Pharaoh the Merciless also known as Pharaoh is a villain in The Tabbic Forces' Adventure Chronicles. He's the main antagonist of Season 17 along with The Tabbic Forces: Dabi and The Secrets of The Hidden Tabbic Underworld, a minior antagonist of Seasons 4 and 12, and a supporting antagonist of Rise of The Nightmare Nine. He is an OC created by Tabbykitth.
According to legends in the Tabbyverse, he is a tyranical ruler who would always enslave anyone who's land he had conquered and was said to be one of the worst beings out there.
He looks like a mix between Rameses from The Prince of Eygpt and Ay from Mr. Peabody and Sherman.
Powers and Abilites[]
He is able to possess people and he can turn any world into a desert-like state. He is also capable of controling sand and darkness.