Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Miner train No. 3: Mucker

Mucker is one of the Miner trains of the miner fleet. He is the explosives expert of the team and carries a small wagon with dynamite, gun powder, C4, blasting ecripment, and smal digging tools. he also has a scoop on the front of him for scooping up rock. Mucker also has the ability to get of the tracks and move on the ground. He also carries a |short barreled camo shotgun.


  • Mucker is one of the trains created by Stuingtion himself.
  • Mucker's the one of the miner trains that's not based off of the LEGO Power Miners.
  • Mucker's a mixture of Rusty (Thomas & Friends), WALL-E, and a front loader

