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Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

The Pantheon (パンテオン, Pantheon officially Romanized Panteon in Japan, although the katakana refer to the Greek term) is a mass-produced Reploid found in the Mega Man Zero video game series.


Pantheons are mass-produced Reploids that strongly resemble Mega Man X, made either by X himself or his replacement Copy X. This is uncertain due to no Pantheon ever having been shown in flashbacks to times before Copy X's reign.

Pantheons are general-purpose soldiers part of Neo Arcadia's main attack forces and appear in many forms due to their option unit, allowing them to have a variety of different powers to deal with any type of situation. The Pantheons are capable of handling any sort of civilian rebellion forces with ease. However, such generic soldiers do not stand a chance against actual combat model Reploids. Due to their mechanically degraded nature, Pantheons are limited in their mobility; They lack the power of actual combat models, but they're above civilian Reploids. They have taken many lives of the Resistance, including a personal Reploid friend of Ciel, Milan.

Pantheon jobs range from being soldiers in the battlefield, to being prison guards and enforcers. This ubiquity is most likely the reason for their degraded status, their production costs, production time and energy usage are most likely quite low, allowing for sheer quantity in numbers. This, as well their variety and their above Mechaniloid intelligence make them the perfect warriors to protect humanity and keep the peace in Neo Arcadia.

During the events of the third Mega Man Zero game, Dr. Weil took charge of Neo Arcadia, making sure to replace the Pantheons with his own Variant forces, though the Pantheons still existed. After the events of Mega Man Zero 4, each and every Pantheon was disarmed after the Ragnarok Incident, finally bringing forth an era of peace.

