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Pooh's Adventures Wiki
Pooh's Adventures Wiki

Here is the Transcript for Planetary Master, Ancient Minister's Wrath.

Narrator (VO): A Battle between the Power Rangers and the Armada was fought Victory was in there grasp until one day The Evil King of Koopas known as Bowser plans to take over a interstellar Dimension known as the "Shatterverse" Mewtwo the Legendary Phsycic Type Pokemon gathers new teens to fight for the prophecy of the Power Rangers Legacy.

(Scene begins at the Base)

Maya Santos: It's a nice day outside.

Mikey Simon: We should go out and play, Zick

Ezekiel Zick: Me too but Tyler said we'd practice morphing together

Maya Santos: But I wanna have fun then alright

Matt: No way Maya it's Morphing training now, we can play later.

Maya Santos: (sighs in defeat) all right.

(Meanwhile in the Koopa Kingdom the Doomship is flying in Koopa Interspace but the Doomship stops when the ancient minister appears right in front of the doomship)

VO: Planetary Master, Ancient Minister's Wrath.

(They bowed before the ancient minister so does Bowser Jr)

Ancient Minister: Earth. what a wonderful planet.

(They walk to the ancient minister)

Ancient Minister: I have conquered many planets, but they were all dirty and ugly.

(Bowser turns his head while smiling)

Ancient Minister: Bowser, you shall conquer earth.

Bowser: Master.

Ancient Minister: You know what will happen to your castle if you fail.

Ancient Minister: No life will be spared.

(Mistress 9 fearfully bowed to the ancient minister)

(Bowser Jr is terrified)

Bowser Jr.: Oh no!, I scared myself!

(Bowser Jr passed out)

Bowser: Ancient minister, I have come up with the perfect plan.

Bowser: (points his hand to the conquer board) I have already conqueed the Milky way Koopa Eye monster from the planet Goodtimes.

Ancient Minister: Don't disappoint me.

(Ancient minister fades out as Mistress 9 Bows as a monster card flies in the ship and it is brought to life)

Bowser Jr.: He came! He's here already!

(Koopa Eye gnome came in running)

Bowser: There you are.

Koopa Eye Gnome: (laughs) I am the Koopa Eye Gnome!

(Meanwhile back at the shatterverse command center)

Tyler: Okay team, it's time to do the morph

Mikey Simon: Kay Tyler, we'll try morphing!

Maya Santos: And so should you, if your not careful

Matt: What? If I screw the Morph up it won't be part of the whole Matt package!

Zick: You'll be great Matt I know it.

Matt: Kay let's get to it.

Tyler: It's Morphing time! (gets out Rev Nitro accel Morpher)

All: ACCEL MORPHERS! (Presses button on the Morpher)

Both: NITRO REV MORPHERS! (They Press button on the Morpher the first time)

Accel and Nitro Morpher: Charge

(They Press Morpher buttons a second time)

Accel and Nitro Morpher: Charge Rise!

(They press there Morpher buttons a third time)

Accel and Nitro Morpher: Full Charge!

Marc Clark: Game Controller Arrow Morpher!

(Marc Presses a button)

Game Controller Arrow Morpher: A

(Marc Presses B button)

Game Controller Arrow Morpher: B

(Marc Presses C button)

Game Controller Arrow Morpher: C

Game Controller Arrow Morpher: Let the game begin!

(Marc gets into position so do the other Rangers)

Tyler: Ready.

Zick, Mikey, Matt, and Marc: Ready!

(They move there arms clockwise then stop with there Morphers in hand and in back)

Maya Santos: Set!........


(They move there Morphers around there arms as Marc fires the arrow from his game controller arrow Morpher)

(The Morphing sequence is set in a hologram race track where there holographic race cars appear before them there race cars dash as the Rangers ran faster on the track to gain speed as there cars dash in front of them as they all backflip then began skidding to stop as they turn around and land before there cars which there bodies turn into there suits and the cars tires appears on there helmets)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Rangers Ready Let's Race!

(The Race Track turns to a hault as Red NC Ranger turns around)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Reving Leadership, Red Ranger!

Blue Nitro Charge Ranger: Accurate Courage, Blue Ranger!

Pink Nitro Charge Ranger: Cosmic Loyalty, Pink Ranger!

Black Nitro Charge Ranger: Mega Strength, Black Ranger

Orange Nitro Charge Ranger: Ice Power, Orange Ranger

Purple Nitro Charge Ranger: Forcable Scouting, Purple Ranger

All: Let the Race Begin!

Tyler: Power Rangers......

(The Wheel moves in as the Rangers pose side by side while blue is carrying pink0

All: Nitro Charge!

(A explosion can be heard as the power Rangers begun there morphing sequence as the Rangers power down)

Tyler: Great job guys that concludes the Morphing sequence, I think.

Maya Santos: So what do we do now?

Mewtwo: I picked up some life force in your area, you should check it out.

Mikey Simon: Let's roll!

(They ran out as they morphed and got into there zords)

Pink Nitro Charge Ranger: What is that thing?

(The Haunted House appears before the Rangers)

Blue Nitro Charge Ranger: Tyler, there's a building and it dosen't look territorial.

(THe other Rangers arrive in there vehicles)

Blue Nitro Charge Ranger: You should check it out.

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: On it, Let's go guys.

Black Nitro Charge Ranger: Right.

Orange NItro Charge Ranger: Gotcha.

Purple Nitro Charge Ranger: Let's roll!

(They passed the road in there vehicles as they parked there vehicles they ran into a alleyway they found out that the building has ghosts in it and the heart is beating)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Let's be careful, and keep your eyes open.

Blue Nitro Charge Ranger: Right.

Pink Nitro Charge Ranger: You got it.

(They ran besides each other as they went into the inside of the haunted house as Red turns around as Koopa Eye gnome appears alongside Mistress 9)

Koopa Eye Gnome: Welcome Rangers, I will suck the life out of this planet, and I will make it a bigger haunted mansion!

(Red Nitro Charge Ranger is staggered)

Mistress 9: I bid you welcome Rangers, Once I extract the life force, it will be haunt city for you all over again! (Mistress 9 pokes the stellar needle in the tube as she drinks the pump from her intergalactic straw)

Mistress 9: Please kindly exit through the rear of the house.

(Mistress 9 drinks the cup from her straw)

Pink Nitro Charge Ranger: That's disgusting!

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: So you're the one who's behind the attacks to make the people dissapear?

Koopa Eye Gnome: Good guess, Rangers but once you're finished I'll suck the blood from your fleshy bodies!

(The Rangers stand in battle as they look around as Koopa Sentinels appear in the haunted house the blue ranger turns to see a Koopa Sentinel landing and getting into battle position so does the pink ranger as she sees the Koopa Sentinels appear before her and the blue ranger they turn to each other as the Koopa Sentinels appear jumping before them extending there fluid bodies and they get into battle position as they use there claw swords Mistress 9 is still drinking the life from the tube with her cup as she sips it through a straw)

Koopa Eye Gnome: You can't escape from my haunted mansion made out of ghostly souls.

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Ghostly souls?

(The Koopa Sentinels extract there arms forward towards the Rangers but as the red ranger ducked down the Koopa Sentinels fumble over him)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Nitro Saber!

(They stand in battle position with there swords in hand as they face the Koopa Sentinels who growl then get out there Koopa rangs but they strike first using the Koopa rangs but the Rangers blocked there rangs with there swords slicing upward slashing and slicing at the Koopa Sentinels knocking them down as they disintegrate red and blue use there nitro sabers to slash at the Koopa Sentinels but the Koopa Sentinels block the attacks using there Koopa rang shields as Mistress 9 is watching drinking the plasma with her cup in a straw as the red ranger uses his nitro Saber to slash at the last Koopa Sentinels pink ranger slices at Mistress 9 but Mistress 9 blocks using her hand and knocks the pink ranger back)

Mistress 9: You're annoying! (walks away)

(As pink ranger is fumbled to the ground the Koopa Sentinels stands before her as pink ranger slashed at the Koopa Sentinel with her nitro Saber as the tube from it's body is poured out with steam the Rangers confront the Koopa Eye gnome but as they turn around the souls are out)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Let's get out of here!

Pink Nitro Charge Ranger: Gotcha.

(They ran out of the mansion)

Koopa Eye Gnome: GET BACK HERE!

(They ran out of the mansion with koopa Sentinels on there tail as the red reverb Zord comes dashing by to pick them up)

Black Nitro Charge Ranger: Hurry guys.

Pink Nitro Charge Ranger: Gotcha!

(They all jump up high in the air into there zords to get away from the Koopa sentniels)

Blue Nitro Charge Ranger: Tyler, Hurry up!

(Red Nitro Charge Ranger knocks the Koopa Sentinels down with one karate chop as the Koopa Sentinel falls to the ground)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: On my way!

(Red Nitro Charge Ranger jumps up into the red power Rage Zord)

Black Nitro Charge Ranger: Good, Let's get out of here!

Orange Nitro Charge Ranger: Got it.

(There zords drove off)

(Koopa Sentinels roared in enraged)

Koopa Eye Gnome: Koopa fighter jets!

(Koopa fighter jets appear before the Rangers chasing after them)

Orange Nitro Charge Ranger: Koopa fighter jets right behind us!

(The Koopa fighter jets fire there lasers at red Nitro Charge Ranger making him fall down as he screamed)

Pink Nitro Charge Ranger: Tyler!

Orange Nitro Charge Ranger: Tyler!

Black Nitro Charge Ranger: Tyler!

(Red Nitro Charge Ranger falls onto the ground and fumbles down the hill as he was demorphed he was injured as the Koopa fighter jets fly around firing at Tyler injuring him as he rolls down)

Blue Nitro Charge Ranger: Tyler you okay?

Tyler: Yeah, I'm okay.

Maya Santos: Tyler you okay?

Zick: We saw you fall from the Zord

Tyler: You guys were worried about me huh, i'm okay now.

Matt: We're just glad that you're okay.

Mewtwo: Rangers there's a disturbance in you're area!

Wall-E: (beeps as wall e types on the computer)

Mewtwo: And it's directly headed for the shatterverse!

Mikey Simon: Let's do this thing!

Tyler: It's Morphin Time! (gets out Rev Accel and Nitro Charge Morphers)

(They pressed there Morphers buttons)

Morphers: Charge, Charge Rise, Boost Time! A, B, C, Let the Game begin!

(They move there hands clockwise and stopped and Mark moves his Morpher over his back)

Tyler: Ready,

Matt, Zick, and Mikey: Ready!

Maya: Set........


Marc: Rush Power!

(THey move there Morphers around there arms as marc fires the blast from his Morpher there holographic cars Rev on the track Tyler and the others run and do a backflip as they stop on the track skidding to stop there bodies turn into there suits as the tires from there cars blast onto them they grab the tires and put the tires on there faces there helmets appear on there heads holographically completing the transformation)


(They ran into there zords)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Megazord sequence online, all right guys let's do it!

Blue Nitro Charge Ranger: Kay then, let's rock!

Black Nitro Charge Ranger: Time to give Koopa a lesson he'll never forget!

Pink Nitro Charge Ranger: Time to rock and roll!

Orange Nitro Charge Ranger: Let's go get em!

Purple Nitro Charge Ranger: Hold on Koopa cause this race is coming at ya!

(There zords begin accelerating on the Zord launch racetrack as there zords land in the marrymore part of the shatterverse)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Let's go get em!

All: Right!

(They jump out of there spaceship as they land in there zords)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Red Power Rage Zord, Rev up!

(Red Nitro Charge Ranger inserts cell shift key in the Zord as the red power rage Zord drives off)

(The second part of the spaceship opens with Black Battle Spec Zord, and Orange Spitwire Zord)

Black and Orange Nitro Charge Rangers: Black Battle Spec Zord, and Orange Spitwire Zord Rev up!

(They insert there cell shift key in there zords as there zords began driving off)

(The two Chicane and Bassline Zords appear in the ship as the Rangers are inside)

Blue and Pink Nitro Charge Rangers: Blue Bassline Zord, and Pink Chicane Zord Rev up!

(The Two rangers insert there cell shift keys in there zords as there zords began driving off as Koopa fighter jets appear before there zords)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Leave these guys to me.

(Red Nitro Charge Ranger turns the steering wheel as the Zord chases after the Koopa fighter jets who are trying to get away from the zord but the red power rage Zord accelerates after the Koopa fighter jets as the Koopa fighter jets fire on the red power rage zord red power rage Zord dodges the blasts by driving forwards)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Missles, Fire!

(Red Nitro Charge Ranger presses a button on the Zord which releases the missiles onto the Koopa fighter jets as the red power rage Zord flies around the sky)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Yeah!

(The Bassline and Chicane Nitro Zords stop as they approach the mansion)

Blue Nitro Charge Ranger: Maya, Let's give em a Missle Suprise!

Pink Nitro Charge Ranger: With pleasure.

(Pink Nitro Charge Ranger presses two buttons which fires the missiles on the mansion as the mansion explodes)

(Then the Black and Orange Battle Spec and Bassline flies over with the Purple Reverb Zord firing more missiles at the mansion)

Koopa Eye Gnome: Accursed Rangers!

(Koopa Eye Gnome looks up as the Rangers jump in the air with all kinds of flips as they land on the ground as Koopa Eye gnome moves back as the Rangers flip around him and land on the ground)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: All right guys, let's get to work!

(Racetrack appears with Red Power Rage Zord)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Reving Leadership, Red Ranger!

(Blue Nitro Zord drives on the Racetrack)

Blue Nitro Charge Ranger: Accurate Courage, Blue Ranger

Pink NItro Charge Ranger: Cosmic Loyalty, Pink Ranger

Black Nitro Charge Ranger: Mega Strength, Black Ranger

Orange Nitro Charge Ranger: Ice Power, Orange Ranger

Purple Nitro Charge Ranger: Forcable Scouting, Purple Ranger

Pink Nitro Charge Ranger: Rangers Ready

Red NItro Charge Ranger: Let's Race!

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Power Rangers


(The Tires appears around the Rangers as an explosion of fire and smoke appears behind the rangers)

Koopa Eye Gnome: Koopa Sentinels, Attack!

(The Koopa Sentinels emerge in a puddle of fog as one of them breaths galactic snout from their nostrils as they lash there turtle tounges and jump out of the portal alongside Koopa Eye gnome as Red ranger jumped the other Rangers punches and kicks at the Koopa Sentinels as the Koopa sentinels dodged there attacks red ranger kicks chops but the Koopa Sentinel jumped to dodge the attack but then red ranger did a left hand kick to knock the Koopa Sentinel back the second Koopa Sentinel jumps at the red ranger so does the other then the red ranger chops the Koopa Sentinel in the neck then red ranger kicks the Koopa Sentinel then the red ranger does the double punch at the two Koopa Sentinels knocking them out)

(Red Ranger's helmet tire spins faster as he runs glowing with energy as Koopa Sentinels look up In terror as Red Nitro Charge ranger begins glowing as Koopa Sentinels fall down to the ground as Red Nitro Charge Ranger does a super dash)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Tubro sprint!

(The Red Nitro Charge Ranger rushes in front of the Koopa Sentinels as he does a fast backhand punch followed by a jump air kick to the Koopa Sentinels sending them flying as black nitro Charge Ranger begins spinning as Koopa Sentinels are staggering back)

Black Nitro Charge Ranger: Turbo spinout!

(Black Nitro Charge Ranger spins in front of the Koopa Sentinels delivering multiple backhand punches and tornado kicks to the Koopa Sentinels who are knocked out and begin to disintegrate then Koopa Sentinels are flying as blue Nitro Charge Ranger is flying in the air as he is charged with blue energy on his head)

(Koopa Sentinels are staggered back in fear as they look up)

Blue Nitro Charge Ranger: Turbo Vanquisher!

(Blue Nitro Charge Ranger extends his palm together sending the Koopa Sentinels flying onto the ground as they disintegrate)

(Pink Nitro Charge Ranger jumps high in the air as her tire helmet is reving up faster)

Pink Nitro Charge Ranger: Turbo Snap!

(Pink Nitro Charge Ranger spins like a tornado delivering multiple side kicks from the air knocking out the Koopa Sentinels as they disintegrate)

(Orange Nitro Charge Ranger jumps high in the air as his tire helmet revs faster as the Koopa Sentinels stagger back in fear)

(Orange Nitro Charge Ranger: Turbo Cloblin!

(Orange Nitro Charge Ranger delivers multiple cloberring fist punches to the two Koopa Sentinels who are knocked out as they disintegrate)

(Purple Nitro Charge Ranger jumps high in the air as his tire helmet spins faster until he is glowing with purple energy as the Koopa Sentinels stagger back in fear)

Purple Nitro Charge Ranger: Turbo Racetrack, Flying Power Kick!

(Purple Nitro Charge Ranger does a flying side kick as his purple foot is glowing with purple energy right at the Koopa Sentinels knocking themd own to the ground as they disintegrate)

(Red Nitro Charge Ranger gets out his nitro blaster and the nitro Saber)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Nitro Saber!

(Red Nitro Charge Ranger begins slashing and slicing at the Koopa Sentinels as steam comes out of them as they instantly disintegrate)


(They fire there nitro blasters at the Koopa Sentinels as they are knocked down to the ground as Koopa Eye gnome fires his eye the red Nitro Charge Ranger is blinded the monster flies up as he fires his electric eye at the Rangers the rangers are injured and knocked out)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Nitro Auto Blaster!

(They aim there auto blasters at Koopa Eye gnome)

All: FIRE!

(The nitro auto blasters fired at the flying Koopa Eye gnome bringing him down to the ground)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Nitro Saber!

Rangers: Nitro Saber!

(They jump from the air as they slice and slash at the flying Koopa Eye gnome knocking him down to the ground)

(Koopa Eye gnome gets up and fire his lightning blast from his hands knocking them out

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Nitro Street Saber!

Blue Nitro Charge Ranger: Nitro Turbo Cannon

Pink Nitro Charge Ranger: Nitro Zip Charger

Black Nitro Charge Ranger: Nitro Rocket Blasters

Orange Nitro Charge Ranger: Nitro Turbo Swing Axe

Purple Nitro Charge Ranger: Nitro Elasto Blade

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Lock n'load!

(The Rangers combine there weapons to form the Nitro Track Cannon)

Nitro Charge Rangers: Nitro Track Cannon!

(They putted there hands on the racetrack cannon)

Blue Nitro Charge Ranger: Engine Cell Activate!

(Blue Ranger inserts his engine cell into the slot of the cannon)

Pink Nitro Charge Ranger: Engine Cell Activate!

(Pink Ranger inserts her engine cell into the upper slot of the cannon)

Orange Nitro Charge Ranger: Engine Cell Activate!

(Orange Ranger inserts his engine cell into the top slot of the cannon)

Black Nitro Charge Ranger: Engine Cell Activate!

(Black Ranger inserts his engine cell into the left slot of the cannon)

Purple Nitro Charge Ranger: Engine Cell Activate!

(Purple Ranger inserts his engine cell into the right slot of the cannon)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Say goodnight.

Rangers: Ready, Set,

(The Cannon's locker is marked onto the Koopa Eye gnome)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: And Fire!

(THe Race Track Cannon fires a black and white checkered flag combined with racecars aimed at the Koopa Eye gnome knocking him down in a burst of fire and smoke then the Koopa Eye gnome is destroyed in a billion bunch of pieces)

(Meanwhile at the Koopa castle)

Bowser: ARGH! Koopa Eye Gnome Has been destroyed HOW?!

Psycho Blue: Hmph, They just got lucky!

Psycho Black: Dosen't it make you want to crush those little heroes Psycho Blue?

Psycho Blue: It sure does I like to whipe those smiles off there faces for good!

(Psycho Red gets up)

Psycho Red: Hmm I know just the solution, Ranamon!

(Ranamon stands up)


Ranamon: Right away Psycho Red!

(Ranamon fires the magna beam by hitting the fire button a blast from the castle's magna beam)

Black Nitro Charge Ranger: It's the Magna Beam!

(The Magna beam is fired on Koopa Eye Gnome as he grows to a tall 50 foot giant)

Koopa Eye Gnome: Look into my eye Rangers!

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: It's huge!

Koopa Eye Gnome: You're at the end of my boot Rangers!

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: It's Zord time let's roll!

(They jumped into there zords as there zords drove off into the holoracetrack )

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Time for the Nitro Charge Racetrack Megazord

Blue Nitro Charge Ranger: Gotcha.

Pink Nitro Charge Ranger: Let's do it!

Black Nitro Charge Ranger: Matt, Time for the Nitro Charge Zentih Track Megazord

Orange Nitro Charge Ranger: Gotcha Zick.

Purple Ntiro Charge Ranger: Okay, Time for the Auto Game Battle Megazord.

BLack and Orange Nitro Charge Rangers: Form Nitro Charge Zentih Track Megazord Now!

(The two Rangers press the buttons to change the Orange Spitwire Zord's tires into Megazord legs and Black Ranger's battle spec Megazord moved down to form the body as the Black Battle Spec lands on Orange Spitwire Zord's legs then the Nitro Charge Zenith Track Megazord helmet opens)

Both: Nitro Charge Zentih Track Megazord!

Purple Nitro Charge Ranger: Purple Reverb Zord Morph to Megazord Mode!

(Purple Nitro Charge Ranger presses a button on the Zord cockpit which morphs the Zord into Megazord mode)

Purple Nitro Charge Ranger: Nitro Charge Battle Track Megazord!

(Blue Bassline and Pink Chicane Zord stop and move into place)

Both: Zords Combine!

(Blue Bassline Zord's legs move up and Pink Chicane Zord's doors open up and morph into battle hands as they move into blue bassline's legs)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Red Power Rage Zord Attach!

(Red Power Rage Zord flies in the air as it morphs into Megazord body as it lands down onto the blue bassline's legs and as it attached to the pink chicane's hands and the red power rage helmet's eyes glow red as the nitro Charge Megazord gets into battle position)

All: Nitro Charge Racetrack Megazord Ready!

Koopa Eye Gnome: Time to get tranced Rangers! (gets into battle position)

(Megazords get into battle position as the megazords walks towards the giant Koopa Eye gnome)

Blue Nitro Charge Ranger: Look out, Koopa Eye gnome's preparing to attack!

(Koopa Eye gnome fires his eye blast at the Megazord blinding him as Koopa Eye gnome goes into ghost form and flies aiming his eye blasts at the Megazord blinding him with ghostly energy as Red nitro ranger grunts in pain the megazords fly up the Megazords do multiple flying kicks at the Koopa Eye gnome knocking it out as Koopa Eye gnome gets up the Megazord get into battle position)

(As Koopa Eye gnome fires his eye the Megazord began injured as an explosion is fired as the Megazord is injured)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Mega Blast Fire! (Red presses the mega blast button which fires at the giant Koopa Eye gnome)

Black Nitro Charge Ranger: Nitro Battle Zentith Saber!

(Black Presses a button which activates the nitro Battle zenith saber)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Nitro Megazord Racetrack Saber!

(Red presses a button that activates the nitro Charge Megazord Racetrack saber)

Red Nitro Charge Ranger: Nitro Megazord Race Spinout Slash!

Orange Nitro Charge Ranger: Battle Track Zenith Megazord Pickaxe Strike!

Purple Nitro Charge Ranger: Battle Track Megazord Mega Slash!

(The Nitro Charge Racetrack appears as the nitro Charge Megazord jumps on then the racetrack Saber glows with black and white energy as it spins faster and faster slashing at Koopa Eye gnome)

(The Zenith Battle Track Megazord jumps and uses it's emga Axe to slash at the Koopa Eye Gnome)

(The Battle Track Megazord used is's mega twin timber nitro Megazord axes to mega slash at the Koopa Eye gnome slicing at him)

Koopa Eye Gnome: Looks like eye Need an Eye DOCTOOOOOOOOOR! (Koopa Eye gnome falls down as it is destroyed in a burst of fire and smoke)

Red Nitro Chartge Ranger: Yeah, Race Exticnt!

(Megazord powers down by moving it's arms down)

(Meanwhile back at shatterverse command center)

Tyler: Good job you guys, we did it.

Mewtwo: You did amazing rangers.

Wall-E: (beeps with excitement)

Mikey Simon: Those new attacks were rockin.

Zick: I agree with you guys.

Maya Santos: You said it mikey.

(Episode ends as the screen fades to Black)
