Pooh's Adventures Wiki

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Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
  • Narrator: The city of Townsville... (Turn down slightly; the machinery is the pulley of a crane, and the lower portions of the buildings have their structural ironwork exposed.) ...is under renovation!
  • (Close-up of one building, panning across it as he continues. People are seated at office desks and trying to do work, even though the wind blows all their papers away from them. One man just arrived at his job, braces himself against the gusts.)
  • Narrator: But that doesn't hinder the daily life of its citizens. No, sir!
  • (At a street corner, people are waiting for a bus. As the Narrator continues, it rolls up—its outer body is gone, leaving only the seats and chassis—and everybody gets on.)
  • Narrator: Yes, the hustle and bustle of life goes on as usual. (The bus rolls away.)
  • (Cut to Mojo Jojo, piloting a small hovercraft among the buildings.)
  • Narrator: Even the evil Mojo Jojo maintains his daily routine of evildoing. (He speeds o.c.; cut to the girls in flight.) But thankfully, the Powerpuff Girls also stay right on schedule—and on Mojo’s trail. (They fly o.c.) Go, girls! Go!
  • (Mojo rockets along, passing a crane with a beam suspended high above the ground; the girls are in hot pursuit. He laughs to himself for several seconds, then stops suddenly. Surprise registers on his face.)
  • Mojo: Huh? (He stops his craft just short of a wall of girders.) Dead end?! I can go no further! It is the end of the line!
  • (As he speaks, the girls’ reflections appear in the rear portion of the glass dome—they are approaching from behind.)
  • Blossom: We’ve got you now— (Pull back; now we see them, and he has turned around.)
  • Buttercup: —Mojo—
  • Bubbles: —Jojo!
  • Blossom: Power up, girls!
  • (One by one, they warm up their eye lasers; all three then cut loose against the hovercraft, but are unable to damage it. Mojo laughs back at them.)
  • (On the word “this,” he reaches into view and presses the button. A cannon on the edge of the craft fires a laser blast that slices neatly through the cable holding up the girder on the crane. It plummets toward the girls, who are still firing; Blossom cuts off her lasers and looks up, Buttercup follows suit. Bubbles pays no attention.)
  • Blossom: Scramble! (She and Buttercup dive aside.) Bubbles! Look out!
  • Tigger: Bubbles, heads up!
  • (Bubbles finally stops her assault and looks up just in time to be smashed down o.c. by the girder.)
  • Blossom, Buttercup: Bubbles!
  • Pooh Bear: Oh, no! Bubbles!
  • (The heroes gasp upon seeing this then Ash kneels down to check on Bubbles making sure she's okay, but then Mojo laughs cruelly as Ash glared furiously while angry sparks begin sputtering from Pikachu's cheeks. The other heroes are also deeply angered at Mojo for what he just did to Bubbles.)
  • Pikachu: (angrily) PIKA!!!!!
  • Mojo Jojo: I, Mojo Jojo have knocked you out and put you in a state of unconsciencness! Ha-ha! I laugh at your pain! I make a pleasure at your shortcomings! I do this because... I am bad! I am evil! I am Mojo Jojo!
  • Ash Ketchum: (growling) I will make you regret this, Mojo Jojo! I swear it!
  • Pikachu: (growling angrily) PIKACHU!!!
  • (The name echoes as she passes out; now the screen is completely black. Fade into an extreme close-up of her, now with bandages wrapped around her head. She forces her eyes open, and they go wide with shock as the camera pulls back quickly. She is back at home, alone in the girls’ bed. She looks around, seeing a bookshelf loaded with books and toys, then a pile of stuffed animals across the room from her; each sight inspires fear and terror in her. Now we see quick flashes of the table, another group of toys, and the hotline. Back to the bed, pulling back slowly; the covers have been thrown off, and Bubbles’ bandages are scattered about where she was lying. She, however, is nowhere to be found, as we see when the camera pulls back through the bedroom window and away from the house.)
  • (Dissolve to one of the many construction sites; a crane swings a girder over the yard as the camera pans to the observatory. Zoom in slowly on this and dissolve to its interior to the sound of a running shower. The camera reaches the bathroom, which has clouds of steam rising from behind the bathtub’s shower curtain. A bit of tuneless humming and a familiar silhouette on its other side reveal that Mojo is cheerfully hosing himself down. The curtain has bananas all over it. He shuts off the water and reaches toward a nearby towel rack, retrieving towels marked “MINE”; still humming, he wraps himself up and pushes the curtain aside. One towel is wrapped around his waist, while another covers his brain.)
  • Ash Ketchum: Where could Bubbles be, Buttercup?
  • Buttercup: I don't know, Ash. But, these are her bandages.
  • Rabbit: It's not like Bubbles to get out of bed after her head injury.
  • Pooh Bear: Any luck, Blossom?
  • Blossom: Nope, she's not under here. This isn't like her. (the hotline buzzes) (gasps) The hotline! (answers it) What is it, Mayor?
  • Mayor: Blossom! Mojo Jojo is destroying Soho with his Robo Jojo, and that's a big no-no! So hurry up and go-go!
  • Blossom: Oh, no!
  • Misty: What's happening this time, Blossom?
  • Pikachu: Pika?
  • Blossom: Mojo Jojo is destroying Soho! Guys, let's move out!
  • Buttercup: But, what about Bubbles?
  • Tigger: Yeah, we haven't found Bubbles just yet.
  • Piglet: She could still be around here somewhere.
  • Rabbit: We could worry about that later.
  • Blossom: Yeah, we don't have time for that now. Townsville's in trouble again!
  • Brock: Then, there's no time to lose!
  • Narrator: Hurry, guys! Hurry! Mojo's got a big, mean destruction machine!
  • (The girls and heroes gasp upon seeing this.)
  • Buttercup: That's Mojo Jojo all right!
  • Blossom: Yes. He's certainly outdone himself this time.
  • Buttercup: Here he comes!
  • Piglet: Oh, dear, we're going to get crushed!
  • Rabbit: Brace yourselves, everyone!
  • Blossom: Hold your ground!
  • Pikachu: (sparks sputter) Pika...!
  • Mojo Jojo: Boy. This situation would be much more menacing if it were actually me in there. (the heroes turn to see Mojo out in those towels) Wouldn't it?
  • Tigger: Say, Mojo, what are you doing out in those towels and why aren't you wearing your clothes?
  • Mojo Jojo: Because somebody took them, that's why.
  • Blossom and Buttercup: Mojo Jojo?!
  • Blossom: Buttercup, wait!
  • Buttercup: (beating Mojo) Take this! And that! And some of this! And one of those!
  • Blossom: Buttercup! If Mojo Jojo was here, then he can't possibly be the one destroying Townsville.
  • Ash Ketchum: If it's not him in the Robo Jojo.
  • Buttercup: Then, who's in the Robo Jojo?
  • Mojo Jojo: (pointing) Why don't you all see for yourselves?
  • (The Robo Jojo parks in front of the girls and the heroes then a figure comes out which reveals to be Bubbles wearing Mojo's clothes. The heroes are shocked upon seeing this.)
  • Blossom and Buttercup: Bubbles?!
  • Narrator: Bubbles?!
  • Ash Ketchum: Bubbles?!
  • Pikachu: Pika?! ("Bubbles?!")
  • Misty and Brock: Bubbles?!
  • Pooh Bear: Bubbles?!
  • Piglet: What?! Bubbles?
  • Rabbit: What?! Bubbles? No, it can't be!
  • Tigger: (sputters) Bubbles?!
  • Roo: Bubbles?!
  • Mayor: Bubbles?!
  • Talking Dog: Bubbles?!
  • Crowd: Bubbles?!
  • Mojo Jojo: Bubbles.
  • Bubbles: (rough voice) I am NOT Bubbles! Bubbles is not who I am! I am the one, the only, single solitary doer of dastardly deeds! Purveyor of pestilence! Interloper of lawlessness! Menace to mankind! I am bad, I am evil! I am MOJO JOJO! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
  • Mojo Jojo: (irritated) I do not talk like that! The way I communicate is much different. I do not reiterate, repeat, reinstate the same thing over and over again. I am clear, concise, to the point! I-- (Buttercup beats him once again)
  • Buttercup: Take this! And that! And some of this! And some of those!
  • Blossom: What kind of evil have you bestowed upon our sister?
  • Mojo Jojo: You've all got to be kidding. I'm wet. I'm naked. Your sister is wearing my clothes. And this is all part of some evil plot...to rule the world as a soggy chimp in my birthday suit?!
  • Ash Ketchum: Hold it, guys! I don't think Mojo is behind this one.
  • Buttercup: What are you saying, Ash?
  • Ash Ketchum: I think Bubbles' newfound behavior might have something to do with that severe head injury she suffered.
  • Blossom: (thinks this over and gasps) Ash, I think you might be right. It could be that the bonk to Bubbles' head must've led her to believe that she is Mojo Jojo!
  • Brock: In other words, this could mean that Bubbles might have amnesia.
  • Pooh Bear: Amnesia?
  • Misty: It's a sort of head trauma that causes you to lose your memory, Pooh Bear. Most likely your identity and your name.
  • Mojo Jojo: (sarcastically) No. Really? Do you think?
  • Bubbles: Enough of this tomfoolery! Cease and desist! And furthermore, shut up!
  • Rabbit: (frustrated) Stop this nonsense, young lady!
  • Blossom: Yeah, Bubbles, quit monkeying around this isn't funny!
  • Bubbles: For the last time! I am not Bubbles! I am Mojo Jojo!
  • (Mojo-Bubbles strikes her big sister)
  • Narrator: Uh-oh, Bubbles done a bad thing.
  • (An angered Blossom attempts to fight back but Buttercup and the heroes stop her.)
  • Misty: Hold it, Blossom! Don't hurt Bubbles!
  • Buttercup: Yeah, she's our sister.
  • Blossom: Yeah, but that really hurt.
  • Ash Ketchum: It's not like Bubbles to act like Mojo.
  • Buttercup: Yeah, I know, Ash. But, two wrongs don't make a right. She hits you, you hit her. Suddenly we're all hitting each other, then we'll all be all right back where we started.
  • Bubbles: What's the matter, Buttercup? Afraid I'll wupe the skirt off you?
  • Ash Ketchum: (annoyed) You got to be kidding me.
  • Bubbles: Does this look like I'm kidding, Ash?!
  • (The heroes shake their heads in annoyance.)
  • Buttercup: All right, guys. Let's kick her butt.
  • Blossom: (stopping Buttercup) No, Buttercup. You're right. She is our sister. And as sisters, we have an intrinsic duty to uphold piece. Not only for the city of Townsville but amongst ourselves.
  • Buttercup: (groans) Why do I have to open my big trap?
  • Bubbles: Enough of this chatter! It's time to meet your maker!
  • Blossom and Buttercup; You leave the professor out of this!
  • (Bubbles roars in fury and hurls herself at them. She lands a long string of blows to each, alternating her attention between them. From this, she grabs the semiconscious Blossom in a flying tackle and pounds her in the solar plexus five times. Now we see her with Buttercup in hand; she lands a string of five right hooks to the unfortunate girl’s jaw. As Mojo watches, completely bewildered, Bubbles picks up a school bus and hoists it into the air. The other girls start to come around, their eyelids fluttering and then snapping open in shock. The bus is thrown at them, but they have no time to move aside before it slams into them and then crashes into a brick wall. The vehicle sticks there, its rear half protruding; the two targets poke their heads up from the window in the emergency door. Now they look very woozy indeed.)
  • (Bubbles rises into the air and gathers her strength to create several energy bolts that radiate out from her. A blast roars toward Blossom and Buttercup and catches them dead center; there is nothing they can do to stave off the onslaught. Mojo watches from the ground as his “doppelganger” makes progress toward the goal he has been unable to achieve by himself. The glare from Bubbles’ energy beams plays over his face, and he blinks in amazement. When she finally stops, her older sisters hurtle senseless to the street and land near Mojo, smashing two craters into the pavement.)
  • (Cut to just below street level as he walks up and peers over the edge of each crater, then back to the above ground as he raises his arms in triumph.)
  • Mojo: RIGHT ON! We did it! (Pull back; smoke rises from the craters.) We finally destroyed the Powerpuff Girls! Now there is no one to stop us! (Bubbles watches him from midair.) Hand in hand, we can work together. We can rule the world! Just you and me, Bubbles!
  • (On the end of this line, she lands facing him. Her cape waves across the scene, which then cuts to her. She is still quite angry, even though the other girls are out of commission.)
  • Bubbles: I'm not Bubbles! Bubbles is not my name! For the name Bubbles is not a correct name to address me by, because it is not my name! If you were to address me by the name Mojo Jojo, that would be correct for my name is Mojo Jojo! And I will only be addressed by that name, which is Mojo Jojo!
  • (Ash is getting irritated since Bubbles won't stop)
  • Bubbles: And furthermore, it is not we who will the rule the world, it is I! I, being Mojo Jojo, who is not Bubbles shall rule this world alone, which is to say, without anybody else! And, without anybody else shall I rule this world! And when this world by only one person, and not a collective group that one person who shall be ruling the world will none other than me! Mojo Jojo! (laughs maniacally)
  • Ash Ketchum: (losing his temper) All right, this has gone far enough!
  • Pikachu: (angrily) PIkachu!
  • Ash Ketchum: Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!
  • (Pikachu shocks Bubbles with his thunderbolt which caused her to scream in pain.)
  • Bubbles: I'm going to finish you all off!
  • Mojo Jojo: Oh, shut up!
  • (Mojo swings the I-beam knocking Bubbles out which caused the brain cap to fall off. Then Mojo puts on the brain cap.)
  • Mojo Jojo: That's all just well enough because in reality there is only room enough in this world for one Mojo Jojo. One shall be the numbers of Mojo Jojos in the world, and the number of Mojo Jojos in the world shall be one. Two Mojo Jojos is too many, and three is right out! So the only Mojo Jojo there is room for in the world shall be me! (Now his voice echoes slightly over the distance, and Bubbles’ head comes into view. She is still knocked out in front of the machine.) And being the only Mojo Jojo in the world. I will rule the world in which is one Mojo Jojo! (laughs evilly)
  • (He laughs insanely as the camera shifts to a close-up overhead view of Bubbles and zooms in. She starts to regain consciousness and speak in her normal voice again.)
  • Bubbles: (waking up, normal voice) What? What happened?
  • (Bubbles looked around seeing what she had done.)
  • Ash Ketchum: Bubbles, are you okay?
  • Pikachu: Pika?
  • Bubbles; Yeah, Ash. I guess so.
  • Ash Ketchum: Bubbles, I'm sorry I had Pikachu shock you. My Pikachu and I didn't want to hurt you since you couldn't stop thinking that you're Mojo Jojo.
  • Pikachu: (hugging Bubbles) Pika.
  • Bubbles: Aww, that's ok, Ash. I didn't know what I was doing.
  • (Ash and Bubbles hug each other. Ash then carried Bubbles and showed the damage she caused while under the severity of her amnesia.)
  • Bubbles: (gasps) Did I do all of this?
  • Ash Ketchum: Mm-hmm. We all know what happened the other day. Mojo hit you in the head and knocked you out. When you woke up, you believed you were Mojo Jojo. You broke into his lab, stole his clothes, and attacked the city with his machine. And wound up attacking your sisters when they confronted you. You had amnesia, Bubbles. Your brain was all jumbled up.
  • Bubbles: Hey, you're right and there's only one evildoer in the world who could've done this to Townsville and to me and my sisters. And that's... (Mojo still laughs evilly) Mojo Jojo!
  • Ash Ketchum: (throws Bubbles upward to go fight Mojo) Go get him, Bubbles!
  • Bubbles: You got it, Ash!
  • Pikachu: Pika!
  • Buttercup: Look, guys!
  • Pooh Bear: What's going on here?
  • Blossom: It looks like Bubbles is back to her sweet old self again.
  • Piglet: That's wonderful.
  • Tigger: Well I'll be! Hoo-hoo!
  • Eeyore: Hooray.
  • Misty and Brock: All right!
  • Rabbit: Oh, thank goodness.
  • Buttercup: That's good. "Cause there's certainly isn't enough room in the world for two Mojo Jojos.
  • Blossom: I heard that!
  • Ash Ketchum: No kidding.
  • Narrator: Yeah, yeah, so did we, about a million times. We get it already! (The standard end shot comes up.)
  • Narrator: And so once again the day is saved-thanks to Mojo Bubbl…uh…the—the Powerpuff…(slipping into Mojo mode) ah, heck, the day was saved. So says me, the Narrator. So-called because I speak the narrative of the story. I advance the plot. I begin and end each episode of Powerpuff Girls! Me! The Narrator!