- Professor Hatecraft: Now, Regina, time to come clean and reveal that you're-- (unmasks The Obliteratrix)
- Scooby, Shaggy, Daphne, Velma and Fred, Ash. Bugs, Simba and Friends: Alice May?
- Professor Hatecraft: Who's Alice May?
- Daphne: She once pretended to be a Ghost Girl to kidnap Fred for her man posse because she wanted revenge for her father, the Creeper.
- Shaggy: But, like, how did you get out of jail?
- Alice May: I got out with the help of the same person who sent me to destroy you... Mr. E!
- Scooby, Shaggy, Daphne, Velma and Fred: Huh?
- Angel Dynamite: Huh?
- Alice May: E enlisted my services to put you kids in danger in hopes of drawing out his enemy, Professor Pericles. He figured if Pericles thought you were in trouble, he'd come to your rescue. E knew if he could get Pericles to reveal himself, it'd leave his piece of the Planispheric Disk vulnerable. Everything was fake. Special effects.
- Shaggy: But, like, where'd you get all the high-tech stuff? How'd you disappear?
- Alice May: E took care of that. It was all courtesy of one of Destroido's shell corporations: Quest Research Laboratories. They supplied me with everything I needed: Weapons, a high-tech cloaking device, even the effects.
- Angel Dynamite: (handcuffs Alice) So this was all staged by Mr. E to use the kids as parrot bait.
- Alice May: That's right. And it would have worked, too, if I hadn't been stopped by you, Miss meddling sassy pants!
(Next scene in the police car with Sheriff Stone and Alice May arrested)
- Sheriff Stone: Wait, so are you telling me that you escaped from prison months ago, and I never noticed? (laughs) I don't think so. (drives away)
- Fred: Well, gang, another mystery solved.
- Daphne: I just wish we could have done something about your job, Professor Hatecraft.
- Dean: (arrives with car) H.P.? Yoo-hoo! Oh, there you are, you dear man.
- Professor Hatecraft: Don't worry, Dean Fenk. I'm on my way to clean out my office now.
- Dean: Clean out your office? Oh, never. Heh! Haven't you heard the wonderful news? The song "Char Gar Gothakon", based on your novel, is a huge hit in Japan. And since Darrow College published the book, we're gonna make a fortune! (Professor Hatecraft is amazingly surprised) Now, I'm giving you Regina's old office Vampire books are so done and I'm having the dusk mobile repainted. (she and Professor Hatecraft drive away)
- Fred: Well, Angel, it looks like we owe you one.
- Scooby: Yeah. You saved our tails.
- Daphne: How'd you know where we were?
- Ash Ketchum: Yeah, and what’s with the spy outfit?
- Daffy Duck: What’s going on, Angel?
- Velma: It's time, Angel. I can't keep this secret anymore.
- Ash, Simba, Bugs and Friends: Huh?
- Ash Ketchum: Velma? You’ve been keeping a secret?! What’s going on?!
- Angel Dynamite: I wanted to tell you kids earlier, but I was afraid.
- Scooby: Afraid of what?
- Angel Dynamite: Of telling you the truth. My real name isn't Angel Dynamite. It's Cassidy Williams. I'm one of the original members of Mystery Incorporated that disappeared.
- Scooby, Shaggy, Daphne and Fred: What?
- Ash Ketchum: What?!
- Brock and Misty: What?!
- Simba: What?
- Bugs Bunny: What?!
- Daffy Duck: What?
- Serena: What?!
- Rest of the Heroes: What?!
- May: But how?! What happened?!
- Angel Dynamite/Cassidy: It was all an accident. We should have never been in that condemned church. But Brad said he'd seen someone coming and going at night, and he wanted to investigate. We thought we'd found a treasure map, but it wasn't treasure; it was a threat, to not just our lives but the lives of our families. The thing in those caves forced us to leave Crystal Cove, or those who loved us would pay the price.
- (Shaggy and Scooby are terrified)
- Shaggy: L-l-like, who threatened you?
- Angel Dynamite/Cassidy: He called himself the Freak. The Freak of Crystal Cove. There, now you know the truth. That's what happened to the original Mystery Incorporated, and it will happen to all of you if you don't stop! Forget about the Planispheric Disk. Give Pericles your piece, or Mr. E. I don't care. The mystery is over. Let it end tonight!
- Ash Ketchum: So you’ve been lying to us… (grows angry along the rest of the heroes) this whole time?!
- Angel Dynamite/Cassidy: Well, yes. But look, (groans in frustration) It’s complicated!
- Serena: No it isn’t! Angel, you completely used us this whole time! All this time, when you were helping us solve mysteries, you’ve trying to get the disk pieces! What were you planning?! Are you working with Mr. E?!
- Angel Dynamite/Cassidy: Yes!
- (Ash, Simba, Bugs, their friends and Mystery Inc. gasp in horror.)
- Kovu: Y-you’re Mr. E’s spy?! H-How could you?! W-We thought you were our friend! We trusted you!
- Ashley Dynamite/Cassidy: Please, just listen-
- May: No! Not anymore!
- Fred: You lied to us, Angel. You've been lying to us from the beginning. Why should we listen to anything you have to say to us now? (Angel/Cassidy is shocked upon hearing that.) This mystery isn't over until we say it's over. Come on, gang.
- Angel Dynamite/Cassidy: No. No, you don't understand. He's still out there. (The gang drives away) The Freak is still out there!
(As Ash looks back at the old Spanish church, Misty, Brock and the other heroes however silently turn their disgusted glances at Velma, for she had been selfishly keeping the truth about Angel Dynamite/Cassidy to herself. As soon as everyone left, however, it turns out the Freak is standing on top on part of the church.)
- The Freak: The curse begun, but soon they'll see, the buried truth will end with me. (laughs)