Pooh's Adventures Wiki

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Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
"Don't let your kids watch it!"
Robbie Rotten

This article contains content that may not be suitable for younger audiences.

Music Man is a character first appear in Five Nigh at Freddy's Pizzaria Simulator as a decorative animatronic and later in Ultimate Custom Night as a hostile enemy that will kill you when you making to many sound.

Disclaimer Warning[]

Music Man isn't a offensive Animatronic but his franchise contain vague child murder,vague gore and murder,just to show this warning to make people who easily offended khow what going on.


Music Man is a white semi anthropomorohic humanoid spider with a black top hat with a white stripe on it and a big pink nose,Music Man have pink eyebrows on his black eyes with white puppies with a huge smile with white teeth and a butt like chin,he also have purple cheeks with pink outlines.Music Man torso has a speaker on his chest that has pink and white stripes top to bottom,Music Man also have grey metal neck and hands with purple wrist bands,his white hands also hold yellow gold symbols,Music Man also have six white spider like legs with two purple ball like joints on each legs that ends with purple plunger legs.


Music Man is energetic and a love to start a show with his music,but due to his loud personality he have a hatred towards loud sound which is ironic due to him clapping his symbols

Episode Appearance[]

