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Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Burn Dinorex (バーン・ディノレックス Bān Dinorekkusu), also known as Mattrex, is a Reploid from Mega Man X5 based on a Tyrannosaurus. He owns a rocket Booster Engine necessary for the Space Shuttle. He was a member of Repliforce's disaster prevention team and is among the survivors of the Repliforce incident in Mega Man X4.


Burn Dinorex's design was based off of the extinct Tyrannosaurus Rex, and thus he had a fearsome reptilian appearance. He had sharp teeth and clawed toes. His armor was spiked, he possessed large claws on his forearms, and along his neck down to his tail were great plumes of fire.

Burn Dinorex was stationed in a volcano in Somalia, known as Sunhouse Mountain. Without Repliforce's knowledge, he had created an illegal warehouse to hide weapons he had created using magma energy. This shows that he had little sense of loyalty and was very self-serving. He didn't trust the Maverick Hunters, assuming that they had come to retire him for his activities, and attacked, leaving X or Zero no other choice but to destroy him. It's unknown if he had succumbed to the Sigma Virus.

