Pooh's Adventures of Fievel's American Tails is a Pooh's Adventures TV show that takes place after Pooh's Adventures of An American Tail: Fievel Goes West. The show will be made by Daniel Esposito and appear on Pandora.TV in the near future. It shows the adventures with Pooh, Ash, Fievel, and their friends as they protect the mice of Green River from Cat R. Waul and his band of cat goons, plus Nasty Jack, the rest of The New United Alliance of Evil, and the Crime Empire.
Episode List[]
- Fievel, the Lonesome Ranger
- Law and Disorder
- Little Mouse on the Prairie
- The Gift
- A Case of the Hiccups
- The Legend of Mouse Hollow
- Babysitting Blues
- The Lost Mother Lode
- A Mouse Known as Zorrowitz
- Mail Order Mayhem
- Aunt Sophie's Visit
- That's What Friends Are For
- Bell the Cats
- The 100 Acre Wood Rebel Alliance, Ash Ketchum, Pikachu, Misty, Togepi, Brock, Nasty Jack, The New United Alliance of Evil, and The Crime Empire guest star on this TV series.
- The reason why The Masters of Evil are guest starring in this film is because Cat R. Waul was featured in the real show and he is a member of that team.
- BrerJake90 was originally going to make this TV series, but he retired from making anymore Pooh's Adventures projects, so Daniel Esposito will make this TV series instead.