Mimi (voiced by Christine Flowers) is a primary character in Eliot Kid. She often plays with Kaytoo and Eliot in their imagination. She lives across the street from Eliot, and only seems to have parents, and no siblings. Her mother is a tall, slender, and nice woman who is always collected and lenient. Her father on the other hand, is a short, stubborn, angry man who always seems annoyed with everything.
Mimi is also a member the city's school, and is a classmate and friend of Eliot and Kaytoo. In addition, she dislikes Loretta because Eliot's in love with her.
Mimi lives across the street from Eliot. Mimi only seems to have parents, and no siblings. Her mother Kelly is a tall, slender, and nice woman who is always collected and lenient. Her father, who is also unnamed, on the other hand, is a short, stubborn, angry man who always seems annoyed with everything.
- Mimi may or may not have a crush on Eliot.
- She is Eliot's secret admirer.
- Mimi will guest star in Pooh's Adventures of Hoops & Yoyo Ruin Christmas.
- Mimi will guest star in Tabby's Adventures of Minions: The Rise of Gru.