Littlefoot's Adventures of Home on the Range is another Land Before Time crossover film planned to be Made by TheAngryPepe. It will appear on Google Drive in the near future.
In May 1889, Maggie is the only cow left on the Dixon Ranch after Alameda Slim (a wanted cattle rustler capable of stealing 5,000 cattle in a single night) stole all the rest of Mr. Dixon's cattle. Dixon sells Maggie to Pearl Gesner, a kind, aging woman who runs a small farm called Patch of Heaven. The local Sheriff arrives to tell Pearl that her bank is cracking down on debtors. Pearl has three days to pay the bank $750, or her farm will be sold to the highest bidder. Hearing this, Maggie convinces the other cows on the farm (Grace, a happy-go-lucky character, and Mrs. Caloway, who has had leadership go to her head) to go to town to attempt winning prize money at a fair. While the cows are in town, a bounty hunter named Rico (whom Buck, the Sheriff's horse, idolizes) drops a criminal off and collects the reward. Stating he needs a replacement horse to go after Alameda Slim while his own horse rests, he takes Buck. When Maggie find out that the reward for capturing Slim is exactly $750, she convinces the other cows to try to capture him to save Patch of Heaven.
That night, they hide among a large herd of steers, when Alameda Slim appears. Before any of them can do anything, Slim begins a yodeling song which sends all the cattle (except Grace, who is tone deaf) into a trance that causes them to dance madly and follow Slim anywhere. Grace is able to bring Maggie and Mrs. Caloway back to their senses just before Slim closes the path behind him with a rock-slide to stop Rico and his men from chasing him. As Rico discusses with his men what his next move will be, Buck starts talking with Maggie, Grace, and Mrs. Caloway as old friends and miming actions. This causes Rico to believe Buck is frightened by cows, so he sends Buck back to the Sheriff. Buck escapes, determined to capture Slim for himself to prove his worth.
Maggie, Grace, and Mrs. Caloway continue their search for Slim, determined to pass Buck and get to Slim first, but they have a fallout when they lose the trail in a flash flood. Mrs. Caloway accuses Maggie of wanting to go after Slim only as a personal vendetta, arguing that she and Grace are better off without Maggie. The three spend the night under a large rock, with Maggie deciding to leave the next morning while Grace and Mrs. Caloway decide to return to Patch of Heaven to say their final farewells. The next morning, however, they are awakened by a peg-legged jackrabbit named Lucky Jack, who has also lost his home, an old mine, to Alameda Slim. Maggie decides to go after Slim with Lucky Jack in tow, but Grace convinces Mrs. Caloway that they help. Lucky Jack leads the three cows to Slim's hideout in Echo Mine. At the mine, Slim reveals that he has been stealing all cattle from his former patrons. When his former patrons can no longer support their land, Slim buys the land when it is auctioned off, under the guise of the respectable-looking Yancy O'Dell, using the very money he gets from selling the cattle he stole.
After arriving at Slim's lair, the cows capture Slim. They run off with Slim's accomplices and buyer in pursuit on a steam train. Rico arrives. When the chase stops, Rico is revealed to work for Slim. Crushed by this, Buck decides to help the cows and fights Rico while setting the other cattle free. Slim dons his Yancy O'Dell costume and leaves the cows stranded in the middle of the desert with the train, while he goes to attend the auction. However, the cows arrive using the train to the farm and expose Slim. Slim is arrested, and Patch of Heaven is saved by the reward money.
A few weeks pass, and at the county fair, most of the livestock on Patch of Heaven have won prizes. Lucky Jack moves in with Jebb the Goat, and two steer and Slim's charming and gentlemanly steed Junior the Buffalo arrive unexpectedly to live at Patch of Heaven, expanding the farm.
- Korra, Mako (Legend of Korra), Bolin, Asami Sato, Jean-Bob, Speed, Puffin, Zhane, Taran, Princess Eilonwy, Fflewddur Fflam, Gurgi, Aladdin, Princess Jasmine, Abu, Genie, Iago, Carpet, Charlie, Itchy, Chanticleer, Jack Skellington, Zero, Oogie Boogie, Carface, Killer, Rothbart, Nora Dershilt, Bowser, Mistress Nine, Bowser Jr., Winterbolt, The Grand Duke of Owls, Prince John, and Team Rocket (Jessie, James, and Meowth) guest star in this film.
- Oogie Boogie, Carface, Killer, Rothbart, Nora Dershilt, Bowser, Mistress Nine, Bowser Jr., Winterbolt, The Grand Duke of Owls, Prince John, and Team Rocket (Jessie, James, and Meowth) will work with Alameda Slim in this film.
- Genie makes his full guest appearance in this film, despite his cameo at the end of Pooh's Adventures of Home on the Range.
- The only reason Jessie, James, and Meowth of Team Rocket guest star in this film is because Ash and Pikachu were the only Pokémon characters to guest star in Pooh's Adventures of Home on the Range. However, Jessie, James, and Meowth of Team Rocket have teamed up with Alemeda Slim before in Winnie the Pooh Goes Back to the Future Part III.
- Like DisneyDaniel93's film, Pooh's Adventures of Home on the Range, this is an NTSC film with NTSC bits from The Land Before Time movies, Ratatouille, The Goonies, The Lion King movies, The Black Cauldron, the Aladdin movies, Brother Bear 1 and 2, The Jungle Book, Talespin: Plunder and Lightning, Who Framed Roger Rabbit, the All Dogs Go to Heaven movies, Rock-a-Doodle, and The Nightmare Before Christmas.
- Yru17 originally planned on making this film, but since he retired from making anymore crossovers, PrinceJosh1992 (who originally made Sora's Adventures of Home on the Range) will make this film instead.