Omicron is a alternate version of Robotman from a alternate universe where sometime after being built, he killed Professor Moshimo for the reason that he should be the dominant leader of the universe, and that he would not have anyone stop him, upon fusing with Bjornbot and killing him in the process, he went on to start a war with humanity, which ended up with the loss of over millions of lives, and he took over the United States and Canada.
He is the main enemy of Robotboy X, Robotgirl X, Bjorn Ultimate and Robotbird X.
He looks like Robotman, but his upper arms have armour like his lower arms, his legs and torso also have armour, his eye is a dark red color, he has a long black cape, he looks more detailed, his head is more human like, like the inclusion of teeth, the shape, and a emotional mouth, his voice is also different, sounds more menacing, his fingers are longer and sharper.
When super activated he
- He is based on Sigma.