Mark EVO is a artificial robot who's from a parallel world. He's a little similar to Philmac, but in a different color and different personality. After he and his best friend N.A.N.O. were rescued by Philmac in Emerl & The Super Mario Bros, he share loyalty towards him. His move, powers, and his weapons are also different but he is also had a kind heart just like his and he will do whatever he can to help.
- Being called deaf
Trivia []
- Mark EVO will meet Team Robot in Emerl & The Super Mario Bros & Emerl's Adventures Of Power Rangers Super Megaforce.
- Mark EVO also learned and heard the history of the titans/kaiju, including the mighty king of all monsters Godzilla.
- In Team Robot In Pokemon Sun & Moon: The Series, Mark EVO fell victim to the Dark Virus. Though it was temporary, his misleading assumptions and actions against Team Robot almost cost him his friendship and trust with Emerl and the others if Philmac hadn't uttered a word in his unconscious state.