Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki
CGI Peter Sam

Peter Sam in his CGI verison.

Peter Sam, named after the Skarloey Railway's previous controller, Mr. Peter Sam - previously Stuart, after his builder, Kerr Stuart - is a green narrow gauge tank engine who lives and works on the Skarloey Railway. Stuart was built by Kerr Stuart Works in Stoke-on-Trent, England. While living on the Mid Sodor Railway, he was cheeky and occasionally made fun of Duke until told what happened to Stanley. After the line closed down in 1947, he and Falcon were sold to the Sodor Aluminium Company at Peel Godred and worked there until 1951, at which time both engines were sheeted for a year until they were purchased by the Skarloey Railway in 1951. Upon arriving, Stuart - renamed Peter Sam - had many adventures. One of his more notable story arcs involved his funnel, which was severely damaged after an accident at the incline. The funnel eventually fell off as he passed under a tunnel and it was temporarily replaced with a rusty pipe. Peter Sam was soon given a new funnel, a Giesl ejector, which suits him much better.


  • After Stuingtion's films Peter Sam will have 2 AK-37's.
  • Peter Sam is also best friends with Apple Bloom.

