Lord Draven's Forces (group)
Lord Draven and his Forces introduction
...and is working with Draven?
"Hello, Lord Draven." - Madame Odius meets up with Draven
"I trust that my robot technology is working." - Madame Odius talking to Lord Draven
"Perfectly. This unit has already captured 7 rangers."
"Show her." - Lord Draven commanding Tommy Oliver
The Tommy Oliver with Lord Draven is revealed to be an evil robot
Madame Odius discussing with Lord Draven on their plan to take over the Ranger Worlds
Lord Draven placing his arrows on a chest
Madame Odius enchants the arrows to gain the ability to destroy the dimensional barriers that keep the Ranger Worlds separated
"Firing these three mega arrows, will destroy the dimensional barriers forever!" - Madame Odius explaining the working of the Mega Arrows to Lord Draven
"After shooting the first arrow, you must wait for the sky to turn red." - Madame Odius instructing Lord Draven on what to do after firing the first Mega Arrow
"Before firing the next one. Understood?" - Madame Odius finishing her explanation to Lord Draven
"Yes and when the barriers fall, we'll rule all the Ranger worlds!"
"Don't disappoint me, Draven." - Madame Odius placing the Mega Arrow back in the case
"The Power Rangers must be defeated!" - Madame Odius last words to Lord Draven before leaving him and his minions to their work
"Come. Now the real work begins." - Lord Draven and his minions leave for the Antiverse to begin their plan
Robo Tommy about to start cloning more Robot Rangers
He gets interrupted as one of the captive Rangers escaped
Lord Draven entering the factory to discover what happened
"One of the Rangers, damaged the Robo Cloning Computer and escaped!" - Robo Tommy explaining to Lord Draven of the loose Rangers' escape and the mess he left behind
"It's not just one computer."
"My whole Robo Ranger Factory is shut down!"
"I shouldn't have trust you!"
"Fortunately, my robot army is already big enough to take over every dimension!"
"March robots! March!! (laughs)" - Lord Draven commanding his Robot Ranger army
Lord Draven's Forces begin to march ready for their invasion on the Ranger Worlds
Lord Draven decides its time to fire the first Mega Arrow
Lord Draven instructing Robo Tommy to hide his last two Mega Arrows
Lord Draven on the roof of one of the towers of his fortress
Lord Draven aiming for the sky
The first Mega Arrow is fired up
The Mega Arrow reaches the sky
The Dimensional Barrier to break apart shatter upon getting hit by the first Mega Arrow
"Intruders! How foolish!"
"No one can stop me now!"
"Taste my wrath Rangers!"
The impact of the Rangers' Steel Slash causes a huge explosion
Lord Draven loses sight of the Ninja Steel Rangers as they vanished from his sight
"You ninja rats, won't escape me!"
Lord Draven's Forces, the Robot Ranger army marches to the location of the Dimensional Barrier to ready for their invasion
Tommy, Wes, Koda, and Gemma free the captive Rangers from Lord Draven's dungeon
The freed Rangers leave to stop Draven's invasion
But before Tommy could catch up
Robo Tommy appears out of the shadows and kicks him down
"Who better to destroy the real Tommy Oliver, than me!"
Robo Tommy gets kicked down
Robo Tommy starts to short circuit as he gets ready to meet his end
Robo Tommy meets his end while the real Tommy Oliver escapes to catch up with his allies
"You've come to the wrong place!"
Lord Draven meets up with his Robo Ranger troops
"Those ninjas are trying to get away! And they've stolen my Mega Arrows!"
"We can't let them escape!"
"Welcome ninjas! Meet my Robo Ranger army!"
"Thanks for returning my arrows!"
"Ah, and you couldn't have timed it any better!"
Lord Draven aiming his second Mega Arrow
Second Mega Arrow hits the barrier
The Dimensional Barrier gets further damaged
"Soon I'll be able to shoot my last arrow..."
"..and invade all the dimensions! Give up! You don't have any chance against my entire army!" - Lord Draven believing he has the Ninja Steel Rangers at his mercy
...he discovers he was wrong
"Huh? What?!" - Lord Draven caught by surprise
"Attack!" - Lord Draven commands his whole Robo Ranger army to battle against the Ninja Steel Rangers and their 10 Ranger allies
Robo Rangers charge into battle
Robo Rangers vs Ninja Steel Rangers and their 10 Ranger allies
"My victory is just a matter of time."
Lord Draven leaves to hide while his Robo Rangers battle his foes
Last few Robo Rangers get blasted
Last Robo Rangers get destroyed, thus signifying the end of Lord Draven's Forces?
Lord Draven gets gigantified
"Do you know what time it is?" - Lord Draven sarcastically asking the Rangers as the sky turns red again
"And the last Mega Arrow will seal your fate!"
Lord Draven aiming his last Mega Arrow the Dimension Barrier
Last Mega Arrow heading towards the damaged Dimension Barrier
Tommy and the White Falconzord stops the last Mega Arrow from hitting the damaged Dimension Barrier
"No! He stopped my last arrow!"
"You won't leave this dimension alive!" - Lord Draven in fury
"Uh-oh!" - Lord Draven's final words as he notices the incoming last Mega Arrow heading towards him
Lord Draven gets hit by his own arrow
Lord Draven begins to crumble
Lord Draven meets his end, thus signifying the end of Lord Draven and his forces for good