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Gundabad Orcs

Orcs are a race of humanoid beings, they are mainly corrupt, particularly ones who are allied with the wizard, Saruman, and The Witch-King of Angmar ; both of whom are in league with Sauron


There have been many accounts as to how orcs came to be. One of the most popular and even widely accepted theories is that orcs are in fact elves, which Morgoth, the first dark lord of Middle-Earth had enslaved and corrupted into his will; resulting these bent, crooked, sallow-skinned minions who's wills are completely derived on evil.

Types of Orc[]

  • Gundaband Orcs - A fierce breed that dwell in the north, revered for being first to gather in servitude to Sauron during the Third Age. Azog and his son Bolg are also among the Gundabad
  • Dol Guldur Orcs - A breed that reside in Dol Guldur.
  • Moria Orcs - Among the Orc breeds, they are generally grunts to other orcs.
  • Morgul Orcs - Breed within the confides of Minas Morgul, the orcs of dead city were specifically bred to be tough, intelligent, and well combatant among the hosts of Modor.
  • Uruk-Hai - The upmost superior breed of all: bigger, smarter, and more ruthless. It has been theorized that their coming may have been from orcs who have bred with humans, as Saruman had half-orc hybrids among his host in Isengard. In Black Speech, "Uruk" means "Orc" so the transcript word or Uruk-Hai means "Orc-Folk"


Orc Characters[]


  • Orcs tend to speak in Black Speech, a language that originated in Mordor, unlike most other orc languages which were just made up of various other languages that they took and perverted to their own liking.