This is the transcript for Little Town of Horrors (Super Smash Bros. Legends)
Prologue/Eastern Town[]
[The Smash Mansion, early morning]
[Finn was seen reading a newspaper when James came in]
James: Man, what a day, huh?
Finn: ...It's 9am.
James: ...Right! I knew that. [sits down]
Orbot: Of course, we're completely fine. It just didn't feel good to go through that brainwashing process.
Cubot: Yeah, once this is over, I'm gonna need some time off to reconsider my life choices, paid time off of course.
Rachel: Hey, Beep-0. You are the Rabbids are okay to come with us as well, if you'd like.
Beep-0: Consider it done, we are happy to help.
Kevin: Just, stay safe, okay.
[Rachel nodded before she, James, Tessa, and Finn and the fighters who volenteered went off through the portal on their way to Eastern Town]
Arrival/Blue Streak, Speeds By[]
James: I know, I know, but hey. Not everyday we find a whole town to ourselves. [laughs before someone hits in the face at lightspeed; annoyed] Alright, who's the jerk who did that?! [gets punched again] Seriously?!
[At that moment, the perpetrator, Classic Sonic, snatches James' Tablet off him, his eyes glowing red]
James: Classic Sonic! [James yoinks his tablet back before shooting at Classic Sonic with his ray gun, who dodges effortlessly] Okay, what am I doing? [discards the ray gun for a net] This is more like it! [charges in to catch Classic Sonic, only for him to dodge] What the? [tries several more times]
[Classic Sonic blows a raspberry before running off]
James: [his upset look turned into a look of pure determination] It seems I've met my match... [runs after the currently mind control hedgehog] Get back here!
Tessa: Well, that was- [notices several Puppet Fighters approaching] Puppet Fighters at six o'clock!
Villager: Shouldn't we-
Metal Sonic: Just focus on the Puppet Fighters. James and I got this! [flies off]
James: [having finally caught up; to Classic Sonic] You thought you could get away THAT easily?! Well... [gets a lance] This. Ends. HERE!!! [charges at Classic Sonic]
James: Could do that... Or I could just... [gets the Timer out] Za Warudo! (The World!) [time screeches to a halt; chuckles] I've always wanted to say that. Now then. [rushes to Classic Sonic and punches him multiple times] Time is about to start moving again. [time resume, and Classic Sonic gets sent flying]
James: You know, you maybe be faster than me... But maybe YOU should also have eyes in the back of your head.
[Classic Sonic was confused on what he meant, but then Metal Sonic flied in and punched right in the face, instantly turning him back into a trophy]
Metal Sonic: Ha! I did it! Booyah! [to James] For a organic being, your strategy proved to be a smart one.
Rachel: Uh... Thanks, let me just... [taps the stand on Classic Sonic's trophy, reviving him]
Classic Sonic: [groans for a second before his eyes open] GOTTA GO FAST! [runs around for a few seconds before stopping] Where am I? What year is it? Is the Rock president? [realizes he was himself again] Huh, neat.
Metal Sonic: Ahem...
Classic Sonic: Oh, nice to see you too, Metal... Wait, if you're here then...
James: Yeah, it's us. You're welcome by the way...
Rachel: Well, it's nice to have you back, Sonic. Heck, it's nice to have AN Sonic back!
Metal Sonic: What, I don't count? Rude. Compared to that faker, I'm the true Sonic!
Classic Sonic: Your robotic body would speak otherwise, buddy.
Rumble with a Minecraft Legend/Regrouping[]
[At that moment, a man made out of blocks walked out, holding a diamond pickaxe to boot]
Finn: [recognizing who it was immedietly] Steve...
Travis Touchdown: Hey, blockface! Did you know you're currently too close to your own TNT. [presses the pressure plate]
[Steve saw the TNT about to blow up; he held up a sign saying "Seriously?" before the TNT blew up, taking Steve along with it]
Morgana: Wait, wasn't there suppose to be a-
[The trophfication sound plays as the smoke clears, revealing Steve's trophy]
Morgana: Oh, there it is.
Tessa: Let's just revive him and get going. [goes over to Steve's trophy and touches the stand, reviving the fighter within]
Steve: [gets onto his feet] Yeesh, talking about having a massive headache... [sees the group] Oh, hey guys. What'd I miss?
Spears and Bandanas, Oh my!/Half the Town Explored[]
Kirby: Poyo... Poyo-poyo! (Is that... Bandana Dee?!)
Finn: [groans] As if this day couldn't get any weirder.
James: Steve, we could use some help here?!
Steve: [mining for minerals] I'll be right with you, just gotta get some diamonds for some armor and weapons real quick! Getting vaporized by Galeem's light beam completely reset my inventory apparently...
Steve: [having found a couple diamonds] Yes, finally! [gets his crafting table and quickly crafts his diamond armor and tools] Alright, I'm ready! [gets his Diamond Sword out]
[Kirby nodded, then tapped the stand on Bandana Dee's trophy to revive him]
Bandana Dee: [groans as he got up] What? Where am I...? [sees the others fighters] Guys?
Kirby: Poyo! (Bandana!) [hugs him]
Bandana Dee: Kirby! Oh thank goodness...
Discussing Plans/Meeting Agumon[]
Finn: [groans] My head... [sees a dinosaur like creature in front of him] Hmm...?
???: Hi.
[Finn jumped back right as the creature introduced himself]
Agumon: I'm Agumon. [chuckles] Nice to finally find someone who isn't all red eyes and greyed out around here.
Finn: What does that even- Uh... Wait, I need to get back to the others! But with so many Puppet FIghters around...!
Finn: Phew, I really appriciate the help. By the way, what are you?
Agumon: I'm glad you asked, I'm a Digimon, Digital Monster!
Finn: Oh. Like the ones from all those anime, and those Digimon World and Digimon Story games? I think Kevin told me about them not too long ago.
Agumonn: Wait, Kevin? You a friend of his...?
Agumon: So, what you're saying is, this Galeem guy captured your friends, put them under his control, and basically made dozens of clones for us to fight?
Tessa: Pretty much, yeah.
Agumon: Hmm. In that case, I'll gladly help you out, it's the least I can do.
Trouble in Paradise/Battle against a corrupted secretary and a giant purple cat[]
Finn: Strange, it's not like Rachel to just wonder off... Classic Sonic, Crash, Klonoa, Jigglypuff, can you follow her?
Klonoa: You've got it.
[Classic Sonic nodded, then grabbed Jigglypuff as he ran off]
Rachel: Hmm... [gets her flashlight out]
Klonoa: Um, uh...
Huepow: Oh...
Jigglypuff: Jigglypuff? (Something wrong?)
Klonoa: I don't know why, but something about this is rubbing me and Huepow the wrong way...
[Crash hid by Aku-Aku, silently nodding, before the doors closed, startling the five]
Classic Sonic: What?!
Aku-Aku: That doesn't sound good.
Rachel: [gets her ray gun out] Who goes there? [finds someone looking out the window on the other side of the room] Show yourself, I MEAN IT!!!
Klonoa: Wait... Doesn't this place kinda look like Smashville's town hall? What? What do you- [realizes as she noticed the familar shape of a certain shih tzu; in horror] N-No... It can't be...! I-Isabelle?!
[Isabelle walked out of the shadow, alas, while she was usually known for her kind and friendly nature, there was no such expression on her face as she approached with that sinister red glowing in her eyes]
Classic Sonic: [concerned] When did this become a horror movie?!
[Jigglypuff shrugged, not knowing the answer]
[Back with the others, the Rabbids were busy shooting at several Puppet Fighters with their blasters]
Finn: [suddenly went tense] Something's wrong...
Agumon: Survival instincts?
Finn: Yes, they tell me if there's danger near by...
Finn: Take care of the puppets, I'll go see what's up! [runs off]
Bandana Dee: You got it. [slices through several Puppet Fighters with his spear]
[Back with Rachel, Jigglypuff, Crash, Classic Sonic and Klonoa, Rachel was silently panicking as she aimed her laser gun at Isabelle, but she was shaking too much to aim properly]
Rachel: (Oh lord what do I do?! I-I can't hurt her! I'm petrified! I'm too terrified to even pull the trigger! Of all the fighters Galeem could send, why it have to be her?!)
[Isabelle got a axe out; a murderous glare in her eyes]
Classic Sonic: Okay, what is this? Friday the 13th?
[Inside Rachel's head, a bunch of smaller versions of her were running around panicing]
Mini Brain Rachel #1: Come on, people! Calm down, we've gotta get back under control! Seriously, what am I paying you guys for?!
Mini Brain Rachel #2: You don't pay me. We don't even exist. We're just a clever visual metaphor used to personify the abstract concept of thought.
Mini Brain Rachel #1: One more crack like that and you're out of here!
Mini Brain Rachel #2: No, please! I have three kids!
[Back in reality]
Klonoa: Rachel, don't just stand there, shoot! Or give it to me!
Classic Sonic: I think she's in the middle of a panic attack... [to Klonoa] Couldn't you just use your Wind Ring or something anyway?
Klonoa: Oh yeah, I guess I could. [gets the Wind Ring out, setting it to Sword Mode]
Huepow: Careful, Klonoa...
Klonoa: [nods; turns to Isabelle, not freaked out by the very nasty look on her normally innocent face] Alright, Isabelle. I don't know what's gotten into you, but I'd rather you'd not try to behead us. Seriously, killing isn't even your style.
[Clealy unfazerd, Isabelle swung the axe to slice Klonoa's head off, but the dream walker's wind sword blocked it. She was about to swing again when she was hit in the face by a marker, then a wumpa fruit, she turned to see Jigglypuff and Crash, Crashing having his fruit bazooka out]
Jigglypuff: Puff? (Huh?) [whistling]
Classic Sonic: Really, dude? Why didn't you just sing and make her fall alseep?
Jigglypuff: Jiggly, Jiggly, Jigglypuff. (You would've fallen asleep too, you know.)
Classic Sonic: ...Fair point...
Classic Sonic: Oh. Will you look at the time, it's half-past RUN! [grabs a chair and throws it out the window, breaking it before jumping out] Quick, let's get out of here! [Jigglypuff uses Rollout to break the doors down with Crash, Klonoa and Rachel following her] That works too...
[The five promptly ran off, Isabelle growled in anger and chased after them]
Klonoa: Thanks for getting us out of there when you did...
Classic Sonic: No problem! Now to- [his eyes goes wide when he sees a mind controlled Big the Cat about the punch the spot they were just on; in slow-motion] Oh, shhhoooooottttt...
[All five fighters dodged in time, though it did knock them off their feet]
Klonoa: Oh great... First a completely psychotic Isabelle, and now this...
[Big prepared to attack again, when Finn arrived and held him back]
Rachel: Finn?!
Finn: I'll hold him off! GO!
Classic Sonic: [smirks] Much appriciation, my friend.
[Rachel's group ran off, though Finn did see the possessed Isabelle run after them]
Finn: [grins smugly] Okay, big guy, let's have a little one-on-one! [cracks his knuckles]
Metal Sonic: [slashes at a Puppet Fighter, destroying it] There, that should be the last of them...
Tessa: Finally, took long enough...
Travis Touchdown: Where'd you guys even run off too?
Klonoa: Funny story, you see... We may have-
[Isabelle growled as she finally caught up to them. Villager could only put his hands to his face in horror. Isabelle had been the one fighter he had been eager and hoping to find and save, but he wasn't ready to see what Galeem had done to her]
Villager: Isabelle!
Classic Sonic: Yep... She's kinda all crazy in the head right now though.... Tried to murder us and everything!
Steve: Wait, I'm confused. [to Villager] Isn't Isabelle your friend or something?
Villager: Yes, she's one of my closest friends! Please we have to save her!
Classic Sonic: Don't worry, that's the plan. We found Big on the way back here too, so hopefully we'll get them both back!
Metal Sonic: Oh great, another nuisance I have to deal with.
Classic Sonic: Wow, well screw you too, Metal!
Rachel: Villager.
Villager: Sorry.
Rachel: I think she maybe too far gone...
Villager: No... She's still in there somewhere! I know it!
James: You were saying, buster?!
[Isabelle looked around, frowning when she realized she was surrounded, but that frown turned into a smile shortly afterwards. She charged towards the group, only for James to catch her and start punching her repeatedly]
James: Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep!
Villager: Careful, that's still our friend in there!
James: Not my fault we have to beat people up in order the save them. Honestly, I'm still wondering about the logic of that. [his arm suddenly errupted in pain, he quickly turned to see Isabelle biting on it]
[Outside the town, a scream was heard in the distance]
James: [running around in circles] Get her off! Get her off! Get her off! Get her off! [finally managed to yank her off; stops running; sighs in relief] Glad that's over... [looks at the bitemark] Okay, I know Isabelle's not normally the vicious type, but WHEN DID SHE LEARN HOW TO BITE PEOPLE?!
Villager: Probably around the same time the Doom Slayer taught her how to use stuff like my axe...
James: [his eyes went bloodshot] How to WHAT?!
Ryu: Come on, the sooner we knock Big to his senses, the sooner we can help everyone else!
Joker: Right! Arsene! [his Persona came out, ready to fight]
Ryuji Sakamoto: Alright, this'll be just like old times!
[Big prepared to take on the group of fighters.
[As Finn, Joker, Sakamoto, Takamaki and Ryu worked on taking out Big, the other group was fending off Isabelle, who despite her lack of combat prowess, was putting up more of a fight than several of the others did]
Villager: [blocked an attack by colliding his net with Isabelle's] Come on, Isabelle, it's me, come back to us!
[Unfortunatly, Isabelle showed no signs of stopping before jumping back starting to throw flower pots at James and the Rabbids. Travis tried to go in for a slash with his beam katana but Isabelle's small form allowed her to dodge the attack and hit him with one of the pots]
Classic Sonic: [spindashes into Isabelle] Way too slow! [a fishing line snagged the hedgehog's leg] Wait, nonononono- [gets slammed into the ground facefirst] Why is it always the face?!
Metal Sonic: Hey, if anyone's gonna kill that blue rat, it's gonna be me! Go get your own rival, and no I don't mean Ankha! [his optics went wide when he barely avoided Isabelle's axe, which went right into a nearby tree] ...Alright then.
Classic Sonic: [got up; to his Modern counterpart's robotic double] Maybe taunting her isn't the best idea and I'm a HEDGEHOG! [Metal raised a eyebrow; well, metathorically anyway] Just saying, totally different species.
Crash Bandicoot: [went in running, sliding Isabelle off her feet before hitting her several times with his Death Tornado Spin] Yahoo!
Kirby: Poyo? (Well?) [noticed she was missing; confused] Poyo... Poyo-poyo-poyo... (Huh? Where did she go?) [gets hit by a flowerpot] Poyo! (Hey!)
Villager: That's enough, Isabelle! Please, you know you're better than this...! You're not suppose to be Galeem's puppet...
[Just as Isabelle was about to attack again, she then suddenly stopped in her tracks, surprising everyone]
Rachel: Huh? Why did she stop?
Crash Bandicoot: Oh?
[Isabelle then collapsed to her knees in pain as her eyes flickered from their normal color back to the red glow back and forth]
Isabelle: [weakly] S-stop it! Don't make me do this! I-I don't want to hurt them!
Villager: [surprised] Isabelle? Are you there? It's me! Try and fight it!
Isabelle: [weakly] M-Mayor? have to stop me! I can't...I... [That was all Isabelle could say before the red glow in her eyes returned]
Aerith: Oh my...
James: Well I'll be...
[Rachel's eye twitched violently... After seeing that Isabelle was still in there, and practically begging for help, she had finally had enough, her eyes only saw red, her mind clouded with anger, and she began gritting her teeth]
Rachel: You know what... [gets up] Forget scared, I'm angry! [turned into her Super Warrior mode, then charged in for a punch that knocked Isabelle into the air]
James: Woo-ho-ho-ho-ho, she's mad!
Bandana Dee: Save some for me! [jumps in, attacking Isabelle several times with his Spear] Tessa!
Tessa: On it! [jumped up and grabbed Isabelle in midair] Gotcha! [lowered to the ground] Alright, Rachel, what do you say we end this, yeah? [quickly kept Isabelle held up. Rachel quickly used charged up some energy into her fists while Isabelle was trying to break free from Tessa's grip with such a vicious look in her eyes] Preferrably before she claws one of my eyes out...
Villager: [saddened to see his dear friend being forced to fight against her will] Oh, Isabelle...
Bandana Dee: [turned to see Classic Sonic munching on Popcorn] Uh...
Classic Sonic: What? It's good.
[One of the Rabbids nodded, also having some popcorn]
Beep-0: I'm not even sure what to say at this point...
Rachel: [power charged up in her hands, charged foward] FORGIVE ME! [yelled as she punched Isabelle square in the face, sending her flying into a nearby building, hitting it hard enough to cause it to crack...]
[Isabelle could look at the fighters weakly before she fell to the ground, changing back to her trophy form upon losing conscious completely]
Rachel: [breathes heavily; turning back to normal] Wow... I regret it already but... That felt good. I just hope she understands...
Agumon: [pats his claw on Rachel's back] I'm sure she will.
Villager: [walked over] Don't worry, Isabelle. I swear we'll make Galeem pay for what he did to you. For what he did to all of us...
[Travis and Steve wondered why Villager was promising to Isabelle while she was still a trophy but decided not to question it]
Klonoa: You think she'll be okay once we revive her?
Aerith: She'll be fine. She's tougher than she looks.
Tessa: I'll say, she was really holding her own. I must admit though, I'm impressed. She was able to regain control of herself for a moment, that's something that none of the other fighters so far had been able to do. She must have really tried her hardest to fight back Galeem's control.
Steve: I noticed something else in the fight too. Her eyes seem to flicker from that red glow and back to her normal color.
James: Interesting... that's something we'll need to keep an eye for in future. If some of them are able to fight back the control, that will make our job to rescue everyone easier. By the way, good job on keeping hold of her, Tessa.
Tessa: No problem, love.
[The group suddenly hear crashing, when they see Finn, and the trophies of Joker, Morgana, Sakamoto, Takamaki and Ryu land with a thud]
Rachel: Holy- Are you guys okay?!
Finn: We're fine... [coughs] But god, Big...! More powerful than you think! [quickly revives Joker, Morgana, Sakamoto, Takamaki and Ryu]
Morgana: Well, that could've gone better...
[Big came crashing down, ready for more fighting. Fishing rod in hand]
James: [unamused; his patience now in the negative integers] Yeah, I'm sick of this. [changed into his Super Warrior mode, then runs up and uppercuts Big hard enough to send him flying]
[The trophy of the cat fell to the ground shortly after, everyone else staring in shock]
Steve: ...Did James just oneshot Big?
Villager: I mean, Jigglypuff got oneshotted as well last time, so...
Jigglypuff: Jiggly... (That hurt by the way...)
James: [returns to normal; walks over to Finn] Need a hand?
Finn: Thanks, I appriciate that... [James helped him up] Why did you uppercut him like that? That, is my thing.
James: I know a thing or too.
Travis Touchdown: [walks over to Villager] Hey, wanna revive Isabelle now? I think she'll be really happy to see you the most.
Villager: [chuckles] Yeah... Thank you for helping save her everyone. It really means a lot.
Agumon: Hey don't mention it. We're happy to help.
[With that, Villager went over to Isabelle's trophy and tapped on the stand to awaken her]
Isabelle: [groans as she started to wake up, rubbing her eyes with her stubby paws] Did I fall asleep while I was working again...? [shook her head as she felt nothing but fog in her head for a good few seconds before seeing the one person she was relieved to see again; gasp] Oh Mayor! I'm so happy you're okay! [hugged him with all her might, tears flowing from her eyes] I didn't hurt anyone during that whole fight, did I? I'm so sorry, I really didn't want to.
James: Well, you may have gotten me a little, but hey, no harm, no foul.
Villager: [trying to calm his friend down] Don't be sorry, Isabelle. It wasn't your fault. I'm just so glad you're back to your normal self.
Rachel: Good to have you back, Isabelle.
Isabelle: It's wonderful to see you all again. Thank you so much for freeing me from that awful Galeem.
Classic Sonic: So, uh, permission to revive Big?
Rachel: Go ahead.
[Classic Sanic ran up and touched the trophy stand of Big's trophy, reviving the purple cat]
Big: [got up] Wow, I just had the strangest dream...
Classic Sonic: Welcome back, big guy!
Big: Oh, hey everyone! [Froggy jumped onto his head] Froggy, there you are.
Vs. The Ender Dragon/Back to the Mansion/Epilogue[]
Steve: The Ender Dragon...
James: I thought that thing couldn't leave The End!
Ryu: Just more prove of Galeem's interferrence with our worlds!
Classic Sonic: Uh, hold that thought! [It was then that the seven Chaos Emeralds appeared around the Hedgehog. Sonic's eyes shot open as a massive explosion of power ocuured and a beam of yellow light shot up as Classic Sonic transformed into his super form] Go time! [flies off to fight the Ender Dragon]
Metal Sonic: Showoff... [Rachel nudges him] Ow.
Steve: It was by far one of the strongest creatures me and Alex had to defeat, and even then, we barely did...
Agumon: We'll just have to give it our all then. [jumps up] Agumon warp-digivolve to...
[Agumon digivolves all the way to WarGreymon]
WarGreymon: WarGreymon!
Classic Super Sonic: Alright, welcome to the fight, pal!
Finn: We're all gonna be killed at this rate!
James: Tell me about it... [gets a idea] Okay, I think I've got a plan. Finn, I'm gonna need you to trust me on this, big guy. If Classic Sonic and Agumon can't beat that thing, we have to risk giving it a try. Do you trust me?
Finn: Yeah, I trust you.
James: Alright, good. Enter your Super Warrior mode, then we can work it out from there.
James: [jumps onto the Ender Dragon's back, trying to ride the beast like a horse] Yippee ki-yay, mother trucker!
James: Now Finn!
Finn: [voiceover] When I first started boxing, my father told me something I would never forget. You can learn, you can train, you can make the effort until you drop. However, know this... [lands the finishing blow to the Ender Dragon] Someone who works hard can never beat someone who enjoys himself.
[The Ender Dragon roared in defeat as it collapsed]
Finn: [voiceover] THIS... is what I live for! [normal] Victory is ours, my friends!
Steve: Yes, we did it!
Travis Touchdown: That's a relief, I was starting to get tired of dodging it's fireballs.
Tessa: [as the Ender Dragon flew away] I guess Galeem's magic must've riled it up. Just like with Rayquaza...
[Back at the Smash Mansion]
Classic Sonic: [eating a chili dog] Ah, nice to be finally be back.
Steve: [working on trying to fix the furniture] Yeah, seems there's a lot to do though.
[Isabelle was seen talking to Kevin, Rachel, Kirby and Mario, having already gotten to work reorganizing everything]
Kevin: I'm so glad you're safe, Isabelle. I was actually starting to forget how dedicated you are to your work.
Isabelle: Anytime. I'm just happy Rachel, Villager and the others saved me when I did. [to Isabelle] Sorry for any trauma I caused you when I was under Galeem's control by the way.
Rachel: Hey, it's alright. Though speaking of trauma, Villager did mention how badly everything affected you.
Isabelle: [giggles] Oh, by the way, is-
Digby: Hey, sis. [just walked into the room] Good to have you back.
Isabelle: [happy to see her brother] Digby! [rushed over and hugged him] I missed you so much!
Nicole: Man, I love reunions...
Aerith: Me too... I just hope Cloud's okay...
Lizzy: Hey, I'm sure we'll find him eventually.
Yuffie: Yeah, no sweat, it'll hopefully all work out.
Kevin: Speaking of, Finn, did you and James-
James: Indeed, having Rachel take us with her has bonded us in the spirit of teamwork and friendship!
Finn: Heck yeah, dude, that was great! I've got newfound respect for this crazy guy now!
Rachel: Not only that, but we're starting to get a better picture of the dark magic Galeem used to keep the fighters under his control.
Travis Touchdown: Yeah, now we know now that if there's someone important to them while fighting; There's a chance they could gain a moment of free-will back, even if only for a brief period.
Kevin: Huh, this could be useful information to us, it could require further studying though.
Aaron: That's great! Right now, we're just trying to get the Smash Mansion back into working order since Galeem's attack kinda left it in dissary.
Isabelle: Then please allow me to help too. After everything Galeem put us through, I don't want anyone else to go through such a terrible experience. After all, I have very good experience at managing things, so please leave any future organization work to me. I am the Mayor's assistant after all.
Kevin: Well, at least that's reassuring... Thanks, Isabelle. That certainly takes a lot of weight off my shoulders.
Beep-0: You know, Villager. I've been meaning to ask, why does Isabelle call you Mayor all the time?
Villager: Ehehehe... You see, I kinda accidentally got made Smashville's Mayor when I first arrived. Isabelle is my secretary but she's also a dear friend to me. I'd frankly be lost without her.
Isabelle: Oh you're being far too modest, Mayor.