Jindrax and Toxica bow before the return of their master, "Master Org"
The first org, the Ancient Master Org arises (Flashback)
The Orgs' attack on the kingdom of Animaria (Flashback)
Toxica and Jindrax find Org General, Retinax
The petrified Orgs get destroyed via the second Master Org/Dr. Viktor Adler
The petrified Org General, Nayzor
Nayzor freed from his petrified form
The wolf beast, Duke Org, Zen-Aku awakens from his slumber
Toxica and Jindrax defy "Master Org" upon learning his secret
Jindrax and Toxica discover that "Master Org's" horn and his forehead's eye is a fake
"Master Org"/Dr. Viktor Adler exposed
Super Jindrax and Toxica bow to "Master Org"/Dr. Viktor Adler after being transformed and placed under his spell
The second Master Org/Dr. Viktor Adler, Super Toxica, and Super Jindrax revive Nayzor
The Mut-Orgs plead allegiance to the second Master Org/Dr. Viktor Adler
The Mut-Orgs vs the unmorphed Wild Force and Time Force Rangers (Wes and Eric)
The second Master Org/Dr. Viktor Adler, the Mut-Orgs, and Putrids team-up
The second Master Org/Dr. Viktor Adler defeated
Mandilok, Org General and new leader of the Orgs comes forth
Mandilok tosses away the second Master Org, Dr. Viktor Adler
Mandilok is now leader of the Orgs
The fallen second Master Org/Dr. Viktor Adler lays dead
Onikage joins forces with Mandilok
Mandilok coldly sacrifices a dying Toxica to save himself
Mandilok and Onikage's cold betrayal to Jindrax and Toxica's loyalty
Viktor Adler and the Ancient Master Org return as one
Master Org (reborn) confronts Mandilok
Mandilok confronts Master Org (reborn)
Mandilok blasts the "phony" Org pretender Master Org (reborn)
Only to discover he has become a true Org
Mandilok betrayed by Onikage, who has been a double agent working for the reborn Master Org
The reborn Master Org regains his leadership over the Orgs once again
The Org Generals, Retinax, Nayzor, and Mandilok return
The reborn Master Org's presumed demise
The Org Generals' final demise
The Org Heart arises and begins Master Org's second revival
Master Org returns again...
But more in a newer more powerful form
Master Org (Final Form) and the Wild Force Rangers' final showdown begins
Master Org (Final Form) battling Animus
Master Org (Final Form) defeats Animus and Merrick, in the Predazord
Master Org (Final Form) finally destroyed
Master Org (Final Form) unleashes his wrath upon Turtle Cove
The army of Putrids attack the citizens of Turtle Cove
The Orgs' forces final showdown against the Wild Force Rangers (unmorphed)
Master Org (Final Form) confronted by the unmorphed Wild Force Rangers
Master Org (Final Form) witnesses the return of all the lost and formerly destroyed Wildzords
The Orgs' Putrid Army destroyed
Master Org (Final Form), last surviving rogue Org alive, surrounded by all the Wildzords
Master Org (Final Form) gets hit by the Wild Force Rangers' Ultra Roar attack
Master Org (Final Form) getting blasted by the Wild Force Rangers and all the Wildzords' Ultra Roar
Master Org (Final Form), last remaining rogue Org, finally gets destroyed for good
Cole Evans: Savage Slash!!
The Org Heart gets destroyed, before it could have a chance to revive Master Org, thus signifying the end of the Orgs' threat forever