Pooh's Adventures of Santa and the Three Bears is an upcoming Christmas film to be made by CarltonHeroes. It will appear in Christmas.
Two young bears, Nikomi and Chinook, know nothing of Christmas until the local park ranger tells them about the legend, and they become curious to meet Santa Claus. Their mother, Nana, is preparing for Winter hibernation and cynically tells her children there is no Santa, but they are determined to believe. Mother finds it impossible to begin their sleep, since the young cubs wish to stay awake until Santa arrives.
- Ranger Smith and Buttons and Rusty will guest star in this film.
- Andy Panda will join the team in the end of the film.
- Nikomi and Chinook will reveal to be Pooh, Yogi, Cindy, Boo Boo, Baloo, Rebecca, Barney and Bongo's nephew and neice.
- Nikomi and Chinook will reveal to be Button's cousin.
- This film features the first debut of Bambi, Faline, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Zoey, Vic, Tod and Copper.