Pooh's Adventures of Knuckles is an upcoming Special Event Series created by David J. Graham, which it'll takes place between Winnie the Pooh meets Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and Winnie the Pooh meets Sonic the Hedgehog 3. It will appear in the near future.
The series takes place between the events of Winnie the Pooh meets Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (2022) and Winnie the Pooh meets Sonic the Hedgehog 3 (2024), and follows The Rebel Alliance and Knuckles the Echidna as he trains deputy sheriff Wade Whipple in the ways of the Echidna warrior, to help him prepare for a bowling tournament in Reno, Nevada. During their journey, Our are pursued by The Buyer, a former agent of Dr. Robotnik and Team Rocket and Current Traitor of Bowser Koopa and the New United Alliance of Evil alongside Mason and Willoughby two Crooked G.U.N. Agents, who now seeks to take Knuckles' power for himself.
Episodes / Transcripts[]
- The Warrior
- Don't Say I Wasn't There for You
- The Shabbat Dinner
- The Flames of Disaster
- Reno, Baby!
- What Happens to Reno, Stays in Reno