Madame Gasket is the main antagonist of the film. She is the mother of Ratchet and the true mastermind behind Ratchet's plot to take over Robot City. She owns a underground chop shop for the outmodes collected by her sweepers.
Oblivious to this herself, she is also made out of "outmode" material. Despite not appearing much in the film, it is suggested that she is the controlling force that directs an otherwise weak and dim-witted Ratchet, whom she inspires with her own power-hungry ideas and whom she uses as a tool. During the film's climax she is overconfident about her army's power Ratchet has created; she is about to order her armies of Chop Shop Workers and huge Sweepers/Choppers to attack on the protagonists when Piper comes to the rescue, along with all the outmodes that Rodney repaired. During the battle when Madame Gasket attempts to finish Bigweld off, she is outfought by the Wonderbot and it throws her into her furnace, killing her.
- Gasket will become Thomas and Twilight Sparkle's enemy in Thomas and Twilight Sparkle's Adventures of Robots (where she along with Ratchet will target Thomas and the engines for their metal to make further upgrades).
- She's a member of the Demon Council of Darkness.