you, just ask nicely and she'll play with you.
{Flashback ends}
- Red: So my question is...What should i do if want Little Boy Blue to stay and play?
- Big Bird: And your answer is...
- The heroes, the Alphablocks, Whyatt Beanstalk, Princess Pea, Red, and Pig: Nice!
- Red: Oh. I didn't know i was scaring Little Boy Blue.
- Fluttershy: That's okay, Red. You only wanted him to play with you.
- Shining Armor: All you need to do is prove to him by being nice and not go fast to get him.
- Red: Okay then.
- Eeyore: And some of us can watch you.
- Red: Yeah. And, i can do that.
- Piglet: Let's go back to the park.
{Soon, a few members and Red saw Little Boy Blue}
- Pooh: Now, Red. Thanks to Spider, we know that it is nice to be nice when talking to someone.
- Twilight Sparkle: Remember. Go nice and slow.
- Red: Nice and slow.
{Red slowly went up to Little Boy Blue}
- Red: {Nicely} Hi, Little Boy Blue.
- Little Boy Blue: Um, hi?
- Red: Would you like to play with me?
- Little Boy Blue: Uh, me?
{The members watched}
- Red: Sure. We can go roller skating.
- Little Boy Blue: Really?
- Red: I brought an extra pair for you.
- Little Boy Blue: {Smiles} That's so nice. Okay.
{Soon, everyone saw in happiness watching Red and Little Boy Blue skating}
- Red: Come on, Little Boy Blue.
- Big Bird: You're doing it, Red. Good job.
{Little Boy Blue plays his horn while skating and he and Red laughed while having fun}
- Pooh: We did it, guys! We helped Red and Little Boy Blue become friends. Teamwork high five!
{They all high five}
- Whyatt Beanstalk: Hip hip hooray! The Super Readers save the day!
{They all danced as the narrator sung}
- Musical Narrator: {Singing} Hip hip hooray! (Pooh's team and the Alphablocks: Hooray!) The Super Readers save the day. We changed the story, we solved the problem, we work together so hip hip hooray. Hip hip hooray! (Pooh's team and the Alphablocks: Hooray!) The Super Readers save the day! Hip hip hooray! (Pooh's team, the Alphablocks, Whyatt Beanstalk, Princess Pea, Red, and Pig: Hooray!) The Super Readers save the day!
''Friend'' Vocabulary Vocabulary Song with Pooh and the Musical Narrator[]
{The song starts with Pooh}
- Pooh: Hi, You. You know, since we met friends, i have a song all about that word ''friend''. Hit it please!
{Vocabulary, Vocabulary song plays}
- Musical Narrator: Vocabulary, vocabulary, how many words do you know?
- Pooh: With the power to read, we'll learn new words. Here we go!
{Soon, the word ''friend'' is shown}
- Pooh: What word is this? (Musical Narrator: Friend!) Read it with me. F, R, I, E, N, D.
{Flashbacks from episodes 11, 1, 8, and 9}
- Pooh: What does it mean? Listen with me. A friend is a buddy or a pal to the end.
- Musical Narrator and Pooh: Vocabulary, vocabulary, how many words do you know? With the power to read, we'll learn words. Here we go! Vocabulary, vocabulary, how many words do you know? With the power to read, your vocabulary can grow, grow, grow! (Pooh: One more time!) With the power to read, your vocabulary can grow, grow, grow!
{The song ends}
''Un'' Game with Wonder Red, Applejack, Apple Bloom, and the Alphablocks[]
{We see Applejack, Apple Bloom, and Wonder Red}
- Wonder Red: {To the audience} Super You.
- Applejack: I am going to make something for Apple Bloom.
- Apple Bloom: But we're not sure what it is.
- Wonder Red: Let's see what UN, un words, we have in my wonder words basket.
- Applejack: {To the audience} Rhyme with us.
{Each letter and UN ending come out of the basket}
- Alphablock S: Sss.
- Alphablock U and N: Un.
- Alphablock S, U, and N: Sun.
- Alphablock R: Rrrr.
- Alphablock U and N: Un.
- Alphablock R, U, and N: Run.
- Alphablock B: Buh.
- Alphablock U and N: Un.
- Alphablock B, U, and N: Bun.
{The word ''bun'' makes a yummy bun appear}
- Applejack: Yeehaw! You got it!
- Apple Bloom: A bun is what we were looking for.
- Wonder Red: {To the audience} Wonder-riffic! You're terrific!
Ending Segment[]
- Pooh: Hello, friends. We seen Spider to smile at Miss Muffet to make the best of friends come. But, what would've happened if we chose the spider to bark at Miss Muffet? Get a load of this.
- Sunburst: {To the audience} How should the spider be nice at Little Miss Muffet?
- Super Why: {To the audience} If he barks at her, smiles at her, or yells at her?
- Sunburst: Well, dogs bark to say hello, but maybe the spider can too.
- Super Why: Okay. Let's try ''barks at''.
- Sunburst: {To the audience} Can you see the words ''barks at''?
- Super Why: It starts with a B.
- Young Kids: There!
- Sunburst: There.
{They drag the words "barks at" to the sentence}
- Sunburst: Time for us to zap the words into the sentence.
- Super Why and Sunburst: Ready, set, zap!
{The words "barks at" are in the sentence}
- Super Why: Let's read.
- Super Why and Sunburst: {Reads} The spider barks at Miss Muffet.
- Alphablock B: Buh.
- Alphablock A and R: Ar.
- Alphablock K: Kuh.
- Alphablock S: Ssss.
- Alphablock B, A, R, K, and S: Barks.
- Alphablock A: Aaah.
- Alphablock T: Ttuh.
- Alphablock A and T: At.
- Alphablock B, A, R, K, S, and T: Barks at!
{Soon, the sentence made Spider bark like a dog}
- Spider: {Barks}
- Little Miss Muffet: {Gasps and yells}
{Little Miss Muffet ran away again}
- Sunburst: {To the audience} Did that word helped Miss Muffet not be scared?
- Young Kids: No!
- Super Why: No. He sounded like a dog. And Miss Muffet still ran away.
- Sunburst: Yeah, and there are no dogs in this story.
{Flashback ends}
- Pooh: Seems like she was barking up the wrong tree. {Chuckles} See you next time on another reading adventure!