Pooh's Adventures of PAW Patrol: the Mighty Movie is an upcoming film who serves as Sequel of "Pooh's Adventures of Paw Patrol: the Movie" to be made by David J. Graham. It will appear on Rumble and Odyssey in a near future.
Two years after saving Adventure City from Mayor Humdinger, the PAW Patrol pups, led by Ryder, help to protect the citizens, though the smallest team member, Skye, feels like she has been unappreciated and hopes to prove herself. One day, meteor expert Victoria Vance steals a giant electromagnet from a scrapyard owned by Hank and Janet and sets the scrapyard ablaze. Janet calls the PAW Patrol for help, who subsequently extinguish the fire. Later in the evening, the citizens of Adventure City, along with news reporter Sam Stringer, gather outside the PAW Patrol's headquarters as they wait for the meteor shower.
In the abandoned observatory, Vance uses the stolen electromagnet to create her latest invention, the Meteor Magnet. She uses it to snatch a magical meteor, but it backfires, causing the meteor to head straight for Adventure City. Ryder and the PAW Patrol notice this and immediately warn the citizens before the meteor crash-lands, destroying their headquarters in the process.
The PAW Patrol take the meteor to the Aircraft Carrier HQ to analyze it. That night, Skye is awoken by a strange glow emitting from the meteor. The meteor cracks open, revealing seven crystals contained inside, one of which attaches to Skye's pup tag, granting her the power of flight and super strength. Likewise, the rest of the pups gain their own powers with the exception of Liberty, who struggles to discover hers. She is assigned by Ryder to train the Junior Patrollers, while the other members of the PAW Patrol are out saving Adventure City from various mishaps.
Meanwhile, after Vance ends up arrested for her actions from the meteor incident, she escapes along with Mayor Humdinger and the Kitten Catastrophe Crew to steal the crystals. They sneak over to an airport where they find and board Humdinger's private airplane. During the flight, they set a trap by destroying one of the plane's engines and calling the PAW Patrol afterwards. Skye engages Vance, Humdinger and the kittens in a battle, but ends up losing her crystal to the gang. They quickly follow suit, leaving Skye trapped in the plane as it causes to lose control. With the airport too far away for her landing, Ryder has the pups to clear Main Street to make a runway for Skye. Once there, Skye lands the plane on Main Street for a rough landing. Distraught, Skye reveals her birth story to Chase and how she was the runt of the litter, unable to get her share of food, never picked by potential families, and left in a drafty winter barn, forgotten and alone. She nearly perished in the snow but was found and cared for by Ryder.
One night, Skye decides to take the pups' crystals to attempt to retrieve her crystal. However, she becomes trapped in a force field, causing Vance to steal the rest of the crystals. Upon waking up and discovering the crystals missing, the PAW Patrol fight against a humongous Humdinger, who has used one of the crystals to grow big. Delores almost gets stepped on by Humdinger but is saved by Liberty. Thanks to the Junior Patrollers' intervention, Marshall retrieves one of the crystals from Humdinger.
The PAW Patrol arrive at Vance's observatory. The Junior Patrollers distract her by pretending to be scouts as Zuma frees Skye from captivity. The pups fight her by passing one crystal from pup to pup. Amidst the battle, Chase falls off a cliff but is saved by Liberty, who finds her power to be elasticity. The pups manage to defeat Vance, destroy the Meteor Magnet, and get all the crystals back. When more meteors head straight for Adventure City due to Vance having used the Meteor Magnet again previously, the pups give their crystals to Skye.
Skye flies into the air and destroys the meteors. When a big meteor heads straight for Adventure City, she goes in for one final burst of strength, managing to destroy the meteor before it hits Adventure City. However, the impact knocks Skye unconscious, and she falls into the ocean, but is awakened by the power of the crystals. The PAW Patrol along with the Junior Patrol congratulate Skye for her heroism. Mayor Humdinger and Vance are arrested again, while Ryder and the PAW Patrol continue to live their lives in Adventure City.
Pooh's Adventures of Paw Patrol: the Mighty Movie/Transcript
- Guest Stars TBA
- "The Super Mario Bros. Movie", "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem" and "Paw Patrol: the Mighty Movie" are Premiered on 2023
- Both "Phoebe Spengler" and "Skye" are Played by Mckenna Grace