Pooh's Adventures of Krakatoa: The Last Days is an upcoming film to be made by CarltonHeroes. It will appear in a near future.
The 1883 eruption of Krakatoa is the second greatest volcanic eruption in recorded history (after the 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora, only 68 years earlier), erupting more than 18 cubic kilometres of tephra in less than 48 hours, and killing about 36,500 people. The film refers to an account in the Pustaka Raja of a previous violent eruption in that area.
A subplot concerning Rogier Verbeek (played by Kevin McMonagle), a Dutch geologist who had surveyed the area two years earlier and laid the basis for modern vulcanology with his research after the eruption, adds a scientific touch and a helpful map. Rogier discovers about the volcano with the ash cloud, collapse of the stratovolcano, pyroclastic flows, and tsunamis. The eruption column collapsing sends a big pyroclastic flow over the Sunda Strait coast of Sumatra.The film also portrays a family trying to escape the devastating volcano, and a ship with more than 100 passengers trapped at sea when the final collapse of Krakatoa island at the end of the eruption generates a massive tsunami.