(This film takes place after the events of Hundred Acre Digimon the story begins in the Hundred Acre Wood. Where Pooh, Tai and the Others are playing soccer.)
When Digidestined and Pokémon Trainers Clash[]
- Sora: Pass it to me Tai!
- Tigger: Foul ball!
- Rabbit: No shoving!
- Tai: Hey!
- Tigger: There it goes!
- Rabbit: Uh don’t let it get away!
- Piglet: Oh dear.
- (Tigger, Piglet, and Rabbit chase the ball into the log and got stuck as the ball got out.)
- Rabbit: We’re stuck.
- Tigger: Hmm…a sneaking little guy isn’t he.
- Pooh: Are we having a time out?
- Matt: Nope just trying to stay on the same field.
- Agumon: Try to catch it from us if you can!
- Tigger: Oh yeah well we’ll show ya!
- (The ball pass by Eeyore and his house as he saw them playing soccer.)
- Tai: There it goes!
- Tigger: Catch it!
- Piglet: Uh pass it!
- (They rushed to get the ball and Eeyore’s house collapsed.)
- Eeyore: I get to feeling it’s time to see what they’re doing no use complaining not that I ever do.
- Piglet: Oh dear.
- Rabbit: Feet together, left arm straight head down.
- (Piglet hit the ball with head.)
- Rabbit: Well played Piglet nice shot!
- (scene from The Arrival of SkullGreymon The ball hit Biyomon’s head and Palmon as the goalie catches it and throws it.)
- Palmon: Oh that’s really using your head. Here!
- Tigger: There goes the ball no balls gonna get the bounce on me!
- (The balls stops)
- Tigger: Now I gotcha you onry little orb!
- (But Tai kicks it before Tigger does.)
- Tigger: Hey!
- Tai: Thanks for that!
- Rabbit: Hurry Tigger, he’s getting away!
- Tigger: Don’t worry Rabbit I got him on a run.
- (Scene from Pikachu Goodbye Elsewhere in the Hundred Acre Wood Misty and Brock are relaxing at the apple tree while Pikachu is up on the branch eating the apple)
- Pikachu: Cha.
- Misty: The air’s so fresh and the water’s beautiful what a great place this for a rest.
- Brock: Yeah it sure is nice to kick back and relax a little.
- Ash: Kanga Kangaskhan!
- (Ash is swinging on the vine like Tarzan.)
- Ash: This is fun!
- (Rabbit and Tigger were trying to catch the ball)
- Rabbit: We got it cornered!
- Misty: Ash, look out for—
- (Ash screamed as he bumped into Tigger.)
- Tigger: (scene from The New Eeyore) Hey what’s the big idea I’m the guy who bounces people.
- Ash: Sorry Tigger, I was swinging not bouncing.
- Misty: Jungle boy.
- Brock: He’ll never learn.
- Tigger: Oh yeah? Well don’t try to be like Tarzan besides ol’ Long Ears and I were trying to get our soccer ball before Tai and his friends does.
- Pikachu: Pikachu?
- Ash: Uh who’s Tai?
- Rabbit: Wait a minute Ash you mean you don’t who are Tai and his friends are?
- Misty: No we haven’t.
- Brock: Yeah so who are they?
- Rabbit: Well we were gonna show them to Mewtwo in Skull but I guess you three well have to find out for yourselves.
- Tigger: Yeah come on we never get a chance to show our bestest buddies to our new buddies.
- Ash: Sure Tigger just lead the way.
(A few moments later the ball bounce right into Pooh’s hands)
- Pooh: Oh hello ball.
- Sora: Wait a second where are Rabbit and Tigger?
- TK: They must have gone into the wrong direction.
- Gabumon: Well we know the rules we can’t keep playing unless everyone’s here.
- Piglet: Oh here they come.
- Ash: (Scene from The Evolution Solution) Hey, hey you guys over here!
- Pooh: (Winnie the Pooh 2011) Oh hello Ash.
- Tai: Who’s your friend?
- Piglet: Oh Tai, we like you to meet Ash, Misty, and Brock.
- Tigger: They’ve been our best friends since the day we met them.
- Tai Kamyia: Wait, you mean you're THE Ash Ketchum?! The World Pokémon League Champion?!
- Ash Ketchum: Yep. My name’s Ash Ketchum and I’m still trying to be a Pokémon master.
- Pikachu: Pika.
- Ash: Oh yeah and this is Pikachu.
- Pikachu: Pikachu.
- Tigger; Hey, wait a minute. You know who Ashy Boy is.
- Sora: We sure do we saw it on the TV news that he won the Pokémon World Coronation Series.
- Brock: My name’s Brock and I’m a Pokémon breeder
- Misty: And I’m Misty, my specialty is water Pokémon
- Togepi: Prrie.
- Tai: It’s a pleasure to meet each of you my name’s Tai and that’s my sister Kari and these are my friends from camp I like you to meet Sora.
- Sora: Nice to meet you Ash.
- Tai: And the self-proclaim cool one over there is Matt.
- Matt: No auto-graphs please.
- Tai: And this Joe.
- Joe: I shake hands.
- Tai: That’s Mimi.
- Mimi: Nice to meet you.
- Tai: Izzy here is our computer expert.
- Izzy: Do you have internet access.
- Tai: And last but not least this little guy is uh…
- TK: TK call me TK and I’m not as small as I look.
- Misty: Nice to meet you guys too.
- Ash: Yeah, but what kind of Pokémon are those.
- Rabbit: Actually Ash, they’re not Pokémon they’re Digimon.
- Ash: Digimon? You mean….
(Behind the tree the evil sorcerer Jafar is spying on them.)
- Tigger: (Subtitle only) That’s right Ashy Boy.
- Pooh: Subtitled only) They’re the Digidestined.
- (This caught Jafar interesting.)
- Jafar: Interesting….
- Agumon: Hi I’m Agumon Tai’s Digimon.
- Gabumon: And I’m Matt’s Digimon Gabumon.
- Biyomon: And the name’s Biyomon and I’m with Sora.
- Tentomon: Tentomon’s the name and I’m sticking with Izzy.
- Palmon: Call me Palmon and I’m with Mimi.
- Gomamon: Gomamon at your service and I’m Joe’s Digimon.
- Patamon: I’m Patamon and I’m best friends with TK.
- Gatomon: And I’m Kari’s Digimon Gatomon.
- Brock: Wow, so the Digidestined are for real.
- Ash: Yeah we once heard that they saved the world once.
- Tai: Yeah that’s us.
- Misty: Where’d you find them?
- Eeyore: We met them in the Digital World.
- Pooh: Oh yes we met when first got transported in Christopher Robin’s computer.
- Tigger: Not to mention Mickey, Donald and Goofy were with us when we first met them.
- Rabbit: And now they’re living with us for temporarily.
- Ash: They are?
- Tai: That’s right Pooh let us stay with them.
- Sora: It’s a long story.
- Misty: So what’s Mewtwo up to?
- Piglet: We heard that he’s working on something big in Skull.
- Kari: Shall we go see what it was?
- Tigger: (The Piglet Who Would Be King) Oh postalutly, I almost forgot we have to show Mewtwo to our new friends.
- Ash: Yeah maybe they can tell us their story about how they became the Digidestined on the way.
- Matt: That’s a great idea.
- Rabbit: (Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too) Come on let’s go to Skull and see what Mewtwo is up too.
- (Pooh, Ash, Tai and the others began to walk to Skull but Jafar overheard everything and decided to follow.)
- Jafar: (The Return of Jafar) So it’s true those 8 brats are the Digidestined which fits in perfectly with my plan.
- (Minutes later Pooh, Ash, Tai and their friends arrived in Skull.)
- Rabbit: Behold, Skull home for our friends and team members.
- Tai: Wow, this place reminds me of Myotismon’s castle.
- Joe: And the home of the Dark Masters.
- Tigger: Well you kids are gonna like your new home.
- Sora: Guess it won’t hurt to look around.
- Slimer: Hello.
- Joe: (screams) A ghost!
- Tigger: Oh relax Joe ol’pal that’s Slimer he’s a friend of ours.
- Stay Puft: Hi Pooh what’s up?
- Pooh: Hello Stay Puft we have some new friends we like you and Slimer to meet.
- (C3PO and R2D2 appeared.)
- R2: beeping
- 3PO: Greeting Master Pooh.
- Pooh: (giggles The Tigger Movie) Hello 3PO.
- Ash: So where are Mewtwo and the Good Fairy?
- 3PO: They will be with us shortly.
- Stay Puft: Mewtwo is working on something big.
- Slimer: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!
- (The Good Fairy appears with her magic Tai and his friends looked amazed.)
- Piglet: Hello Good Fairy.
- Good Fairy: Hello Piglet, what brings you all here?
- Tigger: We brought some new friends of ours we like you to meet.
- 3PO: I say who are these young strangers?
- Rabbit: Everybody we want you to meet Tai, Sora, Matt, Joe, Mimi, Izzy, TK, Kari and their Digimon.
- Tigger: And the Digimon’s names are Agumon, Gabumon, Biyomon, Tentomon, Gomamon, Palmon, Patamon, and Gatomon.
- Tai: And we’re also known as the Digidestined.
- Slimer: Wow!
- Stay Puft: Well any friend of Pooh’s is a friend of mine.
- Rabbit: Now we want you all know that they’re gonna be living in the Hundred Acre Wood with us until further.
- Tigger: So can you all try to make them feel right at home please?
- Good Fairy: Very well.
- Mewtwo: (approaching to the others) I understand they shall feel welcomed.
- Rabbit: There you are Mewtwo.
- Matt: So you must be Mewtwo. Pooh and the others told all about you.
- Mewtwo: Thank you Matt.
- Tigger: So Mewtwo, what have you been working?
- Good Fairy: He is working on an experiment.
- Ash: An experiment?
- Pikachu: Pi Pika Pika?
- Pooh: (Scene from Un-Valentine’s Day) Exactly what experiment you’re working on?
- Mewtwo: I will show you once we give the Digidestined a tour around Skull.
- Good Fairy: Right now if you all follow us so we can get started.
- Agumon: Yes ma’am.
- Ash: Come on guys let’s check out this tour too,
- Tigger: Good idea.
- (Mewtwo and the Good Fairy took the Digidestined and the others on a tour of Skull the scene fades to the other side of the Hundred Acre Wood where Jafar begins his next scheme.)
- Jafar: If the rumor is true that means I must capture those brats for myself but if Iago and Maleficent are not around how will I do that? Wait…
- (Jafar realize something about the evil Digimon that Tai and his friends have encountered before.)
- Jafar: Of course why didn’t I think of it before? I shall summon 3 evil Digimon that they have encountered in their past. (scene from the House of Mouse episode Donald’s Lamp Trade) Well, it’s a good thing I heard all about the Digital World I shall use my magic to call Kuwagamon, Seadramon, and revive their old foe MetalEtemon!
- (Jafar uses his magical snake staff to call upon Kuwagamon, Seadramon, and the revived MetalEtemon.)
- MetalEtemon: (scene from Etemon’s Comeback Tour) Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, get ready for the comeback tour of the year baby I’m back Yeah!
- (Jafar chuckles (scene used in Donald’s Lamp Trade) as the scene fades back in Skull (scene from the Digimon episode The Ultimate Clash) where Mewtwo and the Good Fairy take them to Mewtwo’s new laboratory.)
- Sora: Where are we now Mewtwo?
- Mewtwo: This is my laboratory.
- Izzy: Rather bizarre place indeed.
(They begin to walk around.)
- Tigger: Wow I like what he done with the place.
- Ash: Did you and Mewtwo build this Good Fairy?
- Good Fairy: Yes it is his new laboratory.
- TK: Check this out.
(Everyone looked behind the glass and saw something familiar to Tai and his friends and it surprised them)
- Piglet: What are those?
- Pooh: Aren’t those the tags and crests you told us about Tai?
- Tai: Yes they are but how is that possible?
- Matt: Okay this is getting weird.
- Mewtwo: When we once heard you were attacked by Apocalymon. The Good Fairy and I managed to revive what was left of your tags and crests.
- Good Fairy: One of the Virtues of the Morphin Grid is to Reset and Duplicate Active Powers.
- Stay Puft: So what does your crests really mean?
- Tai: Well mine’s Courage.
- Sora: And this one means Love.
- Mimi: Sincerity.
- Izzy: Mine’s Knowledge.
- Kari: Mine means Light.
- Joe: Reliability.
- TK: And I know what this crest means it’s Hope.
- Matt: Well mine is…
- Joe: Oh wasn’t it called Friendship?
- Matt: Yes.
- Misty: Wow, you guys really have your true meanings.
- Ash: Yeah and I think the Crest of Courage looks good for you Tai.
- Tai: I know Ash it means what I get for being the leader of the Digidestined.
- Tigger: Wish I can be the leader.
(Rabbit look at Tigger with a hmph and Tigger smiles and Joe screams as he saw a giant monster in the water tanks (it also means Zilla) which is the experiment that Mewtwo is working on.)
- Joe: Okay it’s a official this is defiantly giving me the creeps.
- Good Fairy: That’s the experiment that Mewtwo is working on.
- Ash: You mean this monster? He reminds me of Godzilla.
- Pooh: Me too Ash.
- 3PO: R2 says it might look like Godzilla but he’s not.
- R2: (Beeping)
- Mewtwo: Right this is Zilla, it has nothing to do with the Creature that wreaked havoc on New York City years ago.
- Good Fairy: one of the Creature's eggs had been found after the Bombing of Madison Square Garden.
- Mario: And that was not enough with New Year's Madness, with the incident of Vigo the Carpathian when we were with the Ghostbusters.
- Mario: I had to wait 6 months for the Celtics vs. Knicks game.
- Gomamon: Sure looks like Godzilla to me.
- Stay Puft: He’s not finished yet but he will soon. Right Slimer?
- Slimer: Yeah.
- Tai: Sure can’t wait to see this thing when it wakes up.
- Matt: Me too.
- Ash: Oh I forgot to ask Tai what makes you and your friends to decide to stay in the Hundred Acre Wood?
- Rabbit: Uh Ash I think it’s best that you better not ask them that.
- Misty: Why not?
(Music used Tears of Fear from Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep)
- Tigger: (Pooh’s Grand Adventure) Well… (sniff) they told us something but… (sniff) we don’t want to talk about.
- Sora: It’s alright Tigger.
- Pooh: But Sora, are you sure?
- Matt: We had to tell them somehow.
- Tai: You see the reason we had to come live in the Hundred Acre Wood is because….we….lost our parents.
- (Ash and the others feel sorry for what Tai said.)
- Ash: Oh….I’m sorry….
- Pikachu: Pika…
- Misty: Gee that’s bad….
- Piglet: (sniff) I know that’s why we had to take them home with us.
- Brock: Did they manage to find their parents.
- Rabbit: No….they don’t know if they’re alright or not and they couldn’t find them anywhere. (sigh) I feel so bad.
- Slimer: Aw….too bad….
- Good Fairy: Do not worry Tai you and your friends are always feel welcome to have adventures with us if you feel like it.
- Tai: Thanks.
- Mewtwo: Yes you and your friends are always feel welcome to stay here after everything you’ve been through.
- (Tears of Fear music stops)
- Ash: And you guys try not to worry if you want to have adventures with us we could try find your parents.
- TK: Really?
- Piglet: Yeah and we can promise you that.
- Rabbit: Besides you guys are gonna love these adventures we had.
- Tigger: Yeah we can show you the great places we’ve been like Agrabah, Gotham City, Angel Grove, Atlantica, The Great Valley, The Pridelands, and all kinds of places.
- Pooh: Oh yes and we can introduce you guys to Aladdin, Ariel, Littlefoot, the Power Rangers, Batman, Simba, and all our other friends we help.
- Tai: (scene from Forget about it) Whoa man, you guys really been through a lot but if we wanted to come with you guys we’ll let you know.
- Ash: It’s a deal!
- Tigger: Welcome to the family Tai! Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-Hooo!
- Rabbit: Alright everyone before we can celebrate why don’t all have lunch together?
- Slimer: Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!
(Scene from the Pokemon episode A Tent Situation something exploded outside from Skull Ash feel the shaking.)
- Ash: What was that?
- Brock: Something came from outside.
- Mewtwo: Impossible we never heard explosions in the Hundred Acre Wood.
- Tai: We better go check it out!
(The Digidestined ran outside to check out the noise.)
- Ash: Come on!
- Pikachu: Pika!
- Misty: Ash no!
- Brock: Hey shouldn’t we stay here? Uh wait up!
- Tigger: Let’s go see what the commotion is!
(Pooh, Ash, Tai and the others got outside and saw the Kuwagamon was making the explosions)
- Tigger: YIKES!
- Rabbit: It’s that giant bug from the DigiWorld!
- Agumon: That’s Kuwagamon!
- Biyomon: He’s the first Digimon we fought when we met Tai and others.
- Tigger: Now she tells us.
(Seadramon appears)
- Slimer: (Screams)
- Piglet: Yikes! What is that?!
- Tentomon: Oh no Seadramon!
- Matt: That’s another Digimon that attacked me before Gabumon digivolved into Garurumon!
- Eeyore: I’m afraid to ask but what’s the next one you fought?
- MetalEtemon: Someone like me!
(MetalEtemon approaches)
- Mario: A Silver Monkey that sings and has an Elvis complex?
- Mimi: (screams) Aah MetalEtemon!
- MetalEtemon: Been a long time Digidestined and this time kiddies I am here to take care of you!
- Tai: I thought Etemon was destroyed and the Digimon we fought came to this world how is that possible?
- Gatomon: I don’t know we didn’t bring them with us.
(Soundbite from Hercules and the Arabian Night Jafar’s evil laugh echo around as he magically appears)
- Jafar: But I did! So the rumors were true you children are the Digidestined.
- Tai: Yeah and who are you?
- Jafar: I am Jafar, the greatest sorcerer the world has ever known!
- Ash: Not him again!
- Matt: You know this guy?
- Rabbit: That’s Jafar Matt, this guy is bad news.
- Misty: You’re lucky you haven’t deal with him yet.
- Ash: What are you doing here Jafar?!
- Tigger: Yeah I thought we beat you after we escape from Cruella De Vil, back in London!
- Jafar: You did but I managed to escape so I thought I could pay you all a visit.
- Mewtwo: You are not welcome here, Villain leave this place at once!
- Mario: Right, the same goes for your Master's Coward, Bowser Koopa.
- Jafar: I just got here besides I had something to deal with your newfound Protegés.
- Sora: And just what kind a deal is that?
- Ash: Don’t trust him Sora, Jafar is someone you don’t want to deal with!
- Jafar: Stay out of it boy!
- Mario: Ash!
(Jafar zaps Ash pushing him to bump on Brock)
- Mario: Now I get angry!
- Matt: Just what do you want?
- Jafar: Just thought you kids and your Digimon should come with me for a change.
(Tai began to think about it)
- Rabbit: Tai, I wouldn’t trust him if I were you!
- Ash: Tai!
(Tai is still thinking about and decided to do what Rabbit and Ash said)
- Tai: The answer is no Jafar!
- Jafar: What?!
- Tai: We are not coming with you!
- Sora: That’s right we are staying with Pooh and the others!
- Matt: So you might want to hit the road!
- Misty: Good choice!
- Tigger: Guess they already know whose side they’re on!
(Music used the Battle from Aladdin)
- Jafar: Very well you leave me no choice. Attack!
(Kwuagamon, Seadramon, and MetalEtemon begin to attack)
- Tai: (used episode rom Enter the Dark Masters getting his Digivice out) Let’s go Agumon!
- Agumon: Gotcha, Agumon Digivolve to…
- Greymon: Greymon!
- Matt: Now it’s our turn!
- Gabumon: Gabumon Digivolve to…
- Garurumon: Garurumon!
- Biyomon: Biyomon Digivolve to…
- Birdramon: Birdramon!
- Tentomon: Tentomon Digivolve to…
- Tentomon: Kabuterimon
- Gomamon: Gomamon Digivolve to….
- Ikkakumon: ikkakumon!
- Palmon: Palmon Digivolve to…
- Togemon: Togemon!
- Patamon: Digivolve to…
- Angemon: Angemon!
- Gatomon Digivolve to…
- Angewomon: Angewomon!
- Good Fairy: by the Morphin Grid!.
- Mario: So what Sora, Donald and Goofy said was true!
- Ash: Whoa cool!
- Misty: Amazing!
- Brock: So they can Digivolve!
- Pooh: Shouldn’t we help them out?
- Mewtwo: No let’s see what they can do in this battle.
- Piglet: Well if you sure…okay.
- Jafar: Interesting Digivolution but I’m just getting warmed up!
(Jafar zaps Greymon with his snake staff)
- Tai: Greymon!
- Jafar: Not particularly agile, are you?
(Jafar zaps Greymon back into Agumon)
- Tai: Okay now you really made me mad!
- Mewtwo: Children, now is the time to wear your crests.
- Tai: Whatever you say, Chief.
- Agumon: Agumon warp Digivolve to….
- WarGreymon: WarGreymon!
(Kuwagamon attack the other Digimon)
- Birdramon: Meteor wing!
- Kabuterimon: Electro shocker!
(Their attacks burned Kuwagamon)
- Jafar: Stop them you fools!
- Garurumon: Howling Blaster!
- Togemon: Gangway for Needle Spray!
- Angemon: Hand of Fate!
(Their attacks defeated Seadramon)
- Joe: Now for MetalEtemon!
- Ikkakumon: Ikkakumon Digivolve to…
- Zudomon: Zudomon!
- Zudomon: Vulcan’s Hammer!
- MetalEtemon: Ha as you can see that didn’t even frace me my metal chrome of Digizoid the absolute strongest metal there is.
- Zudomon: Then maybe you’ll like this Vulcan’s Hammer!
(Zudomon throws his Hammer at Metal Etemon)
- Metal Etemon: No matter what you attend it’s useless cause I’m invincible!
(The hammer hit Metaletemon and begin to crack)
- MetalEtemon: I’m breaking apart! This terrible I can’t lose again! Why is keeping happening to me?
- Zudomon: Because my hammer is made of chrome Digizoid metal I’m afraid you’ll have to lose again!
- MetalEtemon: That can’t be!
- WarGreymon: It is! Terra Force!
- Angewomon: Celestial Arrow!
(Their attacks hit through MetalEtemon)
- MetalEtemon: You’ll pay big guy!
(MetalEtemon disappears)
- Jafar: WHAT?!
(The Digimon got Jafar surrounded)
- Jafar: I’ll get you for this!
- Tai: If I were you I reconsider!
- Matt: You’re washed up Jafar nobody’s gonna be on your side because we don’t care!
- Jafar: This is not done yet brats!,
- Jafar (to Our Heroes and the Rebels): and as for you Bowser Koopa and the New United Alliance of Evil Will Hear about this.
(Tai charges after Jafar and as he throws the vile down and magically disappears)
- Joe: He got away!
- Mewtwo: You’ll get him next time.
- Mario: That Coward wishes he hadn't escaped from the Lamp.
- Kari Kamiya: Lamp?
- Tigger: Jafar is also a Genie.
- Mimi Tachikawa: Do you mean those beings who can grant Three Wishes?
- Ash: You did it Tai!
- Tigger: Yeah you show that sorcerer a thing or three!
- 3PO: I say that was some bravery you all did.
- TK: Aw it was nothing.
- Misty: Now we can have some lunch.
- Rabbit: Uh just a moment everyone.
- (Piglet whispers to Rabbit giving him an idea.)
- Rabbit: Oh yes you’re right Piglet. We owe our new friends a token of our appreciation.
- Kari: Really?
- Rabbit: Yes, not only they that they’re staying in Hundred Acre Wood but also saved it from Jafar as well so The Good Fairy well show something as she never does it before.
- Good Fairy: Very well Rabbit, I shall show them to my father.
(The Good Fairy uses her magic to transport the Digidestined to a different location)
- Ash: Hey where they go?
- Pooh: Don’t worry Ash they’ll be back.
- Mario: They were lucky with Jafar, but facing a Threat like Bowser and the New United Alliance of Evil requires a lot of training.
Welcome to the 100 Acre Wood Rebel Alliance[]
(The DigiDestined got transported into the Command Center)
- Tai: Where are we?
- Matt: No idea.
(Scene use Day of the Dumpster Zordon appears)
- Zordon: Welcome DigiDestined.
- Agumon: Who are you?
- Sora: Or should I say what are you?
- Zordon: I am Zordon a interdimensional being caught in a time warp.
- Alpha 5: And my name is Alpha 5.
- Izzy: So you must be The Good Fairy’s father right?
- Zordon: That’s correct Izzy.
- Sora: So what are we doing here anyway?
- Zordon: It’s quite simple my dear Alpha and I have been watching your adventures in the Digital world and saved the worlds.
- Matt: You Do?
- Alpha 5: Yes and we know who you are from the start.
- Zordon: And we have notice that Pooh and his friends have let you stay with them because of your separation with your parents.
- Patamon: Yeah that’s right.
- Tai: Not to mention we beat this guy name Jafar and we were lucky this time.
- Agumon: that's not all he Mentioned that Bowser Koopa and the New United Alliance of Evil will be after us.
- Zordon: Luck had nothing to do with it the 16 of you have come together as fine group of superheroes as there as ever be.
- Sora: Really? But wait a second.
- Zordon: Yes Sora what is it?
- Sora: Just how did you know who we are in the first place?
- Alpha: Your old friend Gennai has given us information about everything you’ve gone through.
- Joe: Guess that makes sense.
- Zordon: You’ve been through extraordinary experience together you need each other now and Pooh and his friends needs you.
- The Good Fairy: From this day Forward, DigiDestined, you are now Welcome to the Rebellion
- The Good Fairy (OS): Welcome to the 100 Acre Wood Rebel Alliance Taskforce and Squadron Unit, Defenders of the Earth.
(she Shows their new Communicators, Gummiphones and Badges)
- (Scene from the Digimon episode Flower Power Elsewhere in the dark area Myotismon who is observing the Digidestined since they got to the Hundred Acre Wood.)
- Myotismon: So the Digidestined have join Pooh and the others guess it’s time to tell Lord Bowser about everything.
(Myotismon laughs evilly scene fades out)
Bonus Ending[]
- (Scene: Koopa Castle)
- Bowser Koopa (OS): If what you say is true Jafar, that the Eight Chosen Children of Odaiba and their Digimon have returned,
(Scene: Throne Room)
- Bowser Koopa: and that they are now Protégés of the Rebels that could hinder my Plans.
- Mistress Nine: I should have killed those kids when I had the chance, those wretches witnessed my resurrection just like the Z-Energy wave.
- Jafar: Not only that, it seems that his Digimons, the same ones that defeated Shere Khan have just regained their warp level forms, they and the Kids are now exposed to the Z-Energy wave and the Morphin Grid.