![Elecmon t](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/poohadventures/images/7/74/Elecmon_t.gif/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/250?cb=20191112160119)
Elecmon is a Partner Digimon, Rookie Level, under the ownership of Lorenzo Deng.
Other Forms[]
Elecmon's Fresh Form. He was present when Lorenzo was born. Near the end of the episode, Punimon had digivolved to his Rookie level.
Elecmon's In-Training Form. It wasn't seen at all until Season 2 where it is shown to become this form from the Real World. He later returns to Elecmon in the Digital World much like Upamon, DemiVeemon and Poromon who turn into their Rookie forms.
Elecmon's Champion Form. In The Battle for Earth (LAoDA), He digivolved into this form after he had to translate what Lorenzo's was saying since it was a baby, and helped the Digidestined defeat VenomMyotismon, he then returned to his Elecmon stage after VenomMyotismon was deleted.
Elecmon's Ultimate Form.
Elecmon's Mega Form.
Elecmon's Alternative Mega Form.